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  • Bella Mia, that's so great that you make the effort to workout early in the morning. A few years back I had committed to that myself and really loved the quiet in the morning to do it. Not to mention all the energy I found throughout the day! Good for you!

    Wannabetiny, good to see ya around. Oh, I've had a myriad of 'fat moments' my entire life but a couple were, once when I was about 14 a boy that I had a crush on told me that me and my best friend made the #10 when we were together. I didn't get it. Then he proceeded to spell it out for me: My b/f was super tall & slim so she made the 1, and me being short and round, I made the 0. I was devastated! Then I have had the "when are you due" question asked about 3x in my adult-life, not fun. And of course there's the question of seats/booths at restaurants being uncomfortable, as well as in theaters and airplanes. These experiences have been so not fun, you'd think by now I'd have done something about it, eh?

    Melissa, girl I don't know how you do it! You are one busy lady, they seriously need to clone you! lol I'm so glad that the carnival was a huge success and everyone had a good time. Yummo, nachos! I bet you worked it off with all that running around you did so I wouldn't sweat it so much! I bet you cannot wait to finish with school for good this semester, I know it's been very trying for you. Just wait til next fall and no one will recognize you!!!

    Love, yeah you would think that having a great loss would be a great motivator to just keep on going, huh? I do not know why somewhere inside me my brain decides that, yahoo time to eat! Ugh! Definitely need to work on some rewards that are non-food related REGARDLESS of whether I am having a "planned cheat"...using food as a reward anytime just does not work for me!
  • Karen, I'm so jealous that you've got a DH who likes to take walks! Mine views walking for the sole purpose of getting from Point A to Point B. Hope you have a great weigh in tomorrow!!!

    Lindsey, great to see you here hon! Good luck with finals, but sounds like you've pretty much got that wrapped up, yay! Hope DBF gets what he needs to make your move an easy transition for you guys.

    It's so great to hear of everyone staying motivated and excited around here. I found some renewed motivation this morning when I caught the finale episode of this past season's Biggest Loser, since I'd missed it when it originally aired. Everyone looked FANTASTIC! Of course, wouldn't miss a chance to see my Bob!!!!! And Eric, the winner, OH. MY. GOSH!!! He didn't even look like the same person!!! Watching them really made me stop and think of how much I really need to turn up the heat and get this thing rolling! No one can do it but me, right?! Bob made a comment to the audience about how not waiting for a New Year's resolution but to start right now, this second. I Bob *swoon*

    Alrighty ladies, time for chores and then to get ready for work this evening. I am going to check into the Fat Smash Diet or possibly low carbing again. I am finding that low cal/low fat leaves me STARVING. We shall see!

  • Bah, I'm going to stay the same this week ... salty pizza and a few too many snacks at the party... It really didn't go that badly, but I'm severely sleep deprived this week and I think I just grabbed a mite too much food ... anyway at least I won't gain. Must go back to sleep ... hope to have time for personals soon. cheers Erika
  • Well.........I stayed the same. I am very happy about that but even as I stepped on the scale I had that sinking feeling. I have stepped up the exercise and am telling myself that it will show probably by next weeks WI. You guys were right, big loss last week and now it is going to slow up. I have vowed not to get discouraged!
    I was checking the WI thread...WAY TO GO RED TEAM WOOT WOOT!! YOU GUYS ROCK!
    Beautiful day here today, unfortunately I have homework to do. i am working on my master's. I thought doing it online was going to be sooo simple. Holy &^%& tons more work. Papers Papers Papers.
    Have a great day........check in latta (as we say in Maine eh ya)
  • Good Sunday Morning Red team!!

    Love....so how'd that second 30 minutes go? Alright, so last week is over, you learned the stumble lesson and its time to move back on and get back to your healthy choices. You did that with that morning workout even if it was cut short. We all have those bumps in the road they are just a part of this journey, just dont beat yourself up over it, get right back on track! You've come so far and accomplished so much!! I am with you on posting the meal plans!

