Sizzlin' Summer Size Challenge

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  • Smurf--My goal is to strength train/resistance exercises 2x/wk and cardio 3x/wk. If I ever force myself back to the gym I combine cardio and strength training. I do 20 minutes each on the bike, treadmill, and elliptical. In between I do strength training. Or I do cardio prior to going to a strength training class.
  • Ok girls - yesterday went better. I DID NOT succumb to DBF's popcorn and candy at the movies. However I was WAY too tired to workout when we got home.

    Godd thing is that I woke up with morning and fought myself on whether or not I was going to do a work out - and guess what - the "good Eny" won out and I did a 10 min ab video! I'm going to take a walk when i get out of work. It'll be good

    Just staying on plan today... I desperately need to get back to my Christmas weight! I'm back into the #190s and that's NOT OK!!! I want to lose these #2 this week... and keep moving downwards! I CAN DO IT!!!

    Work is NUTS so I'm working a TON of overtime! Which is good - because I told BF that I'm going to take all the OT $ and put it into a "Special Event" savings.. so vacations etc. It'll be fun!

    Ok - back to work. Have a great day girls - & for all - and today's quote:

    "One of the secrets of life is learning to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks." ~Jack Penn
  • I'm here Eny love!

    to all our regulars and our newbies!

    I have no idea what size I am (I rarely go clothes shopping and I hate trying stuff on) so I'm going by shirt sizes. Right now, I usually wear 1x-3x (I like wearing too-big shirts) so my goal for this challenge will be to fit comfortably into a size L shirt.....this one:

    I had my measurements taken when I went to gym Monday so I know where I stand and where I have to be to fit into this shirt.

    I plan on going to the gym a min. of four times a week, doing a mixture of water aerobics, yoga, and dance cardio.

  • Shari that shirt is darling! You will look so CUTE in it!
    Today's exercise plan:
    30 min pilates as soon as I finish typing this
    100 toe raises and 100 toe taps sometime today
    50 push ups on the counter sometime today
    50 step ups on a 20 inch step sometime today
    45 min walk tonight-it is raining now and supposed to get worse so if it is still raining when I want to head out I will stay in and do a weight training circut workout.

    So the measurements are in...rounded up to the nearest .25 inch
    LAST MONTH=272.50
    for a total of 3.75 inches.
    .5 off waist
    1 of hips
    .5 off upper thighs (combined)
    1 of mid thighs (combined)
    .5 off calves (combined)
    chest stayed the same but that is okay, I don't have much to loose there before I become inverted
    .25 off left arm (gotta work that right one harder)

    I am very happy because I really didn't start working out until half way through the month! I try to only measure once a month during the same week, but for this challenge I might measure 2x/month

    What are your goals today?
  • Shari:

    You have the BEST signature EVER!! I just love inspiring. I printed it out and I'm going to post it all around my house to motivate me!
  • Eny the baby is here
    I want to join and work towards being in a size 16, totally and completely. I know I have a lot of work to do, but one thing I know for sure is being among 3fc is helpful and encouraging.
    Here is what I plan on doing:
    1. Walk up steps instead of elevator
    2. Drinking at least 32oz. water per day
    3. 5k walk at least 3x's per week
    4. Morning yoga 2x's per week
    5. Complete reading of SBD Book
    and at some point pull that bike out and climb up on it and ride
  • cute shirt, shari! good idea to pick a specific article of clothing to work towards rather than just a size.

    last night was a little mess... two drinks and my bf decided to order fries which naturally we shared plus the cashews on the bar. tonight's a family dinner and tomorrow a luncheon - all combined with the presence of TOM. can i say ICK??
  • Daily update:

    I just finished 14 min ab workout, downed 2 (16 oz) cups of water and went up (and down) 3 flights of stairs three time today.

    Dinnertime is coming up. Hopefully that will not be downfall.

  • Shari you're here! You are going to look HOTT in that shirt! I can't wait to see pictures!

