Two-teens Into One-derland, a Land of Wonder!

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  • Happy New Year Friends!

    I can't believe it's the start of a new year that I am not starting with an impossible goal!

    TooWicky - a large? Shut the front door!! That's awesome. You are doing so great.

    So, for the first time ever I didn't meet a goal that I put in my sig here. I have been resting on my laurels a bit, taking comfort in the fact that I've lost a significant amount and allowing for a little bit more treats here and there - dare I say cheating. This isn't going well for me. I was 198 this morning, up again and certainly not the 195 I promised myself by today. I have to get my mindset in the right place again, and I will.

    I think I'll look for that thread with the vday challenge and set a new goal. I know I can do it, because I've already come this far, but I need to get back in that frame of mind.
  • TooWicky - a large is amazing! I was happy when I started wearing my husband's xl to workout in. Have to admit, it still gives me a thrill

    Llilth - you are doing really well, good job getting back on track (yay it's a new year) and I love to see the improvements in your A1c - I'm due to go in and have blood work and I'm a bit nervous
  • I kept my calories way under yesterday and I was 195 this morning! Maybe I was just retaining a bunch of water. I need to drink more water and less booze LOL.

    Well done Llilith, you met your new year challenge of 195!! Congratz!! And I love your new ticker - Hawaii - sooo jealous!!

    A Large TooWicky - amazing!! I know what you mean about having to think of what suits me now, I want to edge away from tents and into more flattering clothes but don't want to look like I'm trying too hard and trying to relive my youth either - such a balancing act!!

    Dipped down to 201.7 yesterday...hoping to be 200ish by Monday. I'm also in a January fitness challenge and I'm aiming to do exercise every day this month - I've got 2 days out of 2 so far as I went for a workout yesterday evening and then today I had a Pilates class and cycled for 20 mins too.
  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm still here- it's still far too quiet further down soI am sure it won't be long before some more of you gals are down in the 190's partying. So many happy tickers; so many NSV's.

    I've stagnated now for a few bit, and also hurt my knee running. On New Year's Eve I signed up to do a 10km road run in May. I must be insane. So I have some serious knee strengthening to do to be ready to pound the asphalt. I can run 1km no problem, just need to pace myself for the other 9.

    Today at the gym an elderly lady whom I first saw on the first day I was there, some 40kg ago, actually spoke to me to congratulate me. She spoke Finnish and I had to explain in my very bad broken Finnish that I really appreciated her saying something. Finns do not normally speak to anyone else, particularly of a different generation so I was really humbled by this.
  • CrazyCatWoman, that elderly lady must have been so moved by your progress to say something!! That's wonderful! I don't do much traveling, but I have heard that the way we, in the United States, make small talk with strangers is just not done at all in a lot of other countries. Also I have heard that Nordic people really value personal space. Is this true? How utterly meaningful that she felt compelled to approach you!! Sorry to hear about your knee. I probably couldn't run to the end of my street, much less a 10k. Keep us posted on how your training is going.

    Llilith, more water, less booze, is that any way to live, lolol? The things we do for good health! Gratz on 195 I've had a case of the sloppies as far as dieting the last entire month it seems. The last two days have been more disciplined because the Valentine's Day challenge thread I'm on is also a daily accountability thread. We are all posting our daily meals and what we ate. Everyone else has all these fresh, delicious, homemade meals and my diet is more akin to prepackaged foodstuffs. I HAD TO POST THAT I ATE A SMUCKER'S UNCRUSTABLE for one of my meals, lol, the shame!!

    I aggressively went through my closet yesterday and separated out the clothing that does not fit anymore. Most of my old tops are 3Xs. I think it's time to break up with them and take them to consignment, etc. What are you guys doing with your old clothing?
  • Hey all! Good to see lots of you in other threads as well. Whew! Participating in 3FC is becoming a full-time job! Well, I'm posting calories consumed, weight, and exercise in other threads, so that leaves whining and boasting for this thread, I guess! I'll try to keep the whining to a minimum, but at the rate I'm losing, I could just cry.

    I've had a super great two day streak going. Low calories and Exorcise!!
  • SeeMyFeet whining and boasting are great - bring it on.

    TooWicky - all my XXXXXXXXL's are in a bin bag or three. I've turned a few of the soft jumpers into cat beds but do finally feel able to dispose of a few things, probably to a textile recycling centre.
    And what you have heard is right - Finns are famous for being fluently silent in 3 different languages. Small talk is extremely unusual - which has been wonderful as I have tried to zone out in my own silence at the gym! And personal space is important too - usually standing 2m away in a queue is the norm. Any closer and it'd be interpreted as a marriage proposal or perhaps assault.

    Okay, I've just had a gluttonous experience wit some homemade marzipan which now has been consumed so cannot call to me anymore. Now, heads down for the final 10kg drop. I CAN do this,I CAN.
  • BuffieLynn - congratulations to your youngest daughter. I know that sounds silly but I've always thought our lives as women might be different (better!) if we looked upon that entry into womanhood as something to celebrate instead of a curse.

    lotsakids - Yay, so happy for your 200.8! I was excited too, when I fit into hubby's shirts. :-) He thinks it's sexy so that's a win win.

    jennybutler357 - Yay for your 201.7! You did a pilates class? I never have done one, but I do beginners mindful yoga at a studio nearby. I wonder if it's similar.

