October 2023 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Quote: 190 pounds today, been struggling with depression and anxiety, been praying for strength to overcome my overeating but seem to end up doing it every day. Feel very much out of control lately. Psych appt on 10/31 - will talk about this then I suppose, might try to get off my Welbutrin because it is supposed to help with weight loss and quitting smoking but I don't think it does much of anything for me.
    Hugs to you. I'm sorry you are struggling right now. Also, keep checking to see if the Dr. has an earlier appointment. Hang in there and I'm praying for you.
  • Good morning,
    Will work out in a few minutes.
    Steps from yesterday was 6,000 +
    Weight was down again this morning
  • I literally just felt like giving up after seeing 207.2 on the scale a few days ago. I haven't felt like exercising. I just felt like a failure. I also went through a spell where I had to bury alot of feral kittens from the neighborhood. None in one litter made it after mom abandoned them after weaning and the feral cat that stays under the neighbors house had kittens and a pitbull from the neighborhood dragged them all out and killed everyone but one that I found in my motor later in the day.

    Please don't harass me about catching them and spaying them. We had a GREAT feral program before covid, but it got shut down. I have emailed multiple agencies to come help with our cat population but no one cares.. interestingly it has not grown that much because of predators and illnesses.

    I do what I can to help babies that are abandoned and injured cats with infections that find their way to my house where i feed and warm them.. my heart almost cant take it anymore.

    I dont have the money to take them myself.

    My mom is still stressing me out because she is still at my sisters and I never know how that is going to go. She's paying rent at the house next door, but will be looking for housing in OKC????

    Anyways, im trying to stay calm and pray through it all.

    I failed my IF diet miserably and fell asleep eating pita chips.

    I ate chicken tenders, 1 wanton, 4 packs seaweed, 1 piece of cheese, 10 pita chips right before bed.

    I was 204.6 when I woke up yesterday. 204.0 today!! What???? How did that happen? I was waiting to be punished for my mini binge??? I also ate 2446 calories yesterday (im tracking again)

    Anyways, wanted to drop in and notify you im still here!

    LadyB Hugs. I too have been depressed.
    nett, yay on the progress of weight loss
    Great devotion Diane, i struggled in running as a kid. I never struggled in lifting weight or resistance exercises though.
    girl, i read 2 Timothy 4 today. Its good Bible reading is a goal
    ciecie, yay on good appointment
    yangtzer, also praying for your peace. I find 16/8 helps with night binging but not always, I just found some onion soup packets, if im tempted again might try a hot cup with some sprinkled in.

    I already got in the rest of my Turkish delight rose and lemon stash before I drank my tea! Hope I can appreciate food and not abuse myself with it
  • Good afternoon! I got up earlier than usual this morning because I had a doctors appointment. The bus didn’t come to pick me up so I called to find out if I was on the schedule to be picked up. I wasn’t on the schedule. I called my doctor to cancel my appointment. I re-scheduled it for next Friday. I did 2 miles Leslie Sansone this morning. I also went for a power walk and ran errands this morning. I did a load of laundry this morning. I’m going to fold the towels in a few minutes. 😁🍁😷🎃
  • Hi Everyone!

    Total Approx 1510 calories

    Breakfast 480 calories
    coffee w/cream & sugar
    yogurt, protein granola bar, prunes 480 calories

    Lunch 500 calories
    2 protein bars 500 calories

    Dinner 530 calories
    Evol chicken enchilada bake 380 calories
    riced zucchini 50 calories
    apple 100 calories

    Cardio, core, and balance workout and outdoor walk

    Have a Blessed evening!
  • Good night all! Went for two more power walks today. The last one was to and home from supper. My fitness goals for today have been attained. 😁🍁😷🎃
  • Ciecie, I love your positive attitude about the bus problem.
    hope all have a good night
  • WO: Jump rope plus walking
    FOOD: OK

    Enjoy your weekend everyone
  • Good morning! Jendiet, thanks! I texted my sister and brother about it. Both of them said I was right on the ball about getting things changed. 😁🍁😷🎃
  • Friday
    workout: 6 mile crosstrainer
    weight: 108.2lbs

    Daily Bible Reading: Matt 17 cont. , John 20, Rev 20
  • Good morning again! Will have breakfast and work out in a few minutes. 😁🎃😷🍁
  • Good morning,
    this entire month has been stressful with each weekend having something going on. Dog rally trial on the first, then 2 day craft fairs the next two, traveling to Vt for a concert tonight. and during the week while trying to get ready for next craft fair I have had my grandson, and take him to school and pick him up. 2 weeks this month. He is great and I enjoy having him, I am just exhausted with all the travel. I am trying to find him a car as his is a piece of crap and always broke down.

    LadyB-sorry you are going through this, hope your Dr has some good ideas. Maybe it is time to try something new. I tried Nutrisystem but the sodium in the foods really got to me. I like WW but no longer have one where i live, the accountability of having someone else weigh me helped to keep me on track.
  • Good morning all
    Gone astray, yikes that is busy. Praying for some time enjoying things at a normal pace to lower cortisol levels
    Ciecie, yes that is good to be focused and have positive attitude with set backs
    Yangtzer, its so cool you jump rope for exercise. How did you do last night? I ate again!
    LadyB hope you are feeling better
    Girl I read 2 Titus today. What do you think about Matthew 17?
    Diane, thanks for a safe haven.
    nett, hope you see more losses soon

    Last night, before bed I had turkey roll ups with goat cheese, spinach, hawaiian bread and oatmeal (peaches and cream) with apple pie filling apples and milk.
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Steps from yesterday: 8,992

    Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy!

    Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

    October 21

    Matthew 13:31-32
    Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed in the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.'

    All too often, people tackle diets that are too big for them. They try to give up everything at once, hoping to lose a huge amount of weight in a short period of time. Usually, that won't work. We should learn that the greatest successes come in small steps. We need to set modest goals that we can handle, so we don't get discouraged. God blesses our small efforts, for they are usually the most sincere and realistic. Ask God's guidance, and He will grant you exactly the right amount of strength you need to triumph.

    Today's thought: Giving up a little at a time will keep me from giving up altogether!
  • Good morning
    We had the kids last night so I made spaghetti. My weight however, was up this morning.
    steps from yesterday was 6000 plus again. Did my exercise, a 7000 step challenge video.

    Jendiet think you and I are in the same.boat. hugs
    Yangster hope you are feeling better.

    Goneastray will you have any more craft fairs
    hellos to the rest