Devotions for Dieters

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  • This is a good one except for the point about an end to the "diet". In order to maintain the weight loss, you have to continue, to some degree, the "diet" or as I would like to call it a lifestyle change or you will gain the weight back.

    Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 19

    Isaiah 43:2
    'When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.'

    Diets are endurance tests. How long can we hope when we feel as if the end of our trial is nowhere in sight? There will be an end to our diets, even though we often can't see it. It is good to know that God is with us and He is there to listen to us and share with us throughout our diet. God will be faithful to turn every kind of bad situation to good use. God is the source of our hope. Even when we can't see an end, God will give us the strength and determination we need to succeed. We cannot be beaten in our diets as long as we place our hope in God.

    Today's thought: I can always make it through just one more day!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 20

    Jeremiah 31:16-17
    Thus saith the Lord; 'Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded,' saith the Lord; 'and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end,' saith the Lord, 'that thy children shall come again to their own border.'

    Stephanie looked at the pictures from her wedding day. Had she really ever been that thin? How had the pounds found their way onto her body in such a few short years? She determined that she was going to return to her former figure by the end of the year. As a Christmas present to herself and her family, she was going to be able to wear her wedding dress once again. With a great sense of hope, Stephanie worked toward her goal, and as subtly as the pounds had accumulated, they began to melt away. With the help of the Lord, we can always escape the enemy of fat and return to the land of fitness.

    Today's thought: God helps me beat the fat foe!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 21

    2 Corinthians 7:1
    Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

    Barrie never felt good after stuffing himself. He felt weighted down and slow. He was grumpy and irritable. He usually felt sick. Still, when food was around, he couldn't help himself. Other people would watch him eat, and he could tell they thought it was a disgrace. What could he do? Nobody understood how hard it was for him. He wanted to lose weight and pass by second and third helpings, but he just didn't have the willpower. Too bad Barrie didn't have the support of good Christian friends and a commitment to sacrificing for God. With that kind of support, anyone can hope to lose weight.

    Today's thought: There's no reason for me to face my diet alone!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 22

    Psalm 37:40
    And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.

    Beth thought the program would never end. It had taken her years to control her weight, and it was still hard to be around scrumptious food for very long without overindulging. All through the evening, heavenly plates of food moved around the room. It was all Beth could do to resist. Whenever the temptation arose, she closed her eyes and quietly prayed to God for strength. It seemed like an eternity, but the evening finally ended, and she had somehow made it through. With a sigh of relief, she said a quick prayer of thanks as she walked to her car.

    Today's thought: When I can't make it, God can!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 23

    Galatians 4:7
    Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

    Kerry knew God loved her when she was fat, but she felt His love so much more now that she was thin. She knew it had nothing to do with how much God really loved her, but with how much she loved herself. Now, she could look in the mirror without shame blushing her cheeks. Now, she could hold her head up and not worry about what other people thought of her. Once she had been a slave to her body. Now she was free to be everything she wanted to be. She had once believed she would never be free of the weight that burdened her not only physically, but emotionally, too. God indeed worked wonders!

    Today's thought: With God's help, I will be free from fat.
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 24

    Phillipians 4:7
    And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    Promises. Every diet made promises, and they very rarely came through. Jenny had tried a dozen diets, each time putting her faith in their promises. Quietly, with tears in her eyes, she prayed for God's help. She wanted to lose weight so badly. As she prayed, she felt calm and hopeful. If only she could feel so peaceful when temptation raised its ugly head. Jenny vowed to try turning to God for help in the future instead of turning to more fad diets. Maybe God could do things for her that diet plans couldn't. She didn't really understand it, but she believed it was true.

    Today's thought: If I turn to God, there's always hope!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 25

    Hosea 6:3
    Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.

    Carol went to a Christian prayer group with some skepticism. Gladys and Ann had started going, and they had immediately made great strides in their diets. Both women gave all the credit to God, but Carol wasn't convinced. She thought it sounded way too easy. Why would God do something for her that she ought to be able to do for herself? Carol wanted to believe, but she just couldn't quite believe that God would be interested enough in her weight problem to help her out. Too bad for Carol that she never realized how trustworthy the Lord is. If we put our faith in Him, He will be sure to help us.

    Today's thought: No matter is too insignificant to bring to God!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 26

    1 Timothy 4:4
    For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving.

    Greg tried not to get discouraged, even though he gained back most of the weight he'd lost. This time it would be easier. He'd done it once; he could do it again. The first time had been so hard because he had such a low opinion of himself. His self-image had improved immensely, and he had the confidence he needed to know he could lose weight. Greg knew he was made in God's image, even if that image got hidden a little now and then. Know-ing that he was loved made losing weight much easier. Greg was thankful that God loved him so. He could conquer anything with God's help.

