April Chat

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  • Carol Sue - Weight and fbs up some this morning after yesterdays carby eating. Although it wasn't all that high. Up almost 2 lbs and fbs was 123, that isn't too bad. I think it will have to work rrrreeeaaalllyy good for me to do that once a week. I'll see. Sure don't like the way I felt. I started low carb again this morning. I think I like just having an off meal or off snack once in a while better. But I will give this a chance. I have blood work the 28th of this month and doctor's appt the 1st week of June when they will weigh me and do the A1c. Sure don't want to screw that up.

    Rennie I like your eating in January. No bread, pasta, sugar, rice or potatoes. That is a really good way to eat.

    Shannon You have really worked hard work and hope you get to see good results that show it.

    Don't know if we are going to Taco Bell or the cafeteria just hope I can be strong and stay oP.

    Ruthie Hope you had a good day yesterday and all is going good today.

    Fatmad Where are you? Hope you are ok and just busy. Miss you loads.

  • Woohoo! My FBS was 101 (been over 7 yrs since I've had a fasting that low at the dr) and my A1c was 6% (down from 6.2% in Dec). The doctor noticed my weight loss as well. Usually I have to return every 4 mths but she is letting me go 6 mths this time before recheck (and complete physical). Success! As a side note, my meter read about 15 pts higher immediately before the draw so maybe the "prime" does run higher than the "micro" (Relion brand meters). I did get the control material and my new strips are within range with the "prime" so the meter is not defective. It's reassuring to know the higher values I have seen on there might have actually been closer to normal if I had been tested in a lab at the same time. My weight was higher at the dr than at home, of course, but it was below 200!
  • Thanks Trish, this thread is just so busy, I just read

    Kris the only time I was given nutrition classes was in 1997 I forget what insurance I had but I was pregnant with my son and they put me on a diet to control gestational diabetes. Each time afterwards and with different insurance I was told to keep an eye on my sugar intake, don't eat a lot of breads and sweets. That's it. Twice put on insulin and in 2011 out on metformin. But still no classes unless I pay for them myself and they weren't cheap up north and you had to do a series of them.

    Shannon it's amazing how cutting those things out does a body good. And once you get them out you don't miss them but if I slip up then it is on Shannon you are doing very well. I'm happy for you

    Carol Sue it was definitely the soup. I like cream of chicken soup and it does that to me each time along with the sodium bloat I saw an all time low for this year 108. I was shocked but my carbs were super low for the day. I think it I ate all meat and eggs for a day the numbers would be where they should be but eggs make me gag after two days. Not sure why but I just don't like them the way I use to. I don't care how they are made. Potato salad I can eat only with green beans, greens or peas now. I can't eat it alone and I can only eat a spoon of it (not the huge serving spoon) the spoon we refer to as a tablespoon with the silverware Radiojane on another thread was experimenting/using the potato starch she said it made her burpy also. I forget the reason for trying it. I don't need anything else to gas me up. It seems that is all I have since starting this journey this time. Everything I mean everything gives me gas. I haven't drank the vinegar water in awhile. I need to get back to it. The plain lemon water bloats my stomach really bad, but the cucumber, lemon/lime water doesn't.

    well I loss .8 of the birthday water/junk but I am bloated from the sodium filled things I've had today. My rings are not tight but they usually twirl around my finger and drive me nuts so I take them off. FBS was great at 108 but like I said I had a great day yesterday. Hope it all continues
  • Congrats Shannon! Great news!
  • Well, got new tires, front end aligned and they said brakes were fine. Said the brake pads looked new. Only thing left to do before trip in June is to get oil changed. Not really time to have it done, but with the miles we will put on the car, we will do it before we leave.

    Ate at the cafeteria and food was not all that great. I got the meatloaf which was fair and the salad with ranch dressing was good (I always like salad). But the greens were a real disappointment. With what the greens cost, I tried to eat them, but there was no way. I honestly believe they had sugar of some sort in them and sweetened greens taste awful. My Mama used to put sweet pickle juice in spinach, but this was not pickle juice. The only good thing is that except for the little bit of greens I did eat, I was pretty much low carb. I came home and checked my bs before I ate dinner and it was 115. I think that is good since the fbs was 123 this morning.

    Carol Sue How are you doing on the low carb today? I am starting to crave veggies after my one high carby day. If that makes me eat healthier 6 days after the high carb day, that could be helpful. Did you download the info from the first link you shared? I'm kind of skeptical about adding starches of any kind. What did you think about it? I didn't really have time to do much with it, but will read it tomorrow.

    Shannon Great doctor's visit. I am thrilled for your accomplishment.

    Rennie, Kris, Donna and others reading
  • Shannon, great lab results! You are doing a great job! I never did call for the control solution. I will have to do that soon.

