Everything Blue Team!- Team List & Chat

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  • Happy Tuesday Blue Crew!

    I'm anticipating great things for our team this week - do I smell a win??
    We are all doing great!!!

    Yesterday was a bit hectic at the house with kids and whatnot and I didn't get my usual afternoon workout in. My DH and I usually watch 24 on Mondays and I decided to skip our "date" and head down to the treadmill in the basement with my IPOD. I had the BEST powerwalk yet! I did 5K in 50 minutes with incline! (I am so going to get my J-lo butt!) I burned a whopping 327 calories. Since mid-march I am down about 18 lbs and DAMN does it make a huge difference in not only energy level but also what I am able to accomplish. I also slept like a baby and was up at crack of dawn actually feeling renewed!

    I’m off to get the kidlets ready for another busy day!

    Have a good one all!
  • Morning Ladies! We had another fantastic week!

    We really need to keep the momentum rolling through out the challenge, at this rate we will be thin in no time! We lost another 36 pounds this week as a team!

    So I wanted to bring over our team motto for the week and give you a little reasoning behind me chosing it.

    This week the motto is:

    "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." - Elanor Roosevelt

    I picked this one because I was thinking about all the things I could do to maximize my weight loss and trying to think of all the reasons I don't do them. My biggest hurdle is exercise. And I even took the steps to do it in my home with the PUSH dvds but I still haven't gotten to it yet.

    So this week I'm focusing on doing the thing I "thought" I couldn't do. And it goes for anything. Water consumption, Portion control, anything. Just think about the possibilities!

    Ok so now we have our motto and that's all good, but now we need a weekly team topic to talk about! It totally slipped my mind yesterday!

    Weekly Team Topic This Week Is:
    What do you find is the hardest thing to give up or to start now that you're trying to lose weight?

    Mine is obviously exercise! And I love making up all kinds of excuses! I'll tell myself I need to work on schoolwork or I have wedding stuff to do or I need to make dinner or I'll just do it later. I never really sit the time out for myself and why I do not know. I guess its just the thought of actually doing something! lol I'm a couch potato can't you tell!

    Well I'm off to work on books and finish this exercise challenge. at the weigh ins today!
  • Weekly Team Topic This Week Is: What do you find is the hardest thing to give up or to start now that you're trying to lose weight?
    Believe it or not, mine is exercise too. Once I get going and stick with it, I do great, but if for whatever reason I take too many day's in between, it is so hard to get it going again. Even though I know I am going to feel great afterwards.

    The next biggest thing is sweets and junk food. It is soooo hard giving this stuff up. Also, portion control...I get jealous that my man and son can pile loads of food on their plates, and I have to stick to serving sizes...sometimes I feel deprived and resentful.

    Lastly, my man!!!! I know he means well and is just being sweet, but he can ruin a perfectly good calorie day by surprising me with a candybar or a Blizzard from DQ. He just doesn't think, and he's surprised me with sweet treats for years. I try to tell him, but he forget's and just does it out of habbit I think. Luckily I have me some willpower dust now and the candy bars just stack up until I feel I would like to have a bit of chocolate. As for ice cream, I'll eat a little and then ask the son if he'll finish it, hehe!
  • Way to go BLUE!!!! Wow we kicked it up a notch huh? Congrats to you also Chellez for being the biggest loser! Keep it going girl! Well I hit the gym already this morning so that is done and out of the way and now I have to shower and run to Target and Aldi and then home and hopefully sit outside a bit today with the kids! Food is going much better this week and since the water challange started I am doing good with that also. I just need to stay focused this week on the prize and stick with it. Keep up the good work ladies and lets see if we can pull another win next week! Have a good day!

    Weekly Team Topic This Week Is: What do you find is the hardest thing to give up or to start now that you're trying to lose weight?

