"Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- Over and over till it's a habit!

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  • I am back
    I was on a little mini vacation for 3 days on Isla Mujeres Mexico. Did not count the calories but I did walk a lot.
    I weigh the same this morning so that is not too bad!
    New start
    <1500 calories, 1 pause
    >5000 steps, no pause

    Red balloon, I hope life will smile at you very soon!
  • diyana -- oh, didn't I write that in the rules? I was sure I had. The "doctor stop" (as it is called in Japan) is a very special case. It is the ONLY time one is allowed to hit the pause button on your challenge. Even illness does not count because illness can too often be brought on by poor habits. A doctor's order to not exercise or not eat something cannot be helped.

    Also, the days missed do NOT even have to be taken as pauses. You just pick up where you left off as if nothing had happened.

    Welcome back, immunized, and thank you!
  • Hi everyone -

    The back is doing a little better today. I have a migraine though, which sucks. So since DH is working, I'm just doing laundry, a little website work, and relaxing and watching the Olympics.

    Journal everything AND count WW points - 0 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 11 completed
    64 ounces of water - 0 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 11 completed
    Stay within WW points - 2 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 11 completed
    45 min. of cardio - 3 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 9 completed
    5 servings of fruits and veg - 1 pause taken - 2 pauses left - Round 2 - Day 9 completed
    50 crunches - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Round 2 - Day 7 completed
    1 minute of planks - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Day 7 completed
    No sugar (Splenda and diet soda is okay) - 1 pause allowed - Day 3 completed
  • Hi everyone -

    My back is stiff and sore again this morning but the migraine is gone! Yay! Hopefully my back will feel better in time for Zumba tonight. I think my body is going into endorphine withdrawals.

    Journal everything AND count WW points - 0 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 12 completed
    64 ounces of water - 0 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 12 completed
    Stay within WW points - 2 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 12 completed
    45 min. of cardio - 3 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 9 completed
    5 servings of fruits and veg - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Round 2 - Day 9 completed
    50 crunches - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Round 2 - Day 7 completed
    1 minute of planks - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Day 7 completed
    No sugar (Splenda and diet soda is okay) - 1 pause taken - 0 pauses left - Day 3 completed
  • Things have been absolutely crazy with me over the past few days. I have lost all semblance of my challenges and will just have to try to get back on track...in the near future, I hope.

    diyana, I hope you're feeling better. Good work on your challenges that are not on "doctor stop." Get well soon.
  • Red - Hang in there, girlfriend! You will get through this rough time.

    Move and Immunized - Hope you're doing great!

    My back is doing a little better, but the migraine is back. I've got meetings after work tonight, but I'm hoping to get back to the gym or Wii Fit tomorrow.

    Journal everything AND count WW points - 0 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 13 completed
    64 ounces of water - 0 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 13 completed
    Stay within WW points - 2 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 13 completed
    45 min. of cardio - 3 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 9 completed
    5 servings of fruits and veg - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Round 2 - Day 10 completed
    50 crunches - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Round 2 - Day 7 completed
    1 minute of planks - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Day 7 completed
    No sugar (Splenda and diet soda is okay) - 1 pause taken - 0 pauses left - Day 4 completed
  • Will really try to think of doable challenges today...
    Wishing you wellness, diyana! Good work on the challenges!
  • The migraine is GONE! And my back is doing lots better! I'm looking forward to doing the Wii Fit, and at least some crunches and/or planks tonight! Tomorrow is Zumba!

    Journal everything AND count WW points - 0 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 14 completed
    64 ounces of water - 0 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 14 completed
    Stay within WW points - 2 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 14 completed
    45 min. of cardio - 3 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 9 completed
    5 servings of fruits and veg - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Round 2 - Day 11 completed
    50 crunches - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Round 2 - Day 7 completed
    1 minute of planks - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Day 7 completed
    No sugar (Splenda and diet soda is okay) - 1 pause taken - 0 pauses left - Day 5 completed
  • New Challenges!!!!
    I have reached a point of self-disgust again, or shall I say, a point where I am just tired of not doing anything. Yes, I have had LOTS of excuses and the latest one came in the form of an injured cat last night. Came home and there was that stray inside again and he was in very bad shape. So weak that he couldn't run away this time, so I put him in the shower room with a heater and expected him to be dead in a few hours. But, he is still breathing and his breathing seems a bit deeper. Will see if he improves. I think taking him to the vet at this late point may actually work against things. If he can get rest in a warm place, he may do better.

