March for better health -- Daily Weigh In Thread

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  • Ok down .8 this morning to 182.4 hopefully tomorrow will show my 181 again . I am claiming Monday as my official weigh in day so I got to change my ticker for the first time in a while

    We are not going to SC the Army will fly Chelle home next week. Her discharge will be failure to adapt but they are recommending that she reenlist in 6 months. I spoke to her recruiter this morning and he says with the way things are going it may take up to two years for her to get back in. I know that if she has to wait that long she won't go. I pray that when she comes home her spirits are lifted and she can jump back into life. She sounds so disappointed today, I just wanted to reach through the phone and hold her. I can wait until next week. I hope there are no delays.

    For those of you that remember me working at Wawa ... I started back there today but not over night this time around. I didn't take any money so no temptation to pay for

    Thanks Ona and look at you, NSV Lady ... your former co-worker not recognizing you. Ona it's crazy how we want to do something but after you sit for a minute you can talk yourself out of it. you do enough your body may like that break

    Nancy to the thread and good job on your losses so far

    Jinxy sorry about the up Hope your backache goes away soon. I've been having them off and on here lately also and my new standing job for 6-8 hours surely is going to help. I need to take some Aleve also. Feel better my friend Good job on your .7 down

    Diana you WILL NEVER BE IGNORED You are the backbone here Lady You are too funny, LOL ... I wonder why you look thinner but your clothes are tight and the numbers are higher. Maybe it's just proportion???? Our bodies are strange. I think it's weird when people tell me I look thinner and I am 20lbs heavier (all in my mid section) Good job on the .4 down

    Angie WELCOME BACK Glad Cameron is feeling better. wow $88 whew I would have fainted. Glad you had fun and that challenge is sounds fun and interesting . Good job on your two lbs down ... better choices for us all

    Hey FutureThoughts good to see you ... You better not sneak back out Come back here

    Steph great NSV, way to go Lady

    Ok Thanks Kelly I'll have to send you my number so you can text me to watch. And don't be so hard on yourself .4 isn't bad at all, it'll be gone in no time

    Kukkie nice weigh in ... hope you rest better tonight

    justaloozer, we're here to cheer you on, you can do it justaloozer hopefully the workout helped to intercept the cookies

    Julie I love the sound of everything you said . You have every right to feel the way you do because of your accomplishments this far Keep up the great work The pictures are your NSV and what a great NSV memories that make Mommy smile

    Hi Kris

    Salley congrats on your new low

    SmallSteps good job on the .2 down
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Calories for yesterday: 1470 +
    Weigh In: 148.8
    Down: .2

    Justaloozer You will get there. Just keep trying, every day.

    Kris Today is a new day. Get right back on track. It sounds like the "hormones" were craving carbs/sugar.

    Angie Great job on the 2 pounds! I'm glad the weather is cooperating and you are getting those nice walks in.

    Rennie Congrats on the .8! It may be too early, but has Chelle spoke of any future plans? Everything happens for a reason and there must be other plans for her.
  • Sheesh, Diana, how early do I have to get here to beat you?

    Had a bad day yesterday. I was famished all day so had breakfast, a snack, lunch, another snack - and then I was full, but I still had pizza for dinner. Not only that, I had an extra piece. What the...? I just don't understand myself sometimes. I know it's partly because I'm exhausted (80 work hours last week) but it's partly just me being screwed up about food.

    I went home and did an hour of cardio to get rid of the bloated feeling, but the scale is up 2 pounds today - gah! I know it's not 2 pounds of fat, but still. No way I'll get under 150 this week. Nice job of self-sabotage there!

    Enough whining! Today's a new day and I hope it's a great one for all of us.
  • Steph Don't worry about the 2 pounds. It's the sodium from the pizza. The stress and long hours at work are probably messing with things, too. Hang in there and have a great day!
  • Morning! Still holding steady at 192.4 but I didn't get nearly enough water in yesterday. I will do better today. It shouldn't be such an issue to lose 2.4 lbs between now and the end of the month, but good grief I've been in the 90s for so long that you just never know. My goal is to lose that 2.4 pounds, anything more than that will be a bonus!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Good Morning everyone

    Down 1lb this morning!!! I have to say seeing that was a pleasant surprise!!! It feels so good to be in the 240's...
    It is such a beautiful morning, and from what I saw on the new I think it's going to be 65 and sunny, not to bad for March in Chicago land!

