May the Force of the Scale be with us! Daily weighing pt 2

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  • gonna do my best to end the month of a good note! I've been really lax since the day after the wedding, after reaching my first mini-goal. It's a mental thing, but I'm stronger than I used to be. I will get back on track today -- not tomorrow but today!'s just so much harder to start again once you pause

    I got sick yesterday which helped my WI today - lol - so i'm ending the month at 211. That's up just over 1 pound from my low this month. I'll get back to that low and keep on going!

    Enjoy the last day of May everyone! Have a strong, on plan day
  • May Summary -- my first month with you guys

    1: n/a
    2: 214.4
    3: n/a
    4: 215.2 (+.8)
    5: 213.6 (-1.6)
    6: n/a
    7: n/a
    8: 218 (+4.4) ???? I knew it was a bad few days
    9: 214.4(-3.6) ??? Don't know if I should believe it. But I guess it makes me even for last week!
    10: 213.6 (-.8)
    11: 213.2 (-.4)
    12: 213.2 (-.0)
    13: 212.6 (-.6)
    14: 211.8 (-.8)
    15: 210.8 (-1.0)
    16: 210.4 (-4.0 for week!) (-.4 day)
    17: 209.8 (-.6)
    24: 214
    25: -
    26: -
    27: -
    28: -
    29: -
    30: -
    31: 211

    So I'm down 3.4 pounds for the month. It could have been and should have been much better but I let myself go slack AFTER my vacation. However, that's 3.4 pounds off of me so I'm happy. And when I look at the little "May" things I wrote when i started, I succeed on many of them:

    -is a beautiful month for self-beauty
    -I have the stength for a good day everyday
    -I fit comfortably into my bridesmaid dress on 5/21 and enjoy my only day off-plan funny, I was moire on plan that day than the 2 weeks after!
    -I exit you smaller in size but bigger in confidence than I entered!

    Good Job to everyone for participating in this thread this month! Together we're each getting smaller Thanks for the support!!
  • everybody!

    Welcome back Diana glad you had a nice time and enjoyed your new body

    Angie,welcome back hope you had a wonderful time

    Aimee,you held your weight good while on vacation

    KuKKie,great job on the 1.3


    Quillie,great job on the 3.6 lbs for May Just think of all the knowledge/wisdom you learn that will help you in June and beyond

    Beck,fantastic Job!!! 70 lbs is wonderful

    Eclipse,sorry bout your scale,don't need that drama now,so close to goal I started buying lithium's by the pack so that i wouldn't run out
    As for Me,WI @ 186.2 today,making a total loss of 3.2 for May thrilled cause i had a lot going on this Month and couldn't/didn't have the time to stress about my weight/push myself like usual which was a good thing cause i learn how to hold my weight,not stress about the scale so much and I managed to get a good mentality about and relationship with food in general.Being in so many different life situation has really helped strengthen my new healthy way of eating.

  • Down the lb I was up yesterday, plus another .2 to a new low of 151.4

    My scale is also not giving me the low battery indicator anymore. I'm still going to change the batteries to be sure though!
  • Started next month's thread for tomorrow!
  • Hi Everyone

    I just realized that June 1st is my Anniversary date with 3FC. I have lost a total of 16.6lbs this year which doesn't sound bad unless I look back at the fact that I had lost 30lbs on 9/25/10.

    My June 2010 stats are beginning weight: 195.4; ending weight: 183.2, Total loss for JUNE 2010: -12.2lbs. How interesting! I need to find my food journal from last year to see what I was eating. I'm gonna shoot for 8.8lbs this month and just maybe I can get out of the 170's.

    26 ~ 177.2 (-0.2) calories 1677 TTOM
    27 ~ 180.0 (+2.8) calories 1117 TTOM
    28 ~ 177.4 (-2.6) calories 1922 TTOM ... cookout
    29 ~ 179.4 (+2.0) calories 1217 light spotting ... ac out since Friday
    30 ~ 178.8 (-0.6) calories 1218 still spotting
    31 ~ 178.8 (same)

    I've got to do better. I'll catch up on personals later today.

    Have a great day Everyone!

    I weighed in today at 178.8
  • Wow! I’m down 5.3 today to 213 -- which means I get to post a loss for this month….although it’s a measly .4 Still, I’m simply amazed that I’ve lost 9.3 lbs in 2 days…just shows what sodium can do! I’m sure I’m now at my new actual weight, and I have to re-lose these last 5lbs from Vegas. I’m on plan and motivated to lose the next 40lbs, 1 pound at a time!

