~~~August Golden Girls~~~

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  • K3...I posted the September thread. You are the only one that can close the August thread, after typing your message...scroll down to box that says close thread after posting your message.
  • Quote: Lynn....I never swore postop but I'll let you use my saying "cha cha cha!" The pain was always manageable. First few days with the lines in there was no pain. After that when it ached ice almost immediately took in down to a handable stage. I never had a really bad pain day....some ugly sorry for my self and bored out of my scull days. I have a 85+ friend who did 2 knees and if Dee could do so can I kept me going. I told the PT people I know I need this so please kick my ***....and they succeeded it. But I came into Pt after another lady and walked up long before her. She would do ten minutes and quit. Just keep tell self you can do this and it will get easier. I am exactly 6 months post op and I can't run and my dancing looks strange but I can grocery shop, play bridge, drive, and do all the regular activities of daily living. Just can't get up off the floor.....but I have a plan.....can't test it. k3
    Just getting one knee done now. Maybe second one later. I will ice and exercise - thank you for the advice.
  • Evening all....I was going to gork all day and some how it got away from me. Friends call and came for a visit (made a fast apple dump cake). Then made the rice crispy marshmellow bars with Ritz crackers instead of cereal. Then used a recipe I just saw on Facebook. Agosina (sp?) chicken over pasta. Used chicken stock and ff milk. OMG it was beyond good. Fresh mushrooms, too. All that cooking on my laid back day....

    Thank you Bobbi and I will close this tonight.

    So everyone join us in the new month of September. Happy holiday, see on the new page. k3