It's Gotta Come Off 5-week Challenge!

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  • Congratulations, Linda BC!
    We aspire to your success!
  • Minicarps, I haven't given up coffee. I tried that last year when I was on the Fat Flush Plan which only added to my misery. I find that one or two cups of 1/2 decaff in the morning help rev up my metabolism as well as getting "things" moving (if you catch my drift). I'll even have a cup of coffee (but only decaff or half decaff) in mid-afternoon to help get me over the mid-day slump.
    Otherwise, I'd say I'm pretty faithful to Induction. I've moved on from only salads to some cooked low carb veggies with my evening meal, but I don't dare branch out into fruit yet. I'm now trying various recipes to get more variety into my menu such as the Cheesy Biscuit-Thingies that I posted in Miscellaneous Recipes. At only 1.5 carbs each, they're a welcome treat for putting tuna salad on or for dipping into egg yolk. I'm still usually under 20 gr of carbs per day.
    I've never been much of a wine drinker (or any other booze) so it's no great hardship for me to do without it but I believe that after Induction you can add in a glass once in a while if you allow for the carbs.
  • I have reached goal as of Aug 29th. Measurements are now 44 34 44, getting better! Still way too busy around here, hoping for some time off soon.
  • Meowna, you sexy thing you, WOW!!! Way to go! Heck I just realized we're almost the same measurements, I'm 43-35-43, well heck sexy thing me too I guess. But you do have that extra snobby inch, dang it

    For all your hard work!

    And as for the next five week challenge Meowna here's to you having an of this one.

    Congrats again.

  • Tummy you are a nut! HA. Thank you for the compliment though. The biggest thrill was finding my waist again and putting on my old size 14 jeans and be able to do up all the buttons! I'll trade you that one snobby inch for your hip size! Anyways holiday or not we still have therapy appts today for little man and daycare runthrew! It was not hard to lose the last 10lbs, I haven't had the time to eat more than a little bite here and there.

    Looking forward to the next Challenge!
  • I started the challenge I believe at week 3 or 4. I met my 5 lb weight loss goal last week. I started at 256 and I am now 248.5.
  • My goal was to lose 10 lb in the 5 weeks and I did it. I thought I'd lost an extra couple of pounds but they came back on over the weekend. Not because I cheated but because I think I had too much salt and not enough water.
    I sure envy you gals who have waists to brag about. I'm shaped like a barrel. But, I am on my way to "waist"land. Why don't we make the next challenge an 8 week challenge ending at Hallowe'en? I figure if I can keep up this rate of 2 lb a week I should be able to lose 16 lb. I hope I'm not being overly optimistic.
  • Stalling but no wonder ...
    So, I did have a few cheats last week, was on my own as DH had gone to Atlanta (we're in London, UK). One night I just had to have some toast and then of course the next night I blew it totally with chocolate, ice cream and pasta - which made me feel like crap ..

    I was back on the Atkins the next day and to my surprise I had not put any weight on ... stayed the same but that in my book is a miracle...

    Well done to all of us for keeping it up, it's the first diet I really feel like sticking with -

    DH came back with some Atkins wafers (you can't buy any Atkins products in the UK) and even if they were good definately not worth the price ... the Aktins (or any lowcarb) food is so expensive ....

    Is the 5 week challenge up yet? I've still got at least 14lbs to loose but will be happy if they come off by Christmas ... I'm up for an 8 week challenge and hopefully it will bring me down 9lbs so I only have 5lbs to worry about ..
