Too upset to go to the gym

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  • ^^^ I immediate reaction was that it must have been sarcasm also..but then i jumped on idiot.. because even if it was sarcasm.. what a dumb *** thing to say
  • Honestly, sounded to me when I read it like the little boy I went to junior high with who kept telling me I was stupid and ugly because he didn't want to admit to thinking I was cute.

    Don't you worry honey, some people are just idiots. You look great. He is a weenie-head (which is what I called previously mentioned junior high boy.)

    I always want to go to the gym after that kind of thing, but I kickbox so I vision the person who made the stupid comment as I pound the bag. Often makes me feel better, and I always get a better workout that way!
  • what an a**hole! I too wouldve been tempted to say spill a drink or to have mouthed off something along the lines of... Well that's nice of you to say that but even my "fat a**" wouldn't give you the time of day. (I'm not saying you're fat, just commenting on what he "thinks.")

    I would totally use that as motivation to go to the gym.

    And I'm sure you look great.... I'm 5'6" and when I was between 160-170 I still felt like I looked good. It never stopped a guy from hitting on me!

    Keep your chin up and congrats On your progress. You've inspired me today!
  • What a jerk!!! What a waste of oxygen!!!
    Do not let this vain person put you down... Make it to work for you.
    Today, at 36, whenever this happen to me it make me angry and even more motivated. It is like: “I’ll show you...” and go straight to the gym and relieve my stress at the machines while it burn my calories...
    You are so pissed that you work out and not even realize it, because all you can think about is that stupid comment.
    So make it work for you and avoid that idiot next time.
  • As our dear Amanda would have said "what a terribly inappropriate thing to say, you must be terribly embarrassed."

    If this guy had been a friend, he was probably joking with you (to which I would have countered with a good bop to his head and then explain how much comments like that hurt before I got up and left).

    But since this guy isn't really a friend of yours, I think the way you handled it was perfect. Stupid jerk. Probably doesn't have a girlfriend, either. And it was nice of your friend to let you know that he talked to him.
  • my comeback to everything is always
    "Well atleast I'm not ugly" It really makes people shut up
  • Quote: my comeback to everything is always
    "Well atleast I'm not ugly" It really makes people shut up
    Oh I LOVE that one!

    I was going to say the same thing- he most likely doesn't have a gf
  • For some reason I feel like he HAD to be joking, because you look great! And you SOOOOO do not look heavy.
  • Sweetheart, you have every right to be upset. You don't need to tell yourself "Oh I shouldn't let it get to me..." It's okay, be upset about it because he hurt you. There is no harm in feeling your feelings. That's why we have them. Go ahead and feel your feelings, move into that uncomfortable place and deal with them and get in touch with why a comment like that hurt you. You have absolutely every right to let yourself feel upset. Cry if you want to, scream out at the top of your lungs with the car windows rolled up or beat the crap out of the punching bag at the gym, anything that will help you deal with it and get the feelings out of your system. I know going to the gym for me really helps but if you need to go later in the day when you're feeling more up to it! I'm sorry again about what he said. He's a total loser and you're fabulous!
  • wow that really sucks! maybe he was trying to be funny but even then... i really do have a sense of humor like that WITH MY FRIENDS but not with people i don't really know! and if he WASN'T joking he sucks even more.

    when things like happen i have to admit i get so clumsy... he would have gotten the diet coke spill, the salad spill, and a purse to the face on my way out...

    lastly- you look HOTT i'm positive he was jealous...
  • Yep I'd definitely say he is jealous...Did he have a drink with him ?? I would've poured his over him and sarcastically say "I woulda used my diet coke but because i'm so heavy I need all the diet stuff I can get right?"

    Some people are so juvenile it is disgusting...If it wasn't a joke I'm sure he is a miserable person who likes to make others feel the same way...he knew you were feeling great about it and felt like bringing you down.

    Yep I'd definitely woulda had a drink spill or something!

    And don't EVER let some creep keep you from working out..use that frustration to work harder....Do they have any punching bags at the gym ?! LOL.

    Anyways you are beautiful and anyone who can say such crap is a fool.
  • He's a complete jerk, AND he's apparently stupid - you weigh 168 fricking pounds.
  • Weirdly, he might have been flirting. You and your friend were talking about you losing weight, and he wanted to get in on the conversation in a noticeable way and tell you you look hot by saying the opposite. Complete 15-year-old tactic, and I don't think he thought more than half a second before saying it. Still, no matter his intentions, that's not the kind of person I would want to hang around.
  • Thank you guys sooo much for all of your comments, it really made me feel better about the situation. I will let it slide and just keep doin what I'm doing and eventually be able to flaunt my hot body in front of him lol!

    Thank you guys again
  • Would you like my fat 300lb @ss to come sit on him? I will
    You are gorgeous and very thin IMO so he was either trying to be cute or is just a total dumb @ss.
    Im surprised anyone could ever look at you and think hmm she needs to lose weight. I understand wanting to be the healthiest you you can be and thats great but look wise you dont look overweight you look healthy and beautiful.