    Tanya...this board has been my sanity lately! I just tell myself, its only a week, 5 short days and I'm free!!! LOL!! OMG your story......did you slap the boy? Teach him some manners! I'm so sorry for that!

    Karen....ooooh a dh that will take you on walks!!! Yay for him!! Thats so great you've got the support system. I'm sorry if you told us before but is he working on taking off some lbs too?

    Lindsey....oh I'm so jealous of your finals week!!! I have yet to get to take an open book final! I have had a few professors tell us what we need to know but the past few semesters they are just brutal! Its not weird to want to appreciate your professors. I've had some really amazing ones and I always thought to do something but never did, I guess I felt like maybe they'd feel like I was kissing up for a better grade LOL! I found disneyworld to be very big person friendly. I never had a problem with any of their rides fitting me. Not that I didnt think of it the whole time till the clicked the latch though! And you are right....next time we wont have to worry about it!!!! Good luck on your finals!

    Danielle...I swear your kids always do the funnest stuff in school!! I'm jealous!! Hope you found that dress, I know how much fun that had to have been!
  • Danielle.....that is totally my goal for this summer...come back smaller and shock some people!! Especially my advisor! I wanted to watch the BL marathon but we dont get that channel! I never watched the first season of it so I'd really have liked to watch, and like you...anything to see my boyfriend! LOL!

    Erika...feeling any better? Its so hard to make good choices when you are tired isnt it? We did the pizza thing last night too and its left me up a bit, but I've got all day today to flush as much out as I can before I gotta meet the scale tomorrow. Dont sweat it though, just get right back on track, making those healthy choices. Plus with your running things will be just fine!!

    Karen...hey at least you maintained, and really that is a good thing! Sometimes after a big loss your body needs to settle into the loss of fat! Next week you'll be losing again. Plus, did you know that you dont lose weight and inches at the same time. So when the scales not moving you could still be losing inches...which is what matters most anyway doesnt it? What are you getting your masters in? I'm thinking about going for mine too, supposedly its only 1 year...can I take 1 more year of this? LOL!
  • What a beautiful day it is!! I might just have to take my books outside and study out there! Now if I only had a laptop! LOL!!

    I had an off day yesterday, really didnt eat a thing all day long untill dinner then I was STARVING! and we got pizza. I maybe had 16 oz of water, no exercise. Not a good day!

    But I've got all day today to make some changes before the meeting with the scale in the morning.

    Question.....Do we want to try for RED WINS another week? Or would you like me to come up with a different challenge. I was thinking we could do a 10 week thing. Each week for 10 weeks we focus on 1 particular aspect of weightloss for example: Journaling, cardio, strength training, stretching, water, fruits & veggies, meal planning....Im sure we can come up with more. What do you think?

    Off to the books! I'll take a break and check on everyone a little later!

    Dont forget to post your weight for Week 2!!

    Have a beautiful Sunday Red team!!

  • Hi guys

    Just got back from my half. 2:42:19

    Not bad if I do say so myself

    My parents are taking me out for some Italian I'll try to be good!

    I'm gonna crash on the couch for a bit. Really super tired but really super excited.
  • Good Morning!

    Erika, I hope you at least had a great time at the party? A few too many snacks, but you'll be just fine!!! Hoping you got some rest and are feeling good today!

    Karen, you are certainly right about the scale! Just think tho', next weeks WI will be a good one!! Melissa is so right about losing weight/inches....make sure you're measuring! Best of luck with the homework, I don't know how you girls do it on top of everything else you got going on!! I would flunk out, they'd give me the boot!

    Melissa, good Lord woman, between you and Karen with all this school stuff! Yeah, the kids have had a good time with this luncheon thing, Alex did it last year and he actually really liked it. Now he's got a dance (8th gr) to get ready for, so more shopping next weekend! He's SO picky! TBL seasons are great, I really enjoyed the short family episodes they did where an entire families competed and they all lost weight. Can you imagine?! And Bob would show up (or Jillian--when she was on..) at their homes to check up on them, etc. I think I'd pass out if Mr. Bob showed up on my doorstep! Good luck with the homework today my friend, and yes, do it outside if you can!!

