2013 Challenge - Another New Year

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  • Tera, those were my thoughts as well, seven at one blow is a bit much. I like the book but on some of the seven I already know I'm doing ok. Gluten is a big one, although I seem to be very happy on it. I am not contemplating giving up dairy, my favorite thing in the universe EXCEPT she had me with the mention of coconut milk because I love all things coconut. I definitely know I am have been lactose intolerant since childhood and that dairy also impacts sinus. None of this has been much of a problem to me as I have never considered totally giving up dairy. But in the context of reducing inflammation and feeling better overall and that there is now coconut milk in Arizona, well, maybe.

    I did have a lot of stress this week (not over) and yesterday had one of the rare instances of thinking about throwing in the wheat free towel as I wanted BAKED GOODS ... I was sad and wandered around the world yesterday and ended up in a store I used to go to that had a lot of healthy (depending on how you look at it) items. I was literally going to get a cookie but saw some gluten free ones (no wheat in a gluten free cookie) and though I don't want to start eating many of those kinds of products, I sprang for a package of the cookies and ate six in the car with milk. They were good and stopped my cravings but did not have the usual cookie effect of making me want to binge on the rest of the package.

    So I think my goal (one of them) in this wheat freedom thing of cutting out diet unfriendly baked goods is pretty well proved to me.


    Marie, the book's plan is to ban the seven foods for 21 days, not forever.

    But I'm not advocating for the book or particularly planning on doing it (unless I thought it really COULD take seven pounds off of me and do all the other healthy things for me). I just enjoyed it and thought it was a tidy little plan.

    I too enjoy (read that LOVE) eating very much but I also enjoy such books and challenges and tinkering around with my diet and health. It does not connote non living to me. Happily we are all different.


    Of all the PBS "healthy eating" gurus that they constantly have on, I have liked the one best who is a doctor and a Cordon Bleu chef.

    My streakity streak went down in a blaze of stress eating today, though. I am starting Round 3 tomorrow and will update then.
  • Yesterdays cals-2190, Ex-yoga at the Y. It was another avocado that put me over! Well there was also an alcoholic beverage somewhere in there but I am sticking with the avocado as my problem.

    Marie-I do not know anything for sure about sinus issues and dairy. I do hear repeatedly that dairy causes mucus and inflammation. I also know that nutrition issues are constantly changing and evolving, so who knows? Maybe I can do something about these sinus issues, maybe not-I think it is worth a try. Temporarily abstaining is an experiment to allow myself the opportunity to see if it effects my health issues; not so much for weight loss. As far as the protein sources-do you eat meat? Are you allergic to nuts and seeds? I believe both flax and hemp seeds are good sources of protein-maybe chai seeds also. Since I do eat meat, I have not paid a lot of attention to identifying plant based proteins but I do like flax seeds. I put them on salads.

    Am2-I am glad you found some yummy cookies to fit into your wheat free diet. Sorry that stress is causing you unhappiness. It is nice you found something soothing and delicious.

    I suspect for myself, my health problems may not be related so much to a wheat allergy as more likely a blood sugar thing. I think both sugar and wheat products may be the source of my unhealthy food cravings as well as contributing to a general unwellness mentally and physically. I do think my sinus and skin issues have lessened but it is not like they up and walked away. I cannot say with certainty that gluten is an issue for me but I can say most of the wheat products I was formerly eating were simply not beneficial to my well being. That is why I am basically afraid to go back to eating them.
  • Tera, to clarify, I'm really not unhappy, just adjusting to things & trying to get my zest back lol.

    Read something on another forum about a person who said she was not having stress binges, she was having drama binges. I thought that was wise & am working today on not having a drama binge of any kind.

    I had a delicious shake this morning with unsweetened coconut milk & frozen organic unsweetened cherries. My only pass at giving up dairy is going to be reducing it by using more coconut milk & ice cream, which I love anyway.

    Off to make sure I have a daily adventure. Had job interview yesterday, hence the drama eating.
  • Eating was very low for me but there was little opportunity today to eat. Came home and ate a number of snacks, among them 2 shakes (spaced apart) with unsweetened coconut milk, organic unsweetened frozen cherries and really nothing else, incredibly low cal and creamy and delicious.

