Faking It!

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  • Sounds like you are expecting more from yourself than you can currently achieve. 2 hours a day is a lot, and probably not sustainable in the long term. If you are finding it more difficult to find time to go to the gym, then reduce your exercise goal, and focus on your food. I had to do that when I caught an awful cold and couldn't exercise. I ended up losing a kilo (2.2lb) even though I couldn't go to the gym, but the best outcome was that I felt like I was still in control. I think you are feeling out of control because you can't get to the gym, and once you believe you are "off plan" it's easy to give up and start eating junk. Don't do that! Control what you can control.
  • I think you guys are right. Like Cfmama said I just need to go like 3 days totaly on plan and then things will fall into place better.

    Quote: Maybe it's stressing you out to be at that intensity exercise wise all the time.
    I can see how some people might think that my exercise routines are too much for me or that they may overwhelm me but I loooove them. I walk everyday (if possible) and I do strength training 3 or 4 days a week. I know there are days that I won't be able to do all these things and I have to be okay with that. Life happens. Plus if I aim for the amount I like to do and don't get it all in i still have done a good solid week of workouts.

    My biggest stressor is staying on plan food wise. I feel like missing a workout is one thing but having MacDonalds at 1am is another.

    But today is a new day and you ladies have helped me see what I already saw. I just need to do it! I know I'm on that fence and I know which side I want to be on. So here's to a new day, a new out look, and a new commitment!

  • That British sister here:

    Totally, just totally know where you're coming from. I've had 6 weeks of faking it/just hanging on. In that time I've gained and lost the same 7lbs about 3 times - but people have suddenly started noticing my weightloss and commenting positively, and yes, I feel hypocritical because of course I'm acknowledging their praise but not walking the walk.

    I recommitted yesterday. Healthy food choices. More walking. I will never be a gym bunny, it just sets me up for failure. I may try again once my BP is good enough to do resistance work but in the meantime I'm upping the walking.

    I've just had a call to say my lappy's ready to collect from its health check - thank goodness! I'm very lucky to have a backup but it is SO SLOW! I turn it on in the morning, make and eat breakfast come back and it's only just loaded! - and the store is 25 mins walk away, no sensible bus and my first thought was woot! another walking opportunity!

    So I'm on re-commit Day #One and a Half - come and join me!
  • Quote: I can see how some people might think that my exercise routines are too much for me or that they may overwhelm me but I loooove them. I walk everyday (if possible) and I do strength training 3 or 4 days a week. I know there are days that I won't be able to do all these things and I have to be okay with that. Life happens. Plus if I aim for the amount I like to do and don't get it all in i still have done a good solid week of workouts.
    My biggest stressor is staying on plan food wise. I feel like missing a workout is one thing but having MacDonalds at 1am is another.
    I love my workouts too. I did hesitate to say anything about it, bec those things really are personal, and the last thing I'd ever want to do is discourage people about doing something that works for them. I find it much easier to stick to my exercise routine than to be regimented about the food. It's getting better. But definitely is a mental challenge for me.
  • You are still doing well! You haven't fallen, just slipped a bit. Now is the time to catch it. I had a rough week last week, and I made the choice to eat some stuff that wasn't on my plan. I didn't walk everyday. Life happens. We make bad choices. Nipping it in the bud is what it's all about. Tell us what you plan to do differently. What are your goals? I'll commit with you and we can do it together.