    Diana -- The highlight had to be just enjoying myself and only worrying about me. I haven’t been able to do that in a long long time…even when I have an evening out without Cameron I have to always act with caution because of course, I have to drive home, or take care of him the next morning. I really enjoyed having a few drinks and knowing that even if I felt like poop the next day, that would be the biggest consequence. I felt like I was 25 again I danced, I drank, I stayed up too late…it was wonderful! (Oh yeah, and we worked during the day, but that’s hardly worth mentioning…lol) Now to behave like a responsible 40yr old again and get this vaca-weight off!

    Jeri -- Anxiously awaiting your weigh in today (or tomorrow)

    Reptogirl -- Sorry for the overall gain, but consider what you’ve done in the last 2 weeks instead. Hope June will bring big losses for you!

    Quillie -- Congrats on your loss for May!

    Beck -- Wowowowowow! What a great month for you…congratulations on that and on being halfway to your goal!

    Kukkie -- I’m going to be sitting outside in that heat tonight…Cameron has a t-ball game. We’ll be bringing lots and lots of water! Oh if only it would take the last of my vacation weight with it! I’m trying to think about a name for the June thread, but nothing is coming to me.

    Vixsin -- Great month!

    Coondocks -- Back to incline walks, great job!

    FutureThoughts -- Best to get right back on track, that will bring you back to your low in no time. Good luck in June!

    Ona -- Hi! Good job in May. I can’t wait to see you hit 180 in June!

    Jeri -- Good job on your .2 -- not far now!
  • April 2011 - Lost 2.2 pounds (Ready to kick butt in May!)

    April 30: 282.6
    1: 280.0 (-2.6)
    2: 278.9 (-1.1)
    3: 276.0 (-2.9)
    4: 276.2 (+0.2)
    5: 276.0 (-0.2)
    6: 274.0 (-2.0)
    7: 272.7 (-1.3)
    8: 273.6 (+0.9)
    9: 273.4 (-0.2)
    10: 272.7 (-0.7)
    11: 271.4 (-1.3)
    12: 270.9 (-0.5)
    13: 271.4 (+0.5)
    14: 271.6 (+0.2)
    15: 271.8 (+.02)
    16: 271.8 (-0.0)
    17: 272.7 (+0.9)
    18: 271.2 (-1.5)
    19: 269.4 (-1.8)
    20: 268.1 (-1.2)
    21: 268.5 (+0.4)
    22: No WI
    23: 270.1 (+1.6)
    24: 271.2 (+1.1)
    25: 270.1 (-1.1)
    26: 269.8 (-.03) TOM
    27: 270.1 (+.06) TOM
    28: No WI - TOM
    29: No WI - TOM
    30: 271.6 TOM
    31: 272.6

    TOTAL LOST -10.0

    Wow, what a month! Feel so much better being back home and back OP following a rough holiday weekend! I enjoyed the extra time off work but did not enjoy the days off-plan! TOM really kicked my butt this month. I was not prepared to feel so incredibly tired and the cramps...whew! Considering that I swung back and forth 6-7 lbs during last month's TOM - this 3 lb swing is a relief! Totally stoked about my loss this month! I learned A LOT and I'm ready to take those lessons with me so I can show June who's boss too!

    I do have a couple NSVs to share this morning. I had routine bloodwork done last week and received some great news. My Total Cholesterol is 140 (s/b under 200) and is down 36 points from January! My Triglycerides are 150 (s/b under 150) and is down 12 points from January! SO FREAKING happy to see these numbers. Heart and artery disease run rampant in family - on both sides! It's such a serious genetic health issue, that my younger brother died from a heart attack just over four years ago...he was only 24 years old! That was a very sad and unfortunate wake up call for me. I'm thankful that this horrifying loss probably saved my life...

    Mandy -- WELCOME back and congratulations!!! We missed you and that picture is so NOT's adorable! I'm sure you're bummed about the gain but I think you did amazing and yes, I know it's gonna fly off now that you're back OP! Your rings are SO beautiful. Unique and elegant! I love your attitude about the gain - I think you're perspective is right on!

    Gale -- Big congrats on your whoosh just before the weekend! I'm so happy for you!!!

    Rhonda -- So proud of you for listening to yourself and then saying "nope", not gonna go there! I love your idea of journaling how you're feeling. I think that's the only way we can finally rid ourselves of those crazy thoughts. To let them come, feel them for a moment, analyze them and then say no. Congrats on the NSVs!! That's some serious inches lost!!

    Roxy -- Yes, I'm feeling much better now that TOM is long gone. I've always had rough back cramps - honestly, it feels like early labor...every month! Grrrr. This month was a doosey though. Positive note - learned more about myself and THAT is a very good thing!

