Menu/Accountability/Planning - week of Nov. 10 - Nov. 16

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  • Good morning ladies!

    Well, I am back from vacation - didn't go anywhere fun, just spent some much needed time with the kids at home. My son turned FIVE yesterday! I don't know where the time has gone...

    Unfortunately, I ate very, very crappy the whole time. I am so disappointed in myself. I didn't want to post at all this morning, or check in the the Nov. points challenge, but if I didn't, I know I would have just slunk off & obviously, I need to be here.

    So, I'm starting anew today. I'm much too afraid to get on that scale, so I'll probably give myself a week or so. I KNOW I can do this. I need to get back on plan.

    My plan for today:

    breakfast - yogurt, apple
    lunch - healthy choice dinner, carrots, sugar-free pudding
    snack - low-fat cheese stick
    dinner - spaghetti with steamed veggies
    snack - cottage cheese

    I hope everyone is having a great day - I'll be back later to catch up on all the new posts!
  • Hi everyone! I had a terrible snack-y day yesterday. I didn't eat anything too terrible, just way too much of pretty much everything.

    cfmama--Great job!!!

    Schmoodle--Don't worry about personals, get to it when you can.

    Beverlyjoy--Hang in there, you can do this. I know you can! Initially, I hurt my knee at home, but I re-injured it a few years later at work. I always knew that it was going to be a pain (literally!) b/c I had a pre-existing injury, so after LOTS of drama (lawyer, court hearings, etc) was determined that WC is only responsible for 25% of the costs associated w/ my knee. The problem is, that means they get a 'say' in anything that costs $ related to my knee. I wish they weren't involved!

    ClydieCat--Good for you for you for getting right back here! You are right, YES you can do this!

    Today has been a much better day, food-wise, so far. Not sure what was up yesterday, but I just kept wanting to snack! I am going to the gym after my meeting tonight. It doesn't get out until 5, so I may just go and do some cardio, but I want to get my routine going, so I need to go--even if it is just for a little bit.

    My knee is sore, but what else is new, right?! I haven't had two minutes to call the lawyer to see what is up w/ the hearing and if that has to happen before the surgery can be scheduled. Maybe tomorrow....

    Gotta get back to work!
  • mj - thank you Have a good trip to the gym tonight. I hope your surgery can be scheduled soon!

    Having a good day so far food wise. Work wise? ARGH! Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you come back from vacation you feel more stress then if you didn't take any "relaxing" vacation time at all!?!?

    Hope everyone is doing well today
  • Hi everyone! I didn't make it to the gym tonight. Work got in the way--a meeting ran way over and I was really just too tired to force myself to go. I know I should have gone, but well, I didn't. I am disappointed in myself, but I need to acknowlege it and move on. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • Back to Basics
    Good morning ladies

    Time for me to get back to basics. For me in large part that means planning.

    B: Wrap: Smart and Delicious wrap, thin and trim turkey, rf swiss cheese, spinach, mustard, feta crumbles. Water.
    S: RF cheese stick, apple. Water.
    L: Chicken Florentine Lean Cusine. Water.
    S: RF cheese stick, almonds. Water.
    S: Low carb meatloaf and cauliflower. Water.
    S: Chocolate ricotta creme. Water.

    I did a rough 5 minutes of exercise this am! Will do Walk away the pounds 1 mile and 10 minutes of strength training this evening.

    Happy Thursday one and all!
  • Hi Chicks....I hope you are all have a good day.

    I am struggling - I think because of my funny gait from a sore knees and back are hurting. I feel like I am falling apart. I'll see my ortho on Monday. I am sorry if I sound like a 'broken record'...just feeling frustrated with the whole thing, really.

    Hi Clydiecat - glad you had a good vacation. Jump back on your plan. Happy BD to you son. They do grow fast.

    Mj - sorry you couldn't make it to the gym. Sometimes life happens. Carry on. You can move past a snacky day.

    Hi jeniasmom - good plan!!! Glad you posted.

    Schmoodle = hope things are going well.