    Well exercise is not the problem for me....it's the food! I LOVE FOOD and it's not all healthy food that I'm loving! I have gotten alot better with it, but I still can't seem to beat occasional binges! I am working on it though and hope over time they just fade few and far between. I have to just remember how good I feel when I eat healthy and exercise and how awful I feel when I don't. I will tell you though the key for me is to always have my house stocked with healthy options and, try and keep the junk out! I will continue to work on it though and hopefully beat it!

  • Im goin for big numbers for week 3!! Im gonna push myself harder than ever and see what im really made of!!! I WANT to do this.... not an option anymore and I am sick of underestimating myself and saying I cant...... I CAN DAMNIT!! and I will..... so its on......

    so to add to my list so far

    ALISA'S TBL soundtrack:
    week 1: Nina Simone -Feelin Good
    week 2: Queen -Dont Stop Me Now
    week 3: Destiny's Child- Survivor

  • Weekly Team Topic This Week Is: What do you find is the hardest thing to give up or to start now that you're trying to lose weight?

    foodwise it is sweets I will never completly give them up but I am always "revamping" my recepies so I can eat what everyone else is. (a chocolate cake with 113 cals per1/12 without icing under 300 with)

    Exercise wise ....lunges...I cannot stand these i will do them prperly for a while then oops do them wrong ,get hurt and of course I can no longer do them and it takes months for mr to try again.

    i did legs today and instaed of going on the gazelle I strapped the babies in the stroller and walked to the grocerie store t get some fruit and milk.That is 1 hour there and then back again and around the store. oh and I also stopped at the dollarstore. according to my pedometer i burned about 500cals.
  • Weekly Team Topic This Week Is: What do you find is the hardest thing to give up or to start now that you're trying to lose weight?

    the hardest for me to give up was starches. i'm still allowed to have 3 starches on my plan but i want more!! lol.. its funny i never realized just how many starches i was eating pre-LAWL. i have since learned that this is my favorite food group.. lol

    once i get going with exercise.. i'm pretty good. but its the getting going with the exercise that i have a problem with. i work four 12 hour night shifts in a row.. so essentially 5 days out of the week i am just too darned tired to exercise. so every set of days off i have i am finding that i really have to push myself into "starting" again. quite often i will tell myself i will do it later... but guess what... later never comes!! i'm gonna have to sit down with myself and have a little chat!
  • Weekly Team Topic This Week Is: What do you find is the hardest thing to give up or to start now that you're trying to lose weight?

    Im sure some of you can relate to this one..... i reward myself for losses... and Im not talking about.. yeah I lost 45 lbs I will have a snickers bar.... no im talking wow Ive lost 12 lbs... I can eat crap all weekend .. i deserve it...

    THE HECK I DO!!!! what am I doing??? where is the rationale here??? yeah im going to reward myself by making my work harder.... geezzzz

    as I apply the dunce cap I am really working on not rewarding myself with food... EVER.... and if I am going to use "treats as rewards" Im talkin having a diet coke instead of water... or something that really is decent for you anyway

    some of my reward incentives right now are

    drop 25 lbs buy myself one new work out top and bottoms
    drop 35 lbs buy myself top of the line tennis shoes not just whats on sale...
    drop 45 lbs treat myself to a day at the spa
    drop 50 lbs let DBF buy me lingerie....of his choice..... God help me!!! this should be interesting (hey at least he's supportive but what am i supposed to do with what appears to be a tiger print shoestring with tassles, pasties and 9 inch heels I ask you??)

    because i deserve THAT kind of reward (well all but the last one)
  • Hi All
    Let me introduce myself, I am a SAHM to a little 3 year old boy who is autistic, We just got home from a 2 week holiday so l haven't been able to post.
    I have joined curves and started sugar busters on March 1 and have lost 28lbs and 20.5 inches so far, I know this challenge will help me lose even more.

    I know our blue team will kick butt and lose the most.
  • ericsmommy!

    Your doing great so far! Keep up the good work! I think you will find this team to be really helpful!
  • Weekly Team Topic This Week Is: What do you find is the hardest thing to give up or to start now that you're trying to lose weight?