    Rennie - Our hospital has a free program for recently diagnosed diabetics. I didn't get to go to it because I was recovering from heart surgery at the same time and going to cardiac rehab. All you needed was a script from your doctor to attend. We did have a small session with a nutritionist at cardiac rehab. I feel if they were going to tell me to eat 45 gm of carb at each meal and 15 at each snack, then I didn't want to go to their sessions. Real people who deal with their own diabetes can give you much more reliable information.

    The potato starch is supposed to lower blood sugar and help with weight loss. I tried it for the blood sugar but didn't give it a chance to work after I got so burpy. I really love eggs and eat them daily. I have had them twice a day, too, and that's why I use the egg substitute a lot, so I'm still limiting my egg yolks.

    I knew you had a birthday coming up. Did we miss it? If so, Happy Birthday!

    Trish, I downloaded the info but it wasn't anything I didn't already know, and it eventually gets to the point that they're selling a program. If I keep getting junk from them I will block them from my email. I just thought the info on resistant starch was interesting. Beans are the primary resistant starch and they help me a lot. I will use up this bag of potato starch that I bought and probably not buy it again. My body has adjusted to the gas from beans, but I couldn't stand that burpiness.

    I'm not even sure if I am going to continue this one carb day. I will give it another chance with different carbs. The potato salad and bread were not good choices for me. I just felt terrible. I have eaten pasta and lasagne since I started this low carb plan and haven't had much trouble with it since I keep portions small. I will stick with that and see how it goes. I usually make those 2 meals at least twice a month so I'm going to be eating them anyway.

    I am doing well with the plan I've been following and I think I could sustain this for a lifetime, so I'm sticking with it. An occasional carb meal is not going to ruin it for me.
  • Congrats Shannon! My relion runs higher than the contour too but my A1c didn't reflect either of them. Mine was 7 (avg. of 154 according to some chart I read) which means that my bs is running high at a point I'm not checking. Most of my readings are in the 80 (Contour) - 125 (Relion) range. I am noticing a lot of night trips to the bathroom though and the dry mouth. Not sure what to do about that.
  • Carol Sue Interestingly, I've come to the conclusion today that I don't want or need one day a week to be a carb day. I do know from having done Carbohydrate's Addict Diet that a carby meal from time to time will not ruin things for me. So I decided to just do the low carb way of eating. However, I am going to be eating fruit. I liked Rennie's plan. I plan to just eat mostly fruit, non-starchy veggies, protein and fat. I also thought that some beans would not be bad either. Kind of like South Beach. Although I don't want to put a name on my eating plan as a diet, I could almost do SBD except that I don't like eating no fat. I do believe we should be eating healthy fats too, however, I may need to look at the book again as I do believe there are some lowfat foods you can have like dairy products.

    I think that I have so much head knowledge of how to eat healthy that I can work out a way of eating that is healthy for me. As long as I can keep my bs under control and have a steady weight loss, I will be happy.

    My weight wasn't up as high as it was yesterday, but my fbs was higher. I do think that must have been sugar in those greens plus no telling what else.

    Donna I get that dry mouth too. I've learned that it is because I either haven't drank enough water (I know it sounds crazy when you are running to potty so much), but I think it has to do with drinking it spread out throughout the day. Like yesterday, since we were going to be gone in the afternoon, I didn't drink much if any water in the morning. Then I really drank to catch up. Also I finished the coffee I didn't finish yesterday morning. Caffeine is a diuretic even at night and since I take a mild diuretic in the evening, it is really crazy that I drank it at night too. LOL Just my experience that I thought I would share.
  • Thanks everyone for the congrats! I am still stoked! I haven't left a dr appt feeling good about myself in a looonnnggg time! So, the scale is down almost 2 lbs since Monday. I'm getting a tiny bit concerned about how fast I'm losing. But, then I think about how I will likely hit a plateau soon anyway. I'm not counting anything (and don't want to) so I can't say for sure if I'm eating enough but I'm not hungry all the time either.
  • My fbs was up this morning 144 (but it was the pretzels that I had to have last night) I wanted something salty so I ate them. Like always with the high fbs the scale was lower at 162 a pound down. I was talking to my Mother yesterday and we got on the subject of beans. I want to try eating beans daily and see how that works. I just don't want to eat a lot of them. Carol Sue you said your body has gotten use to the beans. About how long do you think it took? How much do you eat a day? and how do you prepare yours? I don't like a lot of season, broth and onion usually are all I need for most veggies I prepare. I'm not a salt person for real food however when I want chips I want chips/pretzels I drink a ton of water so I don't have the dry mouth and the bathroom I only go constantly if I eat too many bad carbs. As long as I stay low carb I don't go as often

    Trish I'm waiting to see watermelon that is a decent price and the right size

    Shannon don't be too concerned, from my experience you lose fast in the beginning and then it slows down ... just ride it out. Because it will eventually slow down as your body adjust and gets use to it and the .5's will start to annoy you Even when I eat off plan and start to eat right again I lose well for a few days then the .2 & .4's start to be all I see ... but as long as I've been on 3FC I have heard slow and steady so I TRY to keep smiling
  • Shannon, I agree with Rennie. Enjoy this rapid weight loss, because it's not going to last forever! Low carb can make you drop really fast in the beginning. Many times Trish and I have said we want to eat like normal people. They don't count anything...they eat when they are hungry and stop when they are satisfied. As long as you are not going hungry and are losing weight, I wouldn't change anything.

