Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - November 2014 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    CoolMom I think your anniversary is today. If so Happy Anniversary to you and your DH!

    Last night I added on: Tamilee Webb's Total Body Stretch (standing)

    My DOMS have DOMS from the workout program I have been doing.

    So DH wanted to go to the cafeteria last night. I was totally dreading the sodium. I always gain at least a pound when we go there. I maintained this time! I think my thyroid/meds must be better regulated. It seems like when the thyroid/meds are off it wreaks havoc on everything.

    Calories for yesterday: 1400 +
    Weigh In: 164.2
    No Change

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Good morning, all!

    Diana and Flower- awesome idea about the workout dvd's at home! I did that last year when I lost my first 30 lbs or so. I was militant about getting up in the morning and working out. I could do that here as well, especially because our new place is bigger. The last apartment was 500 square feet...we now have a luxurious 700!! lol

    The good thing is that the gym is next door to my work, so I have to tackle that long walk home regardless. Becoming a morning person might help me though because sometimes, after 8 hours of teaching wonderful but sometimes draining junior high students, I just want to go home and veg.

    Not last night though! I walk/ran for 30 minutes and after my walk home, I made roasted chick peas and hot sauce! I LOOOVE hot sauce but alas, my sodium bloat is still up at 158.0 today. That's okay though because I mostly "paid back" the calories I "owed" from the weekend so I don't feel as out of control today. Yeaaaaahhh!!

    Today's agenda include tackling a 10 page paper for my online course, working out, getting my flu shot and having a wine night with a new friend...all in addition to working normal hours.
  • morning

    one water pound down! two to go...it'll be CAKE!

    B - belvita
    L - tuna w/just mayo but I FORGOT MY SANDWICH THIN! argh! I really don't want to go down the hill just to get something to put it on, but just tuna will leave me starving! BOO.
    D - I have no idea yet
    S - pineapple chunks and 2 clementines

    bike ride after work!
  • G'morning!

    w 162.4 ( up )
    B egg on corn tortilla
    L bean soup
    D bean soup

    Diana, thanks! I don't think we will be doing anything special. I got him a card and will pick him up a fancy blended coffee on the way home from taking the kids to the dentist. He ordered me a knitting light I can wear around my neck for the "dark side of the couch." Are you guys doing anything special tomorrow? Sorry about the DOMS. Might need to dose up on the anti-inflammitory twice today.

    Kelijpa and Flower, thanks for letting me show off our snorkeling video. I am so longing for another vacation. We have one night planned at the mountain next month, to play in the snow. The tropics would be nice.
  • Down 0.6lbs today to 176.6lbs.

    Breakfast was mackeral, smoked oysters and oats.

    Lunch was salmon, cockles, smoked oysters, squid and a crab cake.

    For exercise, I did 60 minutes boxing before work and did 50 minutes weight training before lunch.

    My toe is sore. I hope it gets better by tomorrow since I will be running then with my running partner.

    Running with my running partner trumps all workouts and injuries!
  • Way to go on your exercise after work NorthernChick. Good luck on your paper. What are you taking?

    Ian. Hoping your foot is feeling better for your run!

    Well it was crappy day for exercise and schoolwork. I did cook a bit and baked, as I have tons and tons of bananas. So of course I ate several banana muffins. Good thing I made minis! Also good thing I will be giving away some tomorrow.

    Total cal for the day around 1500.
  • Hi Everyone!

    I got some very good news today when I went to my gyno appointment. My mammogram and pap were good. The labs the gyno ordered for my TTOM problems were all good. The ultrasound showed 4 very small fibroids. The ovaries were good and endometrium was very thin. I told the Dr. about my most recent TTOM being perfectly normal. This was the first in a long time. She reviewed my thyroid records and how they have just gotten into range recently. She also noticed that I have lost weight since I was there last, probably from the thyroid improvements. She doesn't feel the small fibroids are the culprit. She feels that my TTOM issues have been from the thyroid. She didn't see any reason to even do the biopsy, unless I objected, LOL. Which I didn't. She wants to see me back in 3 months to see if things have continued to stay regulated.

    I took a pile of Advil to deal with the biopsy today, although I didn't get the procedure after all. Advil doesn't usually react well for me with water weight. We also ate very late tonight. Not sure how the weigh in will go. Tomorrow we are going for our anniversary dinner. I won't count calories but try to enjoy myself in moderation. That's always tricky.

    Flower That's a good article about bone broth. I have heard it's good for you. I should probably just drink 1 cup of it a day. I think it's only 35 calories or so. I'm glad the sinuses/strep seems better. I'm sure it will just take time to clear up. The strep sounds like the shingles virus. Nasty stuff. My mouth seems to be clearing up some. I took my antihistamine about 30 minutes late 2 days recently. Hopefully that doesn't backfire on me. I am trying to lose a little weight from what I gained from my thyroid fiasco. I would like to get back in the 150 range and have 160 as my red line. I'm not sure if I will ever get there, but I will try.

    Novangel Were you able to get some meds to help with the flying? I am excited for you and hope you have a wonderful trip.

    CoolMom Thank you for sharing the video! Looks fun! Thank you for the reply to my PM yesterday. I appreciate the info. I hope you had a nice anniversary. We are going out for dinner. We were suppose to get a massage the weekend before or after our anniversary. But DH has too much going on, deer hunting, bird hunting, shrimping, etc. He does have his priorities.

    Kelijpa Hi I hope your day was a good one.