    So my Mom who is almost 60 and has a very similar body type to me ( or more like the other way around) has been dealing with a lot of different health issues over the past 10 years, most are the typical for someone who has been overweight for a long time, High BP, High Cholesterol, arthritis in her knees, as well as a very very bad back ( which she has had for about 30 years). I have been talking to her just about every day and mentioning what I have been doing to lose weight. At first she was saying well you know I just can't exercise like I want since my knees and back hurt so much, or I just don't have time to cook like you do etc. But over the past week has really been asking me more and more about food, and what Ive been doing. So last might she said to me I lost 2lbs but it has taken me almost 2 weeks (sounding discouraged) I asked her what she has been doing and she said trying to make better food choices for breakfast and lunch. I said that was great 2 lbs is good but if you want to lose faster you really need to watch dinner as well ( since I know thinks like large plates of pasta, hotdogs mac and cheese, Mcdonalds big macs, and Bacon pita wraps have been normal dinner options for her). I reinforced that the first 28lbs I lost were without one bit of exercise and now that I lost that weight exercise had become something that is easier for me to do. With all that said I think she is starting to get into the right way of thinking about weight loss and really hope she keeps it up, even if she loses only a pound a week it will so benefit her in the long run!!!

    As for me I am off to the gym in a little bit I want to get 45min - 1hr in and then enjoy the nice weather today!

    I want to send positive energy and good vibes to everyone today

    ~ I want to be healthy, I want to be fit, so I will be! ~

    Jan 31~ 277.5 (-7.5lbs)
    Feb 29~ 254.5 (-23lbs)

  • ok, so down .8 from yesterday and this time I'm happily surprised cuz I ate dinner at like 9 last night and usually late dinners mean a big morning number. Maybe if I'm good today tomorrow will be even better
    The anxiety of this audition is really stressing me out, which could slow weight loss and it's causing a really bad acne breakout. Good thing The Voice isn't focused on the way people look, lol.
    Anyways, I have so much to do today, so much to do this WEEk! but I don't know what I'd do without you ladies!

    Jan. Starting Weight-231.6, Ending Weight-219.6 Down -12 lbs
    Feb. Starting Weight-219.6 Ending Weight-212.0 Down-7.6 lbs
    Total Down-19.6 lbs
    03-212.4 (ate late dinner, no BM)
    04-209.8 (sick, dehydrated)
    05-211.0-finally normal, lol
    07-213.0 TOM
    08-212.6 TOM
    09-211.4 TOM
    10-211.4 TOM
    11-211.2 TOM
  • 01 ~ 239.2 - Bounce
    02 ~ 239
    03 ~ 238.8
    05 ~ 239.8 (need to drink more water)
    07 ~ 239.8
    08 ~ 238
    09 ~ 237
    10 ~ 235.4 (Thinking I might need to change my scale batteries)
    11 ~ 235.4
    12 ~ 237 (TOM & sodium bounce)
    13 ~ 239.4 - oh joy!

    That's what happens when you don't drink enough water for several days in a row and you have ice cream and french fries for dinner.
  • up 2lbs today. That is what I deserve though
  • qt, I keep forgetting to wish you luck with the audition, so - good luck!!

    julie, it's great that you're having a positive impact on your mom. Every pound she loses is a move in the right direction.

    I'm feeling much more in control of my eating today. Losing focus one day is not a reason to panic!
  • March 1: 194.4; 1802 calories
    March 2: 194.2; 1897 calories
    March 3: 193.8; 1339 calories
    March 4: 193.6; 1457 calories
    March 5: 193.0; 1461 calories
    March 6: 192.8; 1642 calories
    March 7: 192.6; 1484 calories
    March 8: 192.0; 1474 calories
    March 9: 192.8; 1608 calories
    March 10: 191.6; 1377 calories
    March 11: 191.6; 1372 calories
    March 12: 191.0; 1463
    March 13: 190.2

    Good afternoon everyone! I don't trust this .8 drop... I ate a very late supper last night, and was expecting a gain. I wasn't feeling too well this morning, so went right back to bed, and was shocked to have slept until 1:30 PM! So, I had a late weigh-in, and was probably dehydrated. It was still a nice number to see. I'm still not feeling that great, but have a boat load of stuff to do. I'll catch up with personals later....
  • everybody..I chicken out this Morning and didn't WI today Just felt heavy I ate on plan yesterday but IDK.. I didn't have time to jog this Morning (needed to be at the gym to early) and y'all know how I am bout needing to walk/jog first thing in the morning in order weighing in Hopefully one day I'll just step out on Faith and get out of that habit cause I'd really like to.

