Movin' & Losin' Part 12

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  • Mornin' Chicks~~
    Been a crazed weekend. Did not do my exercise in the mornings, so now i can't get motivated today to do some. I walked alot yesterday at a big boat/outdoors show near Scottsdale. There is a marina and lake there that draws plenty of boaters. Was a good day for being by the water as the sun was very hot. Today i have to get things organized so that this guy who wants our motorhome can take it for a drive. Hard to do when you've been "living" in it. Got to go thru alot of stuff and make sure it is put somewhere where it won't go flying on a curve in the road! So i'd best get started on that.

    ~~CAT~~hope you get an appt for your foot problem. One cannot get into a program if they have pain. And what is it about foot pain? Once they hurt everything else seems to hurt too! Hope he can help you soon.

    ~~NITA~~i'm going to try to call you from a phone at the resort today. As i don't believe it would be long distance from here so then we can use their phones. I'm sure we can find that addy in downtown Mesa w/no problem. But we still avoid Phoenix proper. It is nutty enough driving in Mesa and some of the other outlying cities. I'm looking forward to meeting you also.

    Hi to the rest of the chicks~~ stay strong and wish you all a great Monday.
  • Hi Thin,

    You are correct any calls from Mesa to Phoenix are not long distance. I believe I said the wedding was at 4:30 so perhaps we could meet there about 3:30. If that works for you--I'll be sure to be there. It would be so great to meet you after all this time of conversing over the internet. My DH definitely will not be with me. He is just having too hard a time getting around.

    Catlover -- What seems to be wrong with your foot. Several years ago I did have a bunion and had it removed surgically. It took a long time after that to get it well. Now I wear tennis shoes with inserts to keep the weight off of the ball of my foot. It was the best investment I have made. I can go walking for hours at a time and never have a problem. Right now though I am having the arm problem and had to give up bowling for at least a week. I sure do miss going bowling but I am sure I will get back into the swing of things very soon.

    Best wishes to all of you--have a "super" week!

  • Hello Ladies,

    On saturday I started back on SBD and i'm happy to say that i'm still on program. Saturday night I started to get cranky... I think it was the sugar withdrawls. I was hungary & kept eating the foods that i'm allowed but it wasn't what I wanted... I wanted SUGAR....I also walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes on saturday & this morning woke up at 5:15 am to walk on the treadmill. I am also reading Dr Phil's book. Of course i'm on chaper 1 & want to skip to like Chapter 5 or 6, but his book says don't skip chapters to be patient, so I am...

    Hal - I'm sorry to hear about all the deaths that are happening around you. Saying a prayer for you and your school..

    Cat - I hope you get some help for your foot soon. I know when my feet hurt, I don't want to do anything. That is awesome about about your poems. You are so talented with your storytelling, & poems...

    Nita - I hope you arm gets to feeling better. Hopefully taking a week off will help.

    Thin - Hope the mobilehome gets sold. Are you all planning on buying another one? I know you have the truck up there to get back home. I know it's hard to get back on that treadmill, but believe me you feel much better once you get back on it...

    Mooz - Hope your having a great day!

    Mitchellez - Hope you join us soon... Miss hearing from you...

    Chacha, LittleChick, - miss you guys too...

  • Hi Chicks
    How is everyone doing this Monday? I have been doing very well with
    Dr Phil's Rapid Weight Loss. I feel so much better when I am eating well.
    Don't know how much I lost because I really don't want to get on the scale
    yet. I need to just be happy cause my clothes are looser and I feel soo
    much better without the food cravings (sweet, salty, you name it).
    My exercising has been going well too. I seem to be more tired lately and
    have a sleep study scheduled next month.
    One day....good for you for getting back on SBD. It's so easy to fall off, yet
    so hard to get back on.....why is that? long until you start heading back north again? The weather is starting to get nicer (except it might snow tonite ).
    Halgal....are you off all week? Enjoy some time with Rocky....hope you have nice weather.
    Nita....Make sure you take care of that arm. Give it time to heal.

    Well gang, hope you all have a great evening....

  • Good evening chickies - Just a quick call in before bedtime. I am just in from a Country Market meeting. It was about local people settiing up a market to sell their crafts and produce once a fortnight. I have signed up for it to try and sell some paintings.
    Eating is going well although I think I am eating too much even though it is all good food!! I am not losing any weight so I need to cut down a bit on something. No exercise today but I hope to get walking tomorrow evening sometime.