    Everyone have a good day. Treat yourself as well as you'd treat a good friend.
  • Haven't been around in a while but this is my plan!

    Breakfast - egg sandwich (2 toasted slices wheat bread, 1 egg)

    Snack - 1 oz cheese, Lite Cinnamon Applesauce

    Lunch - homemade veggie soup

    Snack - 1 oz cheese, pistachio crackers

    Dinner - Whole wheat ravioli stuffed with tomato, basil and mozz; salad
  • Good morning, ladies!

    Had a good day yesterday, thank God OP for food, water & exercise. We are having my son's birthday party this Saturday, so I am trying to find some good, healthy recipes of food I can make.

    Jen - that wrap sounds GOOD! Yum!

    mj - it's hard to workout when the rest of life gets in the way - I hope today is a better day & you can get to the gym!

    Bev - sorry you are struggling

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Hello!! Yes, I am alive

    mj~ sorry about the knee pain. I think I found a combo that works for me on the knee pain as yesterday I FINALLY was able to stand/work all day without agony. I do glucosamine/chondroitin twice a day, Advil in the AM, Turmeric Force (turmeric in a pill) mid-day, and rubbed celedrin into my knees before I biked. NO PAIN! Not sure which thing helped but I'll take it.

    Rhonda~ your perseverence is a great thing. NOT GAINING is a major victory!

    Hi Schmoodle!

    Beverly~ Now I want cabbage soup, yum!

    Hi everyone else
  • Good morning, Friend!

    So glad to see more participation in this thread. This thread has been around for least, since I joined 3FC. There is so much support and encouragement that can be found by posting here each day. I really believe that this thread and 3FC in general are a big reason for me to have kept off what weight I have lost.

    Beverly - I'm so sorry that you are going through a rough patch. I hope your body aches clear up soon. Hang tough.
    Lynn - My Dad swears by Osteo Bi-Flex for his knees. He is a speed walker and his knees were bothering him horribly from arthirits. He started the Osteo Bi-flex and hasn't had any problems since. I need to check with the pharmacy and see if I can take it with this thyroid medicine they put me on. My knees always start to bother me after about two weeks of workouts on the treadmill.

    Well, I'm battling a horrible sinus infection and the doctor has not been able to fit me in this week. I do have an appointment for tomorrow morning. I can't wait! Too little sleep and aching teeth are not very fun. The good news is that the scales have begun to drop again.

    Have a great on-plan day!
  • hello everyone, Im a little behind so I hope you will forgive me for not catching up on personals for the last days. Hopefully I can stay caught up now. I've rarely posted on this thread but I think it will be a good thing to start.

    Todays menu is:
    Thu, Nov 13 2008 - weigh in 265.2lbs

    1 cup Kashi GOLEAN Crunch! = 190 cal
    1 med Apples - Golden Delicious = 49 cals
    1/2 cup skim milk = 45 cals
    Total bfast = 284

    4 oz StarKist Premium Solid White Albacore Tuna= 210
    1 tblsp Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise= 90
    2 slices White bread = 110
    2.5 cups French green beans (no salt) = 90
    Total calories = 500

    4 oz corned beef brisket = 130
    3 cups Napa Cabbage = 39 (yes 39!!!)
    1 lg Potatoes, Boiled - Cooked Without Skin, Flesh, Without Salt = 258
    1 tsp Classic Yellow - Mustard = 0
    Total calories = 427

    6oz yoplait light key lime pie - yogurt = 100
    1 stick borden string cheese = 70
    1 bag orville R - mini bag -kettle corn = 100
    Total calories = 270

    All day total = 1,481

    Still leaves 319 for wiggle room I'm starting out with 1800 limit and seeing where that goes. This is all new to me (calorie counting) and considering I was eating 4000-5000 a day and burning maybe 1/3, it seems like a good start.
  • Hi everyone! Ugh, I think I am coming down w/ a cold. I don't feel terrible, just not great. I have that icky feeling in my ears and throat. I have been drinking lots of hot tea today, which luckily I drink decaff and plain--so I am way over my water goal for today! I think I am going to skip the gym again today--just get groceries and go home and snuggle w/ dh and the dogs.

