Weekend on the Beach 9/15-9/16

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  • hiya
    Hello Beachers! Sounds like all of you are having a great time this weekend.
    Fun plans Femme, sounds like a quaint little place.
    Ruth, you make my tired ache you are so busy.
    Bunna, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you
    Weezle, sorry about the sleepless doggage difficulty.
    Cottage, hope you had fun shoppig.
    Not much here, we're going shopping later after I hem the dress for my dd for the homecoming dance. Did go for a run after I had make 10 batches of frozen strawberry jam. Yum, I love that stuff.
    Have had some victories on the scale, on day 9 of phase 1. I'm always glad when the first week is over.
    Everyone have a great weekend!
  • Back from the touristy thing at the Church and out of that darn 1811 outfit! Those pioneers must have had tough skin! We had lots of visitors and the dogs did shifts really well although Doug and I were there for the duration. Lucy had about seven ginger cookies from crumbs! We ran out when it was Hershey's turn. People always want to give the dogs something! I'll remember to bring raw veggies next year.

    I've just made a big batch of hummus and a veggie platter to take to the BD party tonight. Naturally I've tried it and will be breathing garlic on the world. I put some of my frozen red pepper puree in it and it's fabulous. Two years ago I bought a CRATE of red peppers, roasted them, peeled them and pureed them. They are just great in hummus or swirled in broccoli soup along with yogurt. I'm debating doing that again this year but have left it a bit late.

    Next week is the IPM (International Ploughing Match) and the village is already busy with people coming in early. It's a huge deal with a tent city, entertainment, demonstrations and even some ploughing! About 30K to 50K peopel are expected. I won't be able to work it much as my damned knee can't handle all the walking over rough ground but will be doing some finance stuff online and also helping make 450 box lunches every morning! That's a heck of a lot of sandwiches at 4 slices of bread per lunch! Imagine peeling 450 boiled eggs.

    Enough! I'm getting tired thinking of it. Time to change for dinner.
  • Quote: ...Fun plans Femme, sounds like a quaint little place...

    Very nice place, very good company and nothing there to eat!! I have never been to a restaurant since starting SB where there was not one entree I could eat..or at least one part of an entree. There was nothing on the menu I could eat except for a small dinner salad. It ended up being very good..cucumbers, lettuce,black olives, goat cheese and a wonderful vinegarette. I should have told them to put 2 salads in one large bowl. I could have finished it off in 4 or 5 bites had I not nursed it along. I thought I would be "envious" when everyone else at the table got their wonderful big meals. I wasn't. It all looked totally gross to me. Big round globs of potatoes and meat and noodles covered with sauces and "spritzal, spratzel, sprutzal "..whatever. It all looked revolting even though everyone enjoyed it. Yahoo for SB. I'm sure it was very good, but it all looked like large globs of pure starch with mushroom soup on top. ick. I must admit the birthday cake looked wonderful, but I had a cute little pot of coffee and felt terribly good about myself, which was much better than having a stomach full of glue.
  • We had a great day at the Park, gorgeous weather and it even got warm and sunny enough to hit the water park for a while. I couldn't figure out why the park was so packed though, since it was closed to the public for the company picnic, then realized they had also invited families of local deployed servicemen and women. I was glad they did that, it made me happy and I didn't mind a few lines. I can't even imagine what it cost though. Renting 6 Flags, providing food all day for THOUSANDS, ice cream, beverages, including beer. Plus goodies at the gate for everyone, really nice stuff. I've always worked for a small company (150 employees), but last year we got bought by a defense contracting giant and so this is a whole new world for me.

    Sadly, there was not much on plan to eat but soyburgers and diet soda, and no outside food was allowed. Can you imagine, not a veggie in sight (not counting potatoes)? I did okay, but not totally on-plan, a little brisket, a little pulled pork, some baked beans, because I love barbeque food, half a soy burger, and I did drink half a beer, first one in three and a half months, and I have to say, I still love the stuff.