    Chacha - it is amazing the difference eating well makes us feel. When I think of the number of times I have felt bad in the past because I ate too much junk food You are doing great!

    Patty - Good luck with SBD - sugar withdrawal symptons are not a great feeling but keep it up and it will get easier and it will be worth it in the end.

    Nita and Thin - we wamt a picture of you two when you meet up ........... this is so exciting .............. we want a picture .... we want a picture ....we want a picture .................

    Catlover - that is great news about your poems ........... well done!

    Halgal - what sad times for you and your school ........... sending some your way.
    The Art show went well - I sold one painting which I am very excited about.

    To anyone I have missed - have a great day.
  • 1day--wtg on the diet.

    Nita--yes--better to give your arm a rest. To you and those who asked--I have a heel spur. Had the one on the other foot removed, and I'd be set to go with this one, but the dr. wants to see if conservative treatment works. I had the chiro adjust it today, and that seemed to help. Also I got padded sox and am working on some exercises from my yoga teacher to keep the foot flexible.

    Mooz--that's great about the opportunity to sell the paintings. They are so lovely. Now pat yourself on the back for eating healthy foods and then go to the next step . . .

    I have been thinking about a challenge--I am thinking of trying to get in 5 servings of veggies and 4 of fruit (I think that's right) as the DASH diet says. I think something positive like that might be just what I need at this time.

    Cha-cha--good to hear from you and also that you're feeling well.

    Better get to bed.

    Greetings to anyone I missed.

  • Hi chicks~~ just a quick note to let you know i will be away from my computer for a few days. Have this trip to Tucson planned. We spend 2 nites there, and i will get to see my high school classmate that i've not seen for many years. It will be great to get together with her. I am going to try to stay strong on my choices for foods when i'm there. Today we ran around so much and didn't even eat right. More or less skipped lunch cause there was no choice in the matter. We sold the motorhome to a couple who is in no rush to 'take it' just yet. So we can live in it till we find something else or just plain pack up the truck and motorcycle and head north!
    Can't go home just yet tho...waiting for more snow to melt by us.

    Talk to you all in a few days. Stay strong! And good luck w/the challenge for the fruit and vegetable totals. YGG's thinlizzie
  • Catlover - I am going to the Chiroractor today to see if he can do anything for my arm. I haven't been bowling but I sure do want to get back to it soon. I am still walking on the treadmill so perhaps that will make up for it.

    If anyone watched Dr. Phil last evening he had all these teenagers on who have done an excellent job on losing weight. It was truly impressive, especially the young man who lost 102 lbs. all on his own. We ladies can do this as well--we just have to keep motivated. I just started reading Jorge Cruise's book yesterday and he sounds like he is on the right track. Supposedly you only have to do 8 minutes of exercise per day to get results. I haven't checked out his menus yet but I will keep you informed when I do.

    Well I had better get moving. My appointment at the Chiro's office is at 10:30 this morning.

    Take care,
  • RE: Thank you, thank you very much...!!!

    Good Tuesday morning everyone!

    Even though it is pouring rain, and cold - I am so appreciative of some time to myself - it is incredible. I've slept and watched movies for 2 days, and now I am ready to take care of a few odds and ends. I plan to travel to northern Indiana toward the end of the week and spend some time with my Mother (in a nursing home 30 years this year), meet one of her high school buddies (she and her husband are 80!) and meet up with an old college guy pal that recently moved home from Houston. He is a geologist, and is back in school working toward a second career. I've remained 99% OP - and it feels good. Rocky is a big part of my success as he loves to walk - and I am hoping soon I will share his love. I've indulged in a few super cheap, brand new jog suits from EBay. Super cheap - $9.99 plus shipping - awesome! This week I have one hanging up with a matching shirt and shoes so I am motivated to take him for a walk rather than let him out in the back yard. He loves the attention. Oh, did anyone catch The Today Show yesterday? They featured a website I just checked it out, and yes it looks nice, but it cost $$$$$$. $45 a year. I read a very good article at this site comparing the most popular diets today. The girl that used this site to lose weight did not use the word diet, but lifestyle change.

