Summer 2014 Starters Put Spring our Our Step in March

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  • I've been away for a few days now, but it's great playing catchup and reading about all these losses, and Kelly getting back on track! I hope everything works out for the best for those struggling or dealing with challenges right now. We are here for support and encouragement.

    My trip up the North coast was cold but good. I brought all my food and I was able to stay OP. I haven't done any exercise this week and my body is missing it, so I am hoping to get back to my schedule and get in a run tomorrow morning, wish me luck as I'm off tomorrow and feeling a bit under the weather.

    Keep up the great work everyone
  • Pouring rain this AM and I am showing houses LOL....Gotta love my job sometimes. At least most clients are sensable enough to cancel in the snow, but the rain not so much.

    DH did great yesterday. Hopefully answers will come next week @ oncologist on Wednesday. We spent the afternoon figuring out our new bedroom TV LOL... Has a smart remote and honestly I cant stand it but DH loves it LOL.. Please I just need to watch my recorded shows and turn the volume up and down LOL...this other fancy stuff I will never use.

    Well at least the weather is getting warmer here..Cant wait to show off my new tops that fit! LOL....
  • Sue - glad the biopsy is done - not sure that TV setup would be a relaxing afternoon at my house... we would wrestle it to the ground, but I have to say, it sure can make me feel brain dead trying to figure it all out....

    Your new wardrobe is coming along nicely, it seems - rock those sales and coupons! I hope to pop in at the outlets this weekend....

    DD - way to go staying OP for your trip. Welcome back!

    JJTx - I am with you re: the blue cheese notion Sorry, Liana

    Amanda - the new protein powder sounds intriguing -- I have a canister of Designer Whey that I need to use up before getting more. Love to hear how the cake experiments work out. Pls share what you learn!

    I made it to South Carolina very late last nite - travelling with my old geezer DH (old, but THE love of my life! ) is a real challenge these days... He is moving more slowly but insists on taking incredibly long times to do fairly simple chores that I could quickly complete for him in order to keep things moving on a reasonable timeline. But I guess we are all driven to try to retain some control in our lives despite aging and the infirmities that often accompany it.... did not get away until 2:30pm.... multiple stops made it close to 11 hours on the road.

    I did ok with IP on the road yesterday -- I had breakfast at home (those pancakes are yummy), and then took a salad and crisps to have in the car, plus we stopped at Denny's where I had a senior fit fare 2 egg white omelette with veggies -- hold the cheese, toast and potatoes. This was probably a bit high on the fat scale as they used more oil than I needed to sauté the veggies, but a reasonable option for a 9 hour drive. I had a serving of crack slaw and some roasted cauliflower when we arrived - leftovers that travelled in the cooler and I could just microwave upon arrival. WI on my Aria scale showed no gain this morning - YAY!!

    It's a gray day today with rain coming thru this afternoon - the weekend will be sunny tho - I will share pix after the sun comes out!
  • DD - great job staying OP on your trip! Hope things warm up so you can get movin'

    Sue - continued prayers for good results, hope you brought your umbrella!

    So... I'm going to see if I can upload the image, and although it's not my "official" clinic WI, I hit Onederland this morning!! I'm still in a bit of shock, my hubby asked me how I felt and I said "I don't know."

    I couldn't help it, I brought back the ticker (I was feeling naked without it!), and updated my stats to my new number, I'll wait for the clinic scale to catch up.

    TGIF y'all! Hope you enjoy a great day! Supposed to warm up here and the sun is shining, so I'll be getting my walk in this afternoon.
  • Quote:
    I did ok with IP on the road yesterday -- I had breakfast at home (those pancakes are yummy), and then took a salad and crisps to have in the car, plus we stopped at Denny's where I had a senior fit fare 2 egg white omelette with veggies -- hold the cheese, toast and potatoes. This was probably a bit high on the fat scale as they used more oil than I needed to sauté the veggies, but a reasonable option for a 9 hour drive. I had a serving of crack slaw and some roasted cauliflower when we arrived - leftovers that travelled in the cooler and I could just microwave upon arrival. WI on my Aria scale showed no gain this morning - YAY!!
    Great job!! Sounds like you worked the plan with precision! And no gain to boot, bonus!
  • So... I'm going to see if I can upload the image, and although it's not my "official" clinic WI, I hit Onederland this morning!! I'm still in a bit of shock, my hubby asked me how I felt and I said "I don't know."

