Body for Life #41

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  • Really? You can heat cottage cheese? Well, I guess so since WW uses it in their lasagna. Does it really taste like real cheese melted on a baked potato? I bet if you sliced up chicken and stuffed a baked potato with chicken, cc and broccoli, you'd have a perfect BFL meal.

    Wow. Learn something new every day.

    I agree with MrsJim on the bars and RTDs. Yucch. Not only are they horrid tasting but they aren't even nutritional. Whoever came up with that idea had a great marketing idea but not such a great nutritional idea. I do remember last year being famished and about 5 hours from my last meal. I had a dr appt and she was running late. It would be another hour and I didn't live close by so I ran to a drug store and got some EAS bar that was "okay" and that held me over. Definitely only in an emergency. I do have some in my freezer at home for now and again if I'm going to be in the car a long time or something....but I don't use them hardly ever.

    Mel: I had a huge leg workout today and I've been starving all day. What's up with that? I'm not having TOM (part of my hormonal issues.) so I think it could be the leg workout. I wonder what THAT correlation would be!!! interesting!

    I'm exhausted but racking up the stars and smiley faces.

  • Hi you guys!!!
    I have been SOOOOO busy at work a kajillion things to haven't had time to post or even lurk much!

    Hey Susan, didja get it?? You know what I'm talking about hon.

    And I HAVE used cottage cheese in lasagna recipes. I'm just not a ricotta fan but it's been ages since I've made lasagna so it slipped my mind! Actually I prefer using cold CC on my hot apples -- cools them down a bit.

    If I HAVE to use a meal replacement bar, I usually go for Worldwide Pure Protein - they've got good flavors and I think they're better than most out there. MetRx Protein Plus is a good one too, just not as tasty. BTW, if you're looking for a great pure protein powder, try the MetRx Protein Plus - it's MUCH better than EAS Simply Protein (more expensive though).

    Had a great workout today. I'm really starting to get the hang of the Pam B competition fact, gotta run to the store and get some cooked turkey breast - my lunch is 8 oz of the stuff. Fortunately I can run to Safeway - their deli department has the real stuff (not those processed cold cuts - well they DO have those too but that's not what I want).

    Then back to work... and tonight I have to pick up our GIRL SCOUT COOKIES...which Jim is going to hide from me (he's a good hider). I'll probably have a few with my Free Meal on Sunday though...
  • hmmmmmm...
    well I have to admit that I am quite disapointed to hear about the bars. I did think that they would be fine for BFL simply because they were brought out by EAS.
    I must also say that I only use them for times when I need a meal and it is impossible to take a bfl meal.
    e.g I am a singer and when I'm at a gig from 7pm - midnight I need a meal in there somewhere and I can't exactly sit down to chicken and potatoes, so thats when i eat a bar.

    but yes - they do taste gross and I only eat them when I have to.

    There is one other thing I'm dissapointed about from EAS.
    Did anyone get the calender with the muscle media magazine?

    I was looking through it just soaking up inspiration but also looking for someone who started at the same size I am. Finally I saw Pam Brown (although I didn't know it was her at the time) I was so excited when I saw her pictures and was so inspired to see what I could achieve in one challenge.
    However, as I now know those pictures are from her first and third challenges, not what she did in one challenge. I am not in any way trying to take away from what she did as I think it is a huge achievement, I am just feeling a little let down, as I had thought it was from one challenge. Anyway I'm still a believer and going strong.

    As at this morning I have lost 5 kgs (11lbs) in four weeks, and am noticing a lot of muscle development - so I'm pretty happy.

    catch you later - have a great day
  • Hey Carps
    Great job so far!!! You must be happy. Yes its cool to have someone posting who's at the same point in the challenge - but - it's even more cool to talk to someone from down under. That is a first for me!! Just wish they had a moose or a beaver icon that I could type in to represent my country.

    I'm going to wait until after W6 to take measurements and another picture. Haven't decided if I'm going to weigh myself or not yet - maybe just to figure out BF%.

    Feeling 100% better today than I did mid week - although I did something to my neck again - yesterday was upper body. I must have bad form with something because I did this in the first week with upper body too! Going to look over the book and surf on the weekend to decide how to change my weight lifting routines to get ready for W5!!!! I can't believe I'm this far already.

