LAWL Friends & Losers Feb 15-21

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  • barbara--you make such a great and valid point! enjoying life and all of the big and small things is important and what i've been doing for awhile now that every single day that passes is another day closer to DH leaving. so it's bittersweet for us right now.

    what's the nutrition info on the full bars?

    i think everyone should post an updated pic of themselves for their avatar!
  • Jillian, The one I have here is 160 calories, 4 gr protein 3gr fat and 31 gr carbs with 4 gr of fiber. I believe what they do is puff up inside your stomach so you feel really full. I know the peanut ones have 170 calories. Eating one of these bars 30 minutes before lunch with a glass of water and a weight watcher's meal seems like a lot of food (which normally I feel like I could eat 4 of the diet meals). Its been 2 hours since I ate one and I still feel full.
  • Barbara- I have never heard of full bars. Where do you buy them? Are they part of a different weight loss program.
    I am eating the luna bars right now and they are okay. I seem to have one a day and none on the weekends.
    For me right now I am trying to make sure I get all my water in. Yesterday I didn't drink as much during the day so I drank water all nght after work. I was in the bathroom all night...agh Needless to say, today I am drinking my water thru the day....lesson learned!!!

  • Hey guys!

    Just wanted to check in and say hello! Ugh, enough of this snow already!

    I'm actually on WW and have been going to meetings. THe weight's ben DROPPING off me, which is fabulous!

    I have to travel for work next week with EVERY meal out, but the Double Tree (where I'll be staying) has a magnificent gym, so nights after my meetings, etc. I'll be down there! I'll pack gallons of water and healthy snacks, and just take each meal at a time!

    Any of you guys hear about a Mobia? There are ads in a bunch of magazines... DH said I could get it if I want, I just feel a little guilty about the price!
  • Amy, I googled it, and I am assuming that you do NOT mean the Museum of Biblical Art in NYC... so I moved further down the search and found it. Loffs interesting, kind of like the Bowflex thing with the "treadles" (love that commercial, LOL).

    Still loving the hair, so I think I am in the clear. I will do pics this weekend.

    Barbara - I have had the Full bar - once when I was on my way to class and did not have time to eat - not bad, but I thought I might get sick of them after a while - I did get really full! I see that they have a whole line of stuff now too.

    Joan - I saw them at Walgreens.
  • hello all. just wanted to pop in and say hi. life is crazy right now. beyond words!

    hope everyone is getting their exercise in and treating their body wonderful!
  • Hey All

    Kim- Where are the pics?

    Joan- Plateau Breaker is a 5 day program. They give you a small pack full of drink packets( 4 a day) and a special exercise and diet plan. The diet consists of whole grains only... different from usual LAWL plan.It costs $99 CAD and you have to buy the bars extra.Actually I have heard some people got good results at our center. I have been toying with the idea for a while but the price is just too much for me at this stage.

    Do what you have to stay on top of it...if that means joining a COD.I know as you get closer and closer to your goal it can get harder and harder to stay focussed and not become complacent.

    In Canada...we have these GNC stores is every Mall. They have Full Bars and Zone Bars. I tried the Chocolate-strawberry Zone bars and loved them!

    Happy Thursday!
  • Hello everyone,
    I'm finally back! I have been at home all week with sick kids. To make things worse, my DD got a virus on our home pc from "accidentaly" clicking on an ad. I'm thinking it was probably limewire. Anyway, it's toast so no internet for days has been killing me! I ordered a new laptop (for my use only) and it should be in any day. Yipee!
    DH is out of town for work again this week but he did get to come in for Valentines and we spent the day in Billings shopping. I skipped Friday and Monday working out but did I'm picking it back up. Day 2 of TO but if I don't see at least 3lbs gone, I'm done with it. I am so cranky when I do TO and when I only see 1-2 lbs, it's not worth it.

    Jillian, I hope things slow down for you a bit and the stress eases. Don't forget to take care of you

    Kim, Can't wait to see the hair. Did you do the bob? That cut is so fun.

    Have a good day
  • The full bars are not something that I will likely want to eat every day for the rest of my life, but they are amazingly filling for only 160 calories. I can see keeping a few on hand to eat before I go places that I am going to be very tempted to overeat, like a party or a dinner out. They are mostly just flavored puffed wheat that you drink water with and it puffs up in your tummy so you feel full.
  • Life, Work, Kids, Laundry, Meal Planning, Drs. appts, trials........... busy busy.......... and somewhere in there WL..... hope you all are doing well. Just wanted to pop in for a sec. Nice to see some faces I have been missing for a while......
  • Lettie!! Hey girl!! How the heck have you been?!!?
  • Hey all...just wanted to share that I reached my 3rd goal today.
    Wish everyone a great weekend!
  • Way to go MJ!
    I am at 168.4 this morning but I feel okay about it as I have been eating very healthy and exercising for the past few weeks. It amazing how different my body is feeling. I like it
  • Thanks Joan are doing awesome yourself!!!I guess you need to eat more being sooo tall...compared to petite people like me!How do you even control your hunger? are amazing!! My DH is 6'4" and he couldn't even handle 1 TO!!! He tried to do a TO with me last week...ended up eating more carbs for the next few days after

    I am doing good...feeling great actually. I would try to go down another 4-5 lbs and then stabilize. I would still like to be 122 lbs...but I think I will take it slow for the remaining 10-11 lbs.
  • Week 1 down
    Week 1 is almost down. Taking a better approach of what and how much I am eating. Focusing on the food groups, working out and taking care of me. Need to take care of me, before I can take proper care of anyone else. More snow coming next week, but I can handle it. Preparing most of my weekly foods tomorrow.