Chattin' it up at 40 and up

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  • Hi everyone. In a hurry this morning, so quick post. I'll be going out of town for 4 days starting tomorrow. I'll probably check in before I go, but then I'll be gone for a few days. I'm taking the kids and we're going to visit my parents and sister and her kids. Should be fun!

    But....... one more day of work before that happens and I slept a little longer today, like I was already on vacation.
  • lovnmom, ty for the response, I guess I know I will have to lower my intake eventually when I get lighter and stop losing but am hoping to be able to exercise by then. Today is weigh in and I am excited to step on that scale!
    EDIT: I just got back from weigh in, I lost 4.25 pounds and my smile is big! Closer to my goal!
  • Toni, good job on the weight loss! You really have it going!

    Have a great weekend everyone. I won't be back until Tuesday or Wednesday!
  • Today is the last my grandson will be with us. I am sad but glad also, he is perpetual motion incarnate and I am not used to that anymore. His mom (my oldest) and dad went up to Glacier National Park to camp and we volunteered to have the boy as we have really missed him since they moved away. They are only an hour and ten minutes away but with the price of gas, that seems farther now.
  • Wow! I thought I'd have a lot to catch up on after being away from the computer for a few days, but no one is here!!! What up????

    Toni, glad you got to have some fun with your grandson!
  • Toni, Sorry to have left you hanging here all alone. A huge congratulations on the weight loss. That's awesome. I'll bet you got plenty of exercise watching your grandson....and that's good work if you can get it!!!

    Diane, I saw you were going so I just kind of went MIA for a few days too. Baseball season is winding down. All our tournaments are next week pfew!! DS played his last night of basketball Sunday night. I'm so glad that's over with. It's just too far to drive for a league that is not really run all that well. High school aged refs for the most part that do not blow their whistles. They are just there it seems to collect the $10 or whatever a game. It just turns into animal ball and I don't like it. I don't care who wins or loses, but I like things by the rules. It may be the "Leo" in me. This week my youngest daughter is attending "Middle School U" She's taking a class in DNA and one in Sportsology at a small college near here. Well, 30 miles if you call that near with the gas prices and the already crunched time, but students have to be honor roll level to be invited and my children have all attended at least 3 years each. It's a terrific experience and somehow we make it happen every year...tonight is all about me. A dear friend has invited me to attend "The American Player's Theater" to see "A Mid Summer's Night Dream" She invited me so long ago I forgot what we were seeing until I looked it up on the net last night. It's an outdoor theater and most people picnic beforehand. It's a really lovely time. Entertainment that doesn't include a ref or an ump is just what I need. Whether I think I have the time or not!!!
    Enough about me....did you have a nice time visiting family???
    Take care,
  • Glad you had a night for you, Kristi. That is always nice.

    I had a great 4 days with family. The kids get along so well with their cousins since they are all about the same age. My son even has fun even though he has to hang out with all of the girls. Oh well, he has no boy cousins on either side of the family, so he gets used to it.

    Anyway, it was nice to be with my parents and my sister. My mom is just an excellent hostess, so it makes it so inviting to go see her. She had a great time watching teenager antics.

    I was a little disappointed when I came home because nothing had been done. My husband didn't go with us and I had asked him to do a couple of things for me while I was gone. They weren't done. He did do his own dishes, so that was an accomplishment. While I know he is busy with his work and all, I really had hoped he would help with just those two little things. Oh well.

    Football registration is next Saturday for my son. I'm excited for him (well, and for me). I love the football program. So, our time without sports is coming to an end. The bad part is that it means that summer is winding down, too. Only 4 more weeks before school starts. Time is flying by.

    How is everyone else out there?
  • Hi all. I've got about 3 minutes to spare before I have to get on a conference call to London, so this will be brief.

    Not much to report, other than I have made no recent progress in the weight department. I spent most of last week feeling very discouraged so I'm taking it just a meal at a time, trying to make better choices and stay in control. Lately at work it has become very difficult...there have been a lot of lunches out, lots of activities and the like, and I have not made good choices. Oh well! All I can do is try, try again. Our company picnic is this Friday and from what I hear, it was very lavish last year (I've only been here since February, so I wasn't around for it last time). So...I will really need to exercise some control.

    I also went for 5 days w/o exercising - between pulling a muscle in my left calf and then just being exhausted, I sort of let it slide. But I picked it up again last night and felt better for it.