    Nita: Good luck at the Chiroprator. I was just talking about how I believe they are good alternatives therapies with a good friend last night. I've never been, but know many folks that enjoy the benefits. Also, I hope you and Thin get to meet (***pictures***), and enjoy the wedding. Did I mention there was a live, flowing, warm chocolate fountain at the wedding I attended a few weekends ago? Yum, yum, yum.... I watched part of Dr. Phil, and I agree these young people embraced his suggestions and took them to heart. As we must - for us.

    Thin: I love hearing about your adventures...always. Wow, I cannot believe you have sold your motor home that quickly. From what I have heard from you I know you took the very best of care of it, and I bet it was in great shape. I heard a news report this morning that parts of Kentucky can expect some April snow the end of the week. I am holding out for driving days with no rain to northern Indiana. I don't enjoy driving in rain at all. I can do it, but if I have a choice. I was thinking of leaving today - but it looks like the better weather is holding out for the end of the week. That works for me as I have a paper due for class, bills to pay, and a dirty house to clean before I leave. Such is life... I agree more fruits and veggies for all of us would be a really good move. How about if we can, if we each post a veggie recipe? I received an email recipe chain letter - chain letter on the internet.

    CatLover: Birkenstock shoes. Yes... I have bone spurs on both heels. My doctor showed them to me, and they are scary looking. I began wearing Birks a few years ago, and I never feel them, and I can stand on my feet - carrying all this weight - with no pain, and my feet in general do not hurt as they use to standing all day. I bet I now have 10 pairs, all colors and styles. The most inexpensive place to purchase them is QVC. You can purchase on line or via the television show - they were actually on yesterday. Go on line and take a look. I do have walking shoes, and a few pairs of German made BORN shoes, but love, love, love my Birks. Unfortunately so does Rocky! I have a pair I use as house shoes, and they are showing signs of Rockys puppy chewing...!

    Mooz: When you get a chance, send us some pictures of your paintings! Congratulations on selling your painting! I knew you would do well! OK, I must ask - how long is a fortnight. Oh, no more smoking in the pubs of Ireland.... how refreshing. I bet the controversy is big there as having a pint there is so popular - or is it? We hear over hear about having a pint with a friend so routinely - I even have pint glasses for when I have freinds over for cookouts on the deck. Frequently they ask where I found the glasses.

    ChaCha: Thanks for reminding me. I have so many things and do not make note of how lucky I am and forget to follow through. I will read Dr. Phil's book this week also. I am also on chapter one, but will plan to finsih it this week. I also have the paperback food tracker book. I believe fruits and veggies are key. They just had a guy on the Today show making salads. Tis the season.

    OneDay: WTG with SouthBeach. I understand sugar withdrawl. I also know how good you feel, for longer periods of time without it. Hang in there... I am right there with you. There is a chocolate candy sold in northern Indiana I now will be calling my name, packing into my Jeep, and singing high prasies when I travel this week. They are called BUN candy bars - basically chocolate covered peanuts with a creamy center (either vanilla, maple or something else - cannot remember). Anyway... How dedicated am I? It shoudl be interesting. I have not had one in years - last time I went home I did not have one! Ha, ha!

    Nita: I hope your husband is feeling better soon. I cannot wait to hear how your visit goes with Thin. I have an old college boyfriend with parents living in Scottsdale now. They retired there about 10 years ago.

    Everyone sounds great, how about some fruit and/or veggies recipes to share this week? Have a great OP week!!!

  • Good Afternoon Ladies,

    I'm still OP and feeling good... my problem now is drinking the water. I'm not thirty at all...This morning I overslept so I did not get to workout, but I am going to today. I'm thinking of taping the Oprah show or even Dr. Phil's and then watch when I get home.

    Hal - Sounds like you are really enjoying your spring break. I am also reading dr. Phil's book, think I stayed up to late last night reading it, that's why I overslept this morning. Hope you enjoy your trip and speaking of that candy bar... is that a surgar free one?

    Mooz - I think the market would be a great place to show off your crafts and painting. Hope it work out.

    Nita - I hope the chiro will be able to help you. I have never gone, but have several friends who go. Looking forward to hearing about Thins and your visit

    Chacha - good to hear from you. Glad to hear everything is going great with you. Are you reading Dr's Phil's book too, or just doing the Dr Phil's rapid weight loss? Is this something you just do for a week or two?