    Vixsin -- Nice whoosh!! Enjoy your "command center!" Nice loss in May!!!

    Angie -- I agree with the others in that much of that 14 lbs has got to be sodium. It'll come off quick! I swell when I fly too. Have fun getting back're going to feel much better soon! Congrats on the whoosh!

    Kukkie -- I don't know why, but I gain when TOM leaves too!

    Aimee -- Good luck on the WI!!

    Diana -- Even your "bad" choices don't sound so bad. Bread service is bane of my existence but "shared" desserts is better than not shared desserts! So glad you enjoyed your new healthier body on this most recent vacation!

    Quille -- Great job on this month's loss and welcome to the 100lb club!

    Beck -- WOO HOO! You are doing amazing!!

    FutureThoughts -- I like you end of month summary. Congratulations!!

    OnaMi -- Great overall loss this month!!

    Jeri -- Congratulations on making it to a new los this month!! SO happy for you!!

    CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE for making it through another month!! Whether you're smaller, bigger or the same - you're still here!! See you all on the June thread!
  • yeah, i lied. i couldn't stay away from the scale. decided to step on the wii fit and face the music.

    i didn't use the wii, but these are the numbers i saw on the scale that made me wanna wait to weigh: friday - 274.6, saturday -276.8... sunday was back to work and back on plan, so after 2 days of on plan goodness, i'm back down to 272.1 and hoping by friday i can be back to 269. *fingers crossed*
  • Today I am 177, up .2 instead of having lost some of the water from the Chinese. My hubby wanted a steak last night with bacon and bleu cheese. Far be it from me to tell a man who serves his country that he can't eat what he wants on Memorial Day, especially not one who will be deploying in the near future, so we ended up at Outback. Why do the holidays always come at the end of the month? My loss for May is 1.4
  • Reptogirl You still had a .4 loss for the month. Keep working your plan.

    Quillie Congrats on the 3.6 pound loss!

    Beck You have done a fantastic job this month! Congrats on the 16.6 pound loss this month and 70 pounds overall!

    Kukkie That's not bad at all considering your vacation. You have maintained. Nothing wrong with that.

    Vixsin Congrats on the 6.4 pound loss!

    Coondocks June is going to be your month! Make it happen!

    Futurethoughts Sorry about you being sick yesterday. I hope you are better today. Congrats on the 3.4 pounds for the month.

    Ona Congrats on the 3.2 pounds!

    Eclipse Congrats on the new low!

    Rennie Hi Hang in there. You can do it.

    Angie It sounds like Vegas was fantastic! I am so glad that you enjoyed yourself. Congrats on having a loss for the month.

    JamiSue Congrats on the 10 pound loss! I agree, I could have made a lot worse choices. I'll keep working on the positive changes.

    Mandy I think you've done great, especially with everything you had going on.

    Fitgirlygirl Does your Outback have the new Wood Fired Grill? I love this new way of cooking they have. They don't add the extra butter to the steaks when you have them cooked with this method. Congrats on the 1.4 pounds!
  • The secret my take and some from oprah's show.
    This perpetual search for The Answer reached its apex a couple of years ago, when Oprah led the frenzy over The Secret. The video and accompanying book were a rehash of one of the oldest of self-help truisms—"think positive"—refreshed with a dusting of "science." The secret of The Secret was something called the Law of Attraction. As Oprah put it on the show, "It says that the energy, that the thoughts and feelings that you put out into the world, both good and bad, are exactly what is always coming back to you, so you have the life that you have created." Oprah and the teachers of The Secret, as they call themselves, did not mean this metaphorically. They explained that the universe and everything in it are made of vibrating energy, and by thinking positively we can actually "attract" the positive vibrations of the universe and bend them to our will. "You're a field of energy in a larger field of energy," one of The Secret's teachers said. "And like attracts like, and that's very, very scientific."

    By harnessing this powerful science, they said, we can have anything we want—happiness, love, fabulous wealth. This was so inspiring to Oprah that she devoted three shows to the product and appeared on Larry King to talk it up more. She said it encapsulated everything she believes. "I've been talking about this for years on my show," she said. "I just never called it The Secret."
    On one of the Secret shows, Oprah gave an example of the scientific power of the concept. She said that once, while she was hosting an episode about a man who could blow really big soap bubbles, she was thinking to herself, "Gee, that looks fun. I would like to blow some bubbles." When she returned to her office after the show, there, on her desk, was a silver Tiffany bubble blower. "So I call my assistant," Oprah told the audience. "I say, 'Did you just run out and get me some bubbles? 'Cause I got bubbles by my desk.' And she says, 'No, the bubbles were always there. I bought you bubbles for your birthday and you didn't notice them until today'

    There are many lessons that might be drawn from this anecdote. One is that if you give Oprah a thoughtful gift, she may not bother to notice it or thank you for it. This is not the lesson Oprah took away from her story. Because the way she sees it, her assistant hadn't really given her the gift at all. She gave it to herself. Using the power of The Secret, she said, "I had called in some bubbles."

