May the Force of the Scale be with us! Daily weighing pt 2

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  • April 2011 - Lost 2.2 pounds (Ready to kick butt in May!)

    April 30: 282.6
    1: 280.0 (-2.6)
    2: 278.9 (-1.1)
    3: 276.0 (-2.9)
    4: 276.2 (+0.2)
    5: 276.0 (-0.2)
    6: 274.0 (-2.0)
    7: 272.7 (-1.3)
    8: 273.6 (+0.9)
    9: 273.4 (-0.2)
    10: 272.7 (-0.7)
    11: 271.4 (-1.3)
    12: 270.9 (-0.5)
    13: 271.4 (+0.5)
    14: 271.6 (+0.2)
    15: 271.8 (+.02)
    16: 271.8 (-0.0)
    17: 272.7 (+0.9)
    18: 271.2 (-1.5)
    19: 269.4 (-1.8)
    20: 268.1 (-1.2)
    21: 268.5 (+0.4)
    22: No WI
    23: 270.1 (+1.6)
    24: 271.2 (+1.1)
    25: 270.1 (-1.1) TOM
    26: 269.8 (-.03) TOTAL LOST -12.8

    Yeesh...TOM is killing me this month. No gym workout in two days (morning bloodwork yesterday and KILLER cramps this morning). I am REALLY looking forward to getting my bloodwork back. I've never had cholesterol problems but my triglycerides were slightly elevated and my HDL has always been low so I'm anxious to see if there is improvement.

    I'm glad to see the downtrending continuing, no matter how small. I was actually a little under on my calories and WAY under on my water intake so I'm super happy with how things are looking!

    Rainbowgirl -- GREAT JOB!!! Nice whoosh!

    Love -- Pizza is my FAVORITE food too. I have to be super careful if I'm going to be around cause the smell alone is enough to awaken the hunger beast inside. Yikes! SO happy to hear that you did so well though. GREAT JOB! And SO sorry to hear that TOM is back. That's the WORST news!

    Diana -- Good morning! It's probably good that you're starting little below your weight range right before a vacation!

    Beck -- GREAT JOB! You are rocking the weight loss since recommitting!!

    Kiyo -- WOO HOO! You're trucking right along now!!

    Kukkie -- Yahoo! Great job getting back on track after your vacay! You're doing great!

    Coondocks -- I'm the same boat as you. WAY under on my water intake yesterday. Amazing how big a difference it makes, huh?

    Roxy -- Wowza! Nice whoosh!

    Vixsin -- Those whoosh's are right around the corner. Hang in there, you're doing great!!

    Bulletproof -- Great job!!

