I am SO PROUD of you!

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  • Great post Tammy! Just the thing I needed to see this morning. You're awesome and I am constantly inspired by your perseverance and optimism!
  • AWWW! i really needed that this morning.

    you're such a sweetie!
  • Cool post. You are always so uplifting to everyone else! Thanks for sharing!
  • What an awesome post!!

    You guys really are the very best!!
  • Thank you Tammy! Sometimes I get so down on myself for messing around gaining and losing and screwing up, but you're right. I am proud of me too. I've made a lot of great changes and I keep on trying

  • You win! I am going. I am leaving right now to go to the gym. Bad day or not. Tammy's post just turned it all around and made me refocus.

  • Sorry you are having a bad day, Sarah --- hope everyone is finally healthy at your house. (HotMama and her amazing support strikes again!)
  • Tammy, you made me cry in the best way! You inspire us all you know!
    Love you!
  • thank you all I am so glad that I could uplift your spirits and will today. I do love each and every one of you. Oh I wish we could have a big meet-up!!!
  • Quote: Sorry you are having a bad day, Sarah --- hope everyone is finally healthy at your house. (HotMama and her amazing support strikes again!)

    Baby has an ear infection, but my mom had surgery to remove her gallbladder. She had some sort of reaction to the anesthesia and things were touch and go for a day.
    However, today she went home and is feeling as well as can be expected. I am heading over there now to give her a hand. (My younger sisters are useless.)
  • Irish: ear infections SUCK!!! My littlest suffers from them I am glad that your mom will be okay
  • Thanks for such a wonderful, happy, sunny post!! You are awesome!