    Thin - Sounds like you have a fun filled weekend coming up. It's hard to watch what you eat when your on the go, but just make the best choice you can. Let us know about your trip... Have fun, be safe.

    Cat - Heel spurs? that does sound painful. Hope your able to get it taken care of soon. Maybe the shoes that Hal mentioned would help.
  • Good Afternoon Everyone,

    Well I just came back from the Chiropractor's office a couple of hours ago and I am really impressed at how much of the pain is gone in my arm. The doctor who worked on me is very young but evidently knows what he is doing. He worked on my arm for probably 20 minutes and then he worked on the muscle in my back. He also adjusted my hip area because he could see it was out of alignment. He also did some neck adjustments and boy that was really a loud noise but I have to admit I feel as loose as a goose. He then used an ultrasound machine on my arm. All this was done at no charge because I had saved a coupon I had gotten in the mail several weeks ago. They did find out my insurance covers their services with a referral from my PC. However, I need to go in to see her before she will give me the referral. It's really all about them getting paid for not doing any work except to talk to you. I sure hope she approves of my continued treatment or I will just pay for it on my own. It really is great to get rid of a lot of pain in such a short time. He also suggested I do two treatments of 20 min. hot; 20 min. cold and then 20 min. hot again. I really connected with this young man and I just have faith that he knows what he is doing.

    He also advised me to make sure I do some stretching before I get on the treadmill. He found the muscles in my legs to be very tight.

    Okay ladies I like HalGal's idea of each of us posting a vegetable recipe. The veggies and fruit are very important to our lifestyle change. I find that if I saute eggplant; celery; onion; zuccini; mushrooms until they are soft--you can use this as a base for putting in a tortilla by adding some salsa to it or even adding lean hamburger and making spagetti sauce. If you haven't tried the whole wheat pasta--it is really wonderful and much more healthy than regular pasta.

    Well I had better go I need to color my hair and get ready for my concert on Friday. By the way on April 1st I will be 69 years old! I can hardly believe all these years have gone by so fas!

    Take care ladies and remember "You are worth it!" So don't give up and love yourself because you are "very" special!
  • Quick hello... bumping us to the top...
  • More of My Paintings

    Good Morning Chickies - Thursday and I am finished work for another week YIPEEEEEEEEEE!
    I am just about to go for a walk so this will be short. It is sunny at the moment but I think it is supposed to rain later. Eating is good and I am walking most days. Weight is still the same though but hopefully I can lose a bit more soon.

    Cat - good luck with the fruit and veggie challenge - sounds like a good one!

    Thin - that was lucky - selling the motorhome to a couple who are in no rush to use it. Enjoy your trip.

    Nita - I am glad the pain has eased for you. Pain is no fun!!

    Patty - great that you are OP .......... now go get that water girl!!

    Halgal - Strange how the English language is so different depending on where we live! A fortnight is 2 weeks. The word is (according to the dictionary) Old English meaning fourteen nights.
    OK you asked for it so I have posted some more paintings on Webshots and they are in the Album called 'More Paintings'

    The addy is

    Hope all you other chickies get to post soon.

    Have a great day all
  • Hello Ladies,

    I'm still OP, and still trying to get that water in. Yesterday evening I throat starting hurting me...I'm hoping it just allergies. So last night I took some tyneol and pretty much just laid around, wasn't even hungary for dinner, so I had some FF jello. Today I had eggs for breakfast & I'm not really hungary for lunch.

    Mooz - We're due for some rain this weekend too. Way to go on getting your walking in. I will see if I can access your site from here.

    Hope everyone is having a great day...

  • Nita--glad the chiro helped. They can be great.

    Patty--hope you are feeling better.

    I took a mental health day today. Finally everyone agreed that the problem at work was not me, but the stupid computer. The tech guy tried to fix it, and made it worse. I went to two other computers,and one was somewhat better.

    Didn't sleep well last night (the dr. had said I should see how I did without the Nexium for my stomach, but guess I need it.) Could not face the computer and the callers on not a full night sleep. Had a wonderful day today--like playing hooky! And it is beautiful here.

    Love to all--