    So, yes, the point of action again. My body, my room, my sense of self-pride are all in the pits, totally and I look absolutely awful again.

    This is the point where everything seems like to too much and I forget about the power of small steps, CONSISTENT STEPS.

    So, I will try something and take the pressure off myself by setting goals that are definitely doable, no matter what comes up.

    Here goes:

    CALORIE CHALLENGE -- Calories kept under 2000 -- Day 0 completed 0 pauses taken

    CRUNCH CHALLENGE -- The usual routine. The idea here is just to get in the habit again -- Day 0 completed 0 pauses taken

    CLUTTER CHALLENGE -- A bag or box of junk or otherwise OUT of my room EVERY day. Day 0 completed 0 pauses taken

    CLEANING CHALLENGE -- Clean some area of my room, no matter how small an area that may be. It's the mental habit I'm after. Day 0 completed 0 pauses taken.

    Must keep a log for ALL challenges!!

    I think the calorie challenge will be the hardest by far.


    diyana -- So glad to hear you're better. But don't you think Zumba so soon after a layoff is a bit much?

  • Red - NO self-disgust ALLOWED! Therefore, I'm glad you clarified. Sometimes LIFE happens and gets in the way of our goals and challenges. It sucks, but it's the truth. Did I expect that after my shot, I'd miss nearly an entire week of exercising? No. But now that I'm doing better...I can continue on track. You've had SOOO much stress, hardship and sadness in your life lately. Be kind to yourself. Talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend, or to me, if I were going through similar circumstances. I remember when both my parents were terminally ill, the 3FC ladies and my other friends didn't berate me for eating off program or skipping exercise. They were kind to me and knew that I would do the best I could at the moment, even if I did fall back into old coping mechanisms, and when I could, I would again pursue my goals. I know you WILL get through this! And you WILL get back on track with your eating and exercising, and no booze or cigs. For now, just do the best you can. Even if it's not every day. Allow yourself a few extra "pauses". Be kind to yourself. As for the kitty...you are such a loving, caring, compassionate person. You can take great pride in that. And judging from the photos you've posted....you DO NOT look AWFUL! I'm glad you set yourself up with reasonable challenges. I really like your clutter and cleaning challenges. I should probably add a clutter and cleaning challenge to mine, but my list is long enough right now. Hang in there, my friend.

    Move, Immunized and Shad - Hope you all are doing well!

    I did a little bit of Wii Fit, some crunches and one plank. Not enough to add another day to my challenges...but hopefully enough to get my body ready for Zumba and Strength Training tonight. As for Zumba being too much....maybe, but I'm frankly more worried about the strength training. I've been doing some Zumba moves around the house (slower paced obviously, and not for 1/2 hour straight), and they seem okay. I really need to focus on core strengthening and several of the Zumba dances engage the abs. I have promised myself to listen to my body and not let my back even get "twingey". Thanks for your concern!

    Journal everything AND count WW points - 0 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 15 completed
    64 ounces of water - 0 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 15 completed
    Stay within WW points - 2 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 15 completed
    45 min. of cardio - 3 pauses allowed - Round 2 - Day 9 completed
    5 servings of fruits and veg - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Round 2 - Day 12 completed
    50 crunches - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Round 2 - Day 7 completed
    1 minute of planks - 2 pauses taken - 1 pause left - Day 7 completed
    No sugar (Splenda and diet soda is okay) - 1 pause taken - 0 pauses left - Day 6 completed
  • Hello everybody. Just popping in to say hi.

    Thank you Diyana for making sure I didn't give up on everything and disappear from here.

    My chanllenges were a bust so I'll be starting over tomorrow.

    Will catch up on the reading here and be back again next week.

    Y'all take care of yourselves and enjoy the weekend.
  • life goes on....
    Bu-chan is gone. Last night was pretty bad. He was gasping for air and crying.
    I talked to him though I doubt he could hear, stroked his side and told him not to be afraid, that he was going to be with Shachi and Mu (he knew them both) and that it would be a good place. Then I got angry with whatever powers that be and implored them to "just take him!" he had suffered so much.
    They took him. I hope he is in a better place. He had friends here. The fish shop fed him every day sharp at 6 after my Momo-chan showed him where to go. The two of them would sit there waiting and they got very good things to eat. The fish shop people love cats (and they feed the birds too!) and were really sweet. And Bu (that's the name the fish people gave him) would come into my room to eat, though he would race away like crazy when I came home.
    Feral and yet knowing there were people who did care. At least he had that.

