May Weight Loss Challenge

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  • Sw: 319.2
    Gw: 309.2

    5/01: 319.2
    5/08: 317.0
    5/15: 316.4
  • boatingmommy! I'm right with you, that means we can get back there!!
  • Sw: 240
    Gw: 230

    5/1: 240
    5/2: 239.7
    5/3: 239.6
    5/4: 238.6
    5/5: 238.1
    5/6: 238.3
    5/7: 237.7
    5/8: 239.6
    5/9: 239.2
    5/10: 239
    5/11: 238.3
    5/12: 238.7
    5/13: 238.6
    5/14: 237.7
    5/15: 237.8
    5/16: 236.1
  • Delphi, your progress is inspiring. Keep it up, I need all the inspiration I can get!

    179 for me today. Going in the right direction finally.
  • May goal: work through 1st part of The Diet Trap Solution

    Foundation Strategies I'm practicing daily (adding one every 3 or 4 days):
    1. Read my list of advantages of losing weight
    2. Eat slowly while seated
    3. Give myself credit during the day
    4. Read my response cards (tips, tricks, and talk-backs to sabotaging thoughts)
    5. Weigh Daily (see below)
    6. Build "resistance muscle"
    7. Manage hunger and cravings
    8. Eat according to a schedule

    May 10: 84.95kgs
    11: 85.05kgs
    12: 85.5
    13: 85.75
    14: 85.65
    15: 85.5
    16: 85.5
  • So excited to see another lb drop! But that starting diet 2-week water weight loss is coming to an end. And today is cheat day, so I'll be going back up at least 2 lbs. Last week after cheat day was a fluke. That is not typical. I am really hoping my slow carb diet will continue to work for me the way it did the first time around now that it's going to come down to losing fat, not just water. I should have an answer in the next few weeks! Somewhere along the line I know there will be a complete stall. That always happens now and again, but overall, I'm hoping to continue to lose. The reason I'm even uncertain it will work again is because some people have said that a low-carb diet alone the 2nd time around doesn't work for them, so they have resorted to low carb AND calorie-counting. I REALLY don't want to do that. So I have my fingers crossed!

    SW: 220
    GW: 211
    CW: 211.5

    5/1: 220
    5/2: 220
    5/3: 220 Started anew
    5/4: 218
    5/5: 217.5
    5/6: 218 TOM
    5/7: 216
    5/8: 216
    5/9: 216 Cheat day
    5/10: 215
    5/11: 215.5
    5/12: 214.5
    5/13: 213.5
    5/14: 213.5
    5/15: 212.5
    5/16: 211.5 Cheat day

    Joy, I've been out of the loop over the last year. Are you still trying to lose or are you maintaining? It just occurred to me that the low weight on your ticker may just be your lowest maintenance weight.
    Crow, good job! Keep it going!
    Synderella, Yay on the drop!
    Noggs, woohoo, another good loss!
  • Sw: 240
    Gw: 230

    5/1: 240
    5/2: 239.7
    5/3: 239.6
    5/4: 238.6
    5/5: 238.1
    5/6: 238.3
    5/7: 237.7
    5/8: 239.6
    5/9: 239.2
    5/10: 239
    5/11: 238.3
    5/12: 238.7
    5/13: 238.6
    5/14: 237.7
    5/15: 237.8
    5/16: 236.1
    5/17: 235.6
  • Happy Sunday Chicks.

    Whew, what a busy few days off for me. I am going to do a drive post this morning and catch up with you guys later with personals. I'm sooooo proud of this bunch. You guys are so supportive and really have been a driving force of my renewed dedication to getting this weight off for good this time around. A big thank you to you ladies.

    My scale is down another notch this morning which has me over the moon. I'm off to work. Will catch up this evening. Have a wonderful Sunday.

    SW: 242
    GW: 232

    05/01: 242
    05/02: 243
    05/03: 242
    05/04: 242
    05/05: 242
    05/06: 242
    05/07: 240
    05/08: 239
    05/09: 238
    05/10: 238
    05/11: 240
    05/12: 240
    05/13: 238
    05/14: 236
    05/15: 236
    05/16: 235
    05/17: 235
  • I'm adding in strategy #9 today -- Adopt (and adapt) an eating plan you can follow for life. Well, I'm kind of doing that. Part of the strategy is to plan what to eat for the day and I'm definitely doing that. I'm less sure that I need a formal plan because I pretty much know what has to go on that plan for me to lose weight. On the other hand, my non-plan plan seems to make it harder to get back on track since I don't have a good easy handle on what "on track" means. Something to contemplate over the next few days.

