Japanese (mmmm, seafood ramen!!!)
Read a book or watch a tv show?
Read a book
Would you rather go snow skiing or water skiing
Would you rather go trick or treating or stay home and pass out the goodies?
Stay at home and pass out goodies.
Would you rather brew your own coffee or go to Starbucks ?
Brew my own
Would you rather shop for a car or shop for a house?
TIARA , 11-12-2010 03:43 AM
hang with friends... or husband/wife boyfriend /girlfriend?
Would you rather have Lasagna or Spaghetti?
Lasagna ( or spaghetti ! )
Would you rather sleep in or get up and get going ?
sleep in!
Would you rather get your hair done or nails?
Would you rather do a happy dance or do a disco dance?
Happy Dance
Would you rather live in the mountains or by the beach ?
live by the moutains :-)
Would you rather become a therapist or an accountant?
Therapist... I took some accounting classes and nearly lost all faith in life. Exaggeration, but yeah.
Would you rather deal with problems when they occur or try to ignore them until they go away?
Ignore them until they go away
Would you rather go out for breakfast or lunch ?
Would you rather go to Zumba or Body Pump?