    Sorry, I'm beat, no personals this evening. Hope you all had a great day. I'm going to make my grocery list and pass out.
  • im vegging at home tonight while the DH is out playing poker, so I decided to make those turkey pepperoni in the broiler....wow, those things are tasty...!

    i was interested in making the taco bake but i cant stand refried beans...can anyone think of something else to put in there?
  • Hey Ladies
    I'm sipping water while DH snoozes on the couch. He worked all last night and most of today. I woke him for dinner after 9 frozen turkey burgers on the grill pan kicked up with chili powder cumin and sylvias seasoning! mmmmm 2% cheddar
    When we were in Maine I bought Richards Simmons groovin in the house at a flea market. . .That man can move! Altho you don't want to see him sing along to "hot stuff" *shudder* luckily a lot of his moves are the same b/c no instruction! I kept up for about 25 min (reminds me I have to tally my exercise time)
    RN what's Frozen Jam??? is it SBD compliant?
    Ruth I want to live in your pantry!!!! and fridge Glad you had a good time And btw can we borrow some of your DNA? I want your energy!
    Cat isn't that the best when the "sinful" stuff just becomes gross? You kicked serious ARSE!
    Schmoodle sounds like you had a great day!! thats awesome that they had the servicemen's fams!
    Striped: If you like regular beans. .. Maybe spice up some black beans and do a layer of them. . .you could mash them up or leave them whole.

    I got very caught in the rain today mid scoot to the dentist (who cancelled) and I went to the grocery in search of SF cocoa. They didn't have any!
    So I made my own!!
    I felt like Ruth!!!! (Ruth If you were a grown up I'd want to be you if I was one) I got Unsweetened cocoa and Instant coffee. 2 tbsp cocoa 1-2 tsp coffee 3 pkts of splenda dash of salt 1 cup hot 1% and a swirl of vanilla it was better that (american) sugar cocoa (I have to concede to Cadburies) I'm pondering making 1 before bed
    I swore to myself I was going to do some writing tonight! SO I'm out. Have a great night ladies!!
    btw where are Kara and Indi?
  • Hey Chicks! How's it? (Sorry, that's the Hawai'in coming out in me!)

    Today was a great day! DH and I woke up and got breakfast, stopped by the hardware store and had a lovely morning. After all of that, we started working on some of our fall yard decor. I spent 6 hours working on them, but it was well worth it! I think they're adorable! (I'm biased a bit ) I also finished my mom's scarf today and I'll be sending it to her Monday. I hope she likes it! It's a bit longer and thinner than a traditional scarf, but that's the trend out here. The girls fold them in half and loop the ends through the fold and the ends hang down the front. It's really cute!

    Anyways, I've got to get to bed - a lot to do tomorrow! Have a great night!
  • Wow, this weekend is flying by too fast! I've got to get a few hours of work in this morning, then I'm going to take my grandmother out for lunch. This afternoon I hope to get some cleaning done and maybe grocery shopping. This evening I've got tickets to see Aerosmith in concert with my brother and niece. I'm so excited about that!!! Last time I saw them it was 1977...

    Kim, I love fall decorations, yours look great! I can't wait until I've got some time to get mine out, but that won't be for a week or two.
    Kierie, I've been on a hot cocoa kick lately too. It really seems to kick the evening munchies. I've got to have that or a fudgesicle.
    Sandstriped, there's another recipe on the board called enchiladinis. It's similar to a taco bake, but the bottom is a layer of black beans. I made it last week and it was really good. Even DH loved it. You could use any kind of bean, unmashed, if you don't like the texture.
    Cat, bravo for your will power!
    Ruth, I'd love to see a picture of you in 1811 garb! An international ploughing match sounds too cute!
    RMMOM, I used to make strawberry freezer jam every year and I see they have a sugarfree surejell now. Did you use that? How did it turn out?
    charolastra, sounds like you had a great time despite the weather conditions. More power to you, I love to camp, but not extreme camping. I went winter camping in a tent in the snow once and it was the last time. I've never been so cold in my life, I'm surprised none of us ended up with hypothermia. congrats on making it so far up the mountain!
    Dixie, congrats on the NSV! I've been getting into some of my old clothes lately and it feels great!
    Bunnababy, good luck with the restaurant sale and job hunt. I am curious about the fried radishes. I love them raw, but I can't decide if fried sounds good or not. Let us know how they turn out, please! BTW, I am nowhere near a 10 either, and the L was a top - I haven't gotten up the nerve to try on pants yet. I'm guessing I'm an 18 there. I've got a big bootie. I don't know if I can ever expect to be a 10 pants size.

