Nutrisystem Buddies 2008

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  • Thanks for all the advice everyone. How fast did it take to get your order when you first ordered? I placed mine on Sunday nite, but they don't give an update on my account yet as to when it's shipping.
    When I was low~carbing a few years ago I knew the importance of drinking good water back then, so I knew that is one of the major things I'd have to do on NS. I've also been using detox foot pads to help remove the toxins out of my body, and so far, so good. I really like using them (got a great deal on Ebay) and I find they give me a lot more energy during the day and help me sleep a lot better at nite.
    I also tried to order a wide variety of foods from NS so I'm hoping I won't run across any that I don't like.
    Now where is that UPS guy??
  • I think it takes a couple days to process your order, then the ship time will depend on how far you are from a distribution center. Mine come from PA, and I am in NY - so I get my box about 2 days after they process the order.
    If you look at your autodelivery order, it will show n/a if it hasn't shipped yet. I imagine if it hasn't today, your order would ship by tomorrow.
  • Lost one pound this week - putting me in the 160s!! Yay! I am so happy!
  • Wednesday Afternoon
    Well today is weigh in day. I didn't lose. I guess I'm going to have to take everyone's advice and call Nutrisystem. My 2 sons have been after me the past 6 months that I am not eating enough food. That I should be eating about 1,800 calories. Maybe they are right. I won't make any decision until I talk to Nutrisystem. I am so frustrated.

    Sno & Lori,
    You both look great. You'll have to post your before and after pics on the site here for success stories. I always like looking and reading there.

    Today's exercise was shovelling snow. That is always a good workout.

    Take care everyone.

  • Annie - hang in there. You do need to make sure you are eating enough food. I went on a months long plateau after I lost 78 pounds, and then I gave up and gained back almost 40. That was scary. That's when I went on NS and the weight started coming off again. I have now past that plateau point I had on the scale.
    I actually eat more calories than NS normally dictates. I eat around 1350-1400 per day. I also work out a lot.
    Are you taking measurements? You can still be swapping fat for muscle, but i would for sure call a counselor. That's what they are there for! Let us know what one says.
  • Lori,

    I talked to a counselor. They suggested that I eat a protein after working out. I could also try eating dinner at lunch and lunch at dinnertime. I'm not sure where that would make a difference. But I will give it a try.

    My measurements aren't changing. I work out alot too. I walk 7-10 miles a day, 6 days a week. I also ride a bike 2 miles a day, 6 days per week. Lift weights 3 days per week. I take a water aerobics class 1 night a week. I can't imagine working out anymore.

    If I don't lose about a pound a week during the next month. I'm going off of NS and try eating 1,800 calories and see what that does. I will probably also go back to using Slim Fast. I really like Slim Fast, yet I wasn't losing but I also was low in calories.

    Thanks for the encouragement and support. I really appreciate it.

  • Well, my first shipment arrived this afternoon, I have to take inventory and then I will be starting my first day tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to this. My husband was actually interested in it when he saw the box arrive and he said if it works for me then he just might give it a try himself. So yey I've got my treadmill ready and my water bottle ready.
  • Annie - I wouldn't be adding any more exercise, you certainly are doing a lot. Have you tried calorie cycling? You might need to do that to get your metabolism moving again. Your body might think you are starving and is holding on to every bit of food that comes in.

    Aimee - glad your food arrived! If you have any questions at all, please ask. The first few days are the hardest, I think - just getting used to the food and trying all the items.

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
  • Lori,

    What is your definition of calorie cycling? I really do cycle by being on NS with weekends off. On Saturday and Sunday, I eat about 1,800 to 2,200 calories. Then during the week I average about 1,300 calories.

    Thanks for not suggesting more exercise. I can't muster the energy for anymore.

    Thanks for trying to help. I'm open to any and all suggestions. I've been on the plateau for 15 months now. I sometimes wonder if this is all the weight that my body will loss but I'm still at 180 pounds. Hardly where I should be. I'm not even at a healthy BMI and am still considered obese.

  • Annie - I totally understand. When I went through my plateau I was biking everyday and doing cardio. Eating the way I was supposed to (Weight watchers). The scale wouldn't budge and neither would the inches. I just wanted to cry every week. I gained weight back after finally just giving up for a while. I don't really recommend that LOL, but maybe taking a break for a couple weeks just to refresh yourself.

    Personally - I would say the 2200 is too many calories to eat in one day for weight loss. The cycling is sort of like what you are doing, but I would do a little more each day so the calories look like a curve to the highest amount and back down, instead of sudden drops. The weekends off QVC plan tends to give people problems, I read a lot about that on the NS boards. Maybe take your 2 days off during the week, and not in a row.