    The summer is really flying by...we've planned our vacation for the week of Aug. 18th and then school starts on Aug. 26th. Where has the time gone???

    OK must run!
  • Morning girls.

    Sorry haven't been posting it's been a hard week. Lot of stuff going on but I'm getting it resolved.

    My eating has not been good I have not been getting my exercise in either must do better. It's been so hot.

    I have to go to St.Louis today with my youngest so must go and get ready.

    Talk to you later.
  • Hiya, ladies (and any gentlemen who may be in here too !) !!

    Upon suggestion from clydegirl, I thought I'd stop by to chat up anybody interested ! I'm at work right now & check in here when things loll, so I may be sporadic in my responses !

    So what's on the gab-agenda ?
  • Hi Mollikins! I'm at work as well, and I do the same thing...when I need a little break, I'll pop in here to see what's new.

    Love your cat avatar...looks like a dear cat I had some years ago.

    It's very quiet in my office...a lot of people are on vacation. In a way, it's kind of nice but I miss having more people around.

    Well, time to get back to it. I have to leave about an hour early today so I'm taking a very reduced lunch "hour." Have a great afternoon!
  • Welcome Mollikins! I'm at work too, and should be working since I just took off 2 days. But, sometimes you need a break. Tell us about yourself. We usually have nothing specific on the agenda for chatting, so whatever you want to say... feel free.

    I will say that the summer is just flying by. Hotter than you-know-what here, but it is to be expected for now!
  • Hey all,

    Today is a good news / bad news day.. I'm down to 126.2 so that's the good news - TOM here - bad news... I usually have trouble controling my eating when that comes around..

    Wow - Andrea - what do you do t hat you conference call with folks in London - I work with our international division as well - those calls happen at all wierd hours! But it's kind of fun.

    Toni - awesome on the weight loss!!

    Mollikins - Welcome - the gals here are great and very supportive - You CAN do this!

    Clyde - hang in there sweetie - I've hit plateaus here too - and we just have to do it one day at a time.

    Diane - glad you had a good 4 days with family - wow - school in just 4 weeks? Seems early - but then i've been away from school for a long time so what do I know.

    Last couple days here have been cool - wanting little warmer but this 20 degree swing that we seem to keep having is making me nuts!

    Hey - where do I go to put an Avatar up??
  • Quote: Welcome Mollikins! I'm at work too, and should be working since I just took off 2 days. But, sometimes you need a break. Tell us about yourself. We usually have nothing specific on the agenda for chatting, so whatever you want to say... feel free.

    I will say that the summer is just flying by. Hotter than you-know-what here, but it is to be expected for now!
    Thanks for the welcome sillycat4, et al !
    Hmmmm, what to tell about myself ........ I'm a 48 yr old diabetic struggling to get this little person off me (READ : WEIGHT). I live in VA (where it has been hotter than the hobbs of **** lately !), I'm the proud "Momma" to 4 beautiful babies -- Lacey (9 yr old muttskie), Bennie (4 yr old Maine Coon), Bitz (2 yr old Tuxedo) & our newest addition -- Lil Max (7 mo old Tuxedo). They keep me hoppin !

    I'm an office manager (who am I kidding ?! I AM the office !) for a non-profit. I have 2 siblings (both older -- yep I'M the baby) --a big brother & a big sister. My Pop died in '93 due to diabetic complications & my Mom is still struggling with this insidious disease & will be celebrating her 82nd birthday in 36 days !

    My hobbies (such that they are) include -- veggie gardening, cooking, walking, biking, 'net surfing, and reading (when time permits).

    I have set a goal for 50# gone by my 50th birthday in 2010. With God's good humor, determination & y'alls support -- I WILL MAKE IT !!!!
  • Hi Sillycat - to answer your question, I work for Diageo, which is a huge British company that makes premium alcohol. Some of our best known brands are Johnnie Walker; Tanqueray; Smirnoff; Baileys; Seagrams; Guinness beer; Jose Cuervo; and so many more that I could sit here all night listing them. We're a British company but we sell the most product in North America, and I work in the North American headquarters in the legal department. I'm in touch with people all over the world. I've been doing this kind of work for a number of years, but I'm still a little amazed that with the click of a button, I can be in touch with people from Nigeria to Brazil to India to Russia. Pretty neat!

    To add an avatar, you have to go to Control Panel, and there will be a choice for editing your profile. From there, you can either pick an existing avatar, or upload something of your own.