    Well, down to some serious work. I've got a meeting first thing tomorrow and I won't have time tonight to get myself organized. The weather is looking spectacular here today, hope it is where you are too!
  • Good Morning!
    I just had some cereal (I decided to do cereal every other day for the sake of plumbing *cough*) with about 5 walnuts broken up in it with my coffee soo good!
    I even worked out this morning! Who am I and What did i do with myself???
    Leslie Sansone is a human cup of coffee! I'm cruising Amazon Looking for her Beginner DVD
    I'm going to put the 15 minute one in the laptop to keep in the office upstairs I'm totally Jazzed!
    Kim Can you come to our house and decorate? I'm doing a fall themed bake sale for Share our strength at work did you use templates or free hand that They are AWESOME!!!
    Schmoodle you have a full day! Have a great time with your Grandma and at Aerosmith!! I love going to concerts!
    Ok time to get myself in gear! I have to dye my hair pick which church we're goign to this AM (DH wants to go back! YAY and we go to 2 b/c I'm Catholic and he's Episcopal) whichever one has mass that starts after My hair is dark, lovely and Dry!
    Have a great Day!
  • Ahhhh. Doggies let me sleep until 8! Going to be a lazy day of watching football AND baseball. I'm so confused. Usually once football starts, the Cubs are mathematically elliminated so I can focus on the Bears. Now I have to figure out what time each of them play so I can spend the entire day watching sports. Oh and Notre Dame got CRUSHED yesterday, 38-0. Damn damn damn.

    I can't believe it's that time of year again. I don't know what I'm going to do now that football season is here. I used to belong to a private club and we had potlucks and all kinds of stuff out there, but my parents and I resigned because two weeks ago, there were long-time members (one was a board member) who were tearing down the club's decorations, crumpling them up, and stuffing them in the urinals and toilets so they could urinate on them, all because of the baseball team on the decorations. I decided that I have enough drama in my life without having that kind of immature and destructive behavior going on in a place that I pay money to go to every year. It's sad because I'll miss a lot of the friends I made there, and it was a nice club except for a few people, but those people ruined it for me, and for my parents.

    And my good friend Lucas and his wife are moving out of Springfield the end of this month, so I won't have their place to go to for football. And Wiggles doesn't like football. I guess I can have people over to my place to watch it on my TINY tv, if I can find any friends who really care about football. None of my really close male friends are here (except when Abdul comes home once a month but he doesn't follow sports) and then I'm left with some female friends who don't care, and Abdul's son, who's gay and I don't know that he cares about football (yet.) He did become a Cubs fan this year.

    Sigh.... I'm going to need a bigger TV. That's all there is to it.

    Hope you girls have a great day! I need to figure out what time everybody plays. Talk soon!

  • Schmoodle: I used to a very long time ago fit into a size 8 but I won't probably ever see that again. Personally at 5'9" I think 118 lbs was too light.

    Kim: I bet your mom will love that scarf. I just need to put in a yard! We took ours all apart so we can put in a sprinkler system.

    Weezle: Just buy a 50" plasma and watch them gather. I haven't checked the scores yet so don't know how anyone did today. Oh yeah, my son did call me to tell me how the Browns did cuz their QB is an Oregon boy. Go Oregon! Not really a Browns fan but hey. It is amazing how immature some people can be. Sorry they ruined it for you and yours.

    Sand: Glad you enjoyed the turkey pepperoni. Yummy!

    KO: Enlighten us which service did you attend and is your hair dark, lovely, and dry?

    CAT: Great job avoiding all those carbs and sauces.

    Ruth: I don't know how you keep up with yourself.

    Me: DH and I went to Costco today. Stopped and had Mexican. I was worried about those chips and salsa cuz it is my fav. I just pushed them over to his side of the table and had a salad. It was really good and I felt good about my meal. It was a nice NSV to walk out of the restaurant feeling good about what I had. Bought all the goodies to make the protein packed cheesecake on Wed., checked in here and now off to bed, maybe start a new book.

    Talk to you tomorrow.