W.O.W Lose Your Butterball Challenge - Week 3

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  • girls.

    I'll be home Saturday. I feel oddly focused now.
  • I did well today. Got my 96oz in plus a couple cups of tea. Spent 17min on treadmill and 20 on the bike. 1500cals which is a little lower than what I wanted.

    Jcat: My sister has had similar problems with painful and burning sensations down one side of her head and face, going numb, and other symptoms. We are pretty sure this is related to stress because she has been under a tremendous amount of stress the last few years and these things seem to crop up when she is under even more stress. The adrenal glands have a lot to do with the stress/nerve issues. Have you ever heard of an iridologist? My sister goes to one and I also did this year when I was having problems. I also would start feeling a tingling sensation on one side of my face at times, in addition to constant blood sugar drops (which made me feel somewhat lightheaded and just an ill feeling, I would be scared that if I didn't eat i would pass out and so I would eat all the time), extreme weakness at times,and sometimes a rapid heartbeat. The iridologist was able to help me and see my issues when the doctors were not able to. Within a week of my visit and being put on some different supplements I was doing so much better and now I feel great again. My sister also is doing great now and is not having those symptoms anymore. We are Christians though and give all the credit to God

    I hope this post is OK, I just wanted to give my experience with a similiar issue.

    Good night all!
  • Quote: Jen: any possibility of Bells Palsy? Friend of mine had it.....just a suggestion.

    serious ranting....be forewarned....
    I'm pretty pissed off at the moment. I asked DH to bring english muffins....which he did. apparently that gave him an excuse to buy more alcohol.....the whole "well i'm only drinking once a week" motto is out the door, even if the guys he works with picked on him badly over his last trip b/c "he doesn't look good in a uniform." He does the damn job, and he passes his fit tests when he has to.

    So here I am, irritated with his lack of self control. JERK. On top of that.....Thank you USAF for screwing the holidays AGAIN. He just got home two weeks ago. Apparently everyone and their damn dog is on vacation, b/c nobody's available to fly NEXT WEEK. Next friggin week, gone for at least a damn week. There are 63 OTHER LOADMASTERS.....where the f are they????? I'm beginning to think that no matter where you are or what job you do, if you have children you have preference for leave over those who don't. That's what I think.

    I have to get back to work now on my papers. maybe the anger will motivate me to finish sooner so i can go to bed and wish i didn't wake up to a crappy day.

    I hope the rest of your day went well ladies. I was doing ok until I got home, sorta.

    I also thought Bell's Palsy. My BIL was recently diagnosed with it and is now improving quite well.

    I'm not sure what it is about businesses and how they treat their staff. It burns me (even though thankfully I have not been directly affected). A friend often gets stuck working weekends for her job and frequently it is shared with others. One time one of her bosses - who never works weekends - had the gall to say that it was better for her to work weekends since she didn't have a spouse of children at home! HELLO! WTH!! I probably will never figure some people out (and am maybe better off not having to figure them out). My job has a fair bit of flexability (I am a university professor). As long as I am present to teach my classes and am available for office hours all is good. I am also lucky that they schedule classes so that I teach Monday Wednesday and Friday one semester and Tuesday and Thursday the other semester. I do however have to get research done the other days. But I can do that at home, in the morning or late inthe evening - whenever I want.

    Tuesday WEED
    W: 64 oz
    E: Heading to the gym soon to walk a half mile, do 30 minutes on the eliptical and walk another half mile
    E: Slim Fast for breaky and lunch, fruit snacks and pork stirfry for supper (two small chops along with a bunch of veggies)
    D: I am worth it!

    I did well with yesterday's WEED Have a wonderful day everyone
  • Its a beautiful Tuesday WEEDIES!
    I kicked it off by over sleeping. Had a dream that a rival trash company was trying to get me to switch my service. Dont ask... it was probably the jalepenos I ate on my turkey burger yesterday. But the turkey burger paid off! I was 197.6 this morning. Creeping downward.....

    Anywho, I got to work late this morning and need to get on it, so I will be back at break for the personal gig.

