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  • Quote: Bare as in "hair" or bare as in "commando"?!
    There's nothing like the feeling of commando!

    Guess who went out to dinner again last favorite,Texas Roadhouse. Then, to the movies and for ice cream afterward. This was our last hurrah for a while. Hubby and I did some serious talking yesterday, and we're going on a tight budget for the next year. No more credit cards...we're paying everything off. No more living from payday to payday. Credit cards are evil! So, looks like staying on-plan will be just a tad easier for the next year. We plan on having one outing each month...maybe dinner, maybe the movies, etc. So, we'll be looking for alternatives for family time. I think a nice hike on Saturday morning will be nice for the famiy. And, maybe we'll even start going back to church. Hubby will start planning our menus and we'll have only one grocery store run for the week. Last night, we slept with the air off and the windows open. I'm so glad the pollen problem has let up quite a bit! Today, I'm installing those thermal drapes in my living room....I've had them for over 6 months now! And, the water saving shower heads...I've had them for a while now, too. And, I'm no longer taking my hot bath soak every day. *sigh* That will be a tough one. I need to find an alternate way of relaxing. And, my oldest DD will be using Suave or the cheap stuff now. I have a feeling that she'll be my toughest obstacle. Just wait until she finds out that I'm not buying her summer shorts from Abercrombie or Hollister! You'll probably hear her scream all across the country! This won't be easy, but I'll try to make it like a game. It's probably only a matter of time before the whole family starts calling me the "****." My type A personality thrives on this kind of challenge!

    So, who has some great money saving tips for me? I've only shared a few of my ideas here. Believe me, I've got a ton!

    Hope everyone is having a great on-plan day.
  • Happy Sunday ladies~ Well last night was a lot of fun. It was nice to catch up with old friends. I was nervous that it would be weird after 11 yrs, but it was like no time had passed at all. I had a little too much to drink though. The good thing is though that I didn't over eat, as a matter of fact I didn't eat period. That was probably one of the reasons I felt the drink so fast Today I just feel a little tired and my stomach is a bit weird, but I'm off to Sears in a few, so nothing too major! Today is day 14 OP for me. Hope your all having a great weekend~
  • Wowza you gals are some chatty chickadees! I couldn't even read through all the pages! Sounds like everyone has a great time though

    So I'm pretty new here, I've signed up but I can't find where the rules/points/whatever I need to know is?

  • BGone--there is a FAQ thread that should answer all your questions, just go back to where you found this thread and look up toward the top where the sticky threads are. Welcome to the challenge

    Shay---you should try those Jillian DVDs, they really bring results. Sounds like you have the 30 day shred one...if so, let me know what you think of it, that's the only one I don't have yet.

    Diva--that thread was funny, thanks for posting

    Rhonda--quite an adventure trying to get the daughter to switch up her clothing choices. Good luck!

    I am doing laundry and getting the kids ready to head back to school tomorrow. Nice to come here and see some lighthearted fun...keep it up everyone.
  • Rhonda, we are paycheck to paycheck to, which is why I need a job now so we can have some extra cash and so we can save and pay off our student loans. I hope it all works out for you. Wish I could be so disciplined. Matt gets new clothes once a year and it's right before school starts. TN has a tax free shopping day and we get all his school supplies and we go to that Aeropostal (sp) store in the mall and they have GREAT deals on that day. Last year we got about $280 worth of clothes for $150. I was so pleased with myself. He gets a couple of things for Christmas too, and underwear and new socks as needed, but the BIG buy is always on Tax free day. BTW, I dunno about down there, but that store has pretty hip clothes that the kids seem to like, that and TJ Max.
  • Diva & Purple--I figured out I only have 7 Jillian dvds. Like that makes a difference. I have the 5 dvd set and frontside and backside for beginners. I got them based on the things the two of you were saying. I am interested in the 30 day shred but I refuse to allow myself to buy it until I start using what I have. I figured out I have over 50 exercise dvds/vhs tapes and that doesn't even include how many workouts are on each of them. I have a lot of accessories, equipment and....I belong to Bally's. This is ridiculous. Gotta stop talking about it and be about it. I want the new TBL dvds too--its time to shut up now at least about this...Oh yeah I want Taebo Amped too...I have issues.