    May goal: work through 1st part of The Diet Trap Solution by Judith Beck

    Foundation Strategies I'm practicing daily (adding one every 3 or 4 days):
    1. Read my list of advantages of losing weight
    2. Eat slowly while seated
    3. Give myself credit during the day
    4. Read my response cards (tips, tricks, and talk-backs to sabotaging thoughts)
    5. Weigh Daily (see below)
    6. Build "resistance muscle"
    7. Manage hunger and cravings
    8. Eat according to a schedule
    9. Eat according to plan

    May 10: 84.95kgs
    11: 85.05kgs
    12: 85.5
    13: 85.75
    14: 85.65
    15: 85.5
    16: 85.5
    17: 85.55
  • I'm happy to have gone up only 1.5 lbs after cheat day! Now it should get interesting!

    Syn, another drop, good for you!

    Delphi, I feel the same way about this support group. It's always been the best!

    Joy, I'd only go from your non-plan plan if it's really not working for you. I'm sure you'll figure it out!

    SW: 220
    GW: 211
    CW: 213

    5/1: 220
    5/2: 220
    5/3: 220 Started anew
    5/4: 218
    5/5: 217.5
    5/6: 218 TOM
    5/7: 216
    5/8: 216
    5/9: 216 Cheat day
    5/10: 215
    5/11: 215.5
    5/12: 214.5
    5/13: 213.5
    5/14: 213.5
    5/15: 212.5
    5/16: 211.5 Cheat day
    5/17: 213
  • Sw: 240
    Gw: 230

    5/1: 240
    5/2: 239.7
    5/3: 239.6
    5/4: 238.6
    5/5: 238.1
    5/6: 238.3
    5/7: 237.7
    5/8: 239.6
    5/9: 239.2
    5/10: 239
    5/11: 238.3
    5/12: 238.7
    5/13: 238.6
    5/14: 237.7
    5/15: 237.8
    5/16: 236.1
    5/17: 235.6
    5/18: 235.2
  • Jacqui_D: Thanks! I think I'll take your advice to see if I can make this work, first. I usually do better following my instincts, within enough of a structure to constrain my most outrageous impulses.

    May goal: work through 1st part of The Diet Trap Solution

    Foundation Strategies I'm practicing daily (adding one every 3 or 4 days):
    1. Read my list of advantages of losing weight
    2. Eat slowly while seated
    3. Give myself credit during the day
    4. Read my response cards (tips, tricks, and talk-backs to sabotaging thoughts)
    5. Weigh Daily (see below)
    6. Build "resistance muscle"
    7. Manage hunger and cravings
    8. Eat according to a schedule
    9. Eat according to a plan

    May 10: 84.95kgs
    11: 85.05kgs
    12: 85.5
    13: 85.75
    14: 85.65
    15: 85.5
    16: 85.5
    17: 85.55
    18: 86.00
  • Happy, happy! I'm back to my starting weight from before AND I made this month's goal!

    Joy, may I add an additional 2 lbs for the remainder of the month? That might be too much for me since I typically used to lose 5-6 lbs per month when I did this diet before, but hey, might as well make it interesting! Thanks! And I agree with you on following your intuition. I do much better when I do what I know I'll stick to rather than what is prescribed.

    Syn, congrats on another loss! Way to go!

    SW: 220
    GW: 211
    CW: 211

    5/1: 220
    5/2: 220
    5/3: 220 Started anew
    5/4: 218
    5/5: 217.5
    5/6: 218 TOM
    5/7: 216
    5/8: 216
    5/9: 216 Cheat day
    5/10: 215
    5/11: 215.5
    5/12: 214.5
    5/13: 213.5
    5/14: 213.5
    5/15: 212.5
    5/16: 211.5 Cheat day
    5/17: 213
    5/18: 211
  • Moaning Monday here I come...

    NNS ~ I had no clue there was a period tracker app. Should have known though, these days, there is an app for everything. I'm gonna check it out. Is it accurate?

    jendestiny ~ I'm thrilled your new routine is working out for you. on the 3-pound loss. You are doing an amazing job.