    W - 64oz
    E - Packed and planned
    E - Find C25k and get on it
    D - stick to it.
  • LMAO NIXIE!!!!!

    the only good thing about yesterday is that i got all my water in. Today the company is giving us thankxgiving dinner as employee appreciation lunch. That's the only reason I came into work today. I'm very tired, got my homework in on time, and discovered DH's alarm going off probably around 4 am b/c he had a local trip to fly this morning. So the way I see it, a bunch of guys decided that they wanted to stay home, and even though it was possible that they could fly, the managed to get around it. Today's trip SHOULD bump DH back to the bottom of the pile but it won't. They should be thankful I don't go to the squadron and kick someone's @$$. TOM's slamming on my door and it's NOT putting me in a good mood.

    i get to workout tonight though at rehearsal. It should be good I hope.
  • Nix- what a week you are having. Great job on the loss.

    JCat- I'm with the others who posted about Bells Palsy.

    Econ- I work a flexible schedule too. I do program development and training. I love the research and development but not the presentation- my nerves get the best of me!

    Ruth- WTG on a great day! Can't say I ever heard of an iridologist.

    JL- Glad you checked in. Hope you are having a great visit.

    MTig- Hang in there. The scales will show your hard work!

    Holy- Great job on the water and getting those assignments out of your hair. Hope you have a good rehearsal!

    I had a good day again. I completed C25K W1D2. I actually look forward to exercising again. Knowing me, I'll complete a week and then lose interest because the "Lazies Get Grazie".

    Anyway, for tomorrow:

    W- keep it up
    E- OP & Mindful
    E- Yoga or Pilates
    D- Enjoying that healthy and energetic feeling
  • You girls are all fired up today. I'm just chillin. Nothing to complain about, no worries, be happy. I was back under 200 today, 199.8. Brothers and sisters can I get a 198?? AMEN!!!

    See ya tom.
  • Mtiger - You can have a hallelujah and an amen! Good girl! Its a battle, but gonna be well worth it! And as far as the tattoo thing.. I was simply shocked. I have a small tattoo, but was still just floored that he did it, with out saying anything first. I guess that 19 year olds get to do that... I dont like not knowing what my baby is up to!!!!

    Holyt -keep your chin up girl! I work with a guy who is in the National Guard, not even a full time thing and they always seem to get him during the holidays. He has 4 kids and hates that he has to miss out on a portion of their holidays!

    Jcat - My experience with funny lip stuff... ocular migrane. I get a funny squiggle in my vision then right side of face goes funny hot numb 1 piece at a time, moves into my shoulder and then into my right arm. When numbness and pins and needles goes away... the migraine comes on. Just another question to ask. Its about a 1/2 hour from beginning to headache time. Strange.

    Jlea - BAMA Mama! Hope your trip is good!

    Grazer - did you finish the secret? and C25K... I start tomorrow!

    Ruth - I lay my everything at His feet and thank Him daily for my successes too!

    Econ - what do you teach (I assume economics????)

    Okay kids - I ate stellar all day until dinner. 2 chicken tacos, but since its biggest loser night, its kind of our cheater eat out night. So.... after a sweet few days, I'm hoping I haven't killed it. I did skip fries.

    Tomorrow's WEED -
    W - 64 + (been hitting it 3 days in a row!
    E - I can never remember if eats or exercise comes first - food is planned
    E - C25K W1D1
    D - Dont stop thinking about tomorrow!
  • my stupid SIL decided to all of a sudden open her mouth without thinking.
    I laid into her and left her a message and reminded her that next time she wanted to open her mouth, she better remember who she's related to. She went racist and claimed she wasn't, but she pretty much put mine down.....how am i supposed to explain that to my kids someday??? Needless to say, I was severely angry. That was one of the bad things that happened today. The boss went on a no-internet/no outside email policy because the supervisor who's been causing problems decided to enforce the rule. I hope they're happy. I cried. It was the only way I kept sane in the office. Now if I go nuts, well it's their fault, not mine.

    I'm gonna be looking into one of those fancy (non iphone) phones that has the nifty texting features and whatnot. it's getting difficult for me on mine and it's getting even tougher to function at work. with TOM on the way, my emotions were just everywhere. I was in tears part of the morning...the workload's getting super heavy, and we were informed that the workload's going to shift to just two of us, and the other person calls in regularly. Even the turkey didn't make it better, and some of you know how much I *love* turkey.

