When is it a binge...

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  • For me it sure felt like a binge tonight having 1 ham sandwich and 1 cup of Breyers Carbsmart Ice Cream. And that is what I've had ALL day.
  • For me, a binge is that out-of-control feeling. It's eating even though I'm not hungry and it's eating past the point of feeling sick. It's standing in the kitchen, eating something while wondering what I can possible eat next. When I binge, I don't even taste the food I'm eating, I'm not even really thinking about the food or what I'm doing. When I binge, I can't remember how much I even eat. It's like I blackout. I don't sleep well after a binge and I wake up with a sugar headache.

    I agree thought, it's way different for everyone. I have brief moments where I'll stick a bite of something in my mouth and then wonder why I did it. It could technically be considered a binge because I wasn't thinking, was out-of-control, and didn't taste the food. But, unless it spirals even more out of control and leads to me eating large quantities of food, then it's not a binge for me. If I can reign myself back in, it's not a binge -- and those are times that I consider victories over my binge eating.
  • Quote: I agree thought, it's way different for everyone. I have brief moments where I'll stick a bite of something in my mouth and then wonder why I did it. It could technically be considered a binge because I wasn't thinking, was out-of-control, and didn't taste the food. But, unless it spirals even more out of control and leads to me eating large quantities of food, then it's not a binge for me. If I can reign myself back in, it's not a binge -- and those are times that I consider victories over my binge eating.