Lose 20 pounds (or whatever amount you want) by New Year's Eve Challenge!

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  • Hi ladies!

    Blondie160 congrats on your weight loss! Keep it up!!

    So, I really am having issues with exercising. I need some advice.

    I feel like I have been so busy with work, school, clubs, halloween parties, family, etc. That I have no motivation to do any sort of activity when I get free time at night. blah. Does anyone have any ideas how I can motivate myself to do my exercises?
  • I just started on Monday. I hope this goes well. Any advice?
  • Thanks Winter and Nine! Lisa, thanks so much! Things are going really well, just busy, busy, busy! That's so awesome about your daughter, be sure to have her join us on this thread! I hear you on the vows thing, I wrote mine down because I definitely would've have forgotten! It's sweet that you still said them to each other later, and probably even a little more meaningful!
    I also have an elliptical, but mine's barely survived two moves. I'd much rather just use the gym's ellipticals, they're so much nicer!
    Blondie, "weigh" to go!!!
    SS, it is hard to get activity in for sure. I'm also a full-time student, have 3 kids, and participate in a lot of their school and other community activities. I find it MUCH easier to get up early and get my workout out of the way early in the day! Is that an option for you?
    Ali, welcome! Do you have an eating/fitness plan? I calorie count, and I love it. I use MyFitnessPal (both the app and the site) to help me stay on track. I work out 3-5 times a week, depending on the week. However, we all have different plans here on the site and in this thread, and we're all seeing results. Different things work for different people. You can do this if you commit!! Welcome to 3FC!
  • rainydays

    There are some days when I have to open the library at 7:15 so I end up getting up so early for that already like 5 am. But on most days I have to be at class by 9 am. So I wake up around 7-7:30ish. I guess I can try and wake up at 5 am everyday. I just don't wanna burn myself out.
  • Oh, and as for me, my husband and I are hosting my best friend's birthday party tonight, so I'm excited for a fun evening! It's the first party we've had at the new place I stocked up on healthy snacks, and I plan to portion control/calorie count all night. Everyone knows that I calorie count, so I don't feel awkward about doing that at all. I need to get a workout in before this evening. Wanted to get it done this morning but had 50,001 other things to accomplish first--you all know the feeling! I have a test and a big project due Tuesday, a test Thursday, and a service learning project due Friday, so I am going to have a really stressful week. Can't wait for later though--hope you all have a really great weekend!
  • Quote: rainydays

    There are some days when I have to open the library at 7:15 so I end up getting up so early for that already like 5 am. But on most days I have to be at class by 9 am. So I wake up around 7-7:30ish. I guess I can try and wake up at 5 am everyday. I just don't wanna burn myself out.
    I wouldn't do it every day by any means. Maybe 2-3 days a week for early workouts. If that doesn't work, is there a time in the afternoon where you have a break and you could squeeze a 30-45 minute workout in a few days a week?
  • I'll try doing it 2-3 times in the mornings. See how that works. If not I'll just have to push myself to go in the evening. I think I've just gotten a little lazy. Ack!
  • Hi ladies!
    I’ve had a good week, busy though. I’ve been looking after my parents’ dog again, so I’ve had to go out and get my daily walks with him despite a couple days of rain. I’m getting my hair cut tomorrow, and I’m really excited to see my hairdresser. Last time I lost weight (went from 220 to 195), she noticed and made a big fuss about it and it made me feel great that someone else really noticed. So I’m interested to see if she’ll notice and say something this time, since it’s sometime hard for me to see the loss…

    Soft: Hmm, that can be hard. I find that when I join a fitness class that helps to motivate me to go, since I’ve already paid for it and don’t want to be behind for the next class. The other thing I do is set a specific time to exercise so I know that when that time hits I have to be exercising. Kind of weird, but it works for me.
    Rainy: Have fun at the party tonight! And good luck on all your tests/projects next week!
    Ali: Welcome! The best advice I have is just to find what works for you. I calorie count and love it, and I walk for an hour a day. I’ve tried going to the gym/doing more intense workouts, but didn’t enjoy it and wouldn’t do it - but I love getting out and walking
    Blondie: Congrats on the loss!
  • Hey everyone!

    *sigh* Not a good weigh in for me this morning, I have been on the road (truck driving) with my husband for the last 3 weeks and have gained 10 pds!!!! I'm upset because I know it's my fault for not staying OP. But I restarted today and am going to purchase a stepper to carry in the truck with me. I have a food weakness tho so I hope to have my husband join me, just to make sure I keep temptation away.

    Congratulations to all of you that continue succeeding in your weight loss and Welcome to all of the newbies to this challange!
  • SS, try it out, but like you said, you don't want to burn yourself out! Find what works for you.
    Sparkle, new haircuts, especially with weight loss, can be so exciting! It's awesome that your hairdressser makes a fuss--it's really nice when others notice! Great that you are sticking to your walks!
    Nite, soooo much of that could be water retention--but even if it's not, don't sweat it. Just get that stepper, take some good foods, and get back in the saddle. You can do it!
  • AFM, I had a great time at the party last night. I did have a piece of red velvet cake, mmmmmmm. Worked it into my calories, and it was totally worth it!
  • Hey everybody! I'm doing laundry and homework and decided to pop in. Where is everyone?? *tumbleweed rolls by*

    I'm feeling pretty good. I bought a pair of junior pants from Maurices in size 11/12 a few weeks ago, and they're fitting really nicely now

    I also stepped on my Grandpa's scale while visiting today and nearly fell off...I can't wait for my official w/i at the gym Tuesday because according to his scale I've already lost 3 more pounds! Definitely not changing my ticker or anything til I get confirmation from the gym's scale and it's my official day, but wow! It still blows my mind to see a 1 on the scale!!

    I have so much to do this week, but I can't wait to take my kids trick-or-treating tomorrow. I hope I have the willpower to stay away from all that candy though, especially with the stress of the tests and projects this week. Wish me luck! How are you all doing?
  • rainydays congrats on the 3 pounds! I refuse to get on any other scale but the one at home, I couldn't deal with fluctuations between scales, it would just confuse me! Had a really naughty weekend because I've been sick in bed all week and finally had my taste back! I will try to even it out with very clean eating this week!

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • Wow what a crazy weekend. X_X Partied a little too hard and didn't eat as well as I should have. But I am not letting it get to me. I just got right back on track today and decided not to beat myself up about it. I'll just skip my weigh in this week so I don't get depressed.

    Keep it up ladies!
  • Hey ladies!
    I had a pretty good weekend. Got my hair cut and my hairdresser told me I look great. It’s nice to hear that the weight loss is evident to people who don’t know that I’m trying to lose

    I haven’t been great today, although I’m within my calorie limit. But there is so much candy in my house right now (my parents bought loads, and we’ve only had about 10 trick or treaters so far. I’m hoping a lot more come by soon – I need this candy out of the house!) and I’ve indulged a bit. Oh well, I’m back on track now and only allowing myself 1 candy tomorrow.