~~July Golden Girls~~

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  • I totally agree about the lecturing, it's to the point that I don't read any lengthy discussions. I scroll right past them. Maybe you'd want to start your own thread where those interested in doctor reports, stats, etc. can contribute. We used to have 500 posts a month and it is dying out.
  • Maybe some of you newer ladies ~ if you read some of the older threads could see what this group was about ~ how fun it was. We enjoyed it like that. If you all are wanting a group with a different focus ~ maybe you could make another thread that could be more how you wanted it to be.
  • I am in total agreement--- this use to me more of a caring family group. We need to get back to that. Everyone should care about each other and support each other-- not just Statistics--- if that is what you are looking for there are other sites that would be fine. Or like what has already been said -- you could always start a new thread of your own. We love having ne people join that want to become family--- not lecture us!

    And I have also been on here for longer that it shows! I think my actual "Join Date" was back in 1997---and we have all gone through so good times and some tough times. We have seen "friends" called home to Glory, we have struggled through family problems with some and like families we have all supported each other through each step of the way.

    This site is not just about weight loss-- it is so much more! And we like it that way!

  • Hola! Time for some personals:

    CarolSue – it sounds like you’re creative when it comes to controlling your sugar levels. Didn’t your DH have some health issues at one time? Is he well now and how has that impacted your own battle?

    Naughty Nibbler
    (name?) – tell us something about yourself and your family.

    Lucinda – your weight loss stats are amazing. How long did it take you to figure out what works and what doesn’t? Is it more difficult for you, having your kids at home?

    Liana – I know you’re working nights. When I was on graves, it about killed me… bad sleep, bad attitude, bad everything. How are you managing?

    Gayle – how are you managing the joint stiffness? I’ve been using my glider/gazelle a bit (I’m a slug, you’ll remember!), and it’s amazing how good it feels. I lived with pain for so long that this is, um, like, a miracle! Getting that hip replaced was the best thing EVER!

    Cajun – how are the wedding plans coming? It sounds like you like your potential DIL… keep us posted! How involved will you be with the planning and preparation?

    Mary – you’re doing so well with your blood sugar! I’m so glad the meds are working! How is DH after his eye surgery? This has to be hard for him, because he’s so active! Good thoughts!

    Rosey – how’s Mr. CrankyPants doing? I hope he’s healing and not running you ragged. I’m so excited about my potential visit to see you next spring! I hope it works out (positive thoughts!)…. And how is your GD doing?

    Judy – welcome. I hope you’ll become a part of our group. We really are a very nice group of women!

    KarenFL – we will continue to rally around each other… sending support and good wishes for surgeries, deaths, animal boo boos, etc., etc.

    CK – you need our support now more than ever, what with Ginger and your worries with DH. We’re here! And I hope you get your stupid Wii working, too!

    If I forgot anyone, it's not intentional.... next time!

    Everyone, have a good one! Onward and upward.
  • Donna~ I've read your post and reread it several times. Did I miss the concept of this group and babbling too much about my weekend adventures and trying to diet at the same time. Am I going about my posting all wrong? I'm confused. Please tell me. I don't want to offend anyone. I try to encourage everyone and I glow when k3 gets her rolling pen after me.

  • OK, I formally apologize to all who are bored/upset with my posts, lol. I have always tended toward the guy style of response ie. 'problem solver' rather than 'hand holder'. I just really like the scientific aspects of everything and I suppose I assume everyone feels the same . Most of you seem to have been on here a long time and actually know one another in person and not just virtually, so I can see where there would be a stronger connection for you. I will 'shut up' now and maybe just pop in to read once in a while as I too am finding we don't have a whole lot in common except for wishing each other the best in the future.
  • Cajun - you're just fine. Not to worry!

    Before the hurt feelings overshadow everything, I think the point has been missed. We're interested in science; we're also interested in each other. Interest in what other people are doing is good. Response to comments is good. There's room for both clinical and personal interaction here, and that's what we're saying we miss! I just did a long personal; the next two respondents didn't even mention that. This is what I mean.... Weight loss is fine, but it's PEOPLE who are doing the weight loss.

  • Cajun--- I love hearing your stories-- that is what we enjoy.. Makes us feel more like we are sitting around a BIG table and having a gab fest!
  • Ok thank you Donna. You asked about the wedding plans. They are going good. I adore my ds's fiancé. She is asking my opinion on many things. I've given her names of caters and photographer when she's asked. She ask me to go with her for her fitting of her dress. I'm so excited about that. I know the brides family bares the most of the expenses so I'm offering to pay for some things. She refused and said it was ok but I insisted. Our families live 40 minutes away so they chose a church and reception hall in between both our towns so it would be good on all our guest. That's why I offered to pay for some things.

