In Praise of WALKING

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  • A great reminder that I really needed.I was my thinnest when I walked 3-4 miles a day.I really have to get back in to it.
  • I have a treadmill that I have been using. I am just not the 'outdoorsy' type and prefer to do my walking indoors under the air conditioning while watching HGTV. 30 minutes goes by in no time! And, my arthritic knee is doing well with the walking so I'm going to keep it up!

    By the way, I have read that walking is very good for trimming the waist line too!
  • I'm glad to see I am not alone. I love walking and it is my main form of exercise. Sometimes I run/walk, but mainly I walking 3-5 miles 4-6 days a week. I love walking outside with my in my own little world solving life's big problems...LOL!
  • I hated walking-- well really any kind of exercise. So I adopted a dog, because I knew dogs MUST have a DAILY (or almost daily) walk. Now we walk together almost every morning, and sometimes at night too for 45-60 min. I don't really like it, but I can tell it really helps reduce my stress level, and when I skip a day I can really notice I'm more restless and antsy. Hooray for walking!
  • I walking! That's the only exercise I do. I used to HATE walking when I first started, but I have learned to love it. I've heard it's one of the best exercises you can do
    .....Unfortionatly, this summer has not been too great for walking, as it rains basically every day.
  • Quote: I walking! That's the only exercise I do. I used to HATE walking when I first started, but I have learned to love it. I've heard it's one of the best exercises you can do
    .....Unfortionatly, this summer has not been too great for walking, as it rains basically every day.
    We're having the same problem here with the blasted rain, ugh! I've resorted to indoor walking again and a Fitness Game that WII has (not the Fitness WII, but another CD with Maya leading the way, torturing my body with so called relaxing yoga ). I do love walking, it would be nice to do it OUTSIDE so that I can save the indoor walking for the long winter ahead of us, gggggrrrrr. This summer has just been the pits weather wise.
  • Well thank you!!! That does it, I'm taking my dog out in the morning! Probably wont get very far at first but who cares. Also, this may sound crazy, but I did this before. In my office, is a hallway, not to long, but I would get up and walk the hall way 10 times. I used to keep a little note on my pc to remind me and check it off. That starts tomarrow too! Thank you!
  • I love walking but find I can't find the time to do it and I really want to. It makes me feel good and the fast I can walk it urges me to run! One day!
  • Add me to the list of people who love walking, indoor or outside. I don't do it as much as I'd like anymore, for weather and kid reasons, and the stationary bike is my current weapon of choice, but walking will always top my list as a mood booster and good 'me' time.
  • I like to walk particularly outdoors so I would probably be more in love with hiking than straight walking (IE treadmill which I believe should be called the boremill but you will find me on one when winter starts ). Its what I do on my days off from training on my bike currently. This morning I did the 3 mile nature loop in 42 min, not my best time but close and I am sure I will get faster (please oh please let me have the sanity to not blow my knee again).
  • *Raise hand* another walker here. I enjoy walking outside in a pleasant environment but on these hot summer days have to walk inside. I am looking forward to walking outside in the fall!
  • I love walking! Walking has always been my staple exercise, mostly because I can start out so slow and build up to speed walking up hills. I have been walking 45-minutes every day on my lunch breaks at work since I started trying to loose weight in February. At first I would find any excuse possible to get out of my daily walks, now I am rearranging my schedule to make sure I can get in my walk. I think yesterday was the first day in months that I had to skip because it was absolutely pouring rain. My dog and I also walk an hour in the evening, although those walks are a little slower because she has to stop to investigate things. Better than walking, I love hiking which to me is just intense walking with better scenery. Walking (and now jogging) have become of my daily routine and I miss it if I can't get enough in.
  • I started out by walking almost exclusively so I'm a big fan... I still walk tons as I still think it's both a great way to get places, and a good calorie burn without exhaustion. On days where I workout otherwise I'm know to throw in a walk just to burn a few extra.

    Of course now I can run, but I never would have gotten there w/o good on walking.
  • Walking is one of my favorite activities! Now I just have to get my arse back out there!