30-somethings March Chat

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  • Anyone planning on watching Jamie Oliver's new show Food Revolution about the nutritionally crappy food that schools are serving the kids. Jamie is trying to plant a seed of change to get America healthy.
  • MelO thanks for the encouragement! I've worked my patooty off this year to get to where I am. I'm on the big slow down, and I still don't know if I'm going to be happy with my goal weight or if I'm going to have to go lower. We'll see when I get there. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the encouragement and advice other than "why don't you join weight watchers?" LOL! You're kickin tail yourself, and from your pic you already look amazing. Someday I'll get brave and post a picture... I really hate cameras.

    Jenn I'm intrigued by the show concept, but I never seem to be in the right time or place to see anything, so I end up doing a lot of hulu. Are you going to watch?
  • Hi guys - thanks for the support re: the diet pill offer. I know that she was just trying to be helpful because we both have PCOS and had talked in the past about wanting to lose weight. I was just hoping that she'd notice since I was out without my bulky coat. And also, she has lost 30 pounds in the time it's taken me to lose 20, so I started questioning my methods and wondering if I should rethink my plan. Self-doubt is now gone. If I can do this without a prescription, then I'm going to do it! I can't take a prescription for the rest of my life, but I can maintain calorie counting and changing my eating habits.

    Another NSV - I went shopping at the mall, and there was a pizza delivery guy in Macy's, and wow, did the pizza smell wonderful, but I did not tackle him and take the pizza! Score one for me! I wouldn't really have done it, but I would have at least considered it before
  • Well, when I go off program, I jump with both feet. No slight slide here. I'm afraid to even go near my scale, but I will do it when I wake up tomorrow. I already have a plan set to get back on track. Sometimes I just don't know what's wrong with me. I don't like being this big, I know what to do to change it, but I just don't do it. What is my problem?!?!!?! Seriously.

    I've been good so far today, but it's only 1pm where I am. But hey, baby steps!
  • Wifey WOW... 60 minutes?!?! Thats good! I need to get my butt moving.

    BeachBreeze Wondering how you are feeling now? Any better??

    kuchick WTG on the inches lost! And on not assaulting that woman.

    MisfitRycher I can't wait until my cravings take a hike! Nice!

    AFChick Good job on the dress! I would love to be a 12 on top OR bottom at this point! LOL

    MelO Thanks! I *almost* weighed this morning... but I caught myself.
    Caro0811 Welcome!

    Silverstar I have people like that too. This very morning a 'friend' told me to not worry about counting calories... to make 'better' choices. WHAT?!?! I seriously doubt diving off the deep end and abandonning my plan is absolutely going to get me results... Whatever! LOL

    Violin Jenn I saw previews for that... ought to be interesting.

    dandimae Its ok. Just get on the scale, pull your plan back out and take those baby steps.

    You can do this!!

    And me: Had a serious moment with myself this morning. I think its time for more changes and an attitude adjustment. I know what to do--but am resisting change. I am my own worst enemy. LOL
  • Morning all!

    kuchick you crack me up!

    dandimae I'm sure you'll jump back in with both feet, too! Way to get back on track!

    parkedout I think most of us are our own worst enemy. Hang in there!

    So, got into it real bad with my husband yesterday. He was online and came across a chart of celebrities heights and weights, then had the nerve of asking why I haven't set my goal lower. I went off about how I will *never* have Gwenyth Paltrow's body and making that my goal will only lead to disappointment. I don't have hours and hours and personal trainers and chefs and I don't have millions of dollars to throw at it and I wasn't born with an uncommon body type. Anyway, still kind of stung.

    On a positive note, it looks like I really didn't gain over my trip last week, and for the past two days have been in the 140s! Let's hope it stays that way for Friday's weigh in!
  • Thanks for the welcome, parkedout! I've struggling with myself too.

    dandimae I've been way off plan on the weekends lately, but I get back on track on Monday and things turn around. I even lost 1-2lbs. Hang in there and get back on track. You'll make it!

    Silverstar don't let your DB's husband's comments get you down. Sometimes (ok most of the time...lol) they say things without thinking. Congrats on not gaining weight over your trip. I'm dreading that in June for my vacation.

    I've been doing ok with my plan but I'm getting kind of bored. I think I'm jinxing myself, I keep thinking that I'm going to stop losing weight. But I know that I'm in control of that and I can keep losing if I keep going. That's just my battle right now.
  • Oh I forgot to mention! I ended the argument telling hubby once he gets Brad Pitts body, he can talk to me about getting my body to look like Gwenyth Paltrow's! That shut him up!
  • lol...you go girl! Hey but you're doing pretty good...I bet you'll have a better body than Gwenyth soon enough!
  • What a weekend. I am glad it's over.

    I am so stressed with my FIL being sick, my MIL is nutso, DH is trying to deal with it but it's boiling over into my household. Then there's my stupid brother, ugh... I wish they would throw the key away and never let him out. All he does is mooch off mom and dad and cause heartache. DD is heart broken because she can't talk to her cousins. It just a huge mess. Last night I tried to talk to DH and he said I was getting his nerves tore up. OMG! Thank goodness I have my sis to talk to otherwise I might explode like a volcano.

    I am sure the stress of this week has affected my weight loss. I thought I did so well.

    .4 is still .4 and it's better than gaining, right?
  • squeak I'm sorry to hear you're going through all that! And yes, a loss of .4 lbs is a victory! Between your injury and the stress, I think that's a tremendous accomplishment!
  • I am doing a lot better today. I spent some of my weekend on flexeril which kept me pretty loopy. I thought it was probably best to stay off the computer! LOL! The pain is much better now. Advil gets rid of all of it.