    Just want to thank all of you ladies for your inspiration, knowledge and support that you've shared.
  • Carly - PLEASE don't blame Pam for those calendar pix. If you go to L&S and read her profile and see her pix (and read her document in the L&S Training Library) she has NEVER represented herself as going from flab to fab in one challenge...she has entered four official Challenges (that I know of) and used new B&A photos each time. If you have the Jan/Feb issue of Energy for Women (still on newsstands) go to page 19 and you'll see the before and after pix from her first three Challenges - or you can go here for C1:

    Here's her C2 Before and afters:

    And C3 (includes past photos):

    Gotta run, will write more later!
  • Friday
    I gotta admit that I also thought a lot of those pics were the result of 1 12 week challenge, which is why I was so sceptical about BFL at the outset. And why I was so peeved when I didn't see anything major going on in the first 4 weeks. As it is, I'm still waiting for that 8 week magic- I've still got 1 day in week 8 so maybe I'll wake up with an entirely new body and outlook But I am learning a bit more patience....

    Did a big arm workout today, really trying to push for results now. Tomorrow I've got a session with Robert, the torture master, to do shoulders and back, my weakest area both physically and knowledge wise. I sure wish I could afford him more!

    MrsJim- on your low-carb days do you notice an energy drop? Just wondering about the trade-off between fat loss and muscle building.

    Carps- Holy smoke! 11 pounds in 4 weeks? and you are building muscle! WTG- I haven't checked lately, but I think my total scale loss has been 2 pounds in 8 weeks Again, not really my expectation from the book. But I have great shoulders and quads if I must say so myself! And they'll only get better. Now, where did my abs go?

    See y'all later,
  • Yes, Pam has always had all her challenge pix available on L&S. In fact, I did a "Pam collage" last year when her precontest pix were released going back from challenge 1. If you look in the Transformation Gallery around June of last year you will see Pam B4 and After pix done by SJ (me!).

    I don't know why EAS would make it seem like you could go from 0-60 in one challenge. It leads to a lot of disappointment. They might want people to see how you can lose a lot of fat weight like Pam (and also Mina who had a fabulous transformation and I don't have her website anymore with the pix but another true transformation story) without showing all 3 or 4 pix. I don't know but i agree it's misleading.

    Thunderheart: Yes you have come this far!!! Congrats!

    Neckproblems: I once hurt myself with lat pulldowns. Watch the weight and be sure to support the head on anything where you are raising the weight above. By support i mean make sure you are standing straight and not slouching (slouching puts a strain on the neck). I have arthritic back and neck so I am very aware of what aggravates it. Watch form always (a big problem of mine! my head drifts around). Another thing I have to be careful about is bouncing the weights. That can jar the neck.

    MrsJim: Yes, I rec'd it and I am thrilled to death! You have no idea! Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    I too am having some GS cookies this weekend. My house is full of them. I just shipped some off to the boys back east and my hubby has been polishing off about a box a night (lovely, eh?) but I am holding off for Sunday. I have been holding myself to one free meal a week (meal plus dessert, usually a big burrito and an ice cream cone) and was going to have an icecream cone this sunday but I'm going to do the GS cookies instead. I don't do an all day pigout on Sundays anymore like I did in my first challenge. I do about 2 hours on Sunday night. Gee, how many GS cookies can I eat in 2 hours?

    I did a good cardio this morning and between my new shoes (Saucony Courageous...brand new style for them for overpronators...AWESOME SHOE...I cannot say enough about them. I am still mad at Saucony for discontinuing their classic jazz but these shoes truly rock) and no palpitations I am MOVING.

    what else? Oh yeah, I'm drowning in school work that should be doing right now.

    take care everyone!
  • Mina's beginning C1 and end C4 pix are in Feb 2001 of the Transformation Gallery on L&S. I believe the before pix on the MM calendar (she's on February) really is her pre C4 pix. It's obviously not her C1 one. So I don't think they misled on that one. If you look at her pix in the transformation gallery, it is truly amazing she did that in a year even!!! There is a website somewhere that chronicles her whole journey (I Printed it out when I first started last year) but I can't find it now. I think it might be on one of the Yahoo BFL club sites.