    JJTX -- Congratulations!!!!! What an incredible achievement -- 121 pounds gone and you have such a positive attitude. You must feel great -- and do much healthier than when you started your journey. Kudos to you.
  • Quote:
    So... I'm going to see if I can upload the image, and although it's not my "official" clinic WI, I hit Onederland this morning!! I'm still in a bit of shock, my hubby asked me how I felt and I said "I don't know."

    I couldn't help it, I brought back the ticker (I was feeling naked without it!), and updated my stats to my new number, I'll wait for the clinic scale to catch up.

    TGIF y'all! Hope you enjoy a great day! Supposed to warm up here and the sun is shining, so I'll be getting my walk in this afternoon.
    Woot Woot JJ, that is excellent news! Congrats on Onerderland. Enjoy the glow that comes with it.

    Grrr, frustrating water fluctuation weight gain this morning (love the hydration feature on the scale!) put me back to Tuesday's weight, but I have another kitty transport this weekend (3 x 5 month old kittens going to purrever homes!) so will probably end up dehydrated as not many stop points in my 8 hour round trip, and I'm taking on a new 4 hour route on Sunday. I love seeing all these babies going from high kill shelters to people who want them enough to transport them from one side of the US to the other.
  • Quote: DD - great job staying OP on your trip! Hope things warm up so you can get movin'

    Sue - continued prayers for good results, hope you brought your umbrella!

    So... I'm going to see if I can upload the image, and although it's not my "official" clinic WI, I hit Onederland this morning!! I'm still in a bit of shock, my hubby asked me how I felt and I said "I don't know."

    I couldn't help it, I brought back the ticker (I was feeling naked without it!), and updated my stats to my new number, I'll wait for the clinic scale to catch up.

    TGIF y'all! Hope you enjoy a great day! Supposed to warm up here and the sun is shining, so I'll be getting my walk in this afternoon.
    Way to go!!!!! Take a little time and savor this moment.... write yourself a message to refer back to.... or maybe do a little video to yourself - something you can refer back to at some time in the future when you hit a rough patch and need a reminder of how far you have come and how much of yourself you have invested....
  • Quote: DD - great job staying OP on your trip! Hope things warm up so you can get movin'

    Sue - continued prayers for good results, hope you brought your umbrella!

    So... I'm going to see if I can upload the image, and although it's not my "official" clinic WI, I hit Onederland this morning!! I'm still in a bit of shock, my hubby asked me how I felt and I said "I don't know."

    I couldn't help it, I brought back the ticker (I was feeling naked without it!), and updated my stats to my new number, I'll wait for the clinic scale to catch up.

    TGIF y'all! Hope you enjoy a great day! Supposed to warm up here and the sun is shining, so I'll be getting my walk in this afternoon.
    That's wonderful - congratulations!!!
  • Quote: DD - great job staying OP on your trip! Hope things warm up so you can get movin'

    Sue - continued prayers for good results, hope you brought your umbrella!

    So... I'm going to see if I can upload the image, and although it's not my "official" clinic WI, I hit Onederland this morning!! I'm still in a bit of shock, my hubby asked me how I felt and I said "I don't know."

    I couldn't help it, I brought back the ticker (I was feeling naked without it!), and updated my stats to my new number, I'll wait for the clinic scale to catch up.

    TGIF y'all! Hope you enjoy a great day! Supposed to warm up here and the sun is shining, so I'll be getting my walk in this afternoon.

    Congrats!! WooHoo

    I am only on day 5 but I love seeing the losses, it gives me encouragement.
  • Quote: DD - great job staying OP on your trip! Hope things warm up so you can get movin'

    Sue - continued prayers for good results, hope you brought your umbrella!

    So... I'm going to see if I can upload the image, and although it's not my "official" clinic WI, I hit Onederland this morning!! I'm still in a bit of shock, my hubby asked me how I felt and I said "I don't know."

    I couldn't help it, I brought back the ticker (I was feeling naked without it!), and updated my stats to my new number, I'll wait for the clinic scale to catch up.

    TGIF y'all! Hope you enjoy a great day! Supposed to warm up here and the sun is shining, so I'll be getting my walk in this afternoon.
    Awesome!!! Savor the moment. It was one of the biggest milestones for me!