    I gotta get to bed. i'm wiped out. rehearsal was pretty good

  • Thanks everyone. I thought bell's palsy at first too. It could also be stress, I didn't think about it until after the doctors appt, but the last 3 months have been awful for me (topping the stress was buying a truck right before the symptoms came on). It could be that, I have had strange physical reactions to stress before. This doesnt manifest itself like my normal migranes, but it could be. Never heard of an iridologist before. Yesterday was a good day. Very little burning sensation and no feelings like I was going to pass out. I hope today is just as good.
  • Quote: Econ - what do you teach (I assume economics????)
    You assume right I teach Health Economics and Comparative Economics mostly. The comparative stuff is Canada US - health, economics and business. I mostly research in health and labor economics. An area that has been of interest to me lately is obesity (there's a surprise huh??) I am now looking into parental perceptions of childhood obesity and the policy implications of that.

    I am also hoping to get some research going into incentives for health and wellness. This is another area that I think is fascinating. I am also thinking of designing a survey on decisions about eating and calorie info availability at chain restaurants. I may even look into asking the gang here to help me out by doing the survey.

    Anywho on to today's WEED
    W: 64 oz
    E: walking on the treadmill this evening
    E: Stay on plan
    D: I deserve this

    I did my weed yesterday as planned
  • Yesterday went well except I didn't get as much exercise as I wanted. I did get 15 minutes of lower body and ab work. Water was about 88oz and calories 1500-1600. I was 171.4, so another .4 down.
    Today's WEED:
    W: 96oz
    E: try to get 30min on treadmill
    E: 1500-1700 calories
    D: finish getting papers graded

    An iridologist studies the irises of the eyes. The lines in the iris are nerve endings to the various parts of the body. Someone who is very experienced and knowledgable in iridology can tell alot about what is going on in the body.
  • Today was pretty good. My scale fluctuated from 199 down to 198.4. So who knows?? I took the 199. My short, short term goal is to weigh less than 200 on the scale at work Friday. It is our last BL weigh-in and I just want to below 200. Last week I was 201. I think I can do it. Then my next goal is to be below 195 before X-mas. I am going to give it ye ole college try.

    nix- Keep up those good eating habits. We are neck and neck racing for that goal line.

    Holy- I was a bit confused on the racist thing. Some people are just that way, even in this day and age.

    Jeni- Hope you are getting it all sorted out and are feeling better.

    Econ- Where do you teach??

    Ruth- you must be doing something right.

    Not good at posting WEED so I won't even pretend. Just know it's always the same for me. Eat about 1400 calories and work out daily. I rarely mess either one up. This has just become my new lifestyle.
  • I did it! I did W1D1 of C25K! I actually thought I might die. I'm still not sure that this post isn't actually my out of body experience and that is me over there by the treadmill drowning in a pool of my own sweat! My legs hate me. I can't wait to do it again on Friday! woo hoo.

    So on plan that I am nauseating myself. Feels good though... MTIGER you come get me girl! If your going 195 by Christmas, then I need to be 193! You push some days, I'll pull others. Lets go sista! And I love that WEED has just become your lifestyle. I wanna get there too. I think I'm solid on my way!

    Okay so I'm a little pumped right now, and I cant feel my toes. Oh well. Who needs them anyway

    Water - check. Food/calorie control - check. Exercise - check. D - I turned down a free mexican food lunch today. I dont know of any affirmations that could make me feel better about myself right now... I wish it would last into morning!

    Ruthie - good girl on the consistency!
    Econ - I would be happy to participate in survey land. Had to take a whole class on research styles during my masters, and surveys were super important in my thesis.
    Jen - So glad to hear that you had a better day. Your poor nerves have got to be shot. Breathe deep, I am willing tomorrow to be even better for you!

    Oops... laundry is done. Gotta run and fold, or crawl and fold. Have a great night ladies!
  • Nixie (and any of you closet crafters )

    Here's my latest project.....it was the best part of the day:
