I need some advice *basically weight related*

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  • go for it. i have gotten my share of hotties with awesome personality and sex appeal. seriously.
    oh. and the sex appeal is all about confidence and demonstrating that you have something to be confident about. (and i don't mean sex...)
  • Quote: I LOVE your avatar! It's adorable! also I am a huge tori fan
    Heee! Thanks!

    Me too obviously, although a little disappointed with her new stuff...I'm a Boys for Pele girl all the way :-)

  • Talk to him about it. And by "it" I mean, tell him what you have accomplished so far. Tell him your story and he likely will not care about your appearance the way you're thinking he will.

    It is so much stronger of a thing to fall for someone's personality than their looks. If he fell for only a picture, then this conversing likely would have ended by now.

    Chances are, if you tell him your goals and reasons, he will be blown away by your strength and determination along with your pretty face Plus, he'll be impressed that you are clearly getting healthier for you, not for anyone else.
  • wow you ladies really know how to boost a gals self esteem!

    Ok I decided after reading what ya'll had to say to tell him. I went about it complicatedly. I didn't want to just say "I'm fat take it or leave it". I asked him what he found attractive. He said a lot of things. He said a nice body but he said it wasn't the be all and end all. So I said heres the thing I don't have a nice body and I needed you to know that before we meet up so that incase it's a turn of for you we're not wasting out time yada yada yada. He was basially like your looks dont really matter to me. I like you for you. Which is incredibly sweet. He is incredibly sweet.
    I keep getting butterflies
    I'm still really terrified tho!!! I dunno
  • AWwwwwwwww yay!!!! That sounds like he really likes you
  • Quote: I didn't want to just say "I'm fat take it or leave it".
    LOL - can you imagine if you really said that!!

    Anyway, yay! that sounds like a very encouraging and wonderful response from him.

  • I've been exactly in your shoes - trust me, your worry that he won't find you attractive is all in your head. Don't let your insecurities get in the way! You clearly have a lot to offer!