    Matilda -- Hooray!! Down 1.6!! Way to hang in there!
  • 1: 251.6 (damnit! 0.6 gained? Went for a 6 km hike yesterday burning 2731 calories and only ate 1400-1500 calories that day. I'm hoping it's just retention caused by dehydration b/c I didn't pack enough water, and because TOM is approaching. We'll see what it is tomorrow. I think I should step it up with the exercise now that I'm heading into my 3rd week.)
    2: 252.2 - what the heck?! I really, really, hope this is just because maybe TOM is approaching (Im so irregular, I never really know until it arrives) - but I followed my plan yesterday, deviating only to get a McDonald's cone (150 calories) and I budgeted it for that, too. Not 100% sure why I've gained a pound and a bit back. Very annoying!
    3: 252.6 TOM still not here, still getting intermittent symptoms that it's approaching but not here yet. Frustrated, but I know I haven't gone over my calorie budget so I cannot be gaining weight through that (I'm not eating high fat foods or low-nutritional value foods). Just have to persevere and wait.
    4: 253.0 Ok, NOW I'm getting frustrated. I've been on a steady rise since Sunday and there's no reason for it. I'm sticking to my plan, I haven't deviated at all, TOM isn't here (yet), and I'm still GAINING. What the ****!? I'm starting to get uber discouraged. I can't go any lower in calories than I wan 1300-1400, and I can't go any higher b/c I'm sedentary for more than 8 hours a night thanks to work. I try to get in 20 minutes of exercise before work, but that doesn't always happen. So frustrated.. I'm doing everything right and I'm GAINING!
    5:252.0 TOM finally appeared, sorta. Very light but we'll see how it goes. Hopefully when it's done I'll be out of the 250s; that sure would be nice especially since I've been so "good" and kept to my plan! Crappy day today, but I'll be hitting the treadmill at work on my lunch break like I did last night - watch some of the hockey game that way Tonight will make 3 times this week exercising for 20 min. I'm proud ^_^
    6: (didn't weigh)
    7: (didn't weigh)
    8: (didn't weigh)
    9: (didn't weigh)
    10: (didn't weigh)
    11: 250.8 I went to my parent's house for several days (thursday until tuesday) and it's highly likely I gained some weight back because it's very hard to eat the way I need to there. Mom makes everything mostly home made, so figuring out calories is hard. I just tried to eat smaller meals and it seems to have paid off with not a huge gain. Though, not a huge loss either. *sigh* Back on track now.
    12: 251.8 Ugh. Up again but it's understandable. Mom and I went to our favorite little Italian restaurant in Vancouver where the portions of spaghetti are massive and I just about ate the whole darn thing. I had water with dinner, so that's a plus I guess. Haven't had that spaghetti in months, either. Back on track today and even more so when mom goes home again lol
    13: 251.0 meh, mom's still here so not eating well.
    14: 252.0 *le sigh* I love my mom, but I can't wait for her to leave so I can get back to my routine. It's going to be super tough when she's down this summer selling corn (her summer job) and staying with me. Teeny 600 sq ft 1 bedroom basement and ALL of her crap. I had a 2 bedroom last year and it was a DISASTER all the time. She refuses to clean up after herself so I end up doing it all. I'm not looking forward to it. Even now, my living room/main room is a mess and it's mostly her stuff everywhere.
    15: (didn't weigh).
    16: 255.0 #%*%&#(@&(%)%!!!! I'm so mad; I regained 5 pounds for what? NOTHING! Trying to get back on track but finding it even harder than when I started!
    17: 253.0 Ok, on a downward trend now. Let's hope there are no more hiccups soon.
    18: 252.8 Weighed at the doctor's office today and it looked like 252-ish. Hopefully it was correct. Talked to my nurse practitioner (like a GP) about everything. She said I should be drinking twice as much water as I have been and to increase to 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week. Also, getting on the antidepressant for my moderate depression will help (she says) and that if the water retention doesn't get better in a few months of staying on track, to see her again. Told her my eating plan and what I generally eat and asked if she thought I needed a dietician but she said it sounds like I have it all under control, it's just a matter of sticking to it despite the rough patch. To be honest, I did go off the plan while my mom was in town and that no doubt contributed to the gain, so hopefully I can really stay strong. My parents want me to go up to their house next weekend because it's Nilla's (My dog's) 1st birthday. I think if I *do* go up, I'll have to bring my own food - or at least get my own food once I'm there so I'm not eating what they eat.
    19:251.5 Woo! Heading back down! Did 30 minutes in the gym last night; 7 on treadmill, 7 on bike, and 15 on weights. Definitely feeling it today.
    20: 251.8 Up a little bit, but I'm not stressing. Going on a 6 km hike tomorrow.
    21: (Didn't weigh)
    22: 249.5 Yes, you read that right.. 249.5! I am out of the 250s. YAY! We didn't go on the 6 km hike yesterday, but a nice hour and a half walk by the ocean - and the gym is probably really helping, too!
    23: 252.3 Well, that was shortlived. I don't know what happened. I ate according to plan, I drank 1.5 L of water and I regained the weight. I'm getting so annoyed. I'm doing everything that I'm being told to - 30 min exercise every day, 1400 calories a day, low fat, low carb, low sodium, lean meats, lots of veggies, and I'm not losing. I totally feel like just giving up. I mean, it's been over a month and a half and I've only lost 12 pounds and now seem to be stuck. If I eat any less, I'll starve, and I can't exercise more b/c there's no time when you work 2 jobs. Urhg. I'm so upset.
    24: 251.1 Ok, not bad. I did drink the 1.5 L yesterday but I made sure to pee all day long. I don't think I ate too much, but I might have. I go to the gym tonight and tomorrow, but I'm off on Thursday (my Nilla Bean's 1st birthday lol I'm such a dork) so I'm either going for a hike with the birthday puppy or something. That will be my 30 min 3x a week. Sticking on plan, even though it's frustrating.
    25:249.1 Okay, finally seeing a bit of a change. Cautiously optimistic. Didn't get my exercise in yesterday, the game was on (GOOOOO CANUCKS!) and wow what a game! Am hoping to get it done this weekend sometime.
    26:248.1 The whoosh continues. I'm hesitant to update my signature to include my first goal met (249; 13 pounds) in case this is just a fluke. Maybe I'll wait until Monday and see. If I'm still under 250 from now until then, I'll update it. I think what's really helped is drinking all that water! It's kept me full all day which means I really don't want to eat, and it's helping me flush out everything.
  • Alright Kukkie ... great loss today

