300+ Don't be Spooked by Exercise in October...

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  • 100 minutes from yesterday and this morning.

    GROUP TOTAL 12,535 +100 = 12,635
  • Walking
    Fri=25, Sat=45, Sun=20, Mon=20

    Personal Goal = 400 (-70-110-20-215-55-170-25-130 =395 over goal)

    GROUP TOTAL 12,635 +130 = 12,765
  • 12,765 + 30 = 12,795
  • Hi, add 60 mins walking for me.
    GROUP TOTAL 12,795+60= 12,855
  • Okay here is the rest of my October exercise 101 minutes.

    Former group total 12,855 + 101 = 12,956 New Group total.
  • 60 min weight training and I made my monthly goal!

    Group total ~ 12,956 + 60 = 13,016 min
  • 13,016 min + 30min = 13,046 min

    3 day exercise in a row...finally
  • 62 min walking tonight with teens lol..boy they wore me out and I went over my monthy goal!

    My total...228 min ...28 minutes over!!!

    Group Total 13,046 + 62= 13,108
  • I made my goal for this month, which was a good feeling after not quite making it last month (and maybe the month before).

    Personal Goal... 1280/1200 Putting me 80 mins OVER my goal.

    Group Total... 13,108 + 1280 = 14,388

  • First time doing this and I kept track since Oct 16-31... I did 951 minutes of physical activity!!!!!!
  • I need to add 170 minutes for the last couple days in October, bringing my total to 1050. I did not make my goal, but I am ok with that. I have really been running out of steam and everything feels like an effort right now, so something is better than nothing.

    The group total is now 14,388 + 951 (from Melissa) + 170 = 15,509
    We made it over 15K!
  • I need to add 20 minutes from 10/31

    GROUP TOTAL 15,509 + 20 = 15,529