    Queen’s Royal Good Caloric Level Streakity Streak, Round 3
    Day 1, Friday, March 8, 1105
  • Yest cals-2045, Ex-60 min step class. Yesterday's calorie overload was definitely due to beer. I also had a small brownie. The non wheat phase is officially over. However, I will still endeavor to avoid junk food in whatever form. Today is suppose to be warm and sunny so I am planning to do a bunch of yardwork with DH. It will be a huge relief to get off the couch and out of my house.

    Am2-Your shake sounds yummy. Does it actually taste like coconut?
  • Tera, no coconut milk doesn't taste much like coconut, it tastes pretty much like milk to me. The shake really is delicious.

    Congratulations on the culmination of your non wheat phase & on avoiding junk food. Hope you had a nice day of yard work.

    I am soldiering on with the streak:

    Queen’s Royal Good Caloric Level Streakity Streak, Round 3
    Day 1, Friday, March 8, 1105
    Day 2, Saturday, 1455
    Day 3, Sunday, TBD
  • Woot! Lost two pounds! Happy!
  • Am2-How wonderful-you are nearly there-practically there. Yea!

    Yesterdays cals-2490 No exercise. I need to get back to wheat free. I ate a whole bunch of girl scout cookies yesterday. Today I am going to the opera with a friend and then both dH and I are invited to friend's house for dinner. Low calories are not in the cards for today either.
  • Lol, thanks, Tera!

    Hope you enjoyed the opera and dinner. Sounds great.

    I am just trying to stay busy this week and strict with the diet as I want NOT to have any nasty regains. It has been so long since I've lost a whole two pounds lol.

    The calorie streak log is to be curtailed for a bit & I may or may not revive it. I had a problem with Fitday PC & went back to a mobile app that I like a lot but that makes it too time consuming to log calories in a journal right now with so much going on in life for me.

    Basically I have decided to remain wheat free for the foreseeable future so removed the vernal equinox challenge as well. I don't need it.

    "To err is human, to forgive, infrequent." ~ Franklin P. Adams
  • Yesterdays Cals-2125 Ex-none

    Am2-It sounds like you found your sweet spot. Good Goin!

    I am relatively happy with yesterday's calorie total considering the amount of great food that I had available to eat yesterday. I still feel kind of guilty though because I could have made better choices. I do not think I should be satisfied with my current weight, especially when I know how close I am to my goal weight. Plus, as I repeatedly say but do not necessarily do, I want to have a more healthy diet. Well I rarely stray from my healthy goals during the beginning of the week so I will be back at it today.
  • Yest Cals-1590 Ex-Step class & yoga class. Well, that is what I call a successful day. Now if I could manage a long string of those, then I would be in the right place to lose weight. I am looking forward to the warm weather that is just around the corner. I am ready for a change.
  • You are doing great, Tera! Woot!

    I ate in the 1900s yesterday, not unhappy with that as was getting used to my phone tracker again and kept thinking of new things to add lol.

    We got into the high 70s yesteday. It was just beautiful here. That said, I am looking forward to more normal temps (for my part of the desert lol), which are much higher. I am kind of tired of being chilly in the morning.

    Just did weights, going out to lunch again today. I am in a weird place mentally and need to make sure not to let anyone I see today in the non virtual world find that out lol.
  • yest cals-1745 ex-body sculpt & weight training classes. I decided two hours of Y classes is not too many. I am going to go stir crazy if I do not have something good going on. It was in the evening anyhow and plus, I could use the extra exercise. I will exercise less when I have more going on. Another good day with the calories although it does include some fast food. As soon as I finished, I had food guilt feelings. I do not know if that is good or bad. It is silly to feel guilty about food on the other hand it is silly to eat fast food. Ha, ha. I think i should skip fast food in the future.I am going to the store today so I will be able to remedy the situation that leads to fast food transgressions for awhile anyway.

    Am2-Thanks for the cheery encouragement. I am going to try harder to keep my calories in line although I suspect this weekend will be a bust. I am jealous of your 70 degree temparatures. Luckily, I hear ours are on the way for this weekend. Hope you enjoyed your lunch out-I bet you were able to steer free of the dreaded fast food!
  • Lol, Tera, we will be in the 90s by the end of the week, they say.

    I often exercise two hours a day, btw, especially now that I am not working. (Sigh.)

    You are doing great, Tera! Lol, I personally feel that guilt is not appropriate in relation to food. I am not a fan of guilt anyhow and feel it is only effective in very small doses.

