Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - October 2014 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Welcome back, Pluckypear! It sounds like you've been through a lot. Good luck with your weightloss goals. You can do it!

    Kelijpa, I am a knitter but in a knitting slump right now. I have a sweater I need to get working on again. Can't wait to see your hat!

    W 164.6 (new low)
    B egg on toast, decaf with milk
    L lentil soup
    D hopefully veg and sausage if I get it cooked.
  • Back from the new gyno. Interesting appointment. I took in my TTOM calendar so she could look at the drama that I've had going on. I had my records from the previous gyno sent over for the new gyno to review. I have always had horrible TTOM's but things have gotten really wonky recently. The new gyno asked me various questions. One of them being about fibroids. I told her that as far as I know I don't have any, since I have never been told that I did. I have had several ultrasounds and endometrial biopsies to rule out problems since I have the bad TTOM's all of my life. The gyno was reading through my previous records right there. She said "you do have a fibroid". So anyways, apparently I have a fibroid that was discovered in 2010. I don't recall ever being told about it, but I had just lost my Dad a couple years prior, Magnum was sick, and right around that time my Mom got sick. Maybe I was told, maybe not. The new Gyno said that the fibroid was small, benign, but in an area that can cause a lot of problems with my TTOM. I don't know how they know it's benign. But anyways, I am scheduled for another ultrasound next month and an endometrial biopsy. She also wants some blood work to see if there is anything there that can be causing the TTOM problems. I have noticed on occasion that I will have severe pain with TTOM. This is also a sign of the fibroid. Hopefully this will all be figured out soon and if I do have a fibroid it's still benign. She also mentioned that my thyroid issues could cause problems with TTOM. She doesn't think this is the problem right now since my thyroid labs are better but TTOM is getting worse.
  • Sounds hopeful, Diana! especially that she thinks the fibroid is in a spot that causes issues. I have one that never changes and has never caused a problem.
  • Hi everyone

    hi Pluckybear. Good to meet you. You sure have been through a lot of challenges. Glad to hear you are a survivor !

    Diana, so glad you found a gyno who is thorough. She sounds good. Re the fibroid, I had one also. A great doc told me that I would have other symptoms if it was NOT benign. e.g. being tired. They can often times summize it is benign by the shape of it, if you know what I mean. Meanwhile, I can understand your concern. I heard from all the doctors that they thought it was benign. Still I was concerned. I really do believe that yours is still a fibroid. I hope that helps a bit. AND I hope the weather where you are is not too wild.

    coolmom, I bet that sausage does taste good. Do you think that if enough people asked the farmer to sell a lower fat version of the sausage, he or she might consider it? Maybe others have already asked?

    I weighed what should yesterday. So I had extra calories. Gained back 2 lbs. Today I will stick to the diet plan.

    I was put on high doses of B12 and also folate, for a genetic condition that my MD questioned if I have. The medical test for it is not covered by insurance. So the MD suggested the naturopath muscle test. She did that. And yes, I do have this condition. So I was put on transdermal cream B12 and folate to deal with it. I am trying not to read about the condition. I do not want to scare myself. The Dr did not seem to indicate that its anything too dangerous or alarming. I think its a digestive system issue. I am questioning if I am getting enough vitamin B6 and A for the immune system. But for now that will just be a question. I cannot afford to go back to the naturopath so soon. I am supposed to go back to her in 2 1/2 months to retest. I will wait a month and then revisit the question
  • CoolMom75 Thanks for the encouraging words.

    Flower123 hello back.

    Evening Food Log

    Turkey breast
    Sweet potato
    Cranberry sauce

    2 barbara's fig bars
  • Hi Everyone!

    Kelijpa Good luck finding the new Dr. Please post the picture of your crochet work when you get a chance. Is the hat for you?

    Pluckypear Hi and welcome back! You have been through a lot! So glad you are doing well and you have been able to come back.

    Novangel Did you make the 4 miles?

    Ian How was your meal with friends?

    CoolMom Congrats on the new low!

    CoolMom & Flower I am really hoping to get this whole thing figured out soon. I can tell that the Dr. doesn't want me to continue on the route I am on. Let's assume the problem is a benign fibroid (let's not even think about anything worse) that's problematic. It seems like the only fix would be surgery. There's the problem. I am terrified of surgery. I woke up during 2 previous surgeries. Beside that I am terrified of not waking up. Meaning, I'm not scared of dying, I am scared of how it would leave DH. We have no other family. We have a business. UGH! DH is at the age that he needs a colonoscopy. He doesn't want to be put to sleep because of the same thing. UGH! Drama, stress, drama, stress UGH!
  • Hmmm. Interesting. I had a proper crab cake today with a delish salad made with lots of feta cheese, walnuts and dried fruits. And three scoops of ice cream with an aged balsamic. Good for me but pretty bad compared to usual.

    But because my portion of (relatively) "unhealthy" stuff was a lot smaller than my ma-hu-sive usual portion of (super-) healthy normal stuff I think I am facing a loss tomorrow...

    This is a tricky game to play.
  • Ian: I'm dying to see a pic of these massive salads you have for lunch!
  • I did something different for dinner tonight. I saw this special and I have been wanting to try it. I subbed out green beans for the french fries to make the calories work for me.

