Sexy Chicks - Beautiful women losing weight and forming friendships - Oct 2007

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  • Oh I do so love the same of this thread. Just posting here makes me feel sexier ^^ Hello all -
  • Faerie
    Hi, as you can see I am here all the time at night lol. I go down the new posts and then hit new posts. Sometimes am here until 3 am. Depends on if it is a sleep night or not.
  • Hi everyone, mind another joining your group? I'm "re"-new to this site and dieting - ha. I lost 50 pounds a year and a half ago, and over the last 9 months I've gained almost 30 pounds back. I've been trying to ignore it (wearing baggy clothes, not weighing myself) but I stepped on the scale at the doctor's last week and almost had a heart attack. I worked my butt off to lose that weight and I am not gonna go back over 200 again. Plus I just turned 24, and I really really want to be in the 130s by the time I hit 25. I know I can do it but having some support would be awesome!!!
  • ^aww that was my goal as well, to at least be in the 130's by the time I hit 25. Now I am just a few months away from turning 25 and so now my new goal is to at least be in the 130's or lower by the time I turn 26. I want my late 20's and my 30's to be fun. I want to feel sexy and youthful while I am still young!
  • Ha ha Shy We always seem to be on around the same time of night!

    Welcome back Hannah & Hi MommytoGirls ^^

    I'm preparing myself for Halloween. I've decided to let myself have one of my favorite candy bars. But just one. I haven't picked out anything to give to the costumed kids (and uncostumed teenagers) yet, though. I'd like to be able to give out candy, but I'm not positive about what to give out that A) I can resist and B) I can get rid of shortly after.

    It's tough. I'm doing a "7 lbs in 7 weeks" at my WW meeting, and a 15 lbs by the end of the year through the forums so I've got to make sure I don't go overboard on the treats. Hence the one candy bar. I'm hoping that will make me feel satisfied and not deprived.

    Anyone else doing anything?
  • Hi everyone,
    Thanks countrygirl for starting this thread here! Also thanks I Heart Diet Coke for letting us know where it was, otherwise I would have wondered where everyone went to
    I went to the gym last night and have started this new program so we will see in a month or so if its really working!
    I am really hoping by Christmas I will be back down to my 50 pounds lost, I am so frustrated with myself that I have let myself gain so much weight! I am hoping with this group it will keep me motivated to keep going!
    I hope everyone is having a great week!!
  • Hey Shimmering - I hope your new gym program works out well
  • hello hello all!

    i worked out only like the first 2 weeks of my diet... i went to get walking off the pounds last night and they didn't have it at my walmart... apparently they were getting rid of their exercise dvd's.

    anyway, i'm here during the work day. 10 lbs gone, 40something to go
  • Good morning all~
    Looks like most of us whether we are just starting or restarting or have been working at it for some time now have some GREAT attitudes. If you haven't seen me on the other thread yet... Nice to meet you!!
    I am not DIETING per say, just doing portion control, making healthier choices and exercising. Every time I have tried to DIET, I obssess over what I CAN'T have so this is working much better for me.
    I'm excited to be here to give and receive much much support. We'll all need it to get to goal.
  • When is everyone's weigh in day?? Mine is Monday morning.
    We should let each other know or rather, have to admit to each other how we did each week on the scale.
    I need to be accountable to you ladies... being accountable to myself just doesn't work as I'm sure some of you have the same problem.
    If we had a good week we can congratulate each other, if we have a bad week we can help each other figure out why and fix it for the next week.
    What do you guys think??
  • Hi Faerie thanks for the good wishes, I need all the help I can get!
    OneLastTime my weigh in day will be Sunday's but I am going to weigh myself tomorrow for this week.
    I am honestly glad to have this group to get back on track, I feel like I am under control again this week and hopefully on my way back down again! I need that as I tried on a pair of pants I wore in the spring and I couldn't do them up today So my goal right now is to get back into those pants!
  • i weigh myself on tuesdays
  • sxul - Try a few other places for dvds, or go back again. I'm sure someone has it somewhere, and if that's the one you want to get you motivated to work out, then you best get it! In the meantime you could always just walk around the block or at a park if possible. Always something simple (& cheap!) that can be done. And WTG on the 10 lbs down so far!

    One - I know what you mean about "diets". They're so... temporary. It's one reason I try not to refer to what I'm changing as a diet. It's got to be for the rest of my life afterall!

    Shimmering - You'll be back in those pants in no time!

    I definitely don't mind checking in each week for weigh in. My meeting (I'm using WW) is on Thursday so I get weighed in then (Tonight! Yikes!). I'll probably start out posting results each Thursday, but of course that can be modified down the road if need be.

    Lastly, I've briefly thought about holding myself accountable daily here, too. Not sure how that will work out, but mostly a check list. For example:

    Exercise: / (Yes if I did... no if I didn't... that simple)
    Food (on plan/did I do well?): /
    Water (did i drink enough?): /

    Might be cute, might be annoying I'll have to tweak it a bit. Anyway, I'll stop talking now.
  • Good morning everyone! Well I finally got the courage to step on my own scale this morning (something I haven't done in over 6 months!!) and it was eight pounds lower than at the doctor's! (Then again I was wearing a coat and carrying my big heavy purse at the doctor's.) That makes me feel a little better! Now that I've gotten that out of the way I'm going to go use my treadmill. I just got all my wisdom teeth out 3 days ago so I'm not supposed to do any "vigorous exercise" so the gym will have to wait for a little while (oh well )!

    Oh, and my weigh in day is Monday.
  • Hey Hannah I hope the aches from the tooth removal go away soon. A little light walking shouldn't hurt too much I hope!