    CountingDown--My faves: I have Taebo which is over half of my collection which I love. I prefer the older ones bc he's been getting too fancy on the new ones. I have Winsor Pilates the original and with the circle which I like alot too. I have the BL 1 & 2. I like being able to build my own workouts.
  • Shay--you sound like me, except I do mine like crazy, get bored quick and sell them off on ebay then buy new ones. Jillian's are the first ever that I have not gotten tired of...and her book is the only diet book I have read entirely, and over and over again. If you have time warner cable, the exercise on demand has a BL section with a Bob workout, and then a Jillian section which includes two 20 min workouts from the shred DVD...I am just wondering what else is on the DVD, i already recorded the ones from on demand onto a tape. It doesn't seem as hard as the ones in the boxed set, but I feel it more, maybe because it's new to me.
  • Shay, that's the same one I have and the only one I can keep up with her on is the Cardio Kickbox. I have LOTS of Workout video's and DVD's. I have some Old school FIRM, which is the cheesiest thing I've ever seen. The instructors sound more like they are having orgasms than working out. Three more Firms, two Winsor Pilates that I never use because I have discovered that I hate pilates, I have the Reebox step, beginner steps, Belly dancing, Dancing With The Stars, Billy Blanks Boot camp, Some Shape something, The best of Crunch, several Leslie Sansone's WATP's, several Kathy Smith, TBL 1 & 2(which I won from here), a Danskin Ball workout, a Women's Health workout, a Bride's workout and more that I can't even remember right now, lol! I have a step bench, weights (2 & 5 lbs), a Hula hoop, a matt, ankle weights, and resistance bands. Sad thing is I workout mostly @ the GYM, and when at home, a lot of the time I just turn on some tunes and do my own thing.
  • Rhonda--The one thing that my father warned DH about when discussing our engagement was that I would nickel and dime him to death. I did not for a few years, and we really paid for it. In addition, we had to get a new motor for the truck to the tune of 10K AT CHRISTMAS! We are in the same boat as you right now.

    Commit to local meat only. Meat is a huge part of the grocery budget because you pay twice--once for the grain to feed the animal and the animal itself. When you buy local, you pay more, but you eat it a lot less often. We eat beef every few months, and we pay more than we would from Kroger for a steak, but overall, it is way cheaper.


    If you have a breadmaker, use it. Throw everything when you wake up, and you get to smell bread all day. We hated the chunky slices, so I got a bread slicer on ebay for the same price as a few loaves of bread.

    Sign up for a CSA.

    Nothing processed. All from scratch. Buy in bulk for whole grains. The difference between bulk and Bob's Red Mill is unfreaking believable.

    Canning and freezing. Take the family to the u-pick for produce and stash it. I have done blueberries every year that we have been in the house; this year I am going tomato sauces and strawberry preserves.

    I would not dare suggest giving up your wine or making your own.

    Even I don't do my own pasta

    Heating and cooling:
    Another layer of insulation never hurts

    Caulk, caulk, caulk.

    Force family to use ONE door; the farthest one from the thermostat.

    Use ceiling and floor fans to supplement A/C. You can go up two or three, even five degrees on the thermostat if you keep the air moving.

    We have a solar water heater. It has not paid for itself yet, but where you are, it would take no time at all. And you get your bath back on sunny days.

    Use a clothes line.

    We were putting money directly into savings from paychecks, but we could get to it. And when we could get to it, we used it. Instead, we have to put it directly into an investment account. It gets a better return, we don't touch it, and we have been able to use it for big things like paying off cars.

    Thrift stores. With your flexible work situation and your weight loss, you could find all kinds of cute things and take them back when you are done and get new things.

    For the daughters: Do you have Plato's closet?

  • Rhonda - sounds like a great plan. We got tough a while back also. It is an adjustment when you're used to being somewhat reckless with money. I've always admired frugal people, but couldn't be one myself. I do bookkeeping at home since I had kids, but took a second job working at a pediatric clinic on Mondays and Fridays a few month back. It gave us an extra appr. 1400/mo that we could pay our cards down with and also put more into savings and retirement.

    Sticking to the shopping list is a biggie!