    ClydieCat--ummm, yea, sometimes I wonder why I take days off at all!!! Yea for a good, OP day yesterday!

    jeniasnmom--Good for you for getting back to basics!

    Beverlyjoy--You are not sounding like a broken record! You hurt. I know what it's like to be sick of hurting and feeling like there really isn't anything you can do about it. Is the pt helping at all? What about a swim program? Vent all you want, we will listen! Now, I have been the broken record about my knee and surgeries....

    Elyndria--Welcome back!

    Lynn--Good for you for finding a combination that works for you!

    Rhonda--So sorry you have been hurting w/ a sinus infection. Yea that the scales have begun to drop again!


    I have done well today w/ eating and water. I had to cover a meeting today for my supervisor and it was one of those 'lunch will be provided' kind of things. Well, I planned ahead and ate before I went. SO glad I did....lunch was a beautiful salad that was dripping w/ salad dressing and pizza that you could see the oil running off it as people were trying to eat it. To be honest, it didn't even look good--I kept seeing that grease and imagining how badly it would have hurt my stomach!

    K, I need to wrap some things up and get ready to go to the grocery store.

    Have a great OP night.
  • Hello Ladies!!!

    Menu for tomorrow (Day 49 TOTALLY ON PLAN!!!!!!)
    B- 1 cup skim milk, medium banana, yogurt
    s- 2 sourdough wasa and 1.5 T pb
    L-Tuna sandwich with 1/2 can tuna, 2 T sauce type mayo, 1/4 cup onions, 2 slices sprouted multigrain bread, Mixed greens and veggie salad with 1 T tuscan dressing
    s- all fruit bar and hard boiled egg
    D- 1 medium fajita chicken breast, 1 small potato with 2 T sour cream, 1/2 cup green beans
    s- 1/4 cup peanuts and peach sauce cup
  • No time for personals this morning. I will catch up this afternoon - I've missed you all!

    Planning helped yesterday. Exercise was different than planned, but it happened which is great!

    Today's plan:

    B: Fage yogurt. water.
    S: rf string cheese and apple. water.
    L: leftover meatloaf. water.
    S: sharp cheddar and pepperoni. water.
    D: something with the thawed chicken. water.
    S: chocolate ricotta creme and whipped cream. water.

    exercise: minimum 30 mins on treadmill and 10 minutes upper body work with theraband.

  • Hi chickies! Yesterday was not a good food day. BUT, today I am willing to try and plan. So that's good.

    I found a pull on knee doohicky that is helping greatly with my knee pain.


    breakfast - egg white scramble with ketchup, .5 banana, pnb toast
    lunch - cottage cheese and fruit, garlic toast, steamed carrots
    snack - yogurt and apple
    dinner - out - salmon, rice, salad
    snack - oatmeal, milk, fruit

    cfmama - great plan and congrats on all those OP days. YAY!

    mj - sorry to hear you're coming down with something - ugh. You know you are not at all sounding like a 'broken record' about your knee and surgeries. You saying that made me realize that I am wrong to feel bad about talking about the physical stuff. Not for a moment, do I think it's too much when you mention it. Thus, I guess it's not too much for me. I hope that made sense. Thanks.

    justwantobeme - WELCOME Great plan!!

    Rhonda - I totally agree with what you said about posting at this thread. There's so much support here...and no judgement when we struggle. Sorry to hear about the sinus infection. Can you go to a 'walk in clinic' if it get's too bad before you can see the doc? Take care now. Drink lots of fluids.

    Hi glad to see you!! Carry on, friend.

    Clydiecat - thanks. Have fun planning the bd party. That's great! Yes, kids will eat healthy food. Glad you've had some good op days!

    Hi elyndria!! - SO glad you posted. Great plan.

    Good plan, Jeniasmom!! Glad you posted your plan. It' helps.

    Have a great day friends.