    Donna - I don't know when you're testing, but I suggest that you focus on 1hr, 2hr, and 3 hr post prandial, and also 3AM if you have the opportunity to be awake at that time. Not everyone spikes at 2 hr PP. Some sooner, some later and it can depend on what you've eaten. I have always heard that fasting is the last to go down and if you're getting good fasting readings the rest of your readings are good, also, but apparently that is not true in your case. You might be eating something that is spiking you that you don't realize or a certain meal might be bigger portion sizes, which would spike also. Another thing I do is test before a meal. If I am higher than I should be, I make that meal very low carb. It can get expensive testing that often and your fingers can get really sore. I just went through that for a couple weeks when I was trying to bring my readings down. It could also be the timing of your exercise. A 15 min walk after dinner helps me.

    Trish, I also prefer to just stay on low carb but was only going to try this to see if it helped with my rash. I can't really say that I miss the carbs. I miss the veggies more. My eating plan has no name. Low carb is as close as I can get to a name. I eat eggs, fish, meat and vegetables. I don't know which vegetables etc are good on which plan. For example, I am making meatloaf for tonight. I consider that meat. I don't count the bread crumbs that are in it. It's minimal at best. The same with chicken. I don't make fried chicken, but if I eat it out, I don't worry about the breading or batter on the outside.

    Rennie, you have to go really slow with beans. Some produce more gas than others. I had trouble with lentils. pain. But now I'm using black beans and don't have a problem. That book I read about the vegetables said to aim for 2 C per day. Don't even THINK about that! LOL I would say it took a few weeks to a month for my body to get used to them. I was eating more before. Right now I have been buying a can of black beans, rinsing them and freezing them in snack bags in 1/4 C portions. All the little bags go into a bigger freezer bag. Each day I take out 1 bag and let it defrost. I put some of them in my scrambled eggs, or in my greens I cook for lunch, or in a tossed salad. So that's 1/4 C per day. I feel that I could increase my portion, but right now I'm getting some beans into my diet with little side effects. No abdominal pain...just a little toot now and then. LOL You can increase as your feel comfortable.

    When I first started low carb, I had one day that I was in the bathroom every 15 minutes and about 5 times during the night. I thought something was seriously wrong with me! The next day I was down 4 lbs. That's how much fluid I had been retaining without realizing it. I didn't seem to have any puffiness. At that time, my rings would not move and were hard to get off. Now they are looser. They are not to the point that it's bothering me, but I have had that happen. My diamond kept flipping around to the bottom. Annoying, but always a good sign! Sometimes I get dry mouth. I don't drink as much water as I should. I have to remind myself. Sometimes I crave water so much I guzzle a whole bottle.
  • Thanks Carol Sue, I'm gonna try a half of a cup a day starting tomorrow and see how that goes. I do like black beans and navy/great northern beans. I made some pinto beans so I will use those until they are gone or until they go bad. When I eat meat loaf I don't count the bread crumbs either. With the chicken we always buy skinless chicken so to me the batter is quite minimal any way LOL I hate it when the ring rolls around my finger but in the same instance it's so rewarding 4lbs whoosh I'd be ecstatic
  • Hello everyone! So sorry it's been so long. Have been reading on work breaks but never able to sit down and post. For right now though, no work is waiting for me so I'm taking advantage of the rare quiet time before dinner and running my oldest to the trolley station so he can get to work....never a dull moment. :-)

    Still plugging along and staying within calorie limits. Watching carbs but still consuming (I'm so impressed by those of you sticking by low-carb religiously! Hoping to get there one day. :-)) Had my follow up appointment at the beginning of the month...was down a few pounds from my prior visit (but of course it was one of those days where the scale had bounced up a couple of pounds so it wasn't AS impressive, and then of course the scale dropped back down the day after LOL). He was pleased, though. A1c didn't drop nearly as much as I was looking forward to (7.0 to 6.9) but he said it tipped the balance in my favor and kept me off of starting metformin, so that was a plus. Working to bring that down more before my next appointment so I can do this with diet alone. The Lipitor he put me on last time worked wonders on my lipid profile! LDL went from 116 to 40, triglycerides from 140 to 50, Non-HDL cholesterol from 144 to 60, and Chol/HDL ratio from 4.3 to 2.0. HDL only rose 5 points, but at least it was headed in the right direction. :-) Overall, a good visit, and I don't got back until August, so I'm looking forward to continuing the journey and to see where I can be by then!