    congrats to everyone that loss and to those that had a gain hopefully it's water and will be gone in a snap

    I'm down .2 to 177.2

    Have a great afternoon/evening everyone
  • Thanks Jami, I can't figure out why this happens some months and others it doesn't. Sorry about the cramps. I had then briefly the first night but a cold pillow tucked under my tummy helps. Yes downtrending is good to see
  • 1. 311.8
    2. 312.6
    3. 315.4
    4. 315.0
    5. 311.8
    6. 310.8
    7. 310.8
    8. 312.2
    9. 313.6
    10. no weigh in
    11. no weigh in
    12. no weigh in
    13. no weigh in
    14 318.6
    15. 316.8
    16. 312.8
    17. 312
    18. 311.8
    19. 310.8
    20. 309.2
    21. 308.2
    22. 309.2
    23. 310.6
    24. 310.8
    25 309.4
    26 307.8
  • Right on Rainbowgirl!! Way to go!

    Nice job reptogirl! You're rockin' the end of May!
  • Went way off my plan .So totally disgusted with myself , At the time I didn't mind because i was covering with exercise thinking that if I did just a little more I would been the safe side. But then it hit me , I lied to myself and cheated myself , me myself and I . And I have no tolerance for "liars or "quitters" but isnt that exactly that ???, I lied saying it would be o.k when I knew better. And I threw all that hard work away. How can it be o.k to cheat on a diet , and this is not the first time , for years I wanted this and have been blaming everything and everyone I could out of guilt , blaming for my unhappiness. It was me all along and I did it again . But you know what I just made Myself unhappy. I have none to blame i could have said no. I chose not to. I know it may not seem that big of a deal to others.
    But how can it be that it is o.k to do this and not OK for someone in school to cheat , it is still for self improvement , and character. I stole from myself ,
    if someone constantly lies , do we give them another chance ???? No because we believe they wont stop , even if the lies were not meant to hurt . So why is it o.k to keep cheating on a diet?
    Sorry ladies , very very very rough time here.
  • Good Morning! TGIF! I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and stay safe during the Memorial Holiday! I will be heading out of town in a little while. I will weigh in again on Tuesday! Hopefully I can stick to my plan. Wish me luck!

    Calories for yesterday: 1440

    Weigh In: 143.8

    Down: .2
  • Morning all

    Somehow I'm miraculously down. Must be all that sugar leaving my system. Plus, I've realized over the past few months that I gain/bloat during ovulation as opposed to TOM, so I think I'm on my way down from that. Still up from before the wedding, but happy to be getting back on track.