    CrazyCatWoman - I'm sorry about your knee. WOW 10k!! That's crazy cool. And I think it was so great that the elderly lady made a point of saying something to you - even cooler since you explained how Finns don't speak to others much. I had no idea - I bet my hubby wishes I was Finnish sometimes LOL.

    TooWicky - but I love my booze! ah yes all things in moderation. I did not moderate on NY Eve. There was tequila involved and it was FUN. yes, it is time to break up with those clothes! I donated mine to the good will. I wanted to donate them to a women's shelter but the ones I called around me didn't accept clothing.

    SeeMyFeet - yay for your two day streak. And you resisted the mashed potatoes. My poor family. There are some things I just don't make now because I can't eat them and they are too tempting. But my hubby is losing weight too, by default now because I've been cooking healthier.
  • Llilith- I agree on the celebration part, becoming a woman is a joyous event. She actually was a bit excited and not upset at all.

    I love reading a of these posts, it is so reaffirming. I wasn't going to confess "out loud" but I had a serious affair with some candied pecans I made last week. And I am paying for it... No loss. But, like many I am determined to move forward.

    Thanks ladies for the encouragement and support as you share.
  • 194.6 today. That is my first peek at 194, woohoo. 1087 Calories yesterday, and a 10 minute walk. (I had started posting daily calorie amount in another thread, but I will only realistically keep up with one thread - so I'm going to start putting accountability stuff here. Calories/exercise each day so that I am at least fessing up somewhere.

    BuffieLynn - damn those candied pecans anyway! I LOVE those. Its probably good that you had some, if you are like me at all. If I feel like something is totally off limits, I will kind of obsess until I have some, then eat too many or eat a whole bunch of something else. Having a little of what I want helps me keep the obsession at bay. I could never do this if I had to think, oh I can NEVER have that.

    Is anyone else watching My 600 Pound Life on TLC? The new seasons starts this month, and they are running past episodes now. How inspiring. If those people who have 500+ pounds to lose can do this, I sure can - and so can everyone else who sets their mind to it. It is so dramatic to see their bodies transform and then to see the surgery they go thru after their loss. The one I watched last night had a man who had over 40 pounds of skin removed in one surgery, he had two so I'm not sure the total weight but jeez! All I kept thinking was that it's tragic that it got this out of control. But this guy got his life back and married the love of his life. It was awesome.
  • Ha Lilleth--I'm subscribed to seven threads!! We'll see how long I can keep this up!! I'll have to tell ya'll about my NY resolution someday---let's see if I can keep it first!!!

    I can't have "a little" of anything. Even a pinch will put on 5 lb!! All or nothing works better for me. Did I say "all"? I meant (eating) nothing works for me!

    I'm doin' good, ladeees!! Keeping calories low and picking up a little exorcise--with some pilates--I'm gonna look for some yoga videos at some point. Still chasing my ticker!'s the last slow friday and relaxing weekend before all H**L breaks loose at work. And it lasts a good 8/9 months. Sigh. During all that time last year, I only lost about 8 lbs. I reckon the stress got to me. My plan is to work on organization over the weekend so that everything gets done and nothing falls through the cracks. I'm working on an "invincible" frame of mind so that I don't fall into that "world is on my shoulders" trap.....But I can do it all this year, laaadees! Bring home the bacon. Duh NUH Nu Nuh. Fry it up in the pan. Duh NUH Nu Nuh.
  • SEVEN threads, SeeMyFeet - wow! That is dedication.

    I've moved the wrong way on the scales so have decided to weigh out everything and religiously calorie count for a while to get back on track.

    I also have to report a significant departure in my life. Ladies, I have - apparently, according to a good friend - lost my fat a*se! I had not noticed this myself until the jeans I laughed at in the shop fitted. There will be no grieving for this loss, just one humdinger of a celebration!

    And in memoriam, I post the first public photo of me (which I'll remove after a while). One side shows me about 15kg down on my start weight 6 months ago, and the other shows me today. If this food binging sugar addict can do this, then anyone can!


  • Wow CrazyCatWoman!! You are looking so slim, I am so impressed! There's something that really hits home when you see these comparison photos isn't there?! Congrats on your recent significant departure, lololol!!!!

    SeeMyFeet - seven threads!! That IS a full time job, especialy if you're logging weights and calories and food every day! What is your job by the way, 8/9 months of stress sounds tough! I hope it's less stressful for you this year!

    Llilith - well done at seeing your way past 195, I feel like I've been left behind a bit, but this is the determination I need to be in onderland for good!! I've been doing pilates since the start actually, it's quite like yoga but more focused on the core and I can feel the muscles in the lower abs working when I think most exercises can't really get to them. It strengthens the old pelvic floor muscles too which is great as I don't want to think of the consequences of having weak ones...!

    BuffieLynn - I hear you and the serious affair (lol) with the candied pecans, I was all over these chocolate covered macadamia nuts at Christmas, so so bad for me but so so good for my taste buds!

    TooWicky - I had a big clear out before Christmas and ruthlessly gave away a lot of old clothes that don't fit anymore, I shared them out between a few different charities - well, they could be used as bedding for homeless shelters or something if they're too big and/or unfashionable for anyone to actually wear!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • I saw a one on the scale yesterday, 199.8 but a one none the less. I was an even 200 this morning so I haven't graduated yet!!

    I am 54 years old and the last time I saw a 1 (ever so briefly I might add) was when I was 20 and on prescribed diet pills.