    I can't find the Pam collage I did last year on L&S. Maybe Erik took it down or I put it in Playspace. I don't know. I'll look for it again.
  • certainly not blaming Pam
    please don't think I'm blaming Pam, she is a true inspiration, I was just expressing how I felt a little misled by the calender pics. I would still be incredibly happy to transform my body like that in the space of a year.

    In regards to my weight loss - in probably needs to be said that I started at 235lbs, (my heaviest ever was 248lbs) so it comes off a lot faster when you're as big as I am.
    Also this style of eating is COMPLETELY different for me, I was a full blown foodaholic with an addiction that was raging out of control. To eat this way is a revelation, and I'm loving it!

    I would love to hear from anyone who is feeding their children the body for life way. I am trying to figure out how to transition my girls to it (they are only 5, 4, & 1). and how to make it work at school etc.

    Thanks to everyone for the support and feedback
  • Hi Carly,

    My daughter (age 8) eats the BLF protein/carb/veggie dinner that I do and she loves it. I de-emphasize sugars and fats in her diet overall but I don't think she'd be able to eat every 3 hours with her school schedule. I also feed her typical 8 year old breakfast and lunches because that is what conforms best to her school day. I do try to guide her on good choices and good portion sizes for her age. I also try to emphasize food as fuel concept although that is very tough in this society with the emphasis on food as everything. I'm sure my daughter needs more milk than I use on BFL and probably some other things. I try to push the concepts of balance, portion and healthy choices but overall, I'm not sure this would work well all day for a kid. She eats a BFL dinner and I try to push BFL style lunches on the weekend and that's about it. Right now she's learning to eat more fruits and veggies and for me, that's a miracle.

    Maybe others have more scientific answers...

  • Good Morning!
    It is SO gorgeous outside here in the Bay Area! Can't wait for my riding lesson in about 1 1/2 hours...

    Last night I babysat until 10:30 for my sister. Did you guys watch the 20/20 feature last night on fitness frauds? I must say the guy who runs the company that markets the Ab Energizer has no shame whatsoever. He said he has studies, but when asked to see them, he said that they were 'proprietary' and refused to let the reporter see them. Then he was asked if HE used the product and he said yes, but refused to show his abs because he was 'shy'. Sheesh. Talk about chutzpah...of course he has made millions on this shoddy product, and will continue to do so because even if the FTC bans him from marketing it here in the States, he still has the rest of the world to sell it to!

    Here's the story link:

    There was a similar story on KRON 4 last night:

    The night before KRON did a story on Body Solutions:

    Carly - I don't have kids myself, but if I did - I sure as heck wouldn't keep cookies, ice cream, Lunchables, etc around the house as staples, the way I see so many parents do...instead I'd keep stuff like fresh fruit, fat-free fruit flavored yogurt (such as Dannon Lite N Fit or Yoplait Light), FF/SF Jello Pudding, etc around for treats. Here's a quote from The Fat of the Land by Michael Fumento:
    ...Families were never meant to be democracies. It is the duty of parents to continually exert pressure to bring up their children to be intelligent, well behaved, responsible, thrifty, and compassionate. And, yes, healthy. Rosemary Green, author of Diary of a Fat Housewife, told me that parents are always saying to her that their children won't eat healthy food. Her reply? "I advise them to hold out a hand to their child and say, 'Put your hand next to mine. Now, whose is bigger? Mommy is going to tell you what to eat because Mommy is bigger.' "

    It would be one thing for me to just sigh when I see my super-sized neighbor lying next to the pool with a super-sized bag of potato chips next to him and a super-sized soda balanced on his belly. It would be quite another to do the same with my son or daughter. We are sacrificing our children in the names of such fads as self-esteem and overveneration of personal freedom. A 1996 poll showed that a teenager's likelihood of using drugs was directly related to how resigned the parent was that the child was going to go ahead and use them, no matter what. "What is infuriating," said Joseph Califano, director of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, "is the resignation of so many parents to the present mess." I hear you, guy. And it's the same with obesity.

    How ludicrous it is that the director of nutrition for a school district in Southern California says one of her "biggest" problems is that high school kids want their French fries fried, when baked ones are so much healthier. Lady, you tell them that baked fries are all that's on the menu. Problem solved. Now the schools can concentrate on the "little" problems, like violence and teenage pregnancies.
    Whew! Time to get dressed and cut up carrots for my equine buddies. More later!