Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - November 2014 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Hello
    Just started
    Have had 2 good days of eating. Had some dark chocolate yesterday and poppycock Monday, but mostly clean eating, and most importantly gluten-free. I don't know why I let my mind tell me the wanting and tasting is more important than my health/pain

    M1 2 oranges
    M2 fried banana (no oil) with almond butter and cinnamon
    M3 moroccan lentil salad, butterscotch pudding.
    M4 a few bites of cold cabbage roll casserole, raw rutabaga. Needed to eat before run
    M5 kale salad

    Now to just get through the night. Tea is my best friend tonight

    Activity - walked to work, to the vet and home 6.4 km and 500 stairs, ran 2.5 km and walked .5 km
  • Hi everyone!

    CoolMom I'm glad to hear your Mom is doing better and you are too. That's too cold for me.

    Novangel No matter what you do, I'm sure you will have a wonderful wedding and trip. I am very excited and happy for you.

    Gigembritt Good start on your day!

    Ian Good job on the 2.2 pounds! Enjoy the lunch tomorrow.

    Kelijpa I saw your post about egg sandwiches and started thinking about them. Sometimes the simple things are the best.

    Radiojane Feel better soon. Good job on getting that swim in. At least swimming is no impact and it probably didn't hurt as much after the fall.

    AmethystJean Hi and welcome to the check-in!

    Waving Hi all around! Enjoy your evening!
  • Total Approx 1400 Calories +

    Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Mediterranean Blend Veggies or Zucchini w/Tri Pepper Blend
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon pumpkin butter 25 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (400 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham 50 Calories
    Honey mustard/Lettuce 50 calories
    Greek Yogurt 100 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (600 Calories)
    Grilled chicken 400 calories
    2 orders green beans 200 calories

    Slim Series Tear It Up w/5's
  • hi sorry I have not been around in a while. Been staying careful. Although today a little less so. I have not lost the weight I gained. Thats unusual for me, if I am careful. But it is what it is. Today I ate 1450 calories. Hoping my body decides to lose the 2 lbs gained last week. So far, not so much.

    I hope everyone has a good Thursday
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Last night I added on: Low Back Therapy from Gary Kraftsow's Viniyoga Therapy for the Low Back, Sacrum and Hips

    Calories for yesterday: 1400 +
    Weigh In: 165.2
    Down: 1.2 pounds

    I *think* yesterday was my last day for TTOM.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Good morning!

    I stuck with my low cals yesterday and was surprisingly not hungry later, even though I ate dinner at 3:00.

    W 160.6 (up )
    B egg on toast
    L last of my mom's chicken noodle soup
    D veg and sausage

    Flower, good to see you checking in. I was wondering how you're doing. Have a good day!

    Diana, good job on the 1.2 pounds! Hope that TOM gives you a decent break now.

    Amethyst, welcome!
  • Thanks, Coolmom, I appreciate the words
    Amethyst, nice to meet you. Great name
    Way to go, Diana and Coolmom, on the weight and calories.
    Novangel exciting as your wedding day is coming up so soon. Sorry to hear about all those hidden costs.
    Kelijpa, I thought about you when I saw a picture on fb of a yarn ball wreath. It even had knitting needles in it. If you are on fb you can see it here https://www.facebook.com/12530095990...type=1&theater
    Hi everyone I hope you are doing well. And being kind to your good selves

    yesterday I went to the naturopath. Because I thought the thyroid had once again become more hypo. Turns out that is not what happened. Her muscle tessting showed that because I have been sick, the body has been using zinc to help with that. Therefore T3 has not been getting the zinc it ususllly gets. She gave me some zinc to take. And poof, the scale moved. Amazing how helpful her muscle testing is.

    Still have to get this thing completely out of my sinuses. Its much better. But is not totally gone.

    Going to try my hardest to stick to low carb and below 1500 calories today. Not as easy to do when the scale shows that I am only 1 lb up from lowest maintenence weight.

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday.
  • Hello, team sexy! I hope everyone is having a fabulous day!

    I finally saw 156.5 this morning. It was two weeks ago but felt like forever when I last saw 156. I always spook when I get low again so I will take it easy today and sloooowly approach 155...lmao.

    Report cards are officially done as of today so I will feel like I am FINALLY starting to breathe again!
  • Hi folks.

    So I'm on a new crash diet (not of my own choosing!) Ended up having to have my appendix taken out last night... so it's been mostly crackers with the pain meds and a piece of toast... lol. Went well and I was in good hands and they let me come home last night after the surgery, so I'm grateful for that.

