Getting out of the 180s-- part 3

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  • Weigh in on Wednesday morning,, fingers crossed for "some" loss at least!!!!!
  • 188.8 today! After a major slowdown, I've lost, in just the last few days, all the pounds I wasn't losing in the last few weeks. Crazy, didn't really do anything different ... except not exercise at all this week due to a crazy work schedule. Usually not exercising is recipe for a stall, but in this case it worked the opposite way.

    So although this is my first day in the 180s, the fact that I'm down so much makes me think I'm out of the 190s for good.

    And my husband weighs 188 ... so maybe in the next few days I will weigh less than him again at last!

    Whoo hoo!
  • Yay! I made it :)
    Well that wonderful "whoosh" downward on the scale happened over the weekend and I weighed in at 178.8 lbs !! Wahoo!!! I think its safe to say I've made it to the next decade after a long stall in the 180's!!

    I've had to find a new fall/winter routine and get over the fact that winter is pretty much here so I started with a new game plan last Monday to do my runs as soon as I get home from work on Mondays and Wednesdays (and Saturdays) because I pretty much abandoned my nice summer runs on Tues/Thurs. So I think that was the trick to get me over this speedbump.

    Interesting tidbit, my younger sister has always had the perfect body and she is 9 months pregnant right now and I finally weigh less than her- lol I am hoping she will join me on my weight loss journey when she is ready too - but she'll have a big advantage. I think she got back to her pre baby weight after 3 months with her first (140 lbs). ... If only we all could be so lucky!!

    Well best of luck ladies!!! Thanks for the support and I hope to see you in other decade support forums!!
  • Still here... weigh-in this morning was 183.
  • 187.5 ... just a 1 lb loss for the whole week .. trying not to feel disappointed although i was spot on with food, drinking water the whole week,,, slacked a bit on exercise though,,,, oh well, will just have to bear with it and move on,,,,
  • 186.4 today...
  • Hi everyone--

    I didn't manage to stay in the 170s--climbed way too high briefly, and am now at 180.2.

    I'm hoping/planning to be back in the 170s next week. I don't have any stressful food temptation events planned for a while--I do fine if I stay away from parties and buffets!

    I intend to start posting more regularly again--having and being a cheering squad is really motivating for me--and I need to keep doing that!

    Take care, all!
  • Hi!

    Do you mind if I jump in? I am down to 186.4. I suspect that this decade will take longer than some of the others as my rate of loss has slowed. I am really looking forward to 180. I think the last time I weighed that was the year after college, 37 years ago.
  • Started the month in the 180's ended in the 180's. 183 to be exact. Hopefully this monthe will bring a new decade.
  • Nice to see this thread coming back to life

    Welcome everyone!! Though i hope everyone gets outta here and into the 170's thread soon enough!! including me of course
  • 187.2 today! .1 pounds under my October goal.

    After stalling for half of the month and being in despair thinking that would be my new normal, my weight loss has been going gang busters this past week. It's so weird how this diet journey thing works!
  • 184.2 today ... I should be happy but I thought since I was OP yesterday eventhough I didn't go to the gym. I figured 183 would smile at me from the scale but it didn't.

    Hoping to be in the 170's by Thanksgiving
  • hi guys , I'm new here and I hope to be friends with you and be more inspired from you guys! Weighing in at 186lbs will be heading to the gym in a while though, wish me luck!=)
  • megz ... best of luck to you
  • Quote: megz ... best of luck to you
    Hello! Thanks for welcoming me, good luck to you too