    Finch Keep trying. It does seem that every day is a new and different challenges, doesn't it?

    Northernchick There are a lot of free youtube videos available, too. I can point you in a good direction if that would work better for you. Just let me know.

    Syckgirlsfv Good job on the pound!

    Ian I hope you can run tomorrow. Did you get cleared from gout?

    Amethystjean Good job on your day and for sharing your baking. I would find it hard to be around baked good.

    Waving Hi all around! Enjoy your evening!
  • Total Approx 1400 calories +

    Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Mediterranean Blend Veggies or Zucchini w/Tri Pepper Blend
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon pumpkin butter 25 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (400 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham 50 Calories
    Honey mustard/Lettuce 50 calories
    Greek Yogurt 100 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (600 calories)
    Grilled chicken 400 calories
    2 orders green beans 200 calories

    Tae Bo Amped Jump Start Cardio
  • Finch, I know only too well how hard it is to keep those calories down. But 1254 calories sounds appropriate.

    Kelijpa, glad your boss was willing to go along with telework on days you cannot get to work easily.

    Diana, AWESOME news about the Thyroid and the gyn apt. Way to go ! Your anniversary is tomorrow? Had to laugh at what you wrote about your husband having his priorities. So glad to hear that the thyroid meds have finally been properly adjusted. Thats such good news. And now you are losing weight. Hope that angeoadema is better today.

    Northern, sounds like you will be a very busy woman today. I like the last thing, Wine with friends. Things like that are of utmost importance. So you teach jr high school kids. You ARE a brave and good woman.

    Coolmom, happy anniversary !! A good man, good coffee and a knitting light. what more could a woman want? I hope you will not worry about the weight. Like someone here said, ( sorry cannot remember who) its 2 steps forward and one back. That does get the desired results.

    Ian, nice that you have a running partner. That sounds awesome

    AmethystJean, Bananna muffins sound great. I think 1500 sounds pretty good. I used to LOVE to bake. Was constantly making up recipies that were really good. Even taught myself how to crystalize roses, panseys and other edible flowers to decorate cakes. But I cannot do that anymore.

    Was without a car today. This time of year the tire place has a cutoff time of about 10am. Thats when they have taken all of the cars they can handle for the day. Everyone needs their winter tires put on. So I brought it in at around 1:00 and left it to be done for tomorrow. I got the shuttle back home and proceeded to eat what I had in the house. I thought that would not be dangerous. I was wrong. Lunch was 680 The only thing that saved it may have been that it was low in carbs. But low carb without low calorie doesnt work well for me. Low carb high fat = weight gain for me. Dinner was fine. It was 340 Total calories today were 1520. Tomorrow morning I will see what my scale thought of my lunch.

    I hope everyone has a great Wednesday.
    As Marcel the Shell says "Life's a party. Rock your body"
  • Diana, that is wonderful news on the gyn front! Enjoy your dinner out tomorrow. That's too bad the massage isn't happening but hopefully a bunch of healthy meats will be acquired. I wish we did some kind of hunting.

    Flower, two steps forward, one step back sounds about right. Frustratingly right. 1520 is not a bad calorie day. Good job!

    I am not even going to worry about the calories today. My usual Tuesday evening plans fell through so hubby and I went out to dinner for our anniversary. I had a margarita that seemed small and innocuous but packed a punch! I was quite buzzed throuout the entire meal. We shared fondu, I had artichoke ravioli and then we shared a small marion berry crisp. Easily a 2400 cal + day.

    With Thanksgiving dinner coming up next week, I'll need to stay on plan every day until then.
  • Good morning all,
    Down .4 to 165.6, slow going this week,maybe it has to do with switching to the ex.bike.

    Great news Diana really great!

    Happy anniversary coolmom and Diana!

    14 degrees this morning, wood stove is wonderful, nice and cozy in the house.

    Have a great day everyone
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Thank you for the anniversary wishes and the good wishes about my appointment.

    My body wasn't happy about something this morning.

    Calories for yesterday: 1400 +
    Weigh In: 165.2
    Up: 1 pound

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Good morning!

    I have discovered a new super power....SUPER BLOAT! Meet the incredible woman who was 154.8 on Sunday but 161 this morning after six measley perogies!!!

    I'm so frustrated with the endless bloat but at least I've got my calorie journal so I know I have a loss coming. I went to the gym again yesterday and have signed up for circuit training!! Woo!! I wanna be buff!

    Diana- I've loved Jillian before. I have a gimp ankle so I can't do some things but I love body weight stuff. I also have 5 and 10 lb weights any suggestions would be awesome!

    Flower- thank you! Yesterday was a difficult day...EIGHT kids in detentin! But they all came, were lovely and hopefully its another month before that happens again.

    Lol! And wine was amazing. We had chocolate after and I accidently ate 300 over than I meant to but I am counting it and will have a light lunch today to balance. I am like stupidly on plan this week- I deserve a water whoosh!

    Here's hoping the whoosh fairy gets off her toosh and come helps save mine!
  • hi everyone! Happy Humpday!!!

    lost another water pound - 1 to go from the weekend. Rode my bike 11 miles last night because it not only got dark after I hit the bike trail, but it was cold. Well, not cold to some of you - it was like 68 degrees or something but that is cold enough for me!


    B - cottage cheese and grapes (ran out of my Belvitas )
    S - 2 clementines
    L - egg salad on sandwich thin
    D - probably a turkey burger before school

    It's going to be about 72 today...not bad but I'm a little sad to see the warm temps go!