January Club - 2010

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  • Hi! Where is everyone? I have been very sucessful in staying away from sugar and I'm starting to feel my energy level come up.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone's posts.
  • I am still waiting for my Gruve to come. It is an activity monitor, tells calories burned. It is getting close to 2 weeks now and still no sign of it. What's up??

    Nothing else new to report though.

    Susie- Good luck.
  • Mindy: I didn't know what a Gruve was so I googled it...very, very cool and I think it will help you to figure out why you are plateauing.
  • Susie- that is my hope. It came today. I got it plugged in and set up on the website. Before I even put it on my body it says My RMR is 1450, so to just do NOTHING, I should eat 1450 calories. Once it logs my calorie burn for a week it will adjust. This should be interesting.

    Got on the scale this morning and it said 175.8. I said "Dam* liar". Then it went to 176.8, 2 pounds less than yesterday. For real??? It was probably playing a joke on me and will say 180 tomorrow.
  • Well you guys, the Gruve is very intresting. It provides a ton of info on my activity throughout the day. It is monitoring for a week before it decides what my burn should be each day. This should be interesting.

    Today I was 177. Not bad. TOM will be here this week sometime. I have been under 180 for 20 days now. Don't want to go over it now. If I can just stay under through TOM I would be delighted. We shall see.

    We have conferences next week, M and W till 8:30. That really screws up my evening. Will have to try working out at 9:00 when I get home? Yuck!!! I'll have to do it though to keep things as normal as possible for the Gruve tracking.
  • I am going to have to go and google this gruve thing.

    Hi y'all!
  • Hi everyone! Still maintaining. Being able to work out consistently would help. Conferences will put a damper on my workouts as well. Mindy's are only Monday and Wednesday. Mine are Mon, Tues, and Wed. Yuck!
  • Hi--It is BEAUTIFUL in Ohio today with a promise of the weather getting warmer every day!

    It's been a busy week for me. I am involved in my church's Easter Muscial Drama and we have four performances this week. I can truly say I have enjoyed the experience surrounding this event as well as the actual performances. I've been involved with this since January.

    As much as I have enjoyed it, I'm looking forward to being finished and getting back to my weight-loss goals. We never know what the next day will bring but for the next four months I am going to enjoy a more stable time than I have been since October and I have made a vow to myself that for those 4 months I have two focuses. The first my weight-loss goals and the second to find a new job before my July 31 work end-date comes.

    Mindy and Kelly: I hope the conferences were not to bruttle this week. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Ward: Did you google Mindy's new toy? It looks pretty cool!

    Where is everyone else? Hope to hear from all of you soon!!
  • Hey!! So I made it through conferences and am now officially on spring break. YAY!!! I am still in the first week monitoring phase with my Gruve. I am averaging close to 600 calories a day. Today however I am already at 830. WOW!!! It's only 8:00. I took a 45 min, walk and burned 250 calories.

    Today was our last weigh-in at school. I lost 2 pounds this week....even though TOM should be here anytime now. I was 176.6 this morning. That has to be a good thing, right??

    Well I am going to enjoy my break, starting with a night out with co-workers tomorrow. We have been waiting a long time. It should be fun.
  • Hi to everyone! Still maintaining. Nothing new to report.

    Mindy--Does that mean you are burning around 600 calories a day? I can't believe you would mean eating 600 a day! Glad you are getting your Gruve on! (Sorry, it had to be said!) See you tonight.

    Susie--Just get back on track as soon as you can. That is all you can do!
  • I just keep singing "Shake Your Gruve Thing" in my head.
  • Hi--83 degrees in Ohio today! If that doesn't make one happy nothing will!!

    I have my last choir performance tonight and then for the next 4 months, it's ALL about me!!

    Mindy: Yes that's a good thing! I think this Gruve thing will be the key to getting you off that plateu that you have been one. Enjoy that spring break!

    Kelli: Maintaining is a good thing! Enjoy your spring break. I bet you and Kelly get in some workouts.

    Ward: I keep singing that same thing when I read about Mindy's Gruve!

    So, I told my hubby, NO Easter candy and he said he listend to me but got me something else instead..we still do Easter Baskets for each other. He told me he would take his to work. He always wants candy! He's just a big kid.

    Oh, did anyone watch BL on Tuesday? I think Sunshine is looking great! She's my favorite right now.
  • Here is what I've learned from my Gruve so far. I should burn 530 calories a day. My average though is currently over 600. It has bumped up my calories to eat to 1573. Basically what I am getting is...eat more and work out a bit less. Seems like funny advice right??

    Well today I hit a new low, 175.4. And that is with TOM popping up any minute now. Maybe this thing is correct. We shall see. I am not going to bust my butt everyday, but take a nice walk most days and throw in a bit of arms or legs on a few days. I will see how this works for me.
  • Mindy: I think this Gruve thing is what you needed! I was wondering if you weren't working out to much and not eating enough. I know it's weird but I have heard that can be the case sometimes.

    I'm headed back to the gym tonight. Yep..going back to the weight room. I'm excited!
  • Hi! I got busy and then forgot my password... doh. But I just wanted to pop in and say hi - and hope that everyone hasn't forgotten who I am.

    How is everyone doing?

    Susie & Mindy: It sounds like you guys are doing well!