I'm Stuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • So today I went to the gynocologist !! Yesterday the endo dr, today the gyno dr !!! He said what all of you are saying. Perhaps I am NOT eating enough. Protein is king, so he says, and although he is NOT advocating a lo carb diet, he says that for some women, carbs will kill them!! So the nurse piped in and said, try eating your carbs before noon time. Have your oatmeals and cereals in the morning and try to limit them at lunch and then that is it for the day. Gyno agreed with endo to meet with a dietician after all my blood work comes back. So that is update for now. I am still stuck, NOTHING lost in over a week now.
  • Good! You're getting information that can help you! Let us know what the dietitian says.

  • It sounds counterproductive, but sometimes UPPING your calories is enough to bust a plateau. I find when I get stuck, I do cut back on grain/rice/cereal based calories for a week while eating more fruit, vegetables, lean protein, hardboiled eggs, yogurt, etc. I may still have a bowl of cereal...or bread..or rice..but not all three in one day. I have also found that trying to eat a really high amount of fiber in the week helps..try to aim for 40-45 g. If your bowl of cereal is one that has 14 g plus of fiber in it..that goes a long way. YOu can do a search online for high sources of fiber. Add some sweet potato, lentils, lots of vegetables, apples etc, and it will add up. I find a week where I follow this plan, lots of fiber, 1600 calories..boom..I can lose about 3 pounds..and that is eating a LOT! But you have to keep up the workouts too. AND think how happy your colon will be

    I am on this plan this week and dinner which is in the oven is a casserole with sliced sweet potato on the bottom, then skinless turkey thighs, topped with chopped onion, mushrooms, zuchinni, red pepper and fresh herbs..then a layer of spinach on top...everything will "steam" together and get very flavourful. Tomorrow I wil have a bow of Fiber Flakes Raisin Bran - 14 g fiber per serving and a yogurt for breakfast. Lunch will probably be baby spinach with cold turkey, alfalfa sprouts, fresh tomato slices, carrot slices and FF ranch. Dinner is going to be rainbow trout, corn on the cob, broccolli and tomato slices and apple. Snacks are purple italian plums (read juicy prunes) adn peach~
  • Mollymom,
    That casserole sounds YUMMY !!! Tell me exactly how you do that. Do you add anything to it? Any liquid? What herbs? I want to make that soon! I could live on casseroles like that !