300+ and Gettin' Fit after 40 #130

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  • Terri -- Good luck on no more sweets this week!

    I'm not setting any weight loss goals right now. But I really really want to make it through the holidays without a gain. Now that I'm finally back to my low weight. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely a part of me that wants to take it lower... maybe have 175 be my "warning bell" high weight... but I'm not ready to set that goal yet...

    But no candy for me today. That's a goal!
  • Good morning1
    How are all the chicks this morning?

    Terri, at this point i will take any amount of wieght loss I can get by Christmas! I had an english muffin with sugar free jam for b'fast and darn it all, I am wanting to go and eat, and eat, and you get the picture. Instead I ironed what I had in the basket. I am hoping that wasn't just a delay tactic. I need to stay out of the kitchen!

    Patti, good for you! 5lbs....fantastic! Go Patti

    Lilion, three days op is very good. I have only managed one full day of staying op. Something always jumps in my mouth that shouldn't! On the bright side, I am staying in my calorie range. I just want to lose some of this behiney I carry around.

    Angela, hang tough. That old vending machine doesn't have anything worth the effort to get it out of there. LOL! You'll make it.

    Luja, Bearcub, and Heather, big hello to you.

    Thanks for all the suggestions for side dishes to go with my talapia. It was delicious. I had a stir fry of summer squash, onions and red peppers with it. Yummy!

    Gotta run now, Ta! Ruth


    Tis the day for ghosties and goblins and things that go bump in the night! I had three days OP, am feeling pretty good, and just ate four ginger snaps with pumpkin butter. But it's all good. I'll be OP tomorrow again for sure!

    I have a get-together at a friend's tonight. I'm going to dress up in my sexy witch's costume...since I don't have anything else. Just because I CAN. I love Halloween!

    I hope you all have a wonderful, safe and relatively candy-free spook night!
  • happy halloween
    Heather - sounds great having a goal like making it through the holidays without a gain. It would be great to be able to get to January and look towards the new year without a gain.

    Ruth and Lilion, sounds like you both are doing great too!

    FOUR days in a row OP!!!

    Today we had pizza in the breakroom - I didn't even peek at it, smell it, or clean up after it. That is one of most favorite foods, but I just stuck with my lunch and snacks I had packed. I am so happy!

    Have a great day!!

  • Hi ladies,

    I'm going to see Garth Brooks when he's in Kansas City.

    I had thought about buying tickets when they first went on sale but didn't. DH can't go because of his disability so I didn't try. But when I heard there are nine concerts I kinda regretted it. I even considered getting tickets to see the live showing in theaters. I saw yesterday that someone at work had one ticket for sale at face value. So I bought it! DH reserved a room downtown near the new arena so all I have to do is walk to and from the hotel to the concert. We'll stay all night and he can drive us home in the daylight. Splurging a bit on the room but this is my Christmas present. I don't even mind going by myself. Because, HOLY SMOKES, its GARTH BROOKS.

    Check out the picture page. I posted a pic of me riding Phoenix this past Sunday (after he unloaded my brother of course )
  • Terri -- That sounds like fun. We have to remember to splurge now and then.

    Ruth -- Yummy veggies for the fish!

    Lilion-- Sexy witch sounds like fun!

    Patti -- That's a great NSV!

    I did well avoiding Halloween today, but did find out it's a great day to get a haircut!
  • Heather -- what is NSV??
    Another great day - I am a little hungry - but its so much better than feeling crappy and full all the time.

    Gotta admit that.

    Take it easy!
  • Patti -- a Non-Scale Victory! Like when you fit in a smaller size or are able to avoid the pizza!!!
  • Good morning!
    How are all of our chicks this morning?

    I am a little bummed! I can't figure out if I am eating too few calories or too many. The @#$% scale is just sitting there mocking me! Oh well, maybe it is too soon to start worrying over it. I know I have been eating the right things in the right portions, so I will just have to be patient, right? GRRRRR!