    This birthday cake flavored protein has me intrigued. Keep us posted on making a cake! It may work as mini muffins........ hmmm I may buy some and give it a try. This sweet tooth of mine is killing me!
  • Quote: DD - I hit Onederland this morning!! I'm still in a bit of shock, my hubby asked me how I felt and I said "I don't know."

    This is awesome! You have come sooo far, let it sink in and then Celebrate!!
  • Happy to see great results continue to be posted by our Summer crowd. I have been slipping a little the last couple of weeks, not planning, recording and tracking as well as I had been. Also when I started exercising, I occasionally added some extra food (a hard boiled egg or extra packet), then got a little sloppy about having the extra and "intending" to do the exercise later.

    It hasn't really affected the scale yet, but I am putting it out there because I am afraid of the slippery slope. I am publicly committing to plan my food, write it down, check those boxes for water and supplements, and get back to basics on Phase 1. I don't have that many weeks left (I hope), so I gotta get myself to stick to it!!
  • Thanks everyone!!

    Loser - good for you recognizing that you're going over in some spots and reeling back in you can do this!!
  • Quote:
    I made it to South Carolina very late last nite - travelling with my old geezer DH (old, but THE love of my life! ) is a real challenge these days... He is moving more slowly but insists on taking incredibly long times to do fairly simple chores that I could quickly complete for him in order to keep things moving on a reasonable timeline. But I guess we are all driven to try to retain some control in our lives despite aging and the infirmities that often accompany it.... did not get away until 2:30pm.... multiple stops made it close to 11 hours on the road.

    I did ok with IP on the road yesterday -- I had breakfast at home (those pancakes are yummy), and then took a salad and crisps to have in the car, plus we stopped at Denny's where I had a senior fit fare 2 egg white omelette with veggies -- hold the cheese, toast and potatoes. This was probably a bit high on the fat scale as they used more oil than I needed to sauté the veggies, but a reasonable option for a 9 hour drive. I had a serving of crack slaw and some roasted cauliflower when we arrived - leftovers that travelled in the cooler and I could just microwave upon arrival. WI on my Aria scale showed no gain this morning - YAY!!

    It's a gray day today with rain coming thru this afternoon - the weekend will be sunny tho - I will share pix after the sun comes out!
    Sorry the trip took longer then expected, but seems like you had a food plan and stuck to it. I know how difficult traveling can be. My 3 trips on plan were hard, but having a plan in place and sticking to it is worth it... we are almost at the end of our IP journey!

    Quote: DD - great job staying OP on your trip! Hope things warm up so you can get movin'

    Sue - continued prayers for good results, hope you brought your umbrella!

    So... I'm going to see if I can upload the image, and although it's not my "official" clinic WI, I hit Onederland this morning!! I'm still in a bit of shock, my hubby asked me how I felt and I said "I don't know."

    I couldn't help it, I brought back the ticker (I was feeling naked without it!), and updated my stats to my new number, I'll wait for the clinic scale to catch up.

    TGIF y'all! Hope you enjoy a great day! Supposed to warm up here and the sun is shining, so I'll be getting my walk in this afternoon.
    I AM SO HAPPY!!! You are awsome and I can't wait to see the same on my scale....

    Quote: Happy to see great results continue to be posted by our Summer crowd. I have been slipping a little the last couple of weeks, not planning, recording and tracking as well as I had been. Also when I started exercising, I occasionally added some extra food (a hard boiled egg or extra packet), then got a little sloppy about having the extra and "intending" to do the exercise later.

    It hasn't really affected the scale yet, but I am putting it out there because I am afraid of the slippery slope. I am publicly committing to plan my food, write it down, check those boxes for water and supplements, and get back to basics on Phase 1. I don't have that many weeks left (I hope), so I gotta get myself to stick to it!!
    OK time to regroup and get back in the game.....I kinda felt that way myself a few weeks ago. Scale was not moving so my motovation was lagging too....We both have had a long road to this point....No turning back now. We are in this together till the end!

    Went to the High School musical last night with DS while DH finished programing the remote and new TV. Today DS and I are heading to the animal shelter to volunteer for a bit and then I need to hit the store for some veggies.

    No other plans really for the weekend. I am sure I will have work to get done and there is always Mt. Laundry calling LOL. Dinner out tomorrow night with Mom for my Birthday. Of course no cake or dessert for me LOL... I will come home and celebrate with a warm IP brownie with WF chocolate sauce LOL.. Next year I may indulge.....