    Crow ~ Don't you love it when your brain does that. Its those Ah-ha moments in life that are exactly what we need to see our goals through. Awesome. Logic kinda gets twisted a little for me especially when it comes to weight loss, so those lucid moments of "what the **** are you doing, get your arse in gear", really are quite

    angelonhorseback ~ Happy Birthday to your daughter. Sure hope she had an excellent birthday.

    kelijpa ~ That downward trend looks good on you.

    boatingmommy ~ Don't you hate it when you are ready to start and your body will not cooperate. Especially that first week or two when you start. You really have to push through the best you can and its sooooooo hard. Sending you lots of You can DO IT.

    Jacqui ~ My hero. You are just knocking those pounds out of the park. I feel ya on the "second time around" with diet plans. I was wondering myself if the same techniques would work. After all, we know how we lost the first time but will it work a second? I suppose only time will tell. But you will figure it out I'm sure. on HITTING GOAL.

    noggs ~ on the loss. Keep up the great work.

    synderella ~ Your progress has been great. Its great seeing those numbers go down. So glad to see someone else in my weight range as well. We will do this together.

    Whew, I knew I would find time to get those in. I hate missing a day or 2 here. I just get so busy on my days off and honestly try to stay away from the PC on my days off. Anywho, TOM showed up for me this morning. Grrr expletive expletive expletive. Soooo, I'm just gonna try to push through and stay on plan. I will not waiver. I will not give in. Not this week. Not so close to goal for the month. I will just suck it up and put my big girl britches on. Hope all you chicks have a better start to your Monday than I did.

    SW: 242
    GW: 232

    05/01: 242
    05/02: 243
    05/03: 242
    05/04: 242
    05/05: 242
    05/06: 242
    05/07: 240
    05/08: 239
    05/09: 238
    05/10: 238
    05/11: 240
    05/12: 240
    05/13: 238
    05/14: 236
    05/15: 236
    05/16: 235
    05/17: 235
    05/18: 236 TOM
  • Fiddle faddle fart! Gaw, what has happened to me this week? I got a bit down in the dumps after the rheumatoid appt last Mon--evidently (after a full weekend of rest) I wasn't swollen enough or painfully symmetrical for him to really "believe" this was RA. He didn't seem to think fatigue or flares were real aspects of RA, and I'm paying for a re-test of Lyme--which we both know I don't have. He didn't seem to know what the anti-ccp test was about I need to find a better rheumy.....unfortunately, not many good options for me. Thanks for sharing your RA stories Delph and Jac...this is really bothering me every day.

    AND I've also had weekend visitors, so I've been extra busy preparing for them and cooking all weekend. We had good, homemade meals, but too much tasting and too many carbs for me. And not enough swimming.

    Congratulations on using the other 1/2 of your a$$, Crow! That just cracked me up! And I know how you feel.

    ok now, the ugly, horrible, embarrassing truth:

    (Daily Weigh-ins and Weekly Averages)

    Thu 30 Apr DW: 232.8 WA: 234.55
    Fri 01 May
    DW: 231.0 WA: 233.84
    Sat 02
    May DW: 230.4 WA: 233.27
    Sun 03 May DW: 228.4 WA: 232.57

    Mon 04 May DW: 228.8 WA: 231.57
    Tue 05 May DW: 227.2 WA: 230.43
    Wed 06 May DW: 228.0 WA: 229.51
    Thu 07 May DW: 228.2 WA: 228.86
    Fri 08 May DW: 228.6 WA: 228.52
    Sat 09 May DW: 227.2 WA: 228.06
    Sun 10 May DW: 226.0 WA: 227.71
    Mon 11 May DW: 225.2 WA: 227.20 woohoo!
    Tue 12 May DW: 227.0 WA: 227.17
    Wed 13 May DW: 227.6 WA: 227.11
    Thu 14 May DW: 227.2 WA: 226.97
    Fri 15 May DW: ????? WA: 226.70
    Sat 16 May DW: 228.0 WA: 226.83
    Sun 17 May DW: 232.0 WA: 227.83
    Mon 18 May DW: 230.6 WA: 228.73

    Hopefully when I get my carbs back down , get on a good swimming routine, and some of this RA swelling goes down, I'll start seeing lower ##s again.....but knowing my luck, it's all fat and i'll hafta work like a dog to get it off again...grrr...
    ......hope you all haven't found my cheeriness too annoying!