    Hope everyone is staying warm and having a good day today! I'm going to hibernate on the sofa for the next few days...
  • we have all been as sick as can be for nearly a week now i'm finally feeling better as of yesterday and have had to work most of this time as well, but my boys are still pretty sick...it's rare for an illness to go on this long, usually we're all fine in under 2-3 days tops

    i missed the gym for 6 days in a row due to being sick and a changed work schedule but i went back today...it was hard and i felt almost sick to my stomach afterwards but i did my whole regular workout

    i also horribly upset my digestive system on tuesday because i had a can of baked beans...i KNOW beans don't sit well with me but omg(!)...it was just one can of baked beans smaller than a regular sized can, it's not like i even pigged out...but i am STILL bloated, constipated and uncomfortable and it feels like my whole digestive system just stopped moving ughhhhh going on two days now with this being thursday....bleck
  • Hi Everyone!

    Flower Good news about the scale! I'm glad the naturopath was able to help! How did it go today?

    CoolMom I bet the bounce up was from the sodium in in the chicken noodle soup. It seems like TTOM and the angioedema flares up at the same time. Hopefully everything will behave for a while.

    Congrats on the 156! Don't get derailed by that number. Show that number who's the boss!

    Eydawn Wow! I'm glad you are doing OK after the surgery! Have you been having problems or was it an emergency situation?

    Feel better soon.

    Waving Hi all around! Enjoy your evening!
  • Total Approx 1400 calories +

    Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Mediterranean Blend Veggies or Zucchini w/Tri Pepper Blend
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon pumpkin butter 25 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (400 Calories)

    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham 50 Calories
    Honey mustard/Lettuce 50 calories
    Greek Yogurt 100 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (600 calories)
    2 grilled mahi tacos no sauce 600 calories

    Turbo Kick Round 36
  • Flower, I wish I had become a naturopath
    NorthernChick I love Rent. Just saying. Now I will be singing it all week again (have just got it out of my head after singing for last 2 weeks).

    Walked to and from work 45 min (total)
    Gym - weight training upper body
    Food not great
    B - protein shake
    S - can of corn. Random, I know
    S - homemade apple sauce - someone donated a bunch of apples to work and I cooked up the bruised and battered ones. It was delicious
    L - lentil salad with lettuce
    D - and this is where I kind of derailed. Went to make fajitas, but the beans weren't cooked, the pepper was moldy, avocado was old and hard like it never ripened despite being black...needless to say I went another way. Slathered pb and apricot jam on my tortillas. OMG so good, and so bad (I really see the carb/sugar addict in me as I kept going back for more).
    1600 cals about
    scale was up this morning even before this (and I thought I had been eating well the last 3 days). Don't want to see it tomorrow. Probably will wait until my Sunday check in to weigh.
  • Alaskandaughter I am so sorry to hear that you have been sick. Glad you are feeling better. Hope you will rest this weekend.

    Eydawn, I am sorry to hear about your surgery for appendicitis. Hope you will be feeling better soon. Was it emergency? These things can be so harrowing while they are happening. Sending healing thoughts your way.

    Northern. Thanks for the laugh "Hello, team sexy" You rock. Congrats on reaching 156.5 again. You will figure it all out. I have great confidence that you will. Glad your report cards are done.

    AmethystJean, you wrote " I wish I had become a naturopath". above your avatar it says you are a grad student and a chef. What are you studying? I hope that question is not too intrusive. And, well a chef? What could be better? Sometimes weight loss can get stuck. And then all of a sudden it makes up for lost time. Sorry the scale is being stubborn.

    Diana, thanks. As I expected, I ate naughty foods today. I know you have been doing great with the number on the scale lately. Hope you are feeling good. That's the most important thing

    okay, so after the scale showed a user friendly number this morning I figured I might be in trouble keeping to the diet. After going to city hall to reluctantly pay my property taxes, I decided to buy low fat Cabot cheese from Dakin Farm store. Because, well, they have vast array of samples. I wanted those samples. More than I can say. Everything from all kinds of sausage/salamis, to jams, jellies peanut butter, honey butter and of course cheese. It was delightful. God only knows what the women who work there thought. But I complimented one of them profusely. Because she mentioned her weight because she works there. I told her she looks great and healthy. I was being very honest. She really did. So I bought my cheese and left after sampling every single thing. They sell the cheese for more than other places. So I feel the samples were paid for. Well, that's my rationalization. And I am sticking to it.

    I had 2 fried eggs and pop chips and melted cheese for lunch. Dinner was unusually low calorie. I finally gave away my Halloween candy. So that's gone from the trunk of my car. I am not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow morning. But am fully ready to accept the number.

    I hope everyone has a good and healthy Friday.
  • Good Morning, Everyone! TGIF!

    Last night I added on: Tamilee Webb's Total Body Stretch (standing)

    Calories for yesterday: 1400 +
    Weigh In: 164.8
    Down: .4

    Have a great Friday and start to your weekend!