    If you are going to continue exercising a lot every day, maybe put your low limit at 1400 calories and your top at 1900.
  • Well I'm almost through day 1 of NS. I have GAS! I think it's from the malitol that I saw in the cranberry orange scone I had for breakfast. My stomach has been churning and gurgling all day. I'm not hungry though, I've been eating. But I'm a bit confused about the cheeses and so forth.
    Now, the woman's program is supposed to be at 1200 calories right? And that includes the add-in foods like cheeses, dairy, salads, fruits, etc?
    So if that is the case, this morning I made a huge blunder. With my breakfast scone I had a cup of lowfat vanilla yogurt, but it was something like 260 calories per cup but the protein was 9 g. 1 cup = 8 oz, so that is what I had. But in the Serving Guide in my package it states it needs to be 120 cal. or less for the 8 oz portion. What did I do wrong? And do string cheese sticks count for the protein serving? Does all cheese I eat have to be low-fat?? I thought today would go a lot smoother but it looks like all the intake for my add-ins has to be "low-fat" and this is what is throwing me off. I really want to loose all this weight, but I just about gasped when looking at the boxes and packages of food last nite how high the carb intake is on everything, and for someone like me who did Atkins a long time ago and had great results, it's hard for me to accept that eating carbs will help me loose weight. So today I have the deer-in-the-headlights-look and I'm a bit thrown off. Food tastes good so far though, no complaints yet, and it's been easy so far. Just very time consuming trying to figure out if I can eat regular cheese or not, because I love cheese (for my protein requirement) but I can't stand the taste of no-fat cheese, yuck. Another thing I can't figure out is in the Serving Guide, whole-wheat bread is listed as 1 slice.... 1 slice for what? Can we have bread? That doesn't fall under any of the menu options in my diary? Are we supposed to watch fat and keep our add-ins low-fat, or do we worry about keeping the calories down??? This is all of a sudden confusing to me about all of these add-ins. My meal planner guide doesn't do a very good job of explaining this diet.
    Thanks for letting me vent everyone.

  • Aimee.... breathe..... LOL!
    There are some foods that will give you gas. The cranberry orange pastry and the blueberry muffins are the worst offenders. Also - if you aren't used to a lot of fiber (and doing low carb, I imagine not) it will take a few days for your stomach to get used to it.

    You do need to watch the calories on your add ins.
    For breakfast - your dairy/protein should follow these guidelines:
    -for dairy, no more than 120 calories and minimum of 8 grams of protein (I use 1% milk, not skim)
    - for protein it should be no more than 100 calories, with 3 grams of fat or less and 7 or more grams of protein.

    So your yogurt must be higher in sugar or something to have higher calories. Switch to lower fat versions. It's not that big a deal if you make a few mistakes here and there.

    I don't do fat free cheese. I do like 75% reduced fat cheddar (Cabot brand). I use low fat string cheese as my protein serving a lot of times. If you want full fat cheese, you can have 2 tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese as your protein serving.

    Don't worry about the carbs. It's all about the total affect on your body for a meal, carbs are always balanced with fats and proteins to keep your blood sugar stable, which is why you eat every 3 hours or so with the snacks.

    Breads go with certain entrees, like the burger and the chicken. You want your bread to be no more than 120 calories per serving - so some breads would actually be 2 slices depending on the brand.

    Just try to mark off the circles in your planner, you will get used to what the portion sizes are as you go. I agree that the planner could certainly have more info in it!
  • Thanks Lori for the help. One other thing I forgot to mention is the heartburn, did anyone else get heartburn from this stuff? Good gosh, I've been reaching for the Tums left and right today.
    I have another question for everyone, which is for the dinner, it says you can have a salad (or fruit serving) and then also a fat serving. Do we get butter? I don't see it listed as an option to use. And do we get dressing on our salad for dinner because it's not listed like it is for lunch.
    I'm honestly having doubts about this program. But I'll plug along and give it a chance without cheating.
  • Hi Everyone!

    Weigh-in today I was down 1.5 lbs, for a total of 16.5 pounds.

    Lori - Congrats on the 160's and the inches are on fire.

    Annie - Hang in there!

    Aimee - You sound overwhelmed, like Lori said...breathe. I was also overwhelmed when I first started, but it really does get easier. I didnt believe I could eat as much as I do and actually lose weight...but it is happening. Lori's post was so informative, just stick with that and if you have any other questions let us all know. I also use the Cabot 75% cheese and it is really good. Just relax and see what happens.

    Hope everyone else is doing well!

    Back to the shelter today for 7 adoptions. I am overwhelmed and very happy. Have my plan to get all food in.

    Here is my non-scale victory for the week - My birthday is coming up and I always throw birthday parties for the volunteers that work on my shift at the shelter. I got an email from one of the girls telling me they were planning on doing the same for me...but one of them said I was watching what I ate. They wanted to know what they could do for me. I told her if someone wanted to bake one thing for everyone to share that would be good, but what I would really love is for someone to bring fruit and veggies. Honestly, I dont need the cake! And I dont really want it. So, we will be having a healthy birthday get together most likely next weekend. I know eventually I will have to face real world food..but I am happy with what I am doing and want to stick to just that for now. Best part is I do not feel deprived.

    Off to exercise, have a great day everyone.

  • Sue - great weigh in!!

    Aimee - You need to have the fat serving every day. You can use butter, although it's not on the recommended list because of the saturated fat. The fat serving can be full fat salad dressing, or nuts (which I have). Just measure carefully - you need about 5 grams of fat, which ends up about 50 calories. If you have your fat in another form, use a low cal dressing. Or one of those spray dressings - those are pretty good. Haven't had any heartburn, but if you are eating a lot of the tomato sauce based dishes -that might do it. I imagine your system just needs to get used to the food.