    Angie,you're doing great w/the walking Great job on the 2 lbs thank you yeah,hard surfaces aren't good with all that pounding on the joints.

    Hay Diana hope You, Mother and DH had a good today your weighs moving awesome! it has too cause your really solid thank you. Don't know where this new love for the gym came from now that we're in a shinny new building,everything pretty with more new classes.I plan on going everyday Hope it pays off.I learn today that TRX was invented by a Navy Seal.They didn't have exercise stuff on the ship and they wanted to exercise so they started using straps.Very interesting.A girl told me today that my arms are firming up.
    I was on the track the other day...and a Girl came up next to me,tapped me on the shoulder and asked"How did you get your calves like that" I said," I don't know,I guess From walking/jogging so much."Then i stopped and tried to look in the back and see them.I never paid any attention to stuff like that.She said," you'd look good in stilettos"...please.People notice all kinds of things.

    Rennie, 181 is coming real soon cause you're determined and focus Sorry about Chelle Thank you
  • Hi Everyone! Just a quick post tonight. I have to get up early tomorrow AM. My Mom is having surgery to have per port (for chemo) placed. I would appreciate any thoughts and prayers you could send her way. Have a nice evening and sleep well.
  • March:
    01 - 271.8
    02 - 272.3
    03 - 273.6
    04 - 273.6
    05 - 270.5
    06 - 271.6
    07 - 272.7
    08 - 272.1
    09 - 267.6
    10 - 270.1
    11 - 272.3
    12 - 271.6
    13 - 271.8

    Lately, I have been just walking since I have been having backaches off and on so I have knocked off the jogging for a while. When I jogged the trouble with my feet got worse and my legs ached (I have also been having a backache lately too that is related to getting used to walking). I've had this problem with my feet almost all my life it can get painful (it's on the outside of my feet) but luckily it is lessening since I've decided to just walk. I have now increased the time when I walk to 60 mins, my son hates this fact because he has to go outside with me for that long. I've also decided that I'm going to walk until I get some more weight off my body then try walking/jogging again.

    love2b150 - Thanks. Aleve is a wonder drug around my house lately.

    Diana - and thanks.
  • ok .8 down again to 181.6 ... Ladies if I see a 7 on that scale tomorrow you will hear me scream where ever you are

    Thanks Diana Good job on your .2 down ... I am texting her now, she is planning to continue her PT when she gets home so that she can prepare to go back. I am so happy to hear her say that. I was just saying this morning that everything happens for a reason, but when she comes home her plans need to include going to school and/or finding a full time job. Diana I will definitely pray for your Mom

    LOL Steph for the almost two years I have been here with Diana someone has always tried, LOL too funny Steph you are so hard on yourself. I agree with Diana it's just sodium and we have 4 more days to go, you never know you may have a nice whoosh between now and then. Steph love it ---> Losing focus one day is not a reason to panic!

    Kukkie you can do it ... and I feel you every time I get close to 180 I go right back up. My goal for the month is just to see the 170's and anything lower would definitely be a bonus

    Julie good job on the pound down and what a great motivator you are. If you are journaling maybe let your Mom read your journal to get ideas. I copied a lot of my notes for a friend and now she weighs less than me . Thanks for the positive energy and good vibes ... back at cha' Lady

    Kelly good job on the .8 down, I've never auditioned for anything (not as an adult anyway) so I don't know what to tell you. I can give you a virtual BIG hug and tell you just breathe Thanks Steph .... Best of luck to you Kelly

    Kris well at least you know what the culprit is you can work it out and packing and moving should definitely help

    justaloozer work it out, you can do it ... nope you don't deserve it

    Salley hope you feel better soon , When I lay down and sleep/rest that long I always say your body needed that rest good job on the .8 down

    Thanks Ona ... yes people do notice all types of things. You often wonder what makes them look at you so hard to study you like that Stilettos ... Chelle has a pair I tried them on and did not dare take a step, LOL. Whew they are tall.

    Jinxy, I surely took my Aleve also On the subject of walking, that's how I lost 30lbs just walking. I love to walk, it's refreshing I think when the weather actually breaks I will start again, it worked for me for sure.