    I'll be in during the weekend to catch up with everyone! Have a great holiday weekend!! Stay strong

    PS - Openup, stay strong. I have tough days like this too, but don't beat yourself up so much. Try to work through it and remember we're here
  • Down this morning but quite sure what to, I saw 200.4 and 201.4 and I didn't get back on because I was so achy and crampy. In any case, down is down, we'll see tomorrow. TOM arrived in full force last night and mannnn let me tell you, I did NOT miss the cramps, moods or cravings while I was on the pill. *sigh* But it's only for a few days right. So I'll get over it

    Diana have a fabulous time away!

    openup don't be too hard on yourself. We all have tough days, but just remember you're part of a fabulous and safe group here, where you will not be judged, only supported. Do you keep a food journal? It may help to start writing what you're eating down along with what you were feeling when you ate it. That may help you pinpoint some of the reasons why you feel like you can't follow through.

    Future I used to be like that before the pill too, gain during ovulation, whoosh during TOM.

    For all my friends in the US, have a fabulous long weekend
  • I am down .2 to 173.2. Still crazy busy and no time for personals, but love you all. For those that are curious about how the adoption stuff is going, we have a meeting on Tuesday to go over things with the caseworker and will hopefully be scheduling the homestudy then.

    Have a fantabulous Friday everyone!
  • 171.4 this morning . . . . Im really getting confused as to whats going on here.
    TOM is not coming around for another 10 days, I got in a lot of walking yesterday, ate clean, drank enough water and I even got a decent amount of unbroken sleep.
    The only thing I can think of is that I've been living under a good calorie level for so long my system is 're-booting' to a more realistic level of food. It's healthy food, but it's more than I've been eating for longer than I would like to admit.
    Grrrrrr . . . . motivation to get a good weight lifitng program back in place. I can't seem to keep up with that unless I have a DVD or laid out prgram right infront of me. Blah.

    Kukkie - Down is down. I've been so blessed that I've only had bad cramps maybe 5 times in my life and even that wasn't until after I had Jack. I give kudos to any and all women that deal with that on a monthly basis.

    Jami - I can't believe how much of a difference the water really makes, its crazy, but I'll never go another day thinking I can have only 3 glasses and expect it to not show up. And uhmm . . . Holy crap fantastic month for you!! WOW!!

    OpenUp - Don't beat yourself up, it happens to us all and the added stress of whatever you have going on makes it all the more difficult. Vent as much as you need to, deep breaths and keep taking one step forward, you can do this.

    Diana - TGIF indeed, been a hellish week and I'm glad it's over You're a maintaining rockstar . . . just had to throw that out there

    Future - Its no miracle you're down, you're taking care of business lady!! Keep at it and watch those numbers fall!!

    Love - thanks for the hug I'll get threw this all, I always do. Congrats on the .2, I don't think these 170's are going to be sticking around long with you at all!

    Vix - When you're done with your whoosh can you send it my way I know I'm stronger than I realize most days, blessed to be Jack's Mom . . . I feel almost guilty that I don't feel bad for Jack not having that influence as his 'male role model' but I do feel bad for S, Jack is an amzing little man full of love, empathy, energy and laughter . . . why would some one walk away from that?

    Repto - CONGRATS!!! on the 50lbs WOOT WOOT!!!!

    BBL, I should probably do some work . . . . I have a huge stack of cheques to send out . . . . I don't really want to but a few people might get upset if I don't ha ha
  • April 2011 - Lost 2.2 pounds (Ready to kick butt in May!)