    Hunter and I just got back from a 1.2 mile walk... it was nice. so I'm up to 40 mins already today. I just have to do an aerobic workout for about 20 mins - then I have to work for about 4 hours tonight.. which sucks!

    Ok girls I'm getting off here to go and get the little one out of the shower and to finish up my day. Until the morning!
  • Whisper: Geesh your like Star Jones "going through so much at once" I like what you said to Shari about picking a clothing item instead of a size. There is a pair of jeans that I really, really want to sho nuff get in, they still have the tags on them just waiting on me.

    Eny: I like that idea of having a mile goal, yea I like that

    Missj: Good job, I wish I had an ab workout tape. My belly look like I am about 7-8 months preg.

    Wow, I really did great with water today. However I ate like crazy at dinner. I realized it was emotional eating because I have a huge training coming up that I have to faciliate and today I was informed that they are snobs.
    I did the water and stairs today and that's about all I was able to get myself to do today.
  • Smurf ~ Thanks. WTG on the inches and lbs lost!

    DC76 and Iris ~ Thank you.

    Baby and MissJ ~

    Eny ~ You know I'm going to need you to help me reach my goal. And you will be the FIRST to get pics!

    The interview went well but I'm iffy on whether or not I will get the position (or even want it!). I got along great with the interviewer but found out that the doctor will be the one to decide and I didn't met him. Plus, if I do get the position, I'll be this doctor's ONLY secretary! If this position was for on one of the wards, where I would be one of five-six clerks, I could handle that. Now I'm scared. I really don't have much experience doing straight secretary work, they have training but still! I'll be by myself! I probably won't get the job which will be sad cause I really am burnt out in food service.

    TOM arrived yesterday, RIGHT BEFORE THE INTERVIEW, yeah it sucked having to smile and appear cheerful when I wanted to rip someone's face off! But that explains why I got so depressed the other day and the weight gain. And why I'm so sleepy right now! I really don't feel like going anywhere, I think I'm going to wash these clothes and just lay around today.
  • Thanks Shari!
  • Good morning girls! I'm SO glad to see you all in here! Today I'm wearing a size 12 corderoy I have 2 pair of 12s that fit me... but then again I have about 10 pair of 14s that dont! I want to be in a 14 by Memorial Day, and 12s on the first day of Summer

    Shari - i need you as much as you need me! TRUST ME!!!

    Baby - don't let the snobs get to you! You're going to ROCK OUT LOUD!!!

    Ok girls - here's today's quote: Whatever you can do, or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
    - Goethe
  • Morning gals!!! So, yesterday i started working towards my goal of a size down. I got outside after work and walked/jogged 2 1/4 miles. I actually got a mile in jogging and a mile and a quarter walking. I was very worn out that i really didn't sleep well last night...but i plan to do this again today and then hit the gym tomorrow night and do it there...and then hit the gym on saturday. I may do some elliptical and then go jogging/walking for 2 miles. I am trying to hit 25 miles jogging/walking for the month of april (my goal was 50 but i was really slack this month).

    I am trying to be more mindful of my eating and drinking. Gotta get back to eating 1200-1300 calories and drink my 64 ounces of water. I hope everyone else is doing great on their goals!!!!
  • You ladies Rock
    Shari have faith in yourself. The job I currently have I went on the interview just to do it because they called me. I was certain they was not going to select me. I was being interviewed by three Ph.D's. I left thinking oh well it was good practice, at least I KNEW what I was talking about if no one else. Needless to say I got the job and I love my job. First time in years I enjoyed a job as much as this one. Who would have known!!!! Fear not sweetie this may be the best thing going for you at this time.
    That shirt is gonna look HOT, look like the twins are going to have some fun

    Thanks Eny, I am ready to do what I do.

    fan4ever: You make me wanna get up and do something.

    I am out I 'll tell ya'll what I did later.

    I walked a 5K, walked up and down the stairs (In hotel on 3rd floor) and doing fair with the water intake. I should reach my water goal before I go to bed. Thanks Fan4ever all accomplished this day is a result of your motivation and posting.