What is your favorite name?

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  • I love the name Vincent. Don't really know why. I just think it's a very nice, strong name for a boy.
    Another boy name I like is Sky.
    There was this girl in my class who had a name I never heard used as a name before. I never thought much of it until later when I relized I liked her name a lot. It was Sunday.
  • Sky is a boy's name? I went to high school with a Sundae
  • ...
    Corinne (Nickname Cori)

    Male names are a bit more cliche

  • Quote: Sky is a boy's name? I went to high school with a Sundae

  • My Brand New (as Of Oct.) Nephew's Name Is Jet Rhoads
  • I love the name Dane for a boy (or Dain) Sounds so strong.

    For a girl, Victoria - and no shortening it to Vicki.

    Ian is also one of my favorite boy names, and my DD named my Grandson that becasue she knew how much I liked it!

    the dumbest name I have heard from someone I know is Mercedes. (duh)
  • My cousin is named Bently....like the car. LOL
  • Quote:
    the dumbest name I have heard from someone I know is Mercedes. (duh)
    That's actually a reference to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mercedes was Karl Benz's daughter's name, in fact. If the Mercedes you know is a Latina, it's much more likely to do with the BVM than the car.
  • I went to college with a guy named Ski. He was a skier, but that was his given name. I also knew a guy named Tres (pronounced trace), I think his parents were trying to be French, but didn't know how to pronounce it (should be pronounced like tray).

    I had a friend named Lawrence (female, pronounced La-Rance, she went by Laurie) and a friend named Michael (female, prounounced Michelle). Both of their parents wanted boys (for real!). The kicker is, you know how you get freebies in the mail sometimes, they always get the freebies aimed toward men!
  • I love the name Jordan (for a boy) and Diandra for a girl. I have had my share of classmates with weird names. I once knew a Winter,a January,a Pepper Ann Solt,an Autumn, a Mike Tyson, a Sunni, two James Bond's (a Sr. and Jr.) and even a Joe Black (Meet Joe Black).
  • I hope I didn't offend anyone with the "Mercedes" name reference.....the one I knew was not Latino, plain ol' redneck Ohio. And it was pronounced Mer - Si - deez not Mer-say-dees.
  • I lived next door to little gal named "Lexus". Not short for Alexis or anything 'normal', just Lexus.

    Oh, and when I worked for a dentist, we had a patient named Corvette. vroom vroom!
  • I knew a girl named Stormy.

    I love Ella, Ellen, and Margaret.

    My fave boy name is Jacob.
  • Well, a girl in my son's school is Mercede Studebaker. I also went to school with a set of three sisters named Starr, Bambi and Angel. We all figured their parents were hippies. Also, one day my husband and I were in the toy store adn a guy that worked there started talking to us about his new baby named Anakin. Sheesh! How would you like to be 25 years old, going on a serious job interview and having your prospective boss go to shake your hand and say, "Nice to meet you...Anakin?" and have him make light saber jokes. He'll never be taken seriously unless he's at a Star Wars convention.

    I like the name Jan for a boy, but if I had another boy, I'd probably name him Gregory James. If I had a girl, she'd be Angela Marie after my dearly departed mother in law. But, alas, we aren't having any more human babies and if I keep bugging my husband, he might get me another puppy

    I also like Lucas. My daughter's name is Shelley. I wanted something 'normal' but not used much anymore. And, in the 7th grade, she's the only Shelley. My son is Kyle and I LOVE that name. In choosing names for my babies, I envisioned their name on a name plate on their cubicle in an office and wanted somethign that would say, "That sounds like a nice, approachable person" to anyone that was new and needed a new friend. It's just the formula I used.
  • I have always been fascinated with names. I am one of those people who always watch the credits of movies just to see the names too.I actually saw a Heidi Ho once, lol. And there are waaaay too many names I love.


    Jonathan (just about all "j" names)

    I never went to school with anyone who had an odd name. Did know a Stormy and a Star once though and neither name fit either person, lol. What kills me now days though is how some parents say they spell their childrens' name different to make their child unique. But...they usually take a fairly common name and misspell it. It doesn't make the name or child unique...if you take Abigail and spell it Abygayle it doesn't make it unique because it is still pronounced the same. Just makes the parent look illerate. But I see it all the time and read about it as well.