    April 30: 282.6
    1: 280.0 (-2.6)
    2: 278.9 (-1.1)
    3: 276.0 (-2.9)
    4: 276.2 (+0.2)
    5: 276.0 (-0.2)
    6: 274.0 (-2.0)
    7: 272.7 (-1.3)
    8: 273.6 (+0.9)
    9: 273.4 (-0.2)
    10: 272.7 (-0.7)
    11: 271.4 (-1.3)
    12: 270.9 (-0.5)
    13: 271.4 (+0.5)
    14: 271.6 (+0.2)
    15: 271.8 (+.02)
    16: 271.8 (-0.0)
    17: 272.7 (+0.9)
    18: 271.2 (-1.5)
    19: 269.4 (-1.8)
    20: 268.1 (-1.2)
    21: 268.5 (+0.4)
    22: No WI
    23: 270.1 (+1.6)
    24: 271.2 (+1.1)
    25: 270.1 (-1.1) TOM
    26: 269.8 (-.03) TOM
    27: 270.1 (+.06) TOM

    TOTAL LOST -12.5

    Still off-plan on exercise today, these cramps are friggin' killing me. I hate stalling out w/ TOM so close to the end of the month but still SUPER happy with my progress. I'll out of town through Sunday so I won't weigh in again until Monday. That said, I'm not expecting anymore whoosh's and will be happy to be able to hold on at 270.

    Openup -- Stop. Stop beating yourself up - no good can come of it. It happened, learn from it, and move forward. You CAN do this!!!

    Diana -- Morning Diana! Have a great weekend!

    FutureThoughts -- Congrats!! Great job paying attention to your body!

    Kukkie -- Down is definitely down! Great job!!

    Roxy -- Not surprised to see that you're still busy. Great job being down this morning!

    Coondocks -- Good morning. Have a great weekend!
  • Stayed the same today. 193.2 I was happy not to see a gain. LOL I managed to get some sleep last night so that is a victory as well. No exercise for me yesterday. I am planning on a run today and also another solid night's sleep. I have a very busy day tomorrow and I want to be ready for it.

    Despite what a rough month this has been in my offline life, there are positive things going on around me. I am on plan and I am going to stay that way. My whooshes are coming.

    Coon: You are a rockstar. Super Single Mom's are where it's at!!!!! I'll never understand the ability to walk away from something so profound either. Thankfully neither one of us will EVER have to worry about such foolishness!!! Jack knows he's the lucky one to have you!!
  • Happy Friday Everyone

    openup first let me say to you, better late than never Now whew you are really being hard on yourself and the spiel you gave yourself is punishment enough. I think you have learned your lesson and I must tell you a lot of what you said hit home for me. I have done exactly what you said to myself over and over again. Just plain lies (though I never thought about it like that until you said it) so thanks for the wake up ... but I always come back to 3FC and let the motivation and inspiration of the ladies here pick me back up again and again. The key to starting over is checking in as often as possible (talking to myself here too). Sometimes it's only for a day or two but it's a day OP that can lead to many more. Clear your mind, hug yourself, say to yourself I can and will do better and start from there (again talking to myself one day I'll learn it pays to listen ). Smile and feel better. We're here always BIG

    Diana have a wonderful weekend ... I know you'll do just fine

    Hi FutureThoughts

    Kukkie yes down is down Sorry about the cramps

    Same to you Roxy!

    Coondocks maybe calorie cycle for a week or two and see how that works. Personally I think you are doing great, your whoosh is coming. I need to get on the ball with some form of workout. No matter what I say I just don't do it. I thought having the treadmill would make it easier but after 20 minutes I am exhausted. Yet I can go outside and walk for a hour what gives?

    Jami have a wonderful weekend Can you take ibuprofen for the cramps. My daughter has them really bad like I use to when I was young, so bad I take the ibuprofen to her so she can get out of bed. My poor baby. Mine don't last as long and aren't as bad as hers. Thank goodness with age something improved

    Vixsin great outlook, you're working hard so they are definitely coming

    Ok my sad update I need a kick in the butt,

    I am up to 180 this morning up 2.8lbs my rings are tight also. Coondocks when you said I'd be out of the 170's I thought, HA ... I think I must have snacked on everything I could think of yesterday, all the right portion but nothing healthy. Total calories in snacks yesterday 650, 701mg of sodium. I am gonna try to do better today. But between 1:30 and 3:30 I just want everything and it's almost everyday that I feel this way. But I am thinking (really hoping) today is gonna be a good day