    When I was a teenager (oldest of 7 kids) my parents decided to get out of debt fast and we ate soup or chili (it was wintertime) EVERY night for dinner...potato...split pea...chicken...veggie...chili... With homemade whole wheat bread or cornbread. I didn't mind it since I love soup, but one of my sisters hated almost every type of soup, so it was pretty rough on her.
  • WOW! Great tips, Anna! We got our first CSA box this week and it's wonderful. What I love about it, is I can log on and pick what I want in it.
  • Good afternoon all (although I think it just technically became evening),

    I spent a good part of the day going through clothing. The too big pants are in a bag to get rid of, leaving me with ones I think are a little too snug, but my mother convinced me are perfectly fine. I think I was way too used to wearing things loose (ie. baggy) thinking it hid something. Sure it did. The tops I can probably alter (and I know someone who will do a bunch at once for very little), so they've been shoved to one side of the closet. And there are even a few on the too small side which will fit sometime later in the year.

    I'm going to try and get myself into an earlier rising routine this week. I've got something coming UPS tomorrow, and the pool guy (probably) coming Tuesday, so that's two mornings in a row I'll have to be up and dressed at a decent hour. I've always been a night person but as the weather is getting nicer I want to get my morning exercises done earlier so I can spend some time outside.

    Rhonda - buying meats on sale, and batch cooking dinners. Lower cost meats make better stews as well. I bought some great blade roasts in the winter and made a huge amount of stew. The initial purchase might be tight, but the overall cost per serving was low. I do the same for meat sauce (for pasta, or bakes) and things like that. Stock up that freezer when things are cheaper. If you and your family like soup, start making it yourself. We aren't on the really tight plan, but Costco can have some great deals on some items (you just have to watch). Unfortunately, for that you need to add the annual membership fee. Wash your clothes in cold water. Saves on hot water quite a bit. Make more homemade items on the meal side (I make no-oil salad dressings as good low-cal ones are often pricey). I also bake (quick breads and yeast), but I have the time to do it. Even so, depending on what you're buying you can make some of the items yourself and save money. Most of our convenience foods are cheaper to make, we're just paying for the convenience. Again, time may be an issue. Also, we've always cooked, so we have a good supply of spices and such. Canning and freezing when local produce/fruit is fresh and cheaper can save money. Canning requires some money up front (sterilizer and jars), but if you use them the money is well worth it.

    Shay - that's a great collection, if you're using them. I've done some of that in the past, purchased items and they just collect dust. I tossed a lot of the old vhs tapes a while back because I knew I'd never use them. I have two that I've used in the last few months. A 5-mile Leslie Sansone DVD and a Beachbody one (which is better than I thought it would be). Once you find something you like I suspect the rest won't be as interesting. I've started doing strength training from a book (New Lifting Rules for Women) and this is something I seem to love.

    To everyone else, just a quick - I'll need to go light the barbecue soon as it's steak night!
  • Quote: When I was a teenager (oldest of 7 kids) my parents decided to get out of debt fast and we ate soup or chili (it was wintertime) EVERY night for ili... With homemade whole wheat bread or cornbread. I didn't mind it since I love soup, but one of my sisters hated almost every type of soup, so it was pretty rough on her.
    My kids would be in heaven
    Quote: WOW! Great tips, Anna! We got our first CSA box this week and it's wonderful. What I love about it, is I can log on and pick what I want in it.
    The people who started ours here probably helped run the one use....

    The thing I started last paycheck was to take out cash for the amount I was going to spend on food for the two-week period. I stick to that amount and if we run out of something, then we are out. Too bad. I am still working out exactly how much we need for two weeks of somethings, but beans and rice always are available and produce comes once a week.

    And if world food prices continue as they have, none of us will need this forum anymore.
  • Funny thing about the CSA I joined is that I heard about it from a gal here who is from Alaska and has her box shipped each week for the farm close to me. She got a $29 credit for referring me and I already referred someone else and have a $29 credit as well.

    My kids would love the "soup debt diet" also. My DH would NOT.
  • Ladies, thank you so much for the awesome money saving tips. I had forgotten about the thrift stores in my area. There is a Plato's closet near us, and another one about 20 minutes away. I haven't found any thrift stores for my size, but I'll keep checking. I looked into a CSA a couple of weeks ago, but never followed up. There is one that looks like its about 30 minutes from us. It might be worth it to look into. Also, I've never canned, but always wanted to try. And, Hubby and I have talked about having more beans and brown rice and stew meals. I'll be in heaven!