continueing drama of my life

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  • This is gonna be long so bear with me, I've been in a very close situation.
    10 years ago my brother and his wife had a bad addiction to drugs, alcohol, and beating the **** outta each other. They didn't hurt the kids as much as each other but they wouldn't take care of them. We would make surprise visits to c them and the youngest who was 3 at the time would still b in his baby bed screaming so long his little face would b swollen. His sister who was 8 was trying her hardest to get him out to change him cause his diaper hadn't been changed since the nite before and the smell would nearly make u pass out. His mom would b passed out on the couch with her random pill assortment, his dad...who the **** knows, prolly out drinking again. This went on as long as my parents could stand, they didn't wanna call CS on their son or his wife but they knew they had to do something. They finally made the call and over the next 2 years the kids stayed with us 3 different times. We took very good care of them, I was like a little momma @ 15 years old, my mom has lupus and was in bed alot and my dad worked 12 hour shifts so it was up to me and my other brother who was 17 to take care of them, which was fine for us, we grew up faster and children of my own is easier lol. The mother and the father finally divorced and he went to another state to rehab to avoid prison time for DUI's, she gave her pill popping mom custody (CS in Alabama sucks) of the kids and we've had limited time with them up until about 3 years ago. This past year their dad, after getting cleaned up for the past 3 years, has moved in with my parents to get back on his feet, he's doing great, wish i could say the same for the mom. The kids have turned out pretty good, the oldest has moved out away from her mom and the drugs and is putting herself through college and the youngest has decided to move in with his dad at my parents to get away from his mom, she recently had a meth splurge and practically kicked her 13 year old son out! He's safe and sound for now til all the arrangements r made for him to move out. Both the kids and my brother have said if it weren't for my parents stepping in that things never would have changed and the kids would have gotten hurt or worse. I know loooong story but I just wanted u to know u're not alone, its a very hard decision, but u have to make the right choice for those kids. God forbid something happen, but what if she were to get strung out and hurt those kids or that precious baby? If you happen to get the kids then you know you can always vent to us. If i lived close enough I'd even babysit for free! Just do the right thing, I can't understand parents like that, I was crying by the time I finished reading u're 1st post. Hope all goes well for you, you are in my thoughts and prayers!
  • Poor Babies. Raising kids is hard work.... Give the parents as much compassion as you can but give the kids more.

    Some treatments do not work, use lots and lots of olive oil. It also sooths and moisturizes the skin.

    God Bless.
  • Kids very often want to go back home, even when it's bad. It's scary that they don't want to go home.
  • Also, get the kids some Denorex Extra Strength Shampoo for AFTER the open wounds heal. It repels the lice(as soon as you smell it you'll understand). Get some for yourself and others at home now. Also some Lysol for all your surfaces and vacuum chairs, beds and other surfaces at least every other day.

    Best Wishes with your situation.
  • I agree.