    Weight loss has been pretty slow, and I came thisclose to hitting the next decade (for a week I saw 160.6, 160.4, 160.4, 160.2, 160.0 (REALLY?? Couldn't just see 0.2 less just once? LOL), 160.8, and 160.2.....so close! Then the long work weekend hit and I gained 2.4 pounds in fluid retention from the ridiculous amount of hours spent at my computer. Oh well.....stayed on plan, even with Easter (though even with small portion sizes of 1/2 C each, the carb count was a lot higher than I expected!), and I ignored all Easter candy, so I'm pretty happy with myself. Especially those late night work hours when I used to turn to sugary carbs to keep myself awake but now find other things to eat. Once I lose the other half of the weekend weight I'll be back to a 10-pound loss so far. Thankfully, it's all keeping me motivated, as is using MFP. Sure keeps me accountable, and as my doctor said, "nearly every plan will work, but not kust because of the plan - it's the fact that you are aware and thinking about the choices you make." Definitely some truth to that!

    Looks like personal comments will have to wait...need to go get dinner started so my oldest gets out of here on time for work! Take care....and I'll try not to be such a lurker. :-)
  • Thanks girls for the encouragement! I just worry sometimes more about what others might be thinking when they hear my info. I know at some point this is going to turn into a battle of wills and I am going to have to really work. I'm just going to keep enjoying this low hanging fruit while it's available! I'm kind of dreading when the change occurs though....but let's think happy thoughts.

    I tried my engagement ring tonight just for fun since we had been talking about that recently and was delighted to see it is getting closer to fitting again! The pic on left is from January. I also decided to sneek a peak at my measurements because I was hearing a cake call my name (all the way from the store I guess) and thought I should remind myself of my progress to encourage my ears to ignore the cake and I am down almost 2 inches in both my waist and hips!

  • Quote: Hello everyone! So sorry it's been so long. Have been reading on work breaks but never able to sit down and post. For right now though, no work is waiting for me so I'm taking advantage of the rare quiet time before dinner and running my oldest to the trolley station so he can get to work....never a dull moment. :-)

    Still plugging along and staying within calorie limits. Watching carbs but still consuming (I'm so impressed by those of you sticking by low-carb religiously! Hoping to get there one day. :-)) Had my follow up appointment at the beginning of the month...was down a few pounds from my prior visit (but of course it was one of those days where the scale had bounced up a couple of pounds so it wasn't AS impressive, and then of course the scale dropped back down the day after LOL). He was pleased, though. A1c didn't drop nearly as much as I was looking forward to (7.0 to 6.9) but he said it tipped the balance in my favor and kept me off of starting metformin, so that was a plus. Working to bring that down more before my next appointment so I can do this with diet alone. The Lipitor he put me on last time worked wonders on my lipid profile! LDL went from 116 to 40, triglycerides from 140 to 50, Non-HDL cholesterol from 144 to 60, and Chol/HDL ratio from 4.3 to 2.0. HDL only rose 5 points, but at least it was headed in the right direction. :-) Overall, a good visit, and I don't got back until August, so I'm looking forward to continuing the journey and to see where I can be by then!

    Weight loss has been pretty slow, and I came thisclose to hitting the next decade (for a week I saw 160.6, 160.4, 160.4, 160.2, 160.0 (REALLY?? Couldn't just see 0.2 less just once? LOL), 160.8, and 160.2.....so close! Then the long work weekend hit and I gained 2.4 pounds in fluid retention from the ridiculous amount of hours spent at my computer. Oh well.....stayed on plan, even with Easter (though even with small portion sizes of 1/2 C each, the carb count was a lot higher than I expected!), and I ignored all Easter candy, so I'm pretty happy with myself. Especially those late night work hours when I used to turn to sugary carbs to keep myself awake but now find other things to eat. Once I lose the other half of the weekend weight I'll be back to a 10-pound loss so far. Thankfully, it's all keeping me motivated, as is using MFP. Sure keeps me accountable, and as my doctor said, "nearly every plan will work, but not kust because of the plan - it's the fact that you are aware and thinking about the choices you make." Definitely some truth to that!

    Looks like personal comments will have to wait...need to go get dinner started so my oldest gets out of here on time for work! Take care....and I'll try not to be such a lurker. :-)
    Hi Darcy! I'm new on this board so we haven't "met". Sounds like you are making alot of great progress!! Hope we'll keep hearing more from you!