    Lilion, I don't know how things are going with your rw, but my cousin is going to get her eye bloused if she is not careful The check she wrote my husband to repay her loan bounced. She called all mad and upset because the bank charged her for an overdraft! Well of course they did, she didn't have any money in the bank. On top of that we had to get the check back and pay a fee for the bank too! So a 35 dollar loan wound up costing us 65 dollars. I told my Dh I don't care what kind of mess she gets into, no more money!! She had told him he could put the check in the bank on the 3rd of the month, he waited until the 4th and there were no funds to cover it. Don't you think people could keep up with what they have in the bank? Enough venting. How are you doing?

    Terri, I love Garth Brooks, but when "I've got friends in low places" came out, I nearly drove myself crazy singing that. I don't sing all that well either!

    Patti, I know what you mean about getting hungry. I hate it when my stomach feels so empty. Everybody says to drink water, but somehow that just don't satisfy that craving!

    Heather, we didn't leave home for halloween and we didn't have one trick or treater. They had a do for the kiddies at the senior citizens building to keep them off the streets.....such a good idea if it works.

    Well chickies that is it for now. Ta, ruth
  • Ruth -- Being patient is great advice to yourself!

    I had my own NSV to report. I tried on a pair of jeans last night that I want to wear to work today. I had bought them last spring and was able to wear them only briefly before I gained some weight back. Well, they fit again! That was great motivation to skip that late night snack that I didn't need anyway!
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Kind of a quickie today.

    Ruth - I think you have made the right move with the cousin to simply stop giving her money. It's unbelievable that she's mad at you because the bank charged her an overdraft! The fact is, YOU could charge her too - and probably turn the bad check over for prosecution! She should be greatful you are so nice!

    As to my own RW, I haven't heard a peep. Except from the car finance company, of course. We plan on just getting four grand added to our home equity loan and paying off the lousy 14.4% loan. It won't even raise our payment and we'll be done with that. Sucks, but we don't have a choice. Her own loan officer on the other car (that I still haven't sold) is more than happy to talk to me about her finances and he told me she's still spending money from her checking account via debit card in FL and once in MISSOURI! RW was HERE at least for a day in October! I bet she came up, grabbed her dead-beat, gang member, druggy boyfriend and then went back. On the up side, I no longer feel the slightest guilt about the police involvement.

    Today, I WILL be OP! I'm even avoiding the donuts that are parked right outside my office. I plan on hiding myself away for the entire day, given that office politics are making me

    BUT! I discovered yesterday that, somehow, six months ago I had the foresight to schedule off the ENTIRE WEEK of Christmas! I'm SO STOKED!!! I thought it would be April before I'd get more than a long weekend, so this is just AWSOME! I may survive this poopy job yet.

    Got to run!!!!!
  • Lilion, you know what sucks about the situation with my cousin, I still feel sorry for her! Stupid I know. She has 7 kids and none of them give a flip about her, or so it seems. It is just sad.
  • Ruth, I understand completely! I sat down and cried the day I filed the police report on the identity theft. And even now, when I KNOW she did it and I KNOW she's stuck me with $4000 on the car loan and I KNOW there's OTHER people looking for her because of financial things she's defaulted on and I KNOW she's come to town and never even called me because she knows I know...I still hate the whole situation. Even though I'm angry and I feel used and I'm not feeling guilty about the criminal investigation, (Because darnitall! she brought it on herself!) I still feel sorry for her. Assuming she gets caught, which she will eventually, her life is pretty much ruined and she brought it on herself, but that doesn't make it any better.

    Have you approached your cousin about financial counseling? Maybe she just really needs assistance learning to live within her means.
  • quick check in - tried to weigh this morning but the scale couldn't decide on a number. Oh well, I'm still OP - that's what matters.
    Heather, thanks for explaining NSV. That makes sense!

    We had take out tonight and I passed on the fries. Man that was hard since my hubby had two servings. ARRRGGHH! But it's worth it since I feel good about it.

  • It must be the weekend!
    Hello, Is anybody there? Can you hear the echo in here?

    1 1/4 lbs down! Go ME. Ta, Ruth