    So my take on the secret is , stay positive think positive and positive things might happen , its known as " positive thinking " ,
    but it lost me on this point ...

    Rhonda Byrne advises that you can keep your weight down by avoiding the sight of fat people. "If you see people who are overweight, do not observe them, but immediately switch your mind to the picture of you in your perfect body and feel it." Don't worry about calories, just get rid of that 150-pound sorority sister down the hall.
    I will take time and re-read it but i find many things wrong here...
    If you think yourself healthy , you are healthy , so How did i get sick , and that must of meant i wanted my husband to die?????
  • April 30th: 240.6

    1: 244.4
    2: 241.6
    3: 242.4
    4: 244.6
    5: 238.0
    6: 239.6
    7: 241.4
    8: 242.4
    9: 243.4
    10: 243.8
    11: 241.0
    12: 239.4
    13: 238.4
    14: 239.6
    15: 238.6
    16: 239.4
    17: 239.8
    18: No WI
    19: No WI - TOM
    20: No WI - TOM
    21: No WI - TOM
    22: 241.6 - TOM
    23: 241.4 - TOM
    24: 239.8
    25: 240.0
    26: No WI
    27: 237.4
    28: 238.2
    29: 237.8
    30: 238.0
    31: 239.0

    Lots of off plan foods and TONS of salt this weekend coupled with only one trip to the gym (and I won't be able to go until Thursday) makes for a cruddy weigh in today. We had my in-laws in town for 4 days and while I cooked mostly OP foods, a calorie bomb of a chocolate cake did sneak in there (700 calories/slice! ) So, up 1.6 from my low and recording a loss of 1.6 this month. It's better than the last months where I've had no loss or a gain. I do believe this is the first month that I've ended in the 230's though. Yay!
  • Angie welcome back and congrats on the 9.3lbs wow just whooshing away

    Rhonda congrats on the new sizes and the inches lost

    Mandy those days should be memorable so definitely no regrets
    Mandy what a great NSV fingers crossed for great numbers on the scale

    Vixsin glad you made good choices at your cookout. My Mom came over Saturday and I've been eating cookout food since. Not good choices at all. Congrats on the 6.4lbs gone for the month

    Hi Quillie it's never to late to join this great group of people Congrats on the 3.6lbs gone for the month

    Hey Kukkie ... I like that vacation eating, that's what I did also. June is gonna be our month

    eclipse your scale is just playing with you ... you're gonna see that big shiny 150 real soon <--- see I knew it, this was the update for yesterday congrats on the 1.4 to go, YOU GO GIRL

    Hey Aimee

    FitGirly you know it's just the sodium <-- from yesterdays post ... A good dinner and 1.4lbs gone for the month is still better than a gain

    Thanks Diana I'm gonna do this. I did it with this thread and YOU and quite a few of you last year, I CAN and WILL do it again ... sounds like you had a joyous time ... I'm looking forward to buying my first regular swim suit. I looked at a few on Saturday but I need to come down again before I buy one. You know that 3.4lbs will be gone before you know it

    reptogirl thank goodness that the social gathering foods don't stay around forever your efforts and workouts will pay off, no worries I'm working on getting mine off also

    Beck congrats on the 16.6lbs gone for the month. That's what I lost from June 2010 to June 2011. Great job on the 70lbs gone

    Coondocks we're in this togther I didn't do well this month but I'm hoping June will prove to be much better

    FutureThoughts you hit it on the nose for me it's just so much harder to start again once you pause but we're gonna do it Congrats on the 3.4lbs gone for the mont

    Ona congrats on the 3.2lbs gone for the month, I just love your enthusiasm


    Jami congrats on the 10lbs gone for the month I'm sorry for your loss.

    Gale I calculate my loss from the 5/1 to 5/31. So that's 5.4lbs for you gone which is great.

    Ladies how do you calculate your loss??? now I'm curious, have I been doing it wrong?

    Hello to everyone I missed ...
  • I aimed at 7lb lost in May and fell just a little short of it. Finishing the month at 175.3lb, that is a 6.7lb loss! hurray! I haven't lost this much in one month in a long long time!

    Needless to say, I'm joining in here for June as well! Even if I haven't posted a lot (which I'll try to change next month), this is a great way to keep track!