    Dear Friends of the 2013 Challenge, I am in a massive hurry to take books to a sick friend and so here is a cross posting from another thread and it is long, just a kind of status so you'll know my gabby self has not left the building:

    This is just a wee little tiptoe-through-the-spring-holidays-to-approximately-the-summer-solstice-or-4th-of-July status update. Am2 is not as into St. Paddy's Day as she thought she would be mentally by now and her first target in the ever exciting (to her) marriage of holidays and weight management targets does take place on St. Patrick's Day this Sunday.

    The big goal is NOT to have gained any of that GREAT WEIGH-IN FROM LAST WEEK. Whether this happens or doesn't happen, Am2 is leaving it up to the Capriciousness of Spring Fairies. She will cope regardless, begorra.

    Later that week, it is time for the Vernal Equinox (on the 20th) and that will be fun and in the Am2 palace, we celebrate Easter Sunday (secular) with a weigh-in (well, we celebrate every Sunday with a weigh-in lol, honestly, folks, we know our material is dated but we still have fun).

    The very next day is April Fools' Day and we will celebrate by NOT being foolish with food! 'Nuff said.

    There are a number of minor holidays in April and the major one of Earth Day, April 22.

    There followeth May Day and some other holidays until we reach the Solstice and on then to the 4th of July.


    A sub goal is to establish a mode of thinking reflecting the fact that though things change, Am2's life relies on health and a happy frame of mind, both of which, in her little queendom include but are not limited to three principles: 1) She is no good to the world, family, friends or pet children unless she is good to herself and cannot love others if she does not love herself (she does love herself, btw); 2) Part of loving herself is to honor her body by continuing to manage her weight at a reasonable level and exercise and eat as she deems proper for her own self; 3) Only Am2 knows what is reasonable, proper and sane in her own journey and her judgment tends to be sound, her intellect intact and her abilities more or less still okay dokey.

    With these principles she will now hippity hop through the rest of the week. Will start calorie posting at a different time, maybe as part of a summary on weigh-in days.

  • Am2, I hope the job interview went well and that the drama binge resulted in gluten free cookies. I'm an almond milk fan. I tried one brand of coconut milk and didn't like it. I actually poured it down the drain. BTW, I read your post about the cherry shake and I had one of those for breakfast this morning. Great minds and all. I had almond milk, cherries I froze last summer and whey protein powder. It was delicious. on the 2 pound loss. Way to go!!!!

    Tera, the opera? That would be interesting. I've never been. GS cookies are addicting!Seems like you did well at the dinner out after the signing event. "Now if I could manage a long string of those, then I would be in the right place to lose weight." This comment is so ME too.

    Am2, I hope your sick friend recovers soon.

    As you all know I fell of the map and the wagon. Again. Friday b-day celebration was the first step to the crash. The weekend I refused to look for the wagon and Monday was the beginning of locating the wagon. I'm still sick with a chest cold and asthma issues. It is such a pain in the derriere for exercising. One thing I realized after I did a beginner Zumba workout after work yesterday, is that I like morning exercising. That's how I lost my weight and I let myself go to the after work exercise concept. Mostly I still exercised but if I were tired, etc I could convince myself to skip the exercise just as easily as I could convince myself to eat a couple cookies with the "I don't care" mentality. So after I exercised yesterday, I felt better. Mentally and physically. So the lightbulb went on and I realized that was what was missing. The morning high from exercising. So I changed my alarm so I'd get up 40 minutes earlier. Heck, I even went to bed 30 minutes earlier. I did a modified elliptical workout since I'm still sick but it did feel good to start my day the way I had the previous 6 years before convincing myself I could exercise after work. One thing I can say after I fell of the wagon and was left off the tracks, was that I did log my food. Here's the calories since I checked in last.
    Friday: 2621 (thankfully a 24 mile bike ride helped negate some of that)
    Saturday: 1581 (no exercise, felt absolutely lousy from above bike ride)
    Sunday: 1739 (more active aroudn the house, but still wiped out)
    Monday: 1574 (reference the above self talk about "I don't care" after work)
    Tuesday: 1453 (Zumba exercise)

    That's about it in my world for now. The weather is so pretty and springy and I'm too blah to notice. Work is work and no matter how thankful I am to have a job, I just don't want to be here.