    Today's thought: Good things come to those who believe they will!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 27

    Psalm 31:24
    Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.

    Gail's wedding day was getting close. She had vowed to lose fifty pounds by the time she got married. She was within ten pounds of her goal, but the last ten pounds were the hardest. She was so worried that she might not make it. She sat alone, looking at the dress, and then she bowed her head to pray. As she asked the Lord for help, she renewed her promise to do everything she could to lose the weight. Suddenly, deep inside, she knew she was going to make it. Everything she hoped for would work out, because the Lord was giving her the strength and courage she needed to succeed.

    Today's thought: When God says it will work out, it works out!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 28

    Hebrews 4:16
    Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

    Jeffrey never wanted to put anybody out. Instead of asking for help, he would struggle along on his own. Often, Jeffrey didn't get anything accomplished because he refused to impose on anyone else. Sometimes, we act that way with God. We ask ourselves why God would be interested in helping us solve our problems. The thing is, God wants us to come to Him with our heartfelt needs. We have been invited to come before the throne of grace, and that includes with our diets. When we're honest, we'll admit that we need help, and there is no greater source of help than God.

    Today's thought: Our hope to lose weight becomes reality when we put our trust in God.
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 29

    Philippians 3:8
    . . .I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.

    A young man dreamed that he was standing before a table spread with a wide array of tantalizing foods. Beyond the table stood Jesus. The young man began eating the food, and he became com-pletely engrossed in his consumption. When he finished, Jesus was gone, and he didn't know where to look to find Him. Whenever we engage in gluttony of any kind, our attention is turned from Christ to our own selfish wants. There should be nothing more important in our lives than doing what is pleasing to God. He wants us to be the best we can possibly be. Food, and our love of food, should always take a second place to our love of the Lord.

    Today's thought: Eating pleases me; dieting pleases God!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    June 30

    Galatians 6:9
    And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

    Gwen hadn't seen Ed in almost five years. When they had last been together, she had been very overweight. She had struggled and fought to lose over the years, and she was quite proud of what she had accomplished. She could hardly wait to see his reaction. That was one of the best things about losing weight: seeing the faces of old friends who could hardly recognize you. The looks she got made the fight worthwhile. Their disbelief made Gwen feel she had performed a miracle. Good things truly did come to those who waited and stuck to their hope. God had blessed her a hundredfold.

    Today's thought: What I lose today in weight will be gain in other ways tomorrow!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    July 1

    Proverbs 2:10-11, 20
    When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: That thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous.

    Knowing what is right and doing what is right are completely different matters. Jessica knew she should lose weight, and she knew the way to do that was to cut back on what she was eating. The problem was that she didn't want to give up any of the foods she loved. She just wasn't committed enough. A friend of hers told her that she had all the knowledge she needed in her head, but none of it was in her heart. The reason she couldn't stick to her diet was that she didn't want to lose weight badly enough. When we find ourselves lacking the proper desire, we need to turn to the Lord, to ask His strength for doing what we know to be right.

    Today's thought: Dieting is more than a matter of the mind. It's a matter o f the heart!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    July 2

    Luke 21:19
    'In your patience possess ye your souls.'

    Arlene asked the Lord for just a little more patience. She looked at the clock. She had eaten lunch just three hours before, and now her stomach was telling her to eat again. She knew she really couldn't need food again so soon. She concentrated all her attention on the project she was working on and repeated again and again that she wasn't hungry. Before she knew it, she was finishing the project, her hunger had died down, and it was almost five o'clock. Quickly, Arlene thanked God for helping her hang on awhile. It wasn't nearly as hard to get by with God giving her strength and support.

    Today's thought: Decide to control your stomach instead of letting it control you!
  • Copied from Crosswalk Devotional for Dieters

    July 3

    Matthew 10:22
    'And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.'

    Christ has a powerful lesson for those who choose to diet. Dieting makes us different, and it is never easy to be different. Being Christians made the disciples different, and they had to suffer many things for their difference. People who are different are often excluded by others. Sometimes they are even abused and persecuted for their differences. There was only one reason the disciples were able to persevere in their faith, and that was the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. That same Spirit can give us the power to be different and the strength to persevere, even through a tough diet.

    Today's thought: Christ helps those who choose to be different!