Maintainers Volume 15

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  • Working on upping my breakfasts again, since I have always hated having breakfast - not hungry. Felt stuffed for the first hour, but OK now. I think this will help me time my eating better - so I don't go off rails at night. I have been sorely tempted after DH goes to bed and I'm watching old Mad Men episodes... or reading. I guess I was starting to get used to night shift eating - starting late in the day and having my last meal at midnightish. Now that work is on hold until the new contracts are finalized... I'd better get back to everyday normal.
    Had only about 6 hours sleep last night, (DH's alarm rang at 6 for work ) but feeling fairly good today. Aquacize is a go at noon. Lunch after. I'm taking an extra boiled egg and mac nuts to Wendy's where I will order their Apple Pecan Chicken salad and get TWO servings of bleu cheese on it, hoorah for the Fat Meal!! (my favorite, lol)

    Hope your week is going well, off to a good start, 'guy & dolls.'

  • Quote: Hope your week is going well, off to a good start, 'guy & dolls.'

    So glad you found my salutation cute! All the ladies here are so lovely that 'dolls' really seems to fit nicely.
  • RuthAnn: Just wanted to pop in and wish you the best for your surgery tomorrow. I know several ladies who have had reductions and they are SO much happier. And then you can buy the fun pretty bras!
  • Hi Vachinyc, looking forward to chatting with you on this thread. I am just remembering now to add in the right kind of snack for exercising. Before IP I would exercise but snack on not the best food choices.

    Evemoma - oh chin spints aren't fun. Ice ice baby if that is the case. I found ice and accupuncture helpful. Are your shoes in good shape? Good for you for adding in your exercise to your maintance plan. That is great that you were able to go back to P1, saw the 1lb come off, then back to P4 - the plan works

    Liana- i would imagine working nights can make eating tricky and mess with the schedule. I have noticed you aren't always a breakfast person but then some of your breakfast are very yummy and original. I could snack all night if I wasn't careful. That's been the biggest change since IP. I still avoid the kitchen after the kids go to bed I pretty much stay upstairs.

    I miss my crispy pancake, I think I will make it for after workout snack tomorrow.

    What do you have your protein/fat/carb set at on my fitness pal?

    I have done 50%protein, 20%fat and 30% carb
  • Jenny: I wish my kitchen was on a different level from the rest of the house, lol. I'm in a single level rancher style. With an open plan between the kitchen, dining, living room areas food is always within reach, ahahaha! Night snacking was always my issue

    My settings are 40 carb/20 protein/40 fat - but I ignore them all anyhow. The protein is the minimum I need to get, so that is what I watch - and getting enough fibre, to offset the carbs. I am always over on protein & fat, and usually on fibre. I try to stay below the recommended level for sugars.

    I'm mainly watching the macros meal by meal to get the right ratios.

    Evemomma: apparently Panera has a whole secret menu - you might want to google for more info - much healthier options I hear. Never been to one - they aren't up here in Western Canada.

    Hi vachinyc - good to hear from you again.
    Hellowwww MtnRose and catlady and Slip!
    Hugs for RuthAnn!

  • Good luck on your new breakfast push, Liana!

    Panera was started here in St. Louis (hence, why it is called St. Louis Bread Company around here)....they have done some really innovative things. For a company specializing in bread, they certainly seem to have a neat variety of low carb options! I went to lunch there a few weeks ago and was very impressed by the cashier/server who worked hard to get me an on-plan salad. My breakfast yesterday was DELICIOUS! Steel-cut oats, walnuts, and strawberries with a little cinnamon. Followed with a skinny vanillla latte....mmmmm! I WILL be doing that again!

    I am thrilled to say that I was down to 127 today after my day of debauchery on Sunday....yippee! I did P1 on Monday and ended up low-cal yesterday also because I just lost steam to make dinner at 8:45pm and just ate a bar. I am realizing that it is actually SO much better for me to eat a very light dinner on my late work nights. Unfortunately, I work late tomorrow also.

    I feel very fortunate because my appetite has been reset since P1. I know longer walk around just feeling starving all day! And I am not getting low-blood sugar headaches, so I know that my insulin is working properly again. I know IP is not for everyone, but I'm pretty sure it was the perfect fit for a reformed carb addict like me!

    Jenny....You're doing great! I think once you realize that our bodies LOVE having more food, even carbs, P3 and P4 aren't nearly so scary. I just keep telling myself that I have the tools now to reset myself if things start to slip....which I am sure they will as life always seem to do that! I am already planning a stint of P1 after the holidays. That way, I won't be super stressed the whole time.

    Thinking and praying for you today, Ruth Ann! Take care of yourself and rest, rest, rest!
  • Popping in to wish Ruth Ann good luck today. I know we're all thinking of you!
  • Hello everyone!

    Waiting to hear how it all went Ruth Ann!

    Liana: I'm not a breakfast eater either but since going into maintenance have definately tried to eat something in the morning or I am starving later. And I seem to have moved from not being hungry in the morning to needing something now. My goal is to not eat after supper. I notice a big difference in how I feel the next day. So, that is what I try to do most days.

    We are having beautiful fall weather right now. Its so warm! Better than the shock of snow which we got last week. I am having a good week with my eating and feeling in control. Because of tummy issues, I've decided to go off of dairy, coffee and sugar completely and can't believe the difference in how I feel already. I will try this for the next few weeks then try and introduce coffee again. I am missing that cup in the morning that helps to wake me up! Have a great day all!
  • Hawaii, I am jealous, because my feet are freezing right now. Warm weather is expected back for the weekend. Yay!