    Earlier in the day I had taken him to a very kind vet I know. He is far away but a friend took me there in her van. The vet wanted to help when I told him the situation but when he examined the cat he said he was beyond help, that he looked to have been hit by a car and his head was smashed in a bit on one side. He really tried to see if he could help, but the extent of the damage was too great. I asked if we could have helped if I could have caught Bu earlier, but the vet said no, and that now he was very near death. He said he would put him down but would rather not. I wanted to respect that. I know how hard it is (I can't do it) and this vet is so kind and the animals I have brought him, some feral, some in extreme pain, put up no resistance with him. It's amazing. They just seem to know this is a man they can trust. I didn't want him to have to put the cat down. He said he wasn't in pain anymore, probably couldn't really feel anything. So, I took him home and waited for him to die.

    So, that's that. Lots of tears. I've been through this a lot, but it never gets better, just shorter is the grief. The tears are necessary, as much for myself, as for them.

    So, sorry to be full of happy things to write about this morning.

    CALORIE CHALLENGE -- Calories kept under 2000 -- Day 1 completed 0 pauses taken

    -- The usual routine. The idea here is just to get in the habit again -- Day 1 completed 0 pauses taken

    CLUTTER CHALLENGE -- A bag or box of junk or otherwise OUT of my room EVERY day. Day 1 completed 0 pauses taken

    CLEANING CHALLENGE -- Clean some area of my room, no matter how small an area that may be. It's the mental habit I'm after. Day 1 completed 0 pauses taken.

    I'm not really sure of the exact calories yesterday. I haven't added them up. But I did write everything down and I did hold off. I think I'm clear and I want to recognize that effort amid all the hardship. It was, in that respect, a successful day and this morning when I woke up and the flood of grim reality greeted me yet again, I actually felt that one little bit there in the middle of all the crap, that one little gem to be proud of, I had kept my calories down. I HAD accomplished something yesterday, something that was, for me and in light of the situation, good enough, I'll say, for the medals stand!


    diyana -- Thank you for your very sweet and understanding message. Yes, life gets in the way. I am OK as far as taking care of myself. I have been through this so many times. I have had so many animals and many, like Bu-chan (chan is a Japanese diminutive ending that denotes affection...so, like Michelle-chan...pronounced with the "a" as in the "o" in "honesty."....can't miss the Japanese lesson)...many like Bu-chan came to me in dire shape and there was nothing to really do but be with them until they died, trying to help, but often not being able to do more than that. Maybe that is what they are looking for, just somewhere they can die easy. I don't know.

    This kind of end though may be the hardest, the waiting and watching and hoping that though they look to be in pain, they are not. Who knows.

    Yes, I do look awful, in comparison to even how I looked in December. Then, when I went to Hong Kong, I remember being actually proud of how I looked in the mirror, though I still was a bit chunky, I was muscular and pretty tight. Now, that has all fallen earthward, in large part due to not being able to ride. God, that kills me. Let's hope I can get things back on track and that I will come back stronger and more determined than before all this, determined to do the things that make me proud of myself, determined to do the things done in definance of "life" and its quirky turns of fate. I think of Scarlett O'Hara crumpled before the door of her burned-out mansion as she pounds her fist and declares she will not be defeated.

    You are definitely getting back on track and ready for good things as well, I feel. Take it easy and play it smart. Good luck!

  • Red,
    My thoughts are with you - is that two that have passed just recently or was that 3? You sure are having a time of it. I do not understand the reluctance of the vets to put an end the suffering. It's beyond me. Here they will tell you the bad news and the decision is yours to do it now or take the animal home. Generally I take the animal home so we can say goodbye in familiar surroundings and then it is back down to the vet. Often the vet will request that you bring him in mid afternoon when there are no other people around (surgery time) and it doesn't upset his clients apart from me of course.

    It's been a hard time for you. I certainly hope you get a break shortly. You deserve it.
  • Shad, very nice of you to pop in. Yes, it's been hard. That's two cats in less than a week and there's another who is terminal. Not pleasant times. I am exhausted. But, thank you for your concern. It means all the more coming from someone who's been there.
  • Hi, can i join in?

    My challenge are:
    1. drink 1500L water a day.
    2. Make 30 min a day exercise and 1 hour exercise on weekend
    3. Keeping a diet diary and refer to it often then change my eating habit gradually.

    I'm so excited to start