    I had my interview Sat a.m. and it went really, really well! I am excited to get started. I know it will be a slow process, but that’s okay. I could go on and on about this decision, but suffice it to say that it’s a much better personality fit for me. I am feeling much less stressed now that I have some decisions made. The “doing” part is never as difficult for me as the “not knowing” part. Once I have a plan, I’m all set. I am back to shiny happy, me! LOL!

    I am down 1lb this week. I am happy about that. I am hoping for more of a whoosh at some point, but will take any loss I can get!!

    Silverstar – What do you do in insurance? I work in life and health, specifically with employer based benefits for a broker. Not to get political (I try really hard not to on this board), but health reform has me scared to death. I need a career change! LOL on celebrity comparisons! It’s funny how when you turn that around the room gets quiet, huh?

    AFChick – You’ll look awesome in that dress, I am sure of it!! We are not all “off the rack” models. Real women are built with more here and less there. I am a size 14/16 on top, but 18 on bottom and I have a small waist (for my hip size) also. Rock out that dress!

    Mel - Thanks for the hugs, Mel! You’re the best! I have thought about a calorie burner. I need to fit into my priority budget. Right now, I am using fitday. I know walking can be great exercise. I have my stationary bike also. I just can’t do the impact aerobics or exercise. I will still get there!

    Parked – Thanks for asking! You’ll be roaring and whooshing in no time! I think we all need those periodic self conversations. It keeps us focused on what we want.

    Squeak – Family stress is the worst!! Try to keep a part of yourself out of it. Hang in there!

    Mollie – Doing measurements is a great idea! I will do that for the next 12 weeks. I will have my camera out next week, so I can take a picture of myself and compare it to some taken around Christmas time. I will post those when I can. Thanks for doing the next BL!
  • I may have ditched the sugar... But I can't seem to ditch the chocolate! Fortunately for me, today is the first day I've bought myself chocolate since I bought myself those new shoes. And I chose the Coffee Crisp mini-bites. You know... The ones where you can just pop 3 or 4 in your mouth and chew away? Yeah. Those ones. 14 of them are a moderately nice 160 calories and there's a whole bag full sitting at my left elbow. Good thing I only eat them one at a time!!!

    I had to NOT take my doctor's advice with the naprosyn over the last week... You're not supposed to take that stuff within 24 hours of taking Toradol and I was popping Toradol like nobody's business last week due to TOM! Tomorrow I start the Naproxen regimen for the inflammation in my knee... Twice a day for 14 days. Hopefully I can find out if any of my health insurance covers physio by the end of it...

    AND I'm going to start doing sit-ups every day, ALSO starting tomorrow! Nothing over the top, just 5 slow curls once a day and we'll go from there. Also considering adding 5 double leg lifts after my sit-ups to help skinny-fy my thighs. They're kinda chubby at the moment.

    Squeak... OMG *huge hugs for you* Hubby is so stressed out he doesn't mean to hurt your feelings. BeachBreeze has it right... Keep a part of yourself out of it so you can stay grounded and stay strong. And, yes, .4 is a victory even under those circumstances. You can do this!
  • Silverstar Thats so awesome that you didn't gain any! I have a trip coming up in three weeks--to Georgia(which is ten lovely hours in the car--since DH is afraid to fly) and I am already planning on how I can stay on plan.

    Caro0 The head games we play with ourselves are a real PITA, huh? I frequently doubt myself--even if the scale is moving!! Imagine what a pain I am when it stalls! Ugh... Just keep going.

    Awww!! I am so sorry your weekend was rough!

    BeachBreeze I am glad you are feeling better. I haven't measured since I started my journey back in January... I wonder what mine will look like??

    MisfitRycher Those situps and leg lifts quickly add up! Before bed I try to get some leg lifts done and when I started I was just doing 10 of each move, per leg(three different moves)-- now I can do thirty on each(which is 90 per leg!) and I can do 45 crunches. I am trying to add in some wall pushups and eventually be able to do real ones! Good Luck!!

    I am on target so far today. Exercise and water are on my brain this week...
  • DH and I are celebrating our 15 year anniversary this year. We are going to go to NYC in August. Woot! Usually when we're on vacation I won't let people take pics of me. This ought to be the first time where I am in the pics more than taking them.

    Squeak, family can be so yucky. It would be nice if we got to make informed decisions as to who we will be related to. I don't think men are wired to deal with drama very well. You caould always vent on here too.

    BeachB, congratulations on your interveiw! How exciting to be beginning a new chapter in your life.

    Silver, Gwenyth Paltrowe, although I'm sure she is a very nice person, is a little too thin.

    Caro, I'm bored a little too. I keep switching things up to try and keep it interesting. I wonder if it's some psycological thing after getting into the 100's?

    Jenn, we came across that show and I watched it because of your post. It was so cute how much he cared about making sure those kids eat healthy. He was practically begging them to let him come back and work in their cafeteria. He's a cutie. My DD's told me that the school district here has banned all fried foods and reduced salt/sugar. None of my kids go to the distirct schools, but that's cool.

    I am SUPER excited for this next 12 weeks. I wrote it down on my calendar and the 12 weeks puts us into June. My goal is to be into the 160's by the end of this. It has been 16 years since I have been in the 160's. My DH has never even seen me that small. Crazy!!! It's gonna be a good summer!