    Total Approx 1450 Calories +

    Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Mediterranean Blend Veggies or Zucchini w/Tri Pepper Blend
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon pumpkin butter 25 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (400 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham 50 Calories
    Honey mustard/Lettuce 50 calories
    Greek Yogurt 100 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (650 Calories)
    Lobster BLT 550 Calories
    Green beans 100 calories

    Cardio Sculpt Express w/tubing, 5's & 8's
    HHA's Ab Sculpt w/2's (standing)
    Tamilee Webb's Total Body Stretch (standing)
  • Ian How was the aged balsamic on the vanilla ice cream? I have never had that combo before.
  • It was very nice Diana. The balsamic added a kick. You need a good balsamic though! Not a cheap one - like you would put on your salad.

    I will definitely do it again...at Thanksgiving.

    BTW Lobster BLT...YUMMY!

    Lobster is just so awesome. Tasty. And it doesn't stick. Well...the muscle might

    Lobster, then, for Thanksgiving as well!

    If I could, I would eat lobster every day. It is the ultimate weight loss food. Lucky you.
  • Ian, I've never heard of balsamic vinegar on ice cream in my life, is this something they do in a certain country? I just found out about Canada and poutine this year. If you ask me poutine looks very nasty but I'm curious about this ice cream deal.

    Diana, sorry about PITA TOM (I can somewhat sympathize) but at least now you have some answers and they can probably do something about it.

    I only made it 3 miles tonight. I uh..had gas pains.
  • Hello all, quick post before bed.

    Got in my second 25 min jog, Ian, you're right about the breathing, couldn't make it if I was breathing as shallow as when I started. I'm pretty slow, but hope to work on that once I get the endurance.

    Diana sounds like a good appt. with the gyno, sounds thorough. Best of luck with all that, also lobster blt sounds great, was it? And yes the hat is for me...have to experiment on myself first

    PluckyPear welcome back, this is a great place to come back to!

    Flower hope the vitamins help with your condition, I know there's been some debate about vitamins lately, but I really feel different when I take mine.

    Coolmom I was looking at some knitting tutorials, I think that would be a lot easier with this crazy yarn, got another row done, next one's will bring it in a bit I think, right now I have a fuzzy ear warmer kind of thing

    Good night all, til tomorrow
  • Diana, you woke up during surgery?? What the heck?? Do you remember it or just what they told you? That sounds like a nightmare. My surgery was not general anesthesia but they did knock me out and use a local. I saw a woman having a c-section start screaming that she could feel everything as they cut. The anesthesiologist quickly gave her some versed, which is also nicknamed "milk of amnesia" because it makes you forget everything. It seems like you would have been given that pretty quick.

    The greenbean trick is what I do at resturaunts every time now. I just ask for a second veg, whatever they have, to replace the carb. It works great!

    Kelijpa, maybe you'll get me motivated to pick up my knitting again. Hats are so good for quick, easy results. My sweater is in fingering weight yarn and a slog of monotonous knitting, one giant row at a time.

    Flower, i'm pretty sure the fat is what makes the sausage so good. Haha! After reading about the brand you use, which apparently is not available on the west coast, I'm guessing chicken skin is used. Sorry about the new diagnosis. Hopefully the supplements will help.

    Ian, I've wanted to try the balsalmic on ice cream. It definitely sounds like something I'd like but I never remember to actually try it. Next time we break out the ice cream maker I must remember!

    I finished the day at 1164 cals.

    A case of the blues has set in and I find myself laying in bed most of the day between mom duties. My follow up appointment with the surgeon/GYN is on the 21st and I plan to ask about exersize and how long before I can resume my favorites. I was thinking swimming might be something I can pretend to like but the incision has to be totally healed.

    I could knit or finish my book but seem to have lost my mojo for both. Just in a funk...
  • Diana, of course you would be afraid of surgery if you woke during surgery twice. I cannot imagine that happening to me. Although I have known people it has happened to.

    I think there are other procedures that might be okay with a local anesthetic and some nice tranquilizers. But I am not sure if that will still cause too much fear. Maybe you might even want to look up alternative treatment. Naturopathic treatment. Often insurance covers it. I guess I am saying there are alternatives to surgery with general anaesthesia. And even may be a good alternative to surgery for you. Although I am sure its all stressful for you now.

    Coolmom,I so sorry you are in a funk. Do you suspect it is because you are not exercising? I do hope you can figure out something that will help. Re the chicken sausage, have you checked the grocery stores for chicken sausage? They likely will not taste as good as the one you have. But will probably have less fat and calories. I think all stores sell it. I know trader joes has an iitalian sausage that is low in calories. They have others that are higher also. But none as high as 200. I dont even think they are close to that. While it is not org, they do claim that all their private label stuff is GMO free.

    Kelijpa, thanks for the kind words. They ARE appreciated ! I am assuming the things I take will help. Both the dr and naturopath said this is the protocol. Heck, I am such a coward i will not even read about the condition i have. But I honestly do not want anxiety to be triggered. So I figure it will be fine.

    Ian, I hear ya re lobster. I grew up in Boston. There was a lot of seafood there. If I could eat it every day, I would. I have not eaten it for many years. Glad you will be having it for thanksgiving. Something to look forward to.

    `````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````````````
    Coffee 60
    hot chocolate 240
    L: Salad and ham 400
    D: Chicken sausage vegetable and miso stoup with a tsp of sesame oil 370
    frozen lemon protein stuff 160
    total 1230