    I'll be back later. I have a baby crying.
    Hugs cajun
  • Lol she stopped crying.

    Thank you k31. Our weekends are usually always an adventure. Never boring around here.
    You and your Tim are always in my prayers.
    I went back and read a few post from the beginning and stumbled across the walking story with the wolf. I'm in a very similar pickle. We had 2 red foxes in our yard every afternoon right before dark. I've seen them on my patio and carport. Told ds that is too close for comfort. They are invading my space. CALL A TRAPPER PLEASE. He said nah. They are ok they are eating frogs and won't hurt you. Hmmm. Well last week someone ran over one of them. So we just have one. I'm not too comfortable but they are very pretty.

    Be back later.
  • Quote: Donna~ I've read your post and reread it several times. Did I miss the concept of this group and babbling too much about my weekend adventures and trying to diet at the same time. Am I going about my posting all wrong? I'm confused. Please tell me. I don't want to offend anyone. I try to encourage everyone and I glow when k3 gets her rolling pen after me.

    I can see how there is general confusion about the collective recent posts. I'm confused as well. From a couple of posts I read, some appear to feel the there is a problem with "the new" people:

    . . . . "We love having new people join that want to become family--- not lecture us!
    Maybe some of you newer ladies ~ if you read some of the older threads could see what this group was about ~ how fun it was. We enjoyed it like that. If you all are wanting a group with a different focus ~ maybe you could make another thread that could be more how you wanted it to be.

    Just throwing out a suggestion. Perhaps a veteran needs to take the lead (and another member or two join in) and come up with a Code of Conduct for The Golden Girls and establish in writing what this thread is intended for and what needs to be taken to a different thread. Perhaps it can be added to the leading post for each monthly thread.

    I think new members an old members need to be on the same page on the purpose of this thread. Right now, I don't think I'm the only one who is confused. I don't know what it once was, I've only seen the theme by the posts I've observed over the last 2 couple of weeks.

    I zoomed in on "We are about Fitness and Quality of Life after 50...". So I'm thinking the main focus is to post about fitness info and support in that regard. Beyond that, unless something is clearly stated and practiced, new people try to fit in by the examples they see in posts.

    I see an opportunity here to bring clarity and revitalization to this thread. If someone doesn't jump in and do it, the same old problem will just resurface. I've seen similar problems in threads and I've seen where a written code of conduct can be very beneficial. If someone takes the lead on this and wants some ideas of a starting place for a code of conduct, they can PM me. (I'm happy to help)

    I'll back away from posting. I'm definitely not looking for controversy or a clique, just a friendly place to mainly focus on health, fitness and weight loss support. Maybe it is a good idea for me to start a fresh thread.
  • OH Cajun-- that is scary--- I never took another walk while we lived there--- My little Ginger looked so much like a fox.. she was so pretty. My Dad had a mama fox and two babies years ago on his property. He had set out a live trap/cage for the ground hogs. One morning he walked down there and the babies were in the trap---Dad let them out and mama came running. They all three followed my Dad back up the hill to the house. He was a little nervous but they ended up being pretty good buddies. He never tried to touch them but he would throw out bread for them when he saw them
  • We are and have been the Golden Girls. We are Fun and Friendship, Valve, Power, Wisdom with laughter. There is love in us. The concept has always been a coffee clatch. Picture a big round table, pull up a chair, poura cuppa of tea or coffee. We share our dreams, hopes and worries. There is always someone who has an answer because one of us had lived that or done that. Dieting is a part of our lives, but only a part of the whole package. We revel in our croneness. Are protective of each other. We are sisters and cyber family. We share thoughts and give hugs frequently. We are the Golden Girls. You are welcome to join us. Just pull up a chair. We're always here. Be sure to bring your sense of humor and prepare to laugh even thru your tears.
  • I work in a cemetery. The majority of my client base are dead. I deal with grief stricken families every day. Initially I am sometimes the focal point for thier anger.
    I come to this forum to share and respect and be respected in turn.
    I am happy for those of you planning weddings, vacations, building craft rooms etc...but this is the only safe place I have left to workout my weightloss angst.
  • Karen3--- you hit the nail on the head. We always have room for more-- we just get a bigger table.

    Lucinda-- I enjoy your juicing recipes-- I have a nutribullet and a magic bullet. I started out just using them for slimfast with bananas or frozen strawberries and blueberries. Now I'm trying to branch out some and try different things. I know I should try to away from the slimfast more BUT I really like the taste of the powders mixed into smoothies. So I'm trying and you give good ideas for that and your weight loss is incredible.. It inspires me to try harder--- which is what we want!