    Eve, I really appreciate your positive attitude.

    Hi Liana, I am working on the breakfast thing too. Weekends are fine, but breakfast just comes too early for my body during the work week. Have mainly been eating a bar.

    Sending healing vibes Ruth Ann's way.
  • Morning,

    Hugs to you Ruth Ann

    Liana, your home sounds lovely but yrs definitely more tempting having everything all on one level. You have got the ratio figured out well for the meals. I look forward to getting there in time and as I get to know my body more.

    Hawaii - I couldn't believe all the snow out west last week. Enjoy the warmer weather. I'm glad you are feeling better. My natural path is big on being dairy and sugar free. I'm switching to the 40cal almond milk but don't want to give up yog. There is coconut yogurt which I give to my daughter. Tastes ok.

    Evemoma - you had found a great way to work P4 that makes sense for you, eating a bar for dinner if you work late is a great idea. It's good to hear that appetites aren't growing with the re introduction of food. I haven't food that either with P3.

    Chipndip, is today the day you start P2?

    Have a great Thursday, just looked at clock at I'm going to be late getting kids off to school which will make me late for son still sleeping
  • Oh no Jenny! I TOTALLY get losing track of time in the morning. I'm glad you are getting a hang of P3....just in time for P4 it seemed to me, lol!

    Praying for you, RuthAnn!

    Slipfree....hopefully you're not too cold! We enjoyed a very mild summer and are having a BEAUTIFUL fall so far....we often rocket back and forth between downright hot and then cold with not a lot in between. We don't know what to do not having to run the A/C OR heat!

    Hawaii....good luck with your diet change! I am paying close attention to my own tummy issues as I add food back in. So far, sugar alcohols seem to be the only problematic thing. Just have to finish up this box of protein bars and then NO MORE!

    Liana.....Whenever I read your username I say "Canada Ninja" to myself, lol! Do tell, us about your username!!!!!

    Had a much more balanced P4 day yesterday. Last night, I planned my entire day for today out on MyFitnessPal. I think I need to do that daily right now until I am a little more experienced. I haven't found that I cheat when I don't have a plan, but I get lazy and just want to grab a protein shake or bar instead. I have been reading the old "maintainers what are you eating today?" threads (had a break in between clients at work yesterday)....just to give myself more ideas for meals.

    I find that I sometimes feel perplexed as to how to make it all work. Odd, since I feel like I got pretty good at P1/P2. I find that I often make one dish: salad, sautee, omelet. Some of that is time limitations. I also find that I am often skipping my dinner carb because I'm just too tired to make an extra dish. I planned to make an asian stir fry tonight with a little rice, so we'll see if the rice actually gets in there!

    I have gotten out of the habit of having cleaned veggies in my fridge, so I know I need to kick that back into gear to decrease my prep times. As the weather gets cooler, I want to look at some soup and chili meals that are on-plan. Or, should I say, on-MY-plan!
  • Hey Jenny - yes, P2 starts today!!

    Evemomma - you must not know how all us Canadjins talk, eh? That would be a bit of a French accent in the works too!

    We have quite the group of CDN folk on the maintainers thread now. Gonna be awfully cold this winter for Jenny and I without the extra insulation. Liana are you in the Lower Mainland or do you get snow?

    Sitting in a meeting already planning my P3 breakfast. I can eat in the morning but making the extra time will be my challenge

    My coach gave me all old sheets this morning! So glad I have 3FC to keep me up to date.
  • Quote: Hey Jenny - yes, P2 starts today!!

    Evemomma - you must not know how all us Canadjins talk, eh? That would be a bit of a French accent in the works too!

    We have quite the group of CDN folk on the maintainers thread now. Gonna be awfully cold this winter for Jenny and I without the extra insulation. Liana are you in the Lower Mainland or do you get snow?

    Sitting in a meeting already planning my P3 breakfast. I can eat in the morning but making the extra time will be my challenge

    My coach gave me all old sheets this morning! So glad I have 3FC to keep me up to date.
    OK....I get it! It was the "eh" at the end that threw me off! My hubby's best friend married and moved to Alberta (Lethbridge, near Calgary)....but we haven't been up that way in YEARS!

    I am already finding myself cold even with mild temps. I need to make sure I find a fall jacket and winter coat quickly! We have pretty mild winters here (I'm originally from northern Indiana and went to college in Northern Ohio very close to Michigan/Ontario). Last winter was very cold for lower midwest standards, and they kept cancelling school for cold temps (which is crazy because we ALWAYS went to school where I'm from)....they finally toughened up toward the end of winter and stopped cancelling school! I got rid of all my wool sweaters when we moved down here...may need to find a few again!
  • Morning, gals! Yes, Chip said it, I'm Canadjin, eh? Like saying Tronna when talking about Toronto, or Calgry when meaning Calgary,
    I live in the South Central part of BC - the Okanagan. Heheh, famous for ski resorts, and boating on huge warm lakes. Oh, and world award winning wineries.

    DH and I went to see 'The Hundred Foot Journey" with Helen Mirrin in it, last night. What a great show, all the actors were awesome and the cinematography was stupendous. The French countryside, Paris, the restaurant kitchen and food shots. Bring a good snack with you to this one. I was drooling for good Indian and French cuisine during the show.

    A "big Hi!" to Ruth Ann, whenever she gets to read the boards

  • Hello there everyone!
    Slip: I hope you get those feet warmed up! I hate cold feet! hee hee