    Amber, I am so proud of you!! That is so awesome what you did, it will be something to help keep you motivated to get ready for another one I hope! Enjoy your meal with your parents!
  • P.S.

    Forgot to answer you Melissa regarding another challenge.....

    I am down for whatever you decide. I didn't do so good with the Red Wins so that is still a good challenge for me, but the 10week thing sounds great too. Maybe that will help me more with the Red Wins thing, I dunno. I know I've strayed away BIGTIME from the journaling...not good.

    And I also forgot to tell you...
    looked at the Fat Smash diet last night while at work. I don't like the way it's set up. Too regimented and have to be too precise...that will not work for me. I'm a rebel, dontcha knowit! Perhaps I will give Atkins another shot? I dunno......

  • afternoon!

    Melissa- i think the new challenge idea sounds great. I haven't done so well with the RW...I kept forgetting to check to see what I had done too much on the brain sometimes. You asked what i was getting my master's in..healthcare administration...can we say yuck... I love my job but I have a boss who literally does NOTHING. Puts on his timesheet he is there and consistently tries to pass off stuff as his idea... The worse thing about it is that his bosses know and do nothing. So, i decided to go back to school and try for his job someday (He is in late 50s). Not that I want to be the boss but I am the next in line to him and since I am doing it anyway, I thought what the heck......

    Danielle- I love reading your posts....I always can put myself in your place...the sick child, etc. You wonder how we keep going...look at you woman.....phew....it's go go go for you too! As far as my dh walking with me....heheeheheh, I had to bribe him

    Amber----holy camoly..way to go ... hope the italian food was delish!!

    Erika---we both stayed the same.....at least nooooooooooooo gain!!!!

    I will try and get more personals out but I forget who did what....I put it on advanced so I can put the little thingies in my posts and I don't see the prior posts...wow did that make sense
  • Quote: As far as my dh walking with me....heheeheheh, I had to bribe him
    Karen, I hope it was at least with something fun!

    As for being able to see other's posts, can't you scroll down from the message you're typing and see most of them below? I can.
  • Melissa - The 10 week thing sounds great. I like the idea of changing it up to keep things fresh.

    Posting yesterday's weight as my official WI. I was down 1 for the week. I'm afraid tomorrow's weight would not be a good one. We went to my folks to celebrate my step-mom's bday and I indulged in beer and a cupcake! Washing it all away (yeah right!) with water as I type this.
  • Amber....Way to go!!! that is such an amazing accomplishment I am just in awe of you!! I bet you felt so incredible when it was over!!! I hope you enjoyed that italian to the fullest!!! How'd you sleep? LOL!! Congrats on a job very very VERY well done!!

    Danielle...no fat smash huh? I want to look at the book but I think I'm like you, I dont need anything telling me I cant have something. Then I'm gonna rebel!

    ....oh dont you just love bosses like that!! Well, I have to say that furthuring your education is a very admirable thing! And you never know it just might lead to something else!

    Angie...beer and a cupcake...a girl after my own heart! LOL!!! Dont fret about that darn ol scale, its just a machine!! Plus one day cant derail all your hard work!!
  • Okay, lets change things up and do something different for each of the 9 weeks, I'll come up with something good I promise!! I just have to ask if anyone would mind terribly if it doesnt start till next sunday. I'm just not prepared to start one tonight. Unless, our lovely cheerleaders have something in mind! I'd be down!

    Oh! Now that I'm thinking of it how about we all set our own goal for this first week. We can all decide what it is we need to work on, set a goal, pick a reward for meeting the goal. Simple, no muss, no fuss. I'll start a thread for you to post your goal and your reward, that way we can all check on it and hold you accountable. Sound okay? Hope so! LOL!!

    I'm off to study some more as I fall asleep, getting up at 5am to study some more! You may not see me till afternoon! But, I'll be thinking of you all sending you stay strong vibes!!!

    Have a fantastic monday Red team!!!
