December 2022 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Diana I am so sorry you are sick! I hope the symptoms are mild

    WI down today
    WO rest days until Jan 2....this is my rest week. I was a bit dissapointed on my last day of week 12 I could not finish the workout. I don't know if it was a mental thing or physical. I was up the night before with food poisoning. It was close to 1am before I could finally go to bed. Then I was so sore/tender in the am my body just was not having it. So instead of risk injury I just stopped the workout.

    Today DD and family made it in from OH yesterday....whew got out of Chicago O'Hare before cancelations. So for the next week I will be on and off here as we visit and eat our way through the holiday.

  • I hope everyone stays warm and safe. Extra layers work out great while walking my dog, and I love sitting near the wood fireplace with him during the day to keep warm.

    Diet and exercise are on vacation right now. I have to be honest and say I plan on starting strongly on my diet/exercise after the holiday season.

    Have a Good Friday!
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Nancy I'm sorry you had food poisoning. I think my symptoms are mild compared to others. My temp is normally 97. When I was checked out it was 102.4. The Dr. said that was one of the reason I felt so bad. I've had major headaches, body aches, fever, etc.

    SinaRose I'm with you!

    Steps from yesterday: 6,644

    Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy.

    Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

    December 23

    Colossians 1:13
    Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.

    Christmas was going to be extra fun this year. Lois hadn't told anyone that she had lost a good deal of weight. More than that, she had been so depressed by her weight problem in the past that she hadn't been much fun to be around. She felt so much better about herself, and she definitely felt better about the holidays. Her life had been lived in the darkness of depression, but the light of God had broken through, much like the star of Bethlehem broke through the Jerusalem sky two thousand years before. The wise men had found the baby Jesus by following its light, and Lois had found a new life of her own, led by the very same saving light of God.

    Today's thought: The lightness of my body is due to the light of Christ!
  • Good morning again! Nancylmrn, enjoy your dd and her family! 🤶🎄🧑‍🎄🎅🏻
  • 圣诞快乐

    merry Christmas


    즐거운 성탄

    Веселое Рождество

    Joyeux Noël

    Bion Natale

    Feliz Navidad

    Went to see a musical last night

    WO: walking
    FOOD: on plan
  • Good evening! My brother and I went to see I wanna dance with somebody this afternoon. Great Bio pic! I’M A HUGE WHITNEY HOUSTON FAN! 🎄🤶🎅🏻🧑‍🎄
  • Quote: Good evening! My brother and I went to see I wanna dance with somebody this afternoon. Great Bio pic! I’M A HUGE WHITNEY HOUSTON FAN! 🎄🤶🎅🏻🧑‍🎄
    I am a huge fan too but was on the fence about going to have convinced me! thank you
  • Oh my I am having so much fun with my grand kids!
    This will be short My granddaughter (13) made her first ever pasta then we rolled it out for ravioli with my grandson (7) turning the crank on the pasta machine. It was a blast. Grandson also used the 'betters' when we made brownies and did great.

    I am a bragging grandma.

    anyway food choices have been good and this is a great week to take off from lifting. Jan 2 new program one really appealed to me but was so complicated for my brain to follow I gave up. So now I am going to do a 5 day a week 12 week challenge but with more focus on upper body. The goal is to be able to do a real push up and a real pull up

    Ok off for now
    Merry Christmas
  • Good morning! Nancylmrn, Whitney’s sister-in-law, Pat Houston, was one of the executive producers. Will have breakfast in a few minutes. 🤶🧑‍🎄🎅🏻🎄
  • Good Morning, Everyone! Merry Christmas Eve!

    Steps from yesterday: 2,959

    Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy.

    Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

    December 24

    2 Thessalonians 3:5
    And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

    Nancy sat in the warm glow of the firelight, looking at the sparkle of the Christmas tree. What was it like that very first Christmas morn? What must Mary and Joseph have been feeling? Imagine the anticipation and wonder. Nancy's mind wandered to the fact that she had lost so much weight through the year. Suddenly, she was embarrassed by a thought. She had thought her diet was so important; she had been so impatient trying to lose weight. Compared with the magic and wonder of this night, and all that it meant, her diet seemed pretty insignificant. She owed everything she had and everything she was to Jesus Christ. It was a joy to welcome Him into her heart once again this blessed Christmas Eve.

    Today's thought: The day-to-day gifts of God pale in comparison with His greatest gift: His Son, Jesus the Christ!
  • Good morning again! Just had breakfast. Won’t get much walking in today. 🤶🧑‍🎄🎄🎅🏻
  • W/O: 6 miles elliptical, 1 mile run
    Weight: 106.4lbs

    I wonder if I'm getting heavier because I'm getting older and I just need to accept it.

    Ciecie: I want to see the movie. I loved Whitney.
    Yangtzer: What musical did you see?
    SinaRose: Maybe we could do some sort of New Year's goal challenges?
  • Hi all! Will be having lunch in a few minutes. 🤶🧑‍🎄🎄🎅🏻

  • WO
    : sleeping mostly, lol, I guess I’m not fully recovered yet
    FOOD: ate whatever I want, I need food to fight Covid

    Nancy..Have fun with the grandkids! Are you using dumbbells for the new program?

    Ciecie..Have fun! Do your brothers family like walking too?

    Diana..Glad your temp is normal now. Did you take any medicine?

    SinaRose..that’s cozy sitting near the fireplace with dog. Can the firewood warm up the whole house?

    Teri..Fluffypuppy..Waving Hello, Happy Holidays!!

    Girl81..The musical is a local production called “Light Keepers”.
    Wow, 7 miles, that’s impressive!! What type of IF are you doing? I’m thinking about 16/8.
  • Merry Christmas! My brother likes walking. He walks their dog, Reuben. I haven’t walked much since I’ve been here. Will have breakfast in a few minutes. 🧑‍🎄🎄🎅🏻🤶