    I think the hardest thing for me is to not eat after my kids go to bed. It's like some type of stress reliever or just a bad habit I've gotten into. I've been doing pretty well with it since I've started WW, but still have my moments. I distract myself with my cross stitch project or reading my book. Sometimes if water doesn't take care of it, then I have something light and stop. Use to just eat and eat and eat, so atleast I've broken that gawd awful habit.

    So how is everyone doing today? I'm doing good, I mowed the front and backyard, took me 75 minutes and then I sprayed the weed killer so I can plant my flowers this weekend. I'm going to get a workout in this evening.
    My youngest has stayed home the last 2 days with a serious case of poison ivy. Took him to the doc yesterday and they put him on presidone(sp?). His poor face and left arm looked awful, it's looking better today. So hopefully tomorrow he'll go back to school. Him and my husband who is also on presidone for it, picked it up last Wednesday when they went out to our property to plant a tree Lane got when they went on a fieldtrip. They just cleared some roots, which obviously belonged to poison ivy. It didnt' show itself til Friday and then BAM, they had it all over their faces, hands and arm.
    Well I guess I bet go get dinner going. I need to go update on the water challenge. That's helped me a lot to get in my water!!! I'll check in later on.
  • Welcome Ericsmom - your son is a cutie pie!

    I just tried to log on here and the site was down - I almost had a panic attack thinking it got shut down forever - what would I do without you ladies?! WE KICKED *** THIS WEEK! And check out our leader - the biggest loser to boot!!! Congrats once again Chellez!

    Weekly Team Topic This Week Is: What do you find is the hardest thing to give up or to start now that you're trying to lose weight?

    The hardest thing for me would definitely be the exercise. Much like Diva, once I get going, I'm golden but if I miss a couple of days, it can totally throw me off track. I am now trying to keep it interesting and challenge myself with new goals and exercises so I don't get bored. Would love to have an exercise partner who made me accountable for doing it.

    The second hardest thing would be the planning and preparation. I don't mind eating healthy unprocessed foods - I actually prefer them - but the time and effort it takes to prepare and balance meals vs. just grabbing something fast can be challenging. I'm getting more and more used to it and in the end, the results and feeling are so worth it.

    Alisa - I totally know what you mean about rewarding yourself when you do well. I try not to do that anymore but it's an easy trap to get caught in. I love the rewards you've set out for yourself. My DH said to me that when I started, I should make a goal and reward myself for that - i.e. keep your eye on the prize. I told him the feeling of being thin was reward enought but he came up with a reward goal of a new wardrobe when I reach my goal weight. I'm all for it!

    Okay - I'm off to make some dinner

    Have a good night ladies!
  • Well ladies! I'm happy to report that dispite my feeling I cheated and gained this week.... I lost some weight!

    I told the receptionist I thought I would gain this week and she wrote down my weight and I about fell over.

    I made it back to the 80's! 189.2 to be exact. My goal for next week is to make it back to my birth year of 85! Sorry if that makes anyone feel older than normal

    So I lost 8 ounces and I wont be biggest loser this week but thanks for all the congrats on my last week BL.

    My leader told me to tell you all hello and she's rooting for us!
  • Well I just logged my weigh on weight watchers and I've lost 7.6 lbs so far! time to celebrate by putting away laundry!

    I get these little quotes from weight watchers when I weigh in. Evidently Elanor Roosevelt was a very inspirational man and its ironic I get a quote from WW the same day I picked a quote for our team motto. I got this one after I posted my weight

    `The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.`
    - Eleanor Roosevelt

    Well time to put laundry away! Night ladies.
  • ohh Chellez..... so cute in your youth (you're only 6 years younger than me ehhehe)...... Elanor Ros. was a woman and youre right she was very motivational

    I read it a few times JUST to make sure.... but then I thought... is she being sarcastic?? oh either way I laughed.... so that burned...what...5 calories hooray

    congrats on your losses.... I am feeling OUTSTANDING about my what my numbers will be at the end of the week