Regainers regaining control, and relosing

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  • Feeling so much better with a day of rest. I kept an eye on calories yesterday, but I also didn't obsess about it. I ended up having spaghetti last night and it tasted so good! I just felt so relaxed last night, it was nice. I went back to the gym this morning, spin class. It was really good and I think I had more energy. Not sure if it was from having a better attitude or just getting rest. But, it felt great! I got on the scale and it looked good, so I'm hoping that Monday's weigh in will be a good one. I'm ready to get into a new decade!

    Easily Amused: You are so right. We are very lucky in Colorado in the summer. I don't complain too much about it because I really like summer. I spent 8 years living in the mountains in a town at 10,000 ft elevation. It was brutal for winters and the summer high was never above 85. I hated that! So, I don't mind our heat, even when we hit the 100's. At least it cools down at night!

    Tarisaande: You are so right that you need to listen to your body before it breaks down! Injuries are no fun. Glad you got some running in! Good for you!

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • Hey guys. My struggles continue. I don't have much to report, just trying to stay focused despite some horrendously bad choices. Yesterday was a pretty good day, plan-wise, and I'm working on making today a good day as well. One. Choice. At. A. Time. Ugh.
  • Hey all, sorry for disappearing for a bit!!!

    I have so,e good news though! After struggling to get below 160, I finally saw 156.6, my lowest in 10 plus years! Sooo excited!!!! The fire under my arse has been lit and is blazinggggg!

    Welcome to the newcomers and to the regulars, keep up the great work!!!
  • Hi all! Just checking in as the weekend comes to a close.

    Carter: Hang in there! You've been such a help to me, I wish I had something amazing to say to you. I hope that you can just keep taking it one choice at a time. You can do it!! I know you can!

    Easily Amused: NICE! Glad you made it down to a lower number!!! And again, good job on the steps!

    Amandie: Good to see you again! And congrats on the great new low! So sweet!!!

    As for me, it has been a lazy, lazy day. Which is ok! Last Sunday I was making myself crazy with obsessing about the weight loss challenge, so I'm glad I'm more relaxed. Gotta have a day of rest. Yesterday I went to spin class and then to my son's track meet. Fun day and the weather was great. I love spring! I'm kind of looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in. I think it will be good and I'll be down a decade.
  • Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Mine was full of work - work and more work (and occasionally bad food choices). I need to screw my head on straight and stay in my 1600 (yes - I raised it a little based on my BMR) calories options.

    I also (again) made it to the gym and while working out I started laughing because I realized I am going full force on this machine for no reason. I am not competing with anyone and it's ok if I don't exhaust myself every time I workout because I am not doing this for anyone but myself. I don't have to impress anyone so long as I am there on the machine giving it (if not my all) all I can give at the moment.

    Anyone else have a realization like that about their weight loss and exercise?
  • Hi everyone!

    SRT4852: Good job on getting to the gym. I've been coming to that realization lately, that exercise and calorie counting is for me, I'm not competing anymore. I had been competing, with the weight loss challenge here at work, but now I am trying to be a little kinder and gentler to myself. I did not make it to the gym today... I totally overslept... but I'm not going to make myself crazy and beat myself up. I'll just get there tomorrow. It's not the end of the world!!

    I had an awesome weigh in today. I lost 5.4 pounds. Last week, I had actually gone up .2 pounds, so I think I was holding on to a lot of water or something. I think with finally ending the weight loss challenge, I relaxed and so did my body. So, happy days! New decade! I have about 11 more pounds of this regain to get rid of.
  • Easily Amused: I think that's a good attitude. You have to do what is right for you, with both food plan and exercise. What works for one doesn't always work for someone else. I know that with me, this time is different in that I had to give up some beliefs I had from before regarding what I can and can't do. I feel like I wasn't giving it full effort before, so I'm trying to keep that up for as long as I can. I know I'll face struggles, and have already, but I'm trying to give it my best effort now. I just want to be stronger and healthier.

    I was a little tickled today at Body Pump. Now, Body Pump is not fun to me. I do it because I think it gives me good results, but definitely not fun. Well, I decided to increase the weights I was using for each exercise. I had the shaky arms and legs going on for sure! But, I noticed that when we were doing pushups, I could actually DO REAL PUSHUPS! Not just faking it, like I usually do! So, getting stronger. And, when we were stretching out, I could do the little contortion of putting one leg behind the other and twisting to the side. I think that because I've lost some inches, my legs actually fit together like that. Little victories.

    Having kind of a low energy day now, though. My almost 20 yo daughter and I are battling. She's trying to make me crazy, and I'm trying to hold on to sanity. UGH!

    Hope everyone is doing ok.
  • Good Morning!

    @Slashnl: Yea for upping weights! When I was able to go to bodypump classes I had that same semi battle - I loved and hated it at the same time. However, PROPS FOR PUSHUPS! I don't know if I will ever be able to do those (shoulder pop out when I put pressure on them the wrong way) so I envy you. Keep doing it. I am sorry you and your daughter are fighting - is it serious or young adult shenanigans?

    @Easily: Keep Hanging in there - and congrats on being over 20,000 steps. I am still struggling to get to 10,000 with my desk job.

    As for me...I'm doing. Skipped the gym yesterday (desire to do anything after work was a -5,000) but I made up for it by going this morning AND planning out all my food but dinner (taking suggestions - I am craving pasta in the worst way =\ . I will admit I fell off the plan pretty hard on Monday (DQ Small Blizzard was a reward from my boyfriend for trying to fish he made for dinner...). But I am back on the horse and going strong.

    I also got my first graze box and I am excited - just had my first pommet (I think they are called) of coconut, cranberries and Belgium chocolate. Good combination.
  • Easily Amused: Wow! That is a crazy number of steps! 1.3 million! I'm very impressed with that!

    SRT4852: Good for you for getting to the gym this morning. I can totally understand not going in the afternoon after work. I really don't know how anyone can be consistent going after work, but that's more my issue with being way more of a morning person than an afternoon person. I have trouble getting things done at home after work. Just want to hit the couch!

    As for my daughter issue... it isn't horrible stuff, just enough to keep my worried and stressed. She's not a great student (easily distracted by wanting to be with friends and having a good time), but she's in college and I worry about it all the time. I need to be more like my husband in that he says it is up to her and if she fails at it, then she has to figure out what else she will do. Yep, I get that. But... I want her to succeed. She lives at home and that is probably a lot of the battle. She wants more freedom, and I want my rules followed. It is still my house. It would be good if she could afford to move out, but that isn't happening just yet. Overall, she's not a bad kid, but she does drive me crazy.

    Doing pretty good with being on plan this week. After sleeping in on Monday and not getting to the gym, I've made it each morning. Went to spin this morning. It was really tough, but glad I was there. Was sweating like crazy, so it must be good!

    Have a great day!
  • Easily Amused: You probably should take it easy on your weights for now and let your arm heal. It is so hard to do when we're trying to stay on track and keep exercising, but you don't want it to get worse either. Darn it!

    Nothing new here. Went to Body Pump. It was good, but glad it is over for the week. I think it is a good thing to do, but I don't really have a great time doing it.
  • Hi darlings!!!!!

    Quick flyby, no time for personals since things are heating up with school and with my personal life, ugh!!!!!

    GOOD NEWS- 155.4 this morning. I'm sooo thrilled, I have not weighed this little since high school. I just wanted to share that with you all.

    As soon as I get a little bit of time, I WILL do personals. In the meantime, great job, hang in there and don't give up, all!!!
  • Hi folks.

    This is carter looking shamefacedly into her coffee because I still haven't pulled it together. I'm starting to feel it in my clothes - all this binging over the past few weeks has me gaining, not even holding steady any more.


    I have to get going to an appointment right now so I don't have time to greet everyone personally but I want to say: I am glad you are here, and I am glad so many of you are sticking to plan and starting to kick your regains. I don't usually post here when I'm struggling this badly (pride etc) but because of you, I'm here this morning. I'm going to make good choices today. I'm sure of that. After today, I'll work on tomorrow.
  • Carter: So good to see you post. I know that you're having a rough time right now, but I really miss seeing you on here. Keep hanging in there. I know it will get better, but I also know it is hard to work through a struggle. I'm pulling for you! And keep posting, no matter what. If you don't want to talk about progress right now, that's ok. Just stay connected!

    Amandie: Good job!!!! You're doing great. Wow... high school weight. Not sure I can ever get down to that again. That was 135 for me. College killed me and then had babies and never worked hard enough to get it all off. Oh, and then the age thing happened.

    So glad it is Friday! The weather here is absolutely beautiful, so it makes me want to be outside! I have heard that the weekend won't be quite as good, but that's ok. Just needing a weekend. Went to spin this morning. I still have shaky legs from it. Good thing I have a desk job.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • Good Afternoon, Folks!

    @ Slashnl: I am sorry about your daughter, I am not far into my 20s (26 - ok so pretty far) but I am sure she will mature with age. I agree with you about the weekend (glad it's here!) but I think it is supposed to be beautiful on the east coast so I have that going for me and YAY Spin Class.

    @Amadie: CONGRATS. I hope your life is heating up in a good, not stressful, way!

    @ Carter: You'll find your northstar again and we are always here for you! I struggle a lot and I have to fight my pride when I post about falling off my bandwagon - but I find posting helps me and reminds me I'm human. I promise - you only have to make good choices one day at a time and it'll work out!

    As for myself - I'm good, not on plan but not off, I've decided to eat in a range from 1,500 - 1,700 depending on my hunger. I didn't make ti to the gym other than M/W this week but even that tuckered me out quite a lot. I ended up sleeping like a rock Thursnight (and sleeping through 6 alarms making me late for work) and last night (Fri) so maybe I shouldnt' amp it up just yet. However, I must admit I am a little worried about my weight loss already, not that I haven't lost anything but I stepped on my scale this morning and I am down to 246.6 already, nearly 10 lbs from two weeks ago (even accounting for water weight) and it's not even my official weigh in (Tuesday). Is there such a thing as TOO fast weight loss? It also happened for me really fast last time (60 lbs in 5 months).
  • Hi all. Just checking in for the weekend. Had a really good workout yesterday. We'll see how Monday's weigh in goes, though. I'm feeling a little puffy, so I'm thinking I might be retaining a little water!