RESOLVE to Exercise in JANUARY!

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  • With everything going on, I don't think I ever put up my goal for the month. I was going to be boring and stick with 1200 mins, but seeing as I have done quite well so far (1010 mins), I think I will increase it to 1500. I could probably go higher, but with going back and forth to visit Mum, I can't really guarantee how much I'll get done.

    Since the beginning of the year I have managed to walk most days (I've had 3 rest days I think) for a minimum of 60 mins. This has been a mix of walking on my own and with Neil. We tend to walk about 7 or 8 kilometres each time (about 4.5 miles on average), although I do get a little bit further when I am on my own. Poor Neil is still getting used to this 'aerobic' stuff.

    Personal Goal... 1010/1500 mins, leaving 490 mins left of January's goal

    Group Total... 8,633 + 1010 = 9,643

  • Jeepers .. I keep forgetting to come in here and put in my minutes .. I think I will set myself the target of coming in here every weigh in day and add my weekly amount. Im not setting any targets this month, so far it hasnt been as much as I would have done if I hadnt lost my motivation midway .. thanks to joining the gym I hope that will be changing tho ... anyway .. a mix of WATP, Richard Simmons, Pilates and walking I have been doing off an on all month so far.

    My total to Jan 17 : 540 minutes.

    Group Total: 540 + 9643 = 10183 minutes (please double check my total before posting lol .. my brain is fluffy tonight).
  • Last night - 30 minutes of yoga, 15 minutes of weights total 45.
    This morning - 21 minutes on the elliptical.

    Personal Goal 396/600

    Group total: 8633 + 66 = 8699!
  • Katt -- Your totals are right, but Lilion used an older number to add to (I think that happens when we don't start at the most recent page).

    Group total~ 10,183 + 66 (from Lilion) = 10,249 minutes

    I have nothing to add from yesterday, I was a slug!
  • Personal Total: 720 of 1500

    Group Total: 10,249 + 75 = 10,324
  • that I finally exercised, I can some minutes here! I did 40 minutes yesterday...

    Group Total: 10,324 + 40 = 10,364

    And my personal goals is 40 minutes 5x a week. So for the rest of January = 440 minutes.
  • 10,364+40=10,404
  • just ten minutes, but they were Pre-work morning minutes - in addition to whatever I get in at night, so I'm hoping it's the beginning of a new good habit! Besides, 10 is easy to add to the total LOL

    10 + 10,404 = 10,414
  • personal goal 421+30= 451/1000

    Group total ~ 10414+30= 10444
  • I did some strength training this afternoon for about 20 minutes.

    Personal: 475/900

    Group Total: 20 + 10,444 = 10,464
  • 45 minutes of kick boxing

    Group total: 10,464+45=10,509
  • Simone .. love your idea of setting a target for the rest of the month .. will join in on that .. 40 minutes minimum 5x a week ... so to the end of January (inc today) is an extra 400 minutes .. actually .. as I have over 500 already I will make it 1000 minutes this month instead (so much for no target rofl).

    Sooo . . updating:

    Personal Goal : 540 + 50 = 590/1000 - 410 to go.

    Group Total: 10,509 + 50 = 10,559 minutes
  • WATP Walk/Kick workout this morning.

    Personal: 505/900

    Group Total: 30 + 10,559 = 10,589
  • Personal Total: 795 of 1500

    Group Total: 10,589 + 75 = 10,664
  • Group